The name “judgment-free zone” sounds interesting! I’m sure most have not heard of it. What is it? It is a company policy of Planet Fitness health center. Planet Fitness provides people with space to work-out; get fit; lose weight; and in general, become happy with their physical make-up.
As a matter of fact, this intriguing PF policy name has a Biblical ring to it. Even liberals love the Bible verse, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matt7:1). Be that as it may, this Planet Fitness policy makes many unassuming Christians smile, “Wow, Planet Fitness is not only the most inexpensive fitness facility, it has a Christian undertone!” On the other hand, not so fast ladies, hold on to your skirts! And, I mean that literally! In March of 2015, Yvette Cormier, a patron of Planet Fitness, encountered a “large, tall man”, while in PF’s woman’s locker room. Can you imagine her shock! Like any normal woman, she scurried out to tell Planet Fitness authorities; AND, like any normal woman, began telling other female patrons that a man was the locker room! Again, like any normal woman, she left the facility in an understandable state of consternation. Several days later, she gets a call from Planet Fitness, who not only did not apologize for the harrowing experience, but accused her of telling other patrons about the presence of a man in the woman’s locker room! Planet Fitness then proceeded to pull out its policy against Ms Cormier. Want to try and guess its name? You get an A, and a move to the head of the class if you answered: “Judgment-free zone!” Planet Fitness declared that it was wrong of Ms Cormier to speak of a “large, tall man” in the female locker room because it constituted a violation of their “judgment-free zone!” Incredibly, this is not even the end of the story. Subsequently, the fitness company terminated Ms Cormier’s membership for refusing not to tell other women! Like any normal woman, she became outraged and brought a law suit. However, the presiding judge over the case, Midland County (Minnesota) Circuit Judge Michael J Beale ruled in favor of Planet Fitness!!! Ms Cormier’s law firm offered the judge’s rational: “Judge Beale’s opinion states that because Ms. Cormier left the locker room before any actual use of the locker room by the man occurred, her claim must be dismissed. Contrary to the plain language of the preamble of the Elliott-Larsen Act, Judge Beale ruled that a policy alone is insufficient to create a hostile environment.”* In other words, the judge ruled that because Ms Cormier left the locker room prior to the man beginning to undress and take a shower, she suffered no harm, and should not have been offended! In other words again, the judge of a County Circuit court argued that Ms Cormier should have waited in the locker room until she was viewed by the “large, tall man” or, she should have waited until she was attacked by the “large, tall man”, and only then would she have a legitimate complaint!! There is an easy solution to this problem. Every Planet Fitness member should immediately cancel their membership! Has America gone completely mad?!?! Yet, I must point out the real culprit in all this: liberalism!! That’s right…sexual perversion is the actual culprit behind a man allowed in bathrooms where women and little girls are in various stages of dress! You must understand, sexual perversion is the face of liberalism! Liberalism puts on the mask of compassion, and tolerance, and kindness, while underneath lay a monster of unimaginable proportions; a beast having the potential to destroy every vestige of the America you once knew!!! The Bible says, “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another” -Gal5:13. This critical verse tells the story of liberalism in a word (or in this case a phrase): turning God’s freedom into the flesh, i.e. a license to sin! Yet again, this is the consequence of a once great America falling for the erroneous liberal interpretation of the separation of church and state which, so contrary to God’s word (Ps67:34), attempts to remove Him from the public eye. The Bible calls this the sin of blasphemy (Ex20:7), a violation of His great name Nissi(Ex17:15), and which means banner or flag! By very definition, God’s great name, which describes His nature, must be lifted-up in a culture, a society, a nation! In agreement, Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (Jn12:32). To end with a good note, God gives His answer to this dilemma through the prophet Jeremiah: “Therefore thus says the Lord: “If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth…” Jer15:19ESV *(http://www.wnd.com/2016/01/planet-freakness-woman-sounds-alarm-on-man-in-shower-she-gets-boot/#qKrQoIKe4oBBI8R6.99) QuoteBit Optimism creates energy and is contagious. – Denis Waitley
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