In my last tidbit, I began addressing the three most often quoted lies used by “supposed Christians” in Medieval Europe to murder Jews. In ‘Why the Jews’, Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin list the three lies:
1.Blood Libel or ‘Ritual Murder’. Jews draw blood from children and drink it during their celebrations, such as during Passover. 2.Jews poison Christians. 3.Jews kidnap the Communion wafer that is believed to be transubstantiated into the body of Jesus and then stick needles into it as a means of torturing Jesus. I allowed Prager and Telushkin to address the first lie, that of the “Blood Libel” in my last tidbit. Today they address the second lie, “Jews poison Christians”. On page 85, they write, ““If a king had a Jewish physician, notes James Parkes, “and did not actually perish on the battlefield, cloven in two by the battle-axe of the enemy, there is nothing surprising in his unfortunate doctor being accused of poisoning him.” Parkes cites several instances of Jewish royal physicians being executed after a king’s death.” “In actuality almost every medieval Jewish doctor in Europe (and other Jews as well) was endangered. In 1161, in Bohemia, eighty-six Jews were burned as punishment for an alleged plot of Jewish physicians to poison the populace. Such accusations were endorsed by the leading intellectual circles in European society. In 1610, the medical faculty of the University of Vienna declared that Jewish physicians were bound by Jewish law to kill every tenth Christian through the use of drugs.” “Martin Luther said that “if they (the Jews) could kill us all, they would gladly do so, aye, and often do it, especially those who profess to be physicians. They know all that is known about medicine in Germany; they can give poison to a man of which he will die in an hour, or in ten to twenty years; they thoroughly understand this art.”” “The libel that the Jews were continually plotting to poison the Christian world had particularly tragic results during the Black Death of 1348-49. This plague, which killed about one-third of Europe’s population, was blamed on the Jews despite the fact that the plague also killed Jews.” A Christian physician, Konrad of Regensburg, in his ‘Buch der Natur’, was one of the few Christians to recognize the irrationality of blaming the Jews: “But I know that there were more Jews in Vienna than in any other German city familiar to me, and so many of them died of the plague that they were obliged to enlarge their cemetery. To have brought this on themselves would have been folly on their part.” But the doctor’s reasoning had no impact.” “Jews were first tortured to confess to spreading the Black Death in Switzerland in September 1348. According to the “confession,” a rabbi had instructed the Jews: “See, I give you a little package, which contains a preparation of poison and venom… This you are to distribute among the wells, the cisterns and the springs…to poison the people who use the water.” A month later, the verdict against the Jews was announced: “all Jews from the age of seven cannot excuse themselves from this crime, since all of them in their totality were cognizant and are guilty of the above actions. Jewish children under the age of seven were then baptized and reared as Christians after their families were murdered.” First, the Bible says Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy (Jn10:10). The founding Pastor of our church often said, “Satan has many tools, but the lie is the handle to them all.” As Prager and Telushkin just demonstrated ‘a lie’ is one of those assertions that so often skips steps downward ending in murder and destruction. Second, in defiance of God’s word, these pseudo-Christians perpetrated three great evils: i.lie. The should have read Colossians 3:9; James 3:14; Revelation 21:27. ii.vengeance. The should have read Romans 12:17-19. iii.murder. The should have read 1John3:15. There is simply no way to describe this wicked behavior…as Christian---regardless of how they labelled themselves!!!! When these people stand before God to give account for their lives, I believe Matthew 7:22-23 will apply: 22.Many will say to me (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23.And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. QuoteBit I suggest you give more time than most Christians give to hear what God is saying to you through His word. If you do not take time for hearing, all you will do is read the Bible. Faith does not come by reading the Bible; it comes by hearing from God through the Bible. Hearing first, then faith. -Derek Prince
Tragically, over the last couple of tidbits, I laid out a few of the recorded historical instances where thousands of Jews were murdered by ‘supposed’ Christians. Although, and I tremble to say, there are many more episodes of “Christians” killing Jews that I could report but I think it is appropriate now to uncover some of the lies that led to so many senseless murders. Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin, in ‘Why the Jews’ write of the three most often quoted “libels” used in Medieval Europe to murder Jews: 1.Blood Libel or ‘Ritual Murder’. Jews draw blood from children and drink it during their celebrations, such as during Passover. 2.Jews poison Christians. 3.Jews kidnap the Communion wafer that is believed to be transubstantiated into the body of Jesus and then stick needles into it as a means of torturing Jesus. In this tidbit let’s explore the first of the three “libels” used to rationalize the murder of Jews. 1. ‘Ritual’ murder. “The first accusation of ritual murder was made in 1144AD in England. According to a contemporary Christian document: “The Jews of Norwich brought a child before Easter and tortured him with all the tortures wherewith our Lord was tortured, and on Long Friday hanged him on a rod in hatred of our Lord, and afterward buried him.” A Christian convert from Judaism, Theobold of Cambridge, testified that Jews were required to sacrifice a Christian child annually, the choice of place being made at an annual conference of rabbis. The first accusation of ritual murder had no immediate consequences. Because no evidence was ever produced that a murder had been committed, let alone a Jewish ritual murder, no Jew was tried for the alleged crime. But the long-term effects of this accusation were devastating. Between the twelfth and twentieth centuries, on over 150 occasions, Jews, and often entire Jewish communities, were put on trial for engaging in ritual murder. In almost every instance, Jews were tortured and put to death. The case of Hugh of Lincoln provides a typical example. In 1255AD, a large number of Jews visited Lincoln, England, to attend the wedding of a prominent Jew’s daughter. The day after the wedding, the body of a Christian boy, Hugh of Lincoln, missing for over three weeks, was found in a cesspool into which he had accidentally fallen.” “Matthew Paris, a contemporary Christian chronicler, wrote what he and other Christians believed to have really occurred: “The child was first fattened for ten days with white bread and milk, and then….almost all the Jews of England were invited to the crucifixion.” Subsequently, a Jew named Copin was arrested, and under torture confessed “that the Jews had crucified the boy in the manner that the Jews had once crucified Jesus.” One hundred Jews were arrested, and nineteen, including Copin, were hanged without trial.” Pg82 Tragically, as the decades passed, the ritual murder lie began to evolve, develop, and become standard in Christendom. “By the fourteenth century, the ritual murder charge had become associated with the Jewish holiday of Passover, attesting to the antisemitism that the Jews’ beliefs aroused among Christians. Christians accused Jews of using Christian blood in their unleavened bread (matzo) and in their wine. In Savoy in 1329AD, Christians claimed that the Jews “compound out of the entrails of murdered Christian children a salve of food called aharance(haroseth), which they eat every Passover in place of a sacrifice; they prepare this food at least every sixth year because they believe they are saved thereby.” Pg 83 “The accusations of ritual murder followed the Jews throughout Europe. The historian Haim Ben-Sasson wrote, “Generation after generation of Jews in Europe was tortured and Jewish communities were massacred or dispersed and broken up because of this libel.” The blood libel has persisted into contemporary times. The Protestant historian James Parkes reported, “In Central Eastern Europe, among both Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians….there are almost more examples of the accusation in the years between 1880 and 1945 than in the whole of the Middle Ages.” Of course, the Nazis could not miss the opportunity to propagate another lie. “In the 1930’s the Nazis often promulgated the libel. The entire May 1, 1934, issue of the newspaper Der Sturmer was devoted to Jewish ritual murder, and the regular weekly edition of the paper routinely carried illustrations of rabbis sucking the blood of German children.” Pg 84 Tragically, the ritual murder libel continues to this day. In 2020, Palestinian Democrat, Rashida Tlaid, the Congressional Representative from Michigan retweeted a lie by Palestinian apologist Hanan Ashrawi that a “Herd of violent Israelis” had “Kidnapped and Executed” an eight-year-old boy named Qais Abu Ramila who was found dead in a rainwater reservoir in East Jerusalem. Once the truth was uncovered that the Israelis had nothing to do with the death of this child, Tlaid scrubbed Ashrawi’s tweet from her thread. After Ashrawi subsequently apologized for tweeting unverified findings on the child’s death, only then did Tlaib tweet an apology.* In conclusion, our late pastor, Carlton Arthurs often said, “The devil has many devices, but a lie is the handle to them all!” The ‘Blood Libel’ or ‘Jewish Ritual Murder’ is yet another lie of Satan, that sadly, ‘supposed’ Christians have marketed resulting in literally---thousands of Jewish murders! Only sincere repentance can bring forgiveness and deliverance!!! May God have mercy!!
*https://www.westernjournal.com/blood-libel-tlaib-shares-tweet-falsely-accusing-jews-murder-just-holocaust-remembrance-day/ Quotebit “The greatest single cause of Atheism in the world today is Christians; who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.” -Brennan Manning Authors Edward Flannery, who wrote “The Anguish of the Jews”; and Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin, who wrote “Why the Jews?” agree that up to 1000AD, things were relatively quiet regarding “Christian Anti-semitism”.* Prager and Telushkin write, “By the eleventh century (1000AD), the church had converted virtually all the inhabitants of Europe, except the Jews.** Until then, the situation of the Jews was tenuous but tolerable” (p79). Flannery writes, “The year 1000AD found Jews in conditions reasonably stable for the time”(p91).
However, the same authors point to the year 1095-1096 as the birth of horror. Prager and Telushkin write, “With the First Crusade in 1096, however, the status and security of European Jewry declined precipitously” (p79). And, Flannery writes, “Though often surpassed by other years in the volume of atrocities, 1096 marks the beginning of a harassment of the Jews that, in duration and intensity, was unique in Jewish history” (p91). I repeat, 1096 was the year of the Ratisbon ‘First Crusade’. Flannery writes, “Great ill-organized hordes of nobles, knights, monks, and peasants-“God wills it” on their lips as they set off to free the Holy Land from the Muslim infidel—suddenly turned on the Jews. There were mutterings that the Crusaders might better start their work with the “infidels at home.” One chronicler, Guibert of Nogent (1053-1124) reported the crusaders of Rouen as saying: “we desire to combat the enemies of God in the East; but we have under our eyes the Jews, a race more inimical to God than all the others. We are doing this whole thing backward.” Turning this logic into action, the Crusaders fell upon the Jews in Rouen and other places in Lorraine, massacring those who refused baptism” (pg92). I have only one word “Unbelievable!” On the contrary, I do have a question for these Crusaders about the following phrases: “God wills it!” “Muslim infidel”; “infidels at home”; “enemies of God”; and especially the phrase: “the Jews, a race more inimical to God than all the others.” As Christians who derive inspiration to act from the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, from what verses do you derive the idea that we are to ‘kill the infidel’? And…“God wills it”? And especially regarding the comment that “the Jews are more inimical to God than all others”; please inform me when the following passage ceased. And, how? (Please carefully consider my highlights) 9.For the LORD’S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. 10.He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he (God) instructed him (His people), he kept him as the apple of his eye. -Deut 32:9-10 Regarding Israel, the term of endearment: “apple of my eye” is repeated in Lamentations 2:18. Flannery writes, “All along the Rhine Valley the troops, urged on by preachers like Peter the Hermit, and antisemitic Count Emicho, and others offered Jewish communities the option of baptism or death.” I repeat, I wonder what verse these preachers in their sermons to support the call for: “baptism or death”? Were these preachers so ignorant of God’s word as to know that not only does forced conversion not work, but baptism does not save!?!?! Flannery continues, “At Speyer, thanks to the forceful action of Bishop John, ‘only’ ten were killed.” “At Worms, many Jews took refuge in the palace of Bishop Adalbert, while others remained in their homes, promised protection by their neighbors. The stronger forces of the Crusaders prevailed, however, and the majority of Jews were killed” (pg92). “Many Jews committed suicide rather than risk being baptized. Several hundred were massacred at Mainz, as once again Jewish parents sacrificed their children and themselves to “sanctify the Name.”” “A few, as was usual, were baptized. Cologne knew a momentary reprieve as Jews, with the aid of Archbishop Hermann, were hidden in Christian homes in seven villages of the diocese, only to be discovered later and murdered. In Ratisbon, the Crusaders forced the whole Jewish community into the Danube River and baptized them. Massacres occurred at Treves, Neuss, Ratisbon, in cities along the Rhine and the Danube, in Bohemia, and finally in Prague where Bishop Cosmas did his best to shield the Jews. In 1099 at journey’s end in Jerusalem the soldiers of Godfrey de Bouillon found the Jews assembled in a synagogue and set it ablaze.” “From January 1096 it is estimated that up to ‘10,000’ died, probably one-fourth to one-third of the Jewish population of Germany and Northern France at that time” (p93-94). May God have mercy!!! I have only tears!!!! *This does not mean there was no anti-semitism, I refer specifically to “Christian” anti-semitism. **Of course, this is from the perspective of their “Judaism”. The actual truth is that many of the so-called converts at that time were not converts at all. An authentic Christian behaves like Jesus(1Cor11:1)! Did Jesus murder Jews? Absolutely not! He was Jewish! John 14:21 teaches if one loves Jesus, he must keep His commandments, i.e. the Word of God. |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
September 2024