Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means a study of the Liberal god.’ Or, Liberal Theology is a study of the religion of which liberalism is a part: atheism.
I have been writing about the methodology liberals use to deceive: the redefinition of theological words. Moving forward, two other words liberalism redefines are: ‘rights’ and ‘justice’. Although the words are different, they work hand-in-glove. These words originate in God, and like everything God created, can only function properly through Him: therefore they are theological in nature. As applied to humans, God designed ‘rights’ to be secured through a system of justice. But what are rights? First, rights are the end results of an inheritance. Or, inheritance produces rights. For example, if a father dies, and leaves a will to his children, those named in that will, have a ‘right’ to whatever each inherited. For this reason, wills are dispersed through attorneys in our legal system. Therefore, a few requirements for rights are: a.The owner both creates, and by default owns or possesses the right. b.The owner freely elects to give the right. c.Rights do not originate with the receiver. d.The receiver freely receives the right. The Bible declares, “…which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints…” Col1:12. Therefore, we have an inheritance from God (Eph1:11,14,18; Rom8:17). Therefore, it is God’s inheritance which creates and offers rights beginning with the spirit, but extends to include the natural realm also. First, the spiritual realm includes rights given by God to man. For example salvation, i.e. the born again experience, has been given to man, i.e. the lost/sinner (Rom10:9,10), but it is the church’s responsibility to secure that spiritual right. Second, the natural realm includes rights given by God to man. For example, the natural rights included in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with such inalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Therefore, a ‘God-determined’ purpose of government is to secure natural human rights.* It is critical to understand that all rights—from spiritual to natural--originate “from the Creator”, who freely gives those rights. Rights are not created by man; nor does man decide his own rights. Yet, this is exactly where liberalism interjects itself. Because it rejects the God of the Bible, liberals believe rights originate with man(atheism)! For this reason, liberalism must ultimately reject the Declaration and Constitution, whose rights originate with God. For example, take abortion. Liberalism teaches that women have a ‘right’ to their own bodies. This ‘right’ translates into the option to murder their unborn child. How did liberals accomplish this? They simply invented the term: “Right to privacy”, and added it to the Constitution, thus allowing a woman to justify destroying children in the womb ...because it is her body, and her body is her right to privacy! But… this is a direct contradiction to the Bible: “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For you have been bought with a price…”(1Cor6:19,20). Therefore, liberalism’s rejection of the Bible has led to their rejection of the Declaration and the Constitution through rights invented by man! How? Because liberalism has a god (atheism), it has begun the process of replacing the rights created by the God of the Bible with its own rights, i.e. man’s rights…which in the abortion circumstance resulted in…ABRA CA DAB RA…the ‘Right to privacy’! The root of liberalism is a theology! It is a religious doctrine! Another example is gay marriage. America (and Christianity; and liberal blacks) allowed liberalism to link gay marriage to civil rights. Therefore, any opposition translates into a violation of human rights. How did they accomplish this? They connected gay rights to the black civil rights movement of 1964. How? Once again, through the rejection of the Declaration and Constitution, which says rights originate in the Creator—the God of the Bible; which by the way, offers no special rights for gays, nor is there a right to gay marriage! As a matter of fact, the Bible condemns homosexuality as sin (1Cor6:9). I repeat, the liberal rejection of the Bible, by default, must lead to the rejection of the rights in the Declaration and the Constitution. How? The god of liberalism possesses rights, which are man created rights, which means to be effective, the rights of the Constitution and Declaration, which originate in the Bible, must be replaced by the new rights of liberalism!! Liberalism is a theology! It is a religious doctrine! Because there can exist only one God, liberals must reject the real God, and replace Him with their god: self! Therefore, atheism, the religion of liberalism, is ultimately the exaltation of self to deity! Who is the god of atheism? Man! Who is the god of liberalism? Man! 'Justice' comes next week! *Remember, one is the church’s assignment; while the other is the government’s assignment--yet both are assignments from God—Who by virtue of being the Creator, is Lord and Ruler over all! QuoteBit "The successful always has a number of projects planned, to which he looks forward. Anyone of them could change the course of his life overnight.” –Mark Caine
Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means a study of the Liberal god.’ Or, Liberal Theology is a study of the religion of which liberalism is a part: atheism.
In Tidbit 2, I wrote that liberalism’s greatest tool to impose their worldview on the rest of us is through the redefinition of words. I used examples such as freedom, love, and grace. I would like to address another word: equality. According to liberalism, people are equal when they possess equal things, or the same things, or the same amount of things. This belief has its origin in the doctrine of Socialism. Allow me to explain. Communism breaks society down into proletariats and bourgeois. They believe the proletariats are common working class people, and the bourgeois mess things up by wanting to own property and pursue profits. In other words, equality rests with the proletariats, and the bourgeois promote inequality by owning property and profiting from the oppression of the poor. Therefore, to be equal, we must rid society of the bourgeoisie. Socialism doesn’t use that same verbiage, but holds the same beliefs. Socialism believes that to make the rich and poor equal, the government must take from the rich and give to the poor. Therefore, through their adoption of socialism, liberalism declares that equality exists only when everyone is the same; i.e. when everyone has the same things. My first example of the liberal view of equality is President Barack Obama, a liberal, who once told Bill O’Reilly in an interview, “You make enough money”. At another time, the President told Joseph Wurzelbacher, "when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." These statements originate from another of Obama’s Communistic/Marxist views “Distribution of income”—which originates in more Marx pseudo wisdom: “From each according to his ability, and to each according to his need.” First, this proves the link between liberalism and Socialism/Communism*, which are both doctrines of the religion of atheism. Second, President Obama expresses a variation of the liberal (Socialism/Communism) view of equality: everyone should have equal income. In reality, no one has the right to determine how much money another person should make! That is also known as playing God! Another example of liberal equality is President Obama declaring support for gay marriage, and Transgender men using woman’s bathrooms and showers by using the Golden Rule: “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them…” -Mat7:12. First, the Golden Rule is designed to limit retaliation inherent to man’s sin nature. It has nothing to do with sexual perversion. The Bible condemns homosexuality on many occasions(1Cor6:9; Jude7), so contrary to our president…and liberalism, Jesus certainly did not intend to commend homosexuality when He inspired the writing of the Golden Rule!! Second, President Obama was following the liberal mantra that people are equal when they have equal things, i.e. because heterosexuals can be married; to be equal, homosexuals must also be allowed to marry. Or, because transgender people are people too, and they want to use the bathroom of their choice, to be equal we must allow them to use whatever bathrooms they desire. On the contrary, the Biblical answer is equality is a theological term. Equality has two applications: 1.It refers to the nature of mankind. 2.It refers to equal application under law. First, God created man in His image and likeness(Gen1:28). The gift of God’s image to man is the ‘ONLY’ reason men are equal. The Declaration of Independence includes: “All men are created equal”; which originates in the Bible; for it is God Who created man in His image, from which man’s equality is derived. On the contrary, if evolution were true, men could not be equal, for it is impossible for men to evolve equally. Second, equality refers to applying the law to man equally…in the same situation!!! It does not mean applying the law the same in every situation. For laws to be just, i.e. equally applied, they require the same or similar circumstances. For example, murder is punishable by law. Yet, because a man kills another man does not necessarily constitute murder! The circumstances must be determined ‘how’ and ‘why’ the culprit killed the victim. If another man breaks into your house at night, and you shoot him dead…that is not murder! On the contrary, equality does not mean that men are equal because they possess the same things—I repeat, that is Communism/Socialism! God gifted human beings with His image and likeness making them equal, but He also gifted mankind with potential, purpose, gifts, talents, and character. Although He gave every human being these gifts, which means He gifted mankind equally---He did not give every person the ‘same’ potential, same purpose, same gifts, same talents, and same character. In other words, every person has gifts from God, but those gifts are all different in kind and degree (Mat25:14-15). Because this is true, no two people will ever have the same things!!! And this does not even include other variables that all factor in to determine ‘why’ people have more or less than others. Unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist, and liberal professor William Ayers once said, “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.” Sounds to me very much like the doctrine of “steal, kill, and destroy” (Jn10:10)! Remember, all doctrines are religious!! Guess ‘WHO’ is the implementer of the “kill, steal, and destroy” doctrine? The correct guess gives you the origin of the Ayer doctrine; the Obama doctrine, and the liberal view of equality doctrine! For any doctrine that violates God’s word is religious…and has an origin! Christians are called to expose the works of darkness (Eph5:11). *Liberalism has evolved into leftism: they are now one. At one time, liberalism and leftism were separate philosophies. QuoteBit Success is the best revenge. -Unknown Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective.
This past week I had several detractors. Therefore, before proceeding forward, allow me to back-track and fully explain ‘Liberal theology’. First, my initial statement: ‘Liberal Theology is a study of God from a liberal perspective’ is better served as ‘Liberal Theology means a study of the Liberal god.’ My original statement seems to imply something I never intended to convey; that Liberalism worships the God of the Bible, but simply interprets it differently. On the contrary, there are two ways to understand Liberalism: 1.Liberalism is a doctrine of atheism. Atheism is a religion and Liberalism is one of its doctrines. 2.Liberalism is a religion itself. Liberalism is religious belief having its own god. Although there is a difference, both produce deception. And to be honest, I have used both to make different points, although I actually accept the first as fact. But why do I believe these two points? There are two basic reasons. First, liberals do not use the Bible as their plumb-line to determine good and evil, and right and wrong. They use their feelings, and the writings of their liberal forefathers: such as, Niccolo Machiavelli, Karl Marx, James Stuart Mill, Bertrand Russell, Charles Darwin, Freidrich Nietzsche, Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Margret Sanger, Alfred Kinsey, to name a few. Of course, all atheists, and all liberals.* Liberals then take these beliefs, and as much as possible, mix them with the Judaeo/Christian ethic, allowing them to deceive ‘proud’ Christians. Second, liberalism misunderstands that God does not use their definition of religion. For example, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, are all defined as religions. They possess canons of scripture, or ecclesiastical laws or doctrines, which are written down. They possess ‘holy’ men, who are consecrated and ordained for certain positions. Therefore, they are recognized as ‘organized’ religions, and the people who practice these religions are considered ‘religious’. Yet, this is not how God categories people. God categorizes people by their belief. In other words, you don’t have to be part of an accepted, organized religion to be religious, as just defined. Why? If you will remember, in the first tidbit, I wrote: Theology drives philosophy; or what you believe about God, drives what you believe about life! Take for example, the first sin. There was no accepted religion in Adam and Eve’s day. Yet, they sinned, were kicked out of the garden, and transferred their sin to each of us! Was Satan’s deception a religious belief? You bet it was! In spite of the fact that no organized religion existed! Another example is Matthew7:23, which declares there are some people who will call Jesus ‘Lord’, which the Bible declares as necessary for salvation(Rom10:9), yet Jesus still says to some, “I never knew you”!!! In other words, although they made the correct “religious” statements, Jesus still rejected them! A third example is found in Matthew 16:21-23. Jesus informs his disciples of his death and resurrection. Peter doesn’t want Jesus to leave, and especially not die, so he understandably responds with, “Never Lord!” The Bible says, Jesus turns and looks Peter straight in the eye, and says, “Get behind me, Satan!” Was Peter offended? I’m sure he was! Yet, the point is that Peter’s simple, sincere words, he thought were kind and compassionate…originated with Satan! Peter’s words were religious! They were contrary to God, yet they were not part of any organized religion!! The Bible declares in 1Timothy 4:1, that ‘demons’ have doctrines. Do these doctrines of devils refer only to false religions? NO! Misunderstanding this truth is one of great errors of those who adopt liberalism!! Luke 11:35, says there exists a light—by which men see—that God considers darkness! Colossians 2:8 says, there are 4 areas that militate against Christ: philosophies, vain deceits, traditions of men, and rudiments of the world. These four descriptions do not fit the definitions of accepted religions---yet the verse clearly says the positions end with a rejection of Christ!!! Therefore, because liberalism is not part of any formal religion, does not mean their beliefs are not religious. On the contrary, my very point is that liberalism’s beliefs are religious! But how can I be so confident that their doctrines are contrary to God? 1.Their beliefs and doctrines do not align with God’s word. (See this series of tidbits) 2.They accept, encourage, market, and legislate what God calls sin. 3.Liberal proponents reject the Bible as the standard for good and evil. 4.They excuse their rejection of the Bible by attributing it to a wrong interpretation. I continue to challenge liberals who claim Jesus to cite one ‘liberal’ position that aligns with the teaching of the Bible! I have yet to receive even one! This series of tidbits is designed to expose liberal positions that God categorizes as contrary to His word! In conclusion, as I continue to compare liberalism with the Bible in this series, you will understand better why I believe that Mormonism and Jehovah Witness doctrine is closer to the Biblical text than liberalism. Of course, as I have already said, the reason is that: Liberalism a doctrine of the religion of atheism! *For example, reference the book: ‘Ten Books Who Screwed Up the World’ by Benjamin Wiker QuoteBit "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective. (Please see Tidbit 1 for liberalism’s full definition)
In the last tidbit I showed that while homosexuality predates liberalism; gay theology--the thinking that God accepts homosexuality--is a new theology, built upon liberalism’s doctrines. Prior to that tidbit, I showed that liberal theology is able to generate such great deception because it uses many Biblical doctrines and words, but changes their definitions. Sadly, gullible Christians hear liberals use Biblical terms, and conclude that liberalism is the same as Christianity. I have noticed that Satan uses this same deception on people who attempt to advocate for the sameness of the Koran and the Bible, because the Koran contains some Bible words, for example: Mary, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus, etc. I have even heard people call themselves Christian-Muslims!! Moving forward. Besides altering such Biblical words as love, grace, freedom, and hate, I would like to identify another Bible term altered by liberalism: separation of church and state. The term ‘separation of church and state’ is used everywhere by liberals as though it were part of the Constitution, or Declaration of Independence--which it is not! Yet, liberalism has been successful through liberal judges to pervert the term, making it a legally binding point to shut-out Christians, as well as the Bible, as a source for determining right and wrong. How does liberalism pervert ‘separation of church and state’? Again, while using the same words, which immediately draws many people and gullible Christians, they re-interpret the ‘intent’ of the phrase to be ‘separation of God from the state’. The slight difference in wording ends with a complete over-haul of its original intent; original meaning; and most of all—its application! Liberalism has successfully re-interpreted the original phrase to mean that neither God, nor His word--the Bible, can be appealed to in government, education, business, media, etc. The Word of God, through the liberal re-interpretation of ‘the separation of church and state’, is now removed from public view! First, what’s most interesting is the liberal hypocrisy on display by their appeal to this term. The term ‘separation of church and state’ originated with a ‘preacher’ named Richard Hooker, around the 16th century, who was attempting identify and define…a Bible doctrine! Pastor Hooker invented the term ‘separation of church and state’ to explain God’s relationship to both the church and the government. At the time, the church was crossing the line into the government’s purpose—which is called a ‘church-state’. Pastor Hooker wanted people to understand that because God is the Creator of all, and therefore ruler over all, He sovereignly separates to both the church and state their respective purposes, therefore, neither a ‘church-state’, nor a ‘state-church’ are Biblical! Pastor Hooker wanted people to understand that for one to intrude on the other’s God-ordained purpose destroys both. Jesus said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s” (Lu20:25)…with God as the Sovereign Who alone determines what is Caesar’s (government), and what is His! Now…the liberal interpretation of the term is hypocrisy because they use a Bible doctrine* to support their rejection of the Bible! Liberalism attempts to use a term invented by a pastor, to describe something originating in God’s word, to keep God’s word out of the public view! How can God create the government (Gen10) and then kick Himself out? On the contrary, not only did He create government, but rules over it(Is9:6,7)!! Yet, this sort of hypocritical reasoning is common among liberals!! Second, the liberal interpretation of church and state, i.e. to separate God from the state, is part of man’s original sin. Satan told Adam he did not need God to discern good and evil; all he needed was to eat the fruit of the tree(Gen3:5). In other words, Satan declared, you don’t need God, you can separate from Him, and still be like Him, knowing good and evil…by eating the fruit of this tree! On the contrary, the separation of God from ‘anything’ is idolatry! God sustains all(Col1:16); upholds all (Heb1:3); and is the only Sovereign, ruling over all(1Tim6:15)! Third, God’s name is Nissi (Ex17:15)! The name means banner or flag. In other words, God’s name, AND God’s Word…must be raised-up over all! This is ‘THE’ way to righteousness, and ‘THE’ way God blesses a nation(Pro14:34). I repeat—there is no other way to God’s blessing than for His name to be lifted-up: in a nation, a culture, a church, a family, or over an individual! Fourth, the term ‘separation of church and state’ came into the American contemporary consciousness through a letter to the Danbury Baptists from President Thomas Jefferson. He wrote the letter to assure the Baptists that ‘CONGRESS’ would not make a law enforcing a particular way to serve God! The first amendment therefore, was intended to keep the federal government from creating either a state-church or a church-state! It was not intended to keep Christians from government, nor from using God’s principles (Bible) to govern!! As president, Thomas Jefferson used government monies to build a church for the Kaskaskia Indians, and paid for a priest to preach! Obviously President Jefferson, to whom the separation of church and state is attributed, did not believe in the ‘liberal’ interpretation of separating God from the state! Liberalism’s perversion of the ‘separation of church and state’ into the ‘separation of God from the state’ is a diabolical evil! It has allowed liberals to remove America’s historical Judaeo/Christian ethic, and replace it with the liberal doctrine of relativism. Relativism teaches: whatever feels good, is good. Relativism is the end of any definition of good and evil—which means all behaviors are acceptable! Hence, as America continues its descent into the abyss of the theology of liberalism, we find ourselves moving from gay marriage to the licentious behavior of men using women’s bathrooms and showers! I am called to warn you that unless America repents, such abominable behaviors are only the beginning….of the end! My dearly beloved, let us not be ignorant of the schemes of the devil (Eph6:11)! *The term: ‘the separation of church and state’ was invented by a pastor to identify a Bible doctrine!! QuoteBit What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence. -Samuel Johnson [1709-1784] Lexicographer and writer |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
July 2024