Two Corrections:
(In part 2, I used Roland Martin and should have used Roland Fryer. In part 3a, I added two paragraphs) It is so very sad that Americans--with special emphasis on Christian Americans and Black Americans--have swallowed the ‘America is racist’ mantra based on the BLM myth that police target Blacks, as promoted by the liberal media, Collin Kaepernick, some NFL players, and some NBA players. To put it bluntly, their liberal lies are causing irreparable damage to generations of Americans! The tactic of Satan(2Cor2:11), who is instigating these attacks, is designed to destroy American patriotism; which is designed to destroy American exceptionalism, which is designed to destroy God’s purpose for America. In other words, the ultimate objective of liberalism’s categorization of America as racist is to attack, destroy, and remove the Judaeo/Christian ethic that motivated the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and replace them with atheist, liberal/progressive ideology such as Communism, Socialism, Darwinism, atheism, relativism, and sexual perversion, etc. Allow me to use this tidbit to add yet another fact to the growing list of irrefutable facts in the last two tidbits that prove ‘America-is-racist-because-police-target-Blacks’ is a diabolical myth*. What I find most interesting is the incredible lack of logic so often employed by liberals.** No matter what area is debated--because it has been so effective--the common weapon of liberalism/progressives is emotionalism. In order to be heard, accepted, and their philosophies/policies nationally implemented, liberals simply use the compliant media to ‘shout’ the loudest!! They could care less if what they shout is factually wrong, or that their ideology has disastrous consequences, or most importantly---offends the God of the Bible! Liberalism has discovered it can control the masses through the media and the use of such emotional pleas as: 1.“If it feels good, do it! “…everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Jud17:6). 2.“You’re a victim!” For example, Black and White liberals, Kaepernick, BLM, some NFL players, some NBA players etc., have declared America racist because ‘police target Blacks’. They protest by kneeling when the National anthem is played. These acts of protest have now trickled down to university and high school kids, creating an atmosphere for young people to learn to hate: ‘America…the racist nation’! However, here is my million-dollar question: In reality, how does liberalism logically leap from police target Blacks; to America is racist; to kneeling through the National anthem? In other words, what is the path they use to move from: ‘police kill Blacks’ to ‘the national anthem’? As I endeavor to show in this tidbit, that path is emotionalism! If it is true that ‘police target Blacks’, which I have already proven a ‘blatant lie’ in my first two tidbits on this topic (as well in several previous tidbits), how then does one logically arrive at the thinking to protest the national anthem? On the contrary, if in fact it were true police are killing Black people unjustly, why would not Kaepernick and his followers protest the POLICE? Why would they not purchase a police flag, and stomp on it? Or, why not create some other way to stand against what ‘they’ consider to be so obvious a fact that police brutalize Black people? I mean, isn’t their mantra: “POLICE target Blacks”? In other words, I have heard there are 765,000 police in America; how do you logically arrive at ‘America is racist’, assuming the 765,000 police are racist, to 330 million Americans are racist, from police shooting 991 people in 2015, of which 254 were Black, 495-White, 172-Hispanic, and 66-unknown? In other words again, if it is true that ‘police target Blacks’, why protest America?*** Why protest the national anthem? The reason is: ‘liberal logic’; or what the Bible defines as the wisdom of the world (Jms3:15). When the liberal media repeatedly plays videos of only Blacks being shot by police, when the facts clearly state that far more than double the number of Whites and Hispanics are shot by police, the only way to cover their lies is to create emotionalism, i.e. rage! How then does their logic flow? Very simply, it goes something like this: Because the police shoot Blacks, police are racist! Yet, because police are racists, and the police are White, therefore Whites are racist. Yet, because Whites are racists, and America is White, America is racist. And finally, because America is racist, and the National anthem represents America, the National anthem is racist---therefore, ‘authentic’ Blacks must protest the National anthem! In June of this year, actor Jesse Williams perfectly uncovered the real liberal meaning of ‘police target Blacks’: “Tell Rakia Boyd how it is much better to live in 2012, then it is in 1612, and 1712. Tell that to Eric Garner; tell that to Sandra Garner; tell that to Dorian Hunt.” Examining Mr Williams logic, he uses the police, who were responsible for the deaths of all the Blacks he quotes, as evidence for ‘America is racist’! In other words, because all the people shown on tv killed by police are willfully restricted to Blacks, the emotion of anger begins to rise in the Black community. The more the media shows only Blacks killed by police, the more Black anger rises. As liberalism intentionally creates the appropriate atmosphere of anger and revenge, they simultaneously shout into the now, attentive ears of angry Blacks that ‘RACISM’ is the reason police kill Blacks. Jesse Williams words perfectly reveal the liberal agenda for all to see: 2012 America is no different than 1612, or 1712 America! In other words, White America is racist today as evidenced by police killing Blacks, yet America has always been racist, i.e. slavery, AND therefore...will always be racist! Liberalism teaches America is inherently racist! Therefore, the liberal logic used to jump from ‘police target Blacks’ to ‘America is racist’, is to interpret the emotional imagery of police shooting Blacks as evidence to support their real objective: America is racist. Let me repeat myself, Liberal logic declares police are racist because they shoot Blacks. Because police are racist, and police are White, Whites are therefore racist. Because Whites are racist, and America is White, America is racist. In conclusion, consider these final facts. At many NFL games, along with kneeling for the anthem, many Blacks now raise their fist, which is the 1960’s Black power sign.**** This fact combined with Collin Kaepernick’s Black Panther Party, Malcom X, and Fidel Castro t-shirts*****, all together reveal the 1960’s spirit of racial hatred resurrected from the dead! Simply, I have presented additional proof that the movement created and sustained by BLM, Kaepernick, some NFL players, some NBA players, their college and high school followers, who accuse America of racism, is itself racist; anti-American; and worst of all, anti-God; anti-Christian; and anti-Bible! Please Christians: Be fooled no longer by liberalism! Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness…(Eph5:11)--or your faith in God will be destroyed(Jms3:14,16)! *Please remember, liberalism, BLM, Collin Kaepernick and his followers, all use ‘police target Blacks’ as their number ‘ONE’, piece of evidence to prove ‘America is racist’. ** Of course, to reject God is to reject common sense, which is defined as reasoning according to the standards of either the Biblical text or the laws of nature. ***Interestingly, liberals don’t include themselves in the ‘America is racist’ accusation. The reason is because liberalism is by nature anti-American. ****Only a liberal can conclude ‘Black Power’ acceptable, while simultaneously declaring ‘White Power’ racist! *****Please don’t think his large afro is simply a matter of choice! It is another part of his attempt to connect the 60's racism with today; and to ultimately prove racism is in America's DNA. QuoteBitWithin you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs. ~Maxwell Maltz
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November 2024