Two more tactics used by liberals to destroy America: 1.Retain the negative. Let me begin by offering an opposite example to explain my point. In all successful families, establishing traditions creates good memories, which builds strong inter-family relationships. For example, when growing up, my family did not have money for vacations, so we visited our relatives instead. On Friday nights we would travel from Wheaton, Illinois to Chicago to visit my grandparents (mother), where I would interact with my cousins; fifty years later, we still have close relationships. On my father’s side, my family would often travel to St Louis or Louisiana in the summer to visit our relatives. Once again, to this day, I am still close to those cousins. The principle is simple--remember the good…don’t retain the negative. Did we have disagreement among my relatives growing up? Absolutely…all the time—we were kids! However, as we grew older, and now reminisce, we choose…I repeat, we choose to remember the good. This does not mean we ignore the disagreement…it means, and I repeat, we choose to remember the good, and not the bad! To ‘remember the good’ has 2 fundamental purposes: a.To ‘remember the good’ gives honor and respect to a person (deceased, or still living), families, churches, businesses, or nations (Rom13:7). For example, to remember July 4th honors and respects America! b.To ‘remember the good’ is further enhanced by ‘properly remembering the negative’. What does that mean? In short, it means to ‘give witness to a change from bad to good’. In other words, the negative is remembered properly when you can celebrate deliverance from it!!! Said another way, a primary time, it is good to ‘remember a negative’, is when one can declare, “I once was lost, but now I’m found, I was blind, but now I see…”(Amazing Grace). The definition of a testimony is a wretched life, turned to good, and now living or doing good! On the contrary, it is laughable to even think that today’s liberalism remembers America’s past to give it respect and honor! Nor does liberalism remember America’s past to give witness to its change, in order to celebrate our present glorious freedoms!! On the contrary, liberals hate America, calling it racist! A good example of using the negatives of the past is the liberal academia, whose only purpose for studying slavery, for example, is to find and cherry-pick facts and use them to establish America as systemically racist!! How? i.by repeatedly showing the horrors of American slavery! ii.by repeatedly declaring America has not changed! iii.by repeatedly declaring the impossibility of any American change! 2.Create anger in Black people. A present day example of “creating anger in Black people” is found in the statistics revealing an income disparity between Whites and Blacks. Liberals make the case that the reason for this disparity is White Supremacy; from which they then conclude: America was…is….and will always be racist!!! Using this as their basis, they incite Blacks to anger, and ultimately to their only remaining remedy: REVOLUTION! “We will burn down this system, and replace it!!” -Hawk Newsom, BLM, New York Of course, there are many problems with Newsom’s conclusion, I offer two current examples: 1.See Graph “Millennials, the Wealthiest Generation, Believe It” “In modern history, each generation has typically been richer than the last.” Let me repeat that, in America, each generation has become richer than the preceding generation, and now the Millennials, are the richest generation in American history!! Are Blacks part of the Millennials? Are Blacks part of the Wealthiest generation in American history? Absolutely!! I hear my haters: “That only applies to White people!!” My reply: You must do better research! “Sometime in 2013, the African American consumer market in the U.S. exceeded the trillion-dollar mark* for the first time. To put this figure in perspective, that market is larger than the market for the entire nation of Spain.” Furthermore, Bradford Wilcox reports in ‘Black Men Making it in America’, “More than one-in-two black men (57%) have made it into the middle class or higher as adults today, up from 38% in 1960, according to a new analysis of Census data. And the share of black men who are poor has fallen from 41% in 1960 to 18% in 2016.” Black historian Henry Louis Gates declares: “On one hand, the percentage of African Americans making at least $75,000 annually more than doubled from 1970 to 2014, to 21 percent. Those making $100,000 or more nearly quadrupled. By contrast, Black America with income below $15,000 declined by only four points, from 26 to 22 percent.” In 2018, NBA star, Kobe Bryant turned a 6 million dollar investment into 200 million in four years. Remember, this was not a basketball contract!!!!! Black NBA star Stephon Curry is the first to sign a second 200 million dollar contract!! Are these examples of America’s White Privilege? Or, White Supremacy? Yet, actor Jesse Williams, also a multi-millionaire, during his appearance at the BET Awards in 2016, as his White mother sat in the audience, used the term “invention of Whiteness” in a social justice diatribe! ‘Whiteness’ is an invention, Mr Williams? Really?!?! Williams then went on to make his point that America in 2012 is no different from 1612: “Tell Rakia Boyd how it is much better it is to live in 2012, then it is in 1612, and 1712…” Really!!?!?!!? In short, Blacks are not angry because of social injustice, nor income disparity!!! Why are Blacks angry? The absolute ‘NUMBER 1’ reason for Black anger today is the media, academia, and the government…all repeatedly, and in unison, shout: WHITE RACISM! WHITE SUPREMACY! WHITE PRIVILEGE! “The size of [a] lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf 2.Second, in spite of the media, academia, and government’s expert con job, there is an incredible thing working simultaneously in America!! You can go to nearly any place in America and find amiable Black and White interaction!!! This is easy to test! Just go to any racially mixed school, business, city, suburb, etc., and you will find Blacks and Whites laughing together, working together, talking together, eating together, playing together, attending church together, dating one another, and even marrying one another!!! Even if you watch liberal news shows like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, you find Blacks and Whites on those very shows working, laughing, and interacting positively even as the media perpetuates the liberal propaganda that in today’s racist America, Blacks cannot thrive!!! In addition, if you look at social media…including Youtube, you find all kinds of friendly White and Black interaction!! How is this possible if America is so racist?!?! What is most amazing is that…all of this positive racial interaction is happening…in spite of the media repeatedly showing ‘only’ images of Whites killing Blacks!!!! Yet, does this mean there is no racism in America? Of course not! Racism is sin(Jms2:1,9), and sin infects humanity, therefore racism can exist in the heart of any human!! There are anti-Semites, anti-Christians, anti-Muslims; anti-Whites, anti-Blacks, anti-Hispanics, anti-Asian, anti-Arabs, and the list goes on and on! The carnal mind sees liberalism as the answer, but instead, the Bible declares: There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. -Pro14:12. It is the Gospel (1Cor15:3,4, Rom10:9,10) that changes the hearts of a Ku Klux Klan or a New Black Panther Party Member…or anything in between. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt11:28) Tidbit "Whatever you're ready for is ready for you." Mark Victor Hansen
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November 2024