In my last tidbit, I began addressing the three most often quoted lies used by “supposed Christians” in Medieval Europe to murder Jews. In ‘Why the Jews’, Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin list the three lies:
1.Blood Libel or ‘Ritual Murder’. Jews draw blood from children and drink it during their celebrations, such as during Passover. 2.Jews poison Christians. 3.Jews kidnap the Communion wafer that is believed to be transubstantiated into the body of Jesus and then stick needles into it as a means of torturing Jesus. I allowed Prager and Telushkin to address the first lie, that of the “Blood Libel” in my last tidbit. Today they address the second lie, “Jews poison Christians”. On page 85, they write, ““If a king had a Jewish physician, notes James Parkes, “and did not actually perish on the battlefield, cloven in two by the battle-axe of the enemy, there is nothing surprising in his unfortunate doctor being accused of poisoning him.” Parkes cites several instances of Jewish royal physicians being executed after a king’s death.” “In actuality almost every medieval Jewish doctor in Europe (and other Jews as well) was endangered. In 1161, in Bohemia, eighty-six Jews were burned as punishment for an alleged plot of Jewish physicians to poison the populace. Such accusations were endorsed by the leading intellectual circles in European society. In 1610, the medical faculty of the University of Vienna declared that Jewish physicians were bound by Jewish law to kill every tenth Christian through the use of drugs.” “Martin Luther said that “if they (the Jews) could kill us all, they would gladly do so, aye, and often do it, especially those who profess to be physicians. They know all that is known about medicine in Germany; they can give poison to a man of which he will die in an hour, or in ten to twenty years; they thoroughly understand this art.”” “The libel that the Jews were continually plotting to poison the Christian world had particularly tragic results during the Black Death of 1348-49. This plague, which killed about one-third of Europe’s population, was blamed on the Jews despite the fact that the plague also killed Jews.” A Christian physician, Konrad of Regensburg, in his ‘Buch der Natur’, was one of the few Christians to recognize the irrationality of blaming the Jews: “But I know that there were more Jews in Vienna than in any other German city familiar to me, and so many of them died of the plague that they were obliged to enlarge their cemetery. To have brought this on themselves would have been folly on their part.” But the doctor’s reasoning had no impact.” “Jews were first tortured to confess to spreading the Black Death in Switzerland in September 1348. According to the “confession,” a rabbi had instructed the Jews: “See, I give you a little package, which contains a preparation of poison and venom… This you are to distribute among the wells, the cisterns and the springs…to poison the people who use the water.” A month later, the verdict against the Jews was announced: “all Jews from the age of seven cannot excuse themselves from this crime, since all of them in their totality were cognizant and are guilty of the above actions. Jewish children under the age of seven were then baptized and reared as Christians after their families were murdered.” First, the Bible says Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy (Jn10:10). The founding Pastor of our church often said, “Satan has many tools, but the lie is the handle to them all.” As Prager and Telushkin just demonstrated ‘a lie’ is one of those assertions that so often skips steps downward ending in murder and destruction. Second, in defiance of God’s word, these pseudo-Christians perpetrated three great evils: i.lie. The should have read Colossians 3:9; James 3:14; Revelation 21:27. ii.vengeance. The should have read Romans 12:17-19. iii.murder. The should have read 1John3:15. There is simply no way to describe this wicked behavior…as Christian---regardless of how they labelled themselves!!!! When these people stand before God to give account for their lives, I believe Matthew 7:22-23 will apply: 22.Many will say to me (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23.And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. QuoteBit I suggest you give more time than most Christians give to hear what God is saying to you through His word. If you do not take time for hearing, all you will do is read the Bible. Faith does not come by reading the Bible; it comes by hearing from God through the Bible. Hearing first, then faith. -Derek Prince
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Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025