First, a short history of the Klan. History.com says that the KKK began on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee. The word is derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle. In 1867 they began meeting in local branches, calling themselves the “Invisible Empire of the South”. Their first Grand Wizard or Grand Pupa was General Nathan Bedford Forest1* of the Confederate Army who perpetrated the Fort Pillow massacre of surrendered Blacks.
I say it often: the Democrat party did not create racism, but they certainly perfected it!! How do I come to such a seemingly outlandish conclusion? Because the overwhelming evidence points directly at the Democrat party as the creators of the infamous Ku Klux Klan! If there is a group of people that fits the description of perpetrators of one of the more dastardly sins identified in scripture…it is the KKK: “…inventors of evil things…” -Romans 1:30 And I repeat for emphasis, the KKK is the child of the Democrat Party!! Allow me to offer two pieces of evidence: 1. The Congressional report of the ‘Joint Select Committee to Inquire Into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States’ (a 13 volume set) was first published in 1968 of events that happened primarily in 1871 & 72. In this report, southern states like North & South Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi offer written records of government interviews of people who testified identifying the KKK as the culprit of the crimes of murder, robbery, intimidation etc., of Blacks & Republicans. For example on page 97, of Volume 3, South Carolina, the following interview is recorded: Question. So far as your information goes, are the persons who commit these outrages, these young men, let them be organized or not, all of one political party? Answer: why I say so. It is a sweeping remark, it is true, but almost nine hundred and ninety- nine out of every thousand of the decent people of South Carolina belong to the democratic party, or to the reform party. And when anything of that sort is done, I take it for granted that they (the KKK) belong to the reform party, or our party, the democratic party. In South Carolina the republican party is composed entirely of the colored people. Question. Do you include in the nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand the men who commit these outrages ? Answer. Yes, sir; I suppose they (KKK) belong to our party, or the democratic party. 2* This kind of evidence implicating the KKK is repeated in other volumes too: 1.Volume 2, pg 220, North Carolina; 2.Volume 11, pg 286, Mississippi 3.Volume 9, pg 899, Alabama Etc., etc., etc., 2. The testimonies of the Black representatives that I mentioned over the last several tidbits incriminate the Democrats as creators of the KKK and the perpetrators acting under the hoods the White Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. For example, South Carolina Representative Robert Brown Elliot regarding a bill before Congress in 1871 to prosecute Klan violence declared: “I have sworn the declared purpose of the Ku Klux organization, and I refer to the official records of nearly every southern state during the past ten months to show how that bloody purpose has in part been executed. This bill will tend in some degree to prevent its full achievement.” Brown Elliot continues: “The White Republican of the South is also hunted down and murdered or scourged for his opinion’s sake, and during the past two years, more than 600 men of the south of both races have perished in my State alone. Yet, sir, it is true that these masked murderers strike chiefly at the black race….” “Simply because he exercises his privileges as an American freeman, you (Democrats) would drive him into exile with the pitiless lash, or doom him to swift murder---seeking your revenge for political power lost by moving at midnight along the path of the assassin!”3* Obviously, if a bill before Congress regarding Klan violence is being debated, the Klan must indeed exist. And, obviously, because Brown Elliot is a Black Republican (as were all Blacks in Congress at that time) who is accusing the Democrats of doing nothing to quell the violence, nor the murders, this supports the view that Democrats are complicit in the Klan terrorism throughout the South!!! In addition, Black Representative James Rapier of Alabama minces no words, and directly accuses the Democrats of Klan violence: “They (Democrats) were hunting me down as the partridge on the mount, night and day with their Ku Klux Klan, simply because I was a Republican and refused to bow at the foot of their Baal.4* In other words, these two Black Republican Representatives link the KKK with the Democrat party. They both are fighting to pass a bill before Congress that is designed to prosecute Klan violence…and the Democrats are all in opposition!!! The only reason the Democrats would oppose such a bill is that they are in agreement with the Klan violence In conclusion, the historical interviews and the Black Republican Representatives provide overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that the Democrat party was complicit with the KKK and sanctioned its violence. The Democrat Party is responsible for the Ku Klux Klan!!! 5* 1* As a side note, Forrest later gave his life to Christ and repented of his sins! 2*‘Joint Select Committee to Inquire Into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States’, Vol III, p.97, testimony of E.W. Sweibels on June 22,1871. Or, https://archive.org/details/insurrectionstate03goverich/page/96/mode/2up --This is a 13 volume Congressional Report from 1871, 1872!!!! 3* Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 1st Session (Washington, DC: Congressional Globe Office, 1871), pg 390-92, Rep Robert Brown Elliot addressing the KKK Bil, April 1, 1871. Or, https://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lwcglink.html#anchor42 4* Congressional Record, 43rd Congress, 1st Session, Vol2. Pg4785, Rep. James T. Rapier’s speech on the Civil Rights Bill, June 9, 1874. 5* A special thanks to David Barton, ‘Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black and White’, Wallbuilders Press, 2004, for the hard work of digging out this information. Quotebit “A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all.” -Georges Bernanos,
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February 2025