“Feelings” are difficult to define. Every human was created with them, therefore, they are good…and important!
According Dictionary.com “feelings” means: 1.the function or the power of perceiving by touch. 2.physical sensation not connected with sight, hearing, taste, or smell. 7.capacity for emotion, especially compassion: 8.a sentiment; attitude; opinion: The general feeling was in favor of the proposal. 9.feelings, sensibilities; susceptibilities: to hurt one's feelings.* Probably a better term than ‘feelings’ to fit this piece is ‘empathy’: Again I turn to Dictionary.com, which defines empathy: 1.the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.* The Old Testament uses a word: “bowels”, for a similar meaning with empathy, defining it: ‘soft inward part’---referring to feelings(Jer4:19). The New Testament uses several words, of which a two are; “compassion”(Mat9:36), and “bowels” (Col3:12); which have similar meanings: feelings, sympathy, to pity, moved with compassion; inward affection, and tender mercy. Furthermore, the Bible declares, -God’s mercy endures forever(Ps136) -His mercies are great toward man(Neh9:31) -His mercies are tender (Ps51:1) Lastly, when examining the life of Jesus, we find compassion moved Him…but it changed others(Matt14:14)! In other words, the empathy/kindness/compassion of God, is not ‘limited’ to simply pitying one’s present difficulty; nor holding the hand of the suffering; nor shedding a tear for the less fortunate.** God’s compassion/kindness/empathy is an action term which literally changes a circumstance--to glorify God! For example Romans 2:4, declares the kindness of God leads men to repentance! Therefore, the kindness of God does not merely smile, and act nice to everyone, nor does it accept everyone’s behavior, but in the case of Romans 2:4, initiates the process of delivering mankind from sin, changing us from sinners to saints! On the contrary, feelings/compassion/empathy is an important key to liberal deception! Along with the mask of freedom***, another liberal mask is compassion! Allow me to explain. One of liberalism’s greatest methods of deception is word manipulation; meaning while retaining the ‘face’ of a word, for example “compassion”(feelings); the ‘liberal’ application is totally different. In other words, liberalism deceives the world by retaining the beauty of the face of compassion(feelings/empathy/kindness), yet because liberalism rejects God—in actual practice—compassion’s inherent power becomes warped, mitigating its ability to bless and benefit man—and actually results in his destruction! For example, the most popular contemporary example of liberalism’s perversion of compassion/empathy/feelings is transgenderism. Dr Paul McHugh, the former head psychiatrist at John’s Hopkins University said, “transgenderism is a ‘mental disorder’ that merits treatment, that sex change is ‘biologically impossible,’ and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.” This diagnosis is confirmed by the fact that 41% of transgenders have attempted suicide. These are just two reasons John Hopkins University discontinued sex-change operations!! And finally, even if a man has a sex-change operation, he can never change the genetic code at the cell level, which is xy for male, and xx for female. Therefore, it is scientifically impossible to change gender! On the contrary, gender is a sovereign decision of the immutable, eternal, Creator God(Mat19:4)! So how have liberals responded to these scientific, irrefutable facts? They shout, curse, attack, mock, and organize protests (which are actually riots)! Up to this point, their victims have experienced loss of jobs, and even businesses****! While agitating, and creating ever increasing ruckus, liberalism callously defers attention from the transgender’s plunge into destruction! You see, God will not be mocked, whatever a man sows, he will reap. If he sows to the flesh, he will reap destruction in the flesh(Gal6:6-9)! Sexual perversion is sin against the body(1Cor6:18), and the consequence of that sin occurs in the body! Because God’s word cannot be broken, if one chooses to commit sexual sin with his/her body, God will give him/her over to that sin, who will receive the reward of that error(Rom1:24-27). Yet, there is great news! The authentic compassion/kindness/empathy of God, first draws mankind to Himself; then changes that one—for His glory! In God’s presence, by way of the cross of Christ, sin cannot remain—it is obliterated! As mankind repents (turns away from sin), God brings deliverance! Instead of shame, sickness, anxiety, poverty, failure, and death—the Creator God gives love, joy, peace, fulfillment, health, prosperity, success, life, abundant life, and life everlasting!! “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing---choose life…” -Deut30:19 Contrary to liberalism, God’s word declares: we walk by faith, not by sight(feelings) -2Cor5:7 *For reason of space, I purposely left points out. **This does not mean these things are wrong, I mean God’s compassion transcends man’s limitations. ***See last week’s tidbit ****Persecution has several stages of suffering; the last stage is murder! Quotebit The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work. AGHA HASAN ABEDI (1922–1995) International banking executive
The word ‘freedom’ is dynamic! It possesses incredible positivity! I call it a ‘Mega’ word—the Greek word for ‘large’, as in Megatron from the Transformers movie series.
The dictionary.com definition of freedom is: 1.the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: 2.exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc. 3.the power to determine action without restraint. America’s Founding Fathers framed the Declaration of Independence* and the Constitution around it! Theologically, because God is sovereign(1Tim6:15), He must be free. Therefore, when God gave man His image and likeness(Gen1:26), freedom was part of that gift(Gen2:16); which makes freedom inherent to every human!! And finally, God is love(1Jn4:8), and love requires freedom; therefore, as God loved man, He had to gift man freedom to love Him back. Because of freedom’s incredible power and attractiveness, liberalism has adopted it as its primary marketing strategy. Liberalism declares freedom to be: “To each his own!” “Live and let live!” “Do what you will!” However, “Houston we have a problem”! God calls it the “sin nature”!! Going as far back as the 1828 Webster’s dictionary, liberalism is defined as: 1.Of a free heart; free to give or bestow; not close or contracted; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely; as a liberal donor; the liberal founders of a college or hospital. It expresses less than profuse or extravagant. 2.Generous; ample; large; as a liberal donation; a liberal allowance. 3.Not selfish, narrow on contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than one’s own; as liberal sentiments or views; a liberal mind; liberal policy. 4.General; extensive; embracing literature and the sciences generally; as a liberal education. This phrase is often but not necessarily synonymous with collegiate; as a collegiate education. 5.Free; open; candid; as a liberal communication of thoughts. 6.Large; profuse; as a liberal discharge of matter by secretions or excretions. 7.Free; not literal or strict; as a liberal construction of law. 8.Not mean; not low in birth or mind. 9.Licentious; free to excess. Incredible! Wonderful! Marvelous!! Who could ever fight against this great stuff?!?! Everything seems so perfect…with one exception— number 9. The Bible records the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21(which are synonymous with the works of man’s sin nature). Verse 19 specifically declares, Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, The Greek word for lasciviousness is aselgeia and means licentiousness; filthy, lasciviousness, wantonness (Strong’s). Agreeing is Dictionary.com, which defines licentious: 1.sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd. 2.unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral. 3.going beyond customary or proper bounds or limits; disregarding rules. Liberalism’s freedom is actually defined by point 9 of Webster’s 1828 dictionary! In reality, like the first 8 points of Webster’s definition get you so excited that they literally mask the 9th; so too, the actual freedom that liberalism markets is a mask. If you remove that mask--as previously described in all the clear-cut definitions, as well as the Word of God--you will find the real face of liberalism is sexual perversion. Wherever liberalism dominates, sexual license follows!! What is my evidence? Let me ask you an obvious question, Does liberalism dominate America? Once you’ve answered, “Duh!! Pastor Jackson”. Can you honestly deny that sexual license is overwhelming, not just this nation, but the world? If you’re still not convinced, here you go: -Just last week (3/9/18), the liberal news publication Huffington Post, published an article normalizing bestiality!! -England and America are researching whether sexbots (child sex robots), can help paedophiles. -In 2016, Canada passed laws approving ‘some’ acts of bestiality. Bestiality is now at the place of homosexuality 10-15 years ago! Although God has called us to freedom, because of man’s sin nature, we are warned not to use freedom as an occasion to the flesh(Gal5:13). Remember, man’s sin nature incessantly devolves, i.e. it is in a constant state of war against God and His word! The Bible records its version of liberalism in Judges 17:6: “…every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” In conclusion, earlier in this piece, I described one of the marketing phrases of liberalism as: “Do what you will!” Although this phrase perfectly describes liberalism’s freedom**—it is also the number one key verse in Anton LeVey’s Satanic Bible—which, using the King James vernacular declares: “Do what thou wilst!” Be warned: liberalism does not originate in the God of the Bible (1Tim 4:1)!! *Independence means freedom **and liberalism’s nature Quotebit TO HAVE MORE THAN YOU'VE GOT, BECOME MORE THAN YOU ARE- - Jim Rohn In February of 2018 in Parkland, Florida, Nick Cruz, murdered 17 students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Immediately after the Parkland massacre, liberal CNN’s Jake Tapper sponsored a townhall meeting for the community. For the past three weeks the liberal media, academia, and Hollywood--with one voice---have pushed to ban guns as the answer to stop “mass shootings” in America. Even businesses from Dick’s Sporting Goods, to Delta and United Airlines, have joined the chorus condemning guns…and especially the NRA. In March, at least two ‘National School Against Guns’ walk-outs are scheduled; the first one is March 14. Atheists have been in the news foolishly pontificating that “prayer does not stop bullets.” Finally, liberals have even gone so far as to advocate for changing the second amendment, which allows for the possession of firearms by the populace.
First, the Word of God does NOT condemn gun ownership; nor does it promote gun control! The Bible does not teach Jesus was/is a passivist! As a short Bible study, Luke 22:49(NAS) teaches that the apostles carried swords; and Luke22:50 teaches Peter attacked Malchus (Jn18:10) with his sword! Incredibly, this entire Luke 22:49-50 scene happened on the Mount of Olives---while in prayer!!! I repeat…the apostles carried weapons--whose only design is to take human life--to a prayer meeting!!! Jesus rebuked Peter to put away his sword, NOT for possessing the sword (Mat26:51-52)!! Lastly, the Old Testament is filled with the wrath of God! Was Jesus present when Israel defeated the Philistines, Amalekites, and Amorites? Or, was He present when God raised-up the Assyrians against the Northern Kingdom of Israel? Or, Babylon against the southern kingdom of Judah? On the contrary, God is immutable…and Jesus has never been a passivist! Second, what is really fascinating about the hypocrisy of liberalism is that in November of 2017, in Sutherlands Springs, Texas, Devin Patrick Kelley murdered 26 people at a church service! Therefore, even though there were more deaths at Sutherlands Springs, Texas, than Parkland, Florida; and even though the same AR-15 rifle was used in both situations, yet the liberal media did not create the same national hysteria as it did for the Parkland massacre…why? To this day, there are students who live and attend school just a couple of hours from the Sutherland Springs, Texas massacre who are not even aware it even happened!!! Yet, there are very few in America who don’t know about Parkland, Florida school shooting! Again, why? One primary reason is because at the Sutherlands Spring massacre, Stephen Willeford, a member of NRA, used the same AR-15 rifle, as used by Nick Cruz and Devin Patrick Kelley to murder people, to stop the massacre! In other words, Sutherlands Springs does not fit the liberal narrative created to help them ban guns; and discard the second amendment! You see, liberals are very much aware of the incredible, Godly motive of our Founding Fathers who created the second amendment to help this new nation never become victim of what was historically true all over the world up to that point--government attacking their people! Even though liberals are very much aware of this historical fact, why are they then so insistent on banning guns today? Because the liberal motive is to remove America’s Judaeo/Christian ethic, re-creating the nation into a Socialist, atheist state, where government controls the people. To accomplish this feat in America however, requires removing the ability of the people to resist. Following historical precedent, they plan to implement their objective using a two-step plan: remove America’s guns, and reject the freedom of speech! If you look at our present culture—liberalism is attacking both with a vengeance! My second point on liberalism’s monstrous hypocrisy regarding gun control--especially relates to Black people. As I have already written, the liberal objective for America is a total ban of guns—including hand guns! Sadly, what many gullible Black people have literally closed their eyes to is that a ban on guns, leaves guns only in the hands of the government! First, to establish this point, because liberals are Socialists, who advocate state control of the people, they must believe only government officials should have guns--not the common people! Second, here’s my point--Black people have already experienced the tragedy of having guns confiscated---by governing officials, also known as the Klu Klux Klan—the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party!!! Only after the KKK successfully passed laws to remove guns from Black people, did they begin visiting Blacks in the night, torching their homes and lynching! Ironically, it was Christians who created the NRA, specifically to help Blacks re-possess guns and discourage the Klan’s objectives! Yet, the greatest evidence of liberal hypocrisy has occurred over the past 3 years, where liberals led the way in protesting police shooting Black people!! But, is it not these same liberals who called America racist, condemned the police for shooting unarmed Black people, who now want to restrict guns only to the hands of government officials?!?! I mean, are not police part of the government? Incredibly, where are the all the liberal Blacks, such as Colin Kaepernick, Jesse White, BLM, and especially the NFL--who all shouted the loudest, and protested the longest against police brutality, but are now not only silent…but smiling and consenting---as liberals march forward to restrict guns only to those who they claimed shot innocent, unarmed, young Black men!! To further establish the folly of the liberal gun ban, and the insincerity of liberal Blacks who claim police shot innocent Blacks, is that the government officials who were supposed to take control of all guns, and create and enforce all laws regarding guns going forward, failed on every level to prevent Nick Cruz, the mass-murderer in Parkland, Florida from obtaining a gun! I repeat, the Parkland government officials, repeatedly missed every sign, on every level; including the police, who were called to his home over 39 times! And liberals—especially Black liberals--want to put all guns in the hands of government!?!?!? Somebody has lost their ever-loving mind!! Why have not Black people all over America absolutely rejected the liberal gun ban? Because there is a remnant of Blacks who have foolishly sold their souls to liberalism! “…If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! -Mat6:23 May God have mercy! QuoteBit “You cannot get what you’ve never had unless you are willing to do what you’ve never done.” -unknown |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
July 2024