In Galatians 5:19, one of the works of the flesh described is lasciviousness—which means, license, sexual excess, without restraint, etc. In reality, it depicts a freedom to sin. Tragically, the freedom to sin always descends into greater and greater depravity ending with body, soul, and spiritual destruction.
This lays the foundation for this tidbit. Because liberalism rejects God, its fundamental evil is lasciviousness. In this context, I want to unveil what I call the ‘Descent of Liberal Reason’. As liberalism descends toward its final destination, it grows increasingly more irrational and evil, both philosophically and practically. In this tidbit, I offer ‘one’ of its philosophical descents. The Descent of Liberal Reason: ---Liberals use diversity to promote inclusiveness, which they use to re-define equality. For example, instead of equality meaning equal in nature, it now means equal in number. ---From this error, liberalism reasons in order to be inclusive, a university ought to have the same percentage of minorities as the national average. For example, if America is 13% African-American, in order to be inclusive, i.e.diverse, Black school enrollment should also reflect this national number. ---From this error, in order to increase the numbers of Blacks and Hispanics at their schools, universities lower standards for enrollment. For example, instead of basing enrollment on historical standards like ACT, SAT, or GPA, many universities now require an essay. ---From this error, in order to permanently retain this new lowered standard, the universities simply declare all previous historical standards racist; because those old standards, they argue, only serve to increase white enrollment, while simultaneously restricting Black and Hispanic enrollment. ---From this error, unimaginably, the spiral downward continues as they reason certain traditional academic disciplines themselves racist…and therefore need of change to meet their new invented standards. Here are two quick examples. In order to attract more minorities and women, some universities have gone so far as to declare certain curriculum racist. First, a math professor at the University of Illinois wrote, "mathematics itself operates as Whiteness." She says that the ability to solve algebra and geometry problems perpetuates "unearned privilege" among whites. Second, “A professor at Purdue University's School of Engineering Education published an article in a peer-reviewed journal positing that academic rigor is a "dirty deed" that upholds "white male heterosexual privilege," adding that "scientific knowledge itself is gendered, raced, and colonizing." Let’s examine these claims in light of my theory “The Descent of Liberal Reason”. The liberal thinking of the U. of I. professor is the obvious end of a series of warped conclusions. For example, because she believes diversity is America’s highest value, which climaxes in her desire for inclusiveness, she must find someone to blame for her perception that Blacks don’t mix well with algebra and geometry. Because Blacks have historically been discriminated against in America, to satisfy her sense of justice*, her liberal worldview immediately offers the incredible following revelation: Blacks + poor grades in math = White supremacy!! All I can say is: “WOW!!” Although I would love to continue along this line, I need to uncover the professor’s (and liberalism’s)—dirty, little, hidden-in-full-view, secret: racism! The two previous examples are great illustrations of what I call ‘Liberal Racism’! For example, the U. of I. professor’s connection of White supremacy to math is so outrageous, that the shock of it completely covers her hidden racism. And, what is that racism? The racist logic that Blacks are mentally incapable** of achieving in algebra and geometry! And therefore, like an owner pets his dog, Black people need ‘THE’ liberal stroke: “Aww…poor little Black people…you really need “OUR” help to make it”. I’m so happy to report, two concluding contrary points: 1.Humans (including Blacks), possess the image and likeness of God(Gen1:28), and thereby possess the potential to commune with a God Who is omniscient! Earth to liberals… communing with an infinite God requires intelligence! Furthermore, humans (including Blacks) have been given the mind of Christ(1Cor2:16). Do you think the Creator of the universe, i.e.Jesus, has a problem with algebra? 2.Blackness does not make people stupid—liberalism does! *I would say it’s more like revenge **To be direct: “too stupid” might be better a better description
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February 2025