Star San Francisco 49er quarterback sat out the National anthem on last Friday’s pre-season game. When asked the reason, “I am not going to stand-up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
This statement does not specifically reveal his intent, so he continues: “There are a lot of things that need to change. One specifically is police brutality. There are people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. Cops are getting paid leave for killing people. That’s not right by anyone’s standards.” However, this final statement identifies the ‘spirit of BLM’ as the real driving ‘spiritual’ force behind Kaep’s political stand: “People of color have been targeted by police.” Actually, Mr Kaepernick raised many issues: Can Black people honor the flag? Can Blacks honor the National anthem? Can Blacks be American patriots? Are people of color oppressed by Whites? Is there evidence of police brutality? Are police murdering Black people? First, let’s cut to the chase, and go straight to the code language! Like BLM, Mr Kaepernick’s accusation of “police brutality” was not directed to speak in behalf of what he calls the “oppressed people”, or “the people of color”--such as Hispanics, Indians, or Asians--but for Black people! In other words, like BLM, by the term “people of color”, Kaep means Black people. Furthermore, like BLM, the words “police brutality” do not refer to police using unwarranted force against citizens. At its essence, it does not even mean police using unwarranted force against Blacks—in fact they mean Whites justifying the murder of Blacks! How can I make such an outlandish statement? Very easy! What is the conclusion of BLM’s contention that “Police kill young black men”? Liberals shout the P.C. answer: “police brutality!” to cover their real intent. Yet, the more obvious answer is: Police target Blacks because America is, and has always been a White racist nation! In other words, their intent is not to attack police brutality, but to expose America’s inherent racism!! But, what is meant by American racism? Is it…Asians hate Whites? NO! Hispanics hate Blacks? NO! Indians hate the Chinese? NO! We know for certain it is not Blacks hating Whites, because according to liberalism, Blacks can’t be racist! On the contrary, we all know it means: 1.‘Whites hate Blacks’! and/or, 2.Whites hate all people of color! Remember, Black Lives Matters uses ‘Black’, not ‘Asians Lives Matter’; not ‘Hispanics Lives Matter’; not ‘Indian Lives Matter’…but ‘Black Lives Matter’. For this reason, their use of ‘police brutality’ cannot refer to the police brutalizing all people! As a matter of fact, BLM believes ‘All lives Matter’ is racist! So by their words, they restrict themselves to police brutalizing ‘Blacks’!! Therefore, I repeat, the motivation of Kaep and BLM (and liberalism)is: American racism ‘is’ White racism! In other words, their code is because Whiteness is racism, and America is White, America is racist! Therefore, America can discontinue racism only when it ceases to be White! This is the spirit of BLM; the spirit Mr Kaepernick is promoting!! Come on…think about it--isn’t Mr Kaepernick protesting by sitting out the ‘NATIONAL’ anthem? The national anthem represents America! So in fact, by sitting out the National anthem, refusing to honor the flag, his own words describe his motivation: “Cops are getting paid leave for killing people.” Therefore, like BLM, he equates ‘police brutality’ with ‘White racist America’!!! Second piece of evidence. Think of all the young men the media has shown fatally shot by police. What do they have in common? They’re all Black! In spite of the fact that in 2015, almost double the number of Whites were shot by police than Blacks* (494 to 254); and if you add-in the Hispanic fatalities (172); the number of police shootings is almost 3 times higher for Whites and Hispanics than Blacks…yet not ‘one’ of the young men shown on national t.v. shot by police is anything other than Black!! Is that an accident? Don’t be naïve! Liberals “…suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom1:18)!! Moving past Mr Kaepernick’s (and BLM’s) motivation, are his statements true? ”There are a lot of things that need to change. One specifically is police brutality.” “People of color have been targeted by police.” These statements are his evidence for ‘White racist America’. Here are the facts: 1.Washington Post* records the numbers of police shootings for 2015: Whites-494; Blacks-254; Hispanics-172. Of course, these facts don’t agree with Kaep’s(and BLM): “police target Blacks” idea. 2.Harvard graduate, Roland Fryer,** who is a Black man, began his study agreeing with Kaepernick and BLM. Yet, after analyzing 1000 police shootings, he found ZERO racial bias. In Houston, he actually found just the opposite of Kaep and BLM—blacks were 24% less likely to be shot by police, even when they were armed and violent. 3.Dr. Lois James,*** Researcher at Washington State University found police were less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white or Hispanic suspects in simulated threat scenarios. On the other hand, what about the common liberal/Kaepernick/BLM come back: The ‘proportion’ of blacks shot by police is much higher than Whites and Hispanics! Blacks comprise 26% of police shootings, yet make-up only 13% of population--proving America is a White racist nation!” Sorry, but the following violence statistics are common across America!! 4.The Department of Justice study examined 75 of the largest counties across the nation. Blacks were charged with 62% of robberies; 57% of murders; and 45% of assaults. In N.Y. alone, Blacks commit over 75% of shootings, while comprising 23% of population. In contrast, Whites commit 2% of shootings, but comprise 34% of population.**** 5.In Chicago alone, in 2016, over 2300 people were shot from January through mid-July. In total, there are 212 days in those 7 months. This boils down to 10 shootings per day!! However, since the vast majority of the shootings occurred on the weekends, at many points, there was one shooting per hour!! By comparison, during that same period, the Chicago police shot 12 people, and every person was armed. Divide 2300 into 12, and you have .005% of the shootings in 2016 were by police. Who is being shot? AND, who is doing the shooting? Blacks and Blacks! 6.What is a further tragedy about Black on Black crime is that older people do not tend to kill other people; nor do women and the very young. Therefore, according to journalist Larry Elder, this means 3 percent of the population, black men from 15 to 44 years old, commit nearly half of the country's homicides!!***** How can any honest person wonder why there is a higher proportion of Blacks shot by police, when Blacks are committing the greater proportion of the crime; and are therefore confronted more times by police in violent scenarios!?!? Yet Mr Kaepernick, and the spirit of BLM, says, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour.” Are cops racist? Not according to the facts. Are cops targeting Blacks? Not according to the facts! Are Blacks oppressed by Whites? What is interesting about this last question is that liberals never define ‘White’ oppression! Yet, if they define it by ‘police brutality’, the answer is: not according to the facts! One man said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” In conclusion, there is a concerted effort by Satan to destroy America, because of God’s call on the nation. I am not an American patriot because America is perfect, but because of a loyalty to God’s calling! On the contrary, by siding with individuals or organizations who reject God’s purpose for this nation, you are contributing to the nation’s destruction! QuoteBit "The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do." – As A Man Thinketh
8/31/2016 06:36:35 pm
Thank you Dr. Jackson, for explaining the fax. You did a good job.
9/1/2016 05:55:12 pm
I have tried to follow your logic but am just not getting it. Whatever you think of the BLM group to imply that the white majority has somehow put to rest their 400 plus year history of blatant and institutional racism is astonishing.
Derrick Jackson
9/5/2016 04:10:35 pm
May i please ask you to copy and paste this reply on FB, i have finished my reply and would love for others to read your response and my response to your response.
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