Last week the following image was posted on my FB page; along with 79,873 shares, and 696 comments. There were a few negative comments, but the vast majority were positive, commending Deric Muhammad for his logic in creative imagery. Please read! Let’s begin. Mr Muhammad uses three primary creative methods to establish his facts: a.Number of people who actually died b.Names c.Imagery All three methods are ingeniously designed to create a “WOW” effect on the reader. a)The list in horizontal format creates an image of length inspiring thoughts like: “WOW…so many Blacks dead!”; or “WOW, how many more Blacks will police murder?!” b)The inclusion of individual names creates faces of people lending to personal thoughts like: “WOW…am I next?” or “WOW…how do I warn my son!” c)However, the greatest effect is the visual image of the words in a rap format; with special emphasis on the repetition of the phrase: “We can’t…”—all wonderfully highlight Mr Muhammad’s points! The emotion of his interpretation is very well presented! When one is finished reading Mr Muhammad’s masterpiece, thoughts like: “WOW…it’s us against Whites!”, or “WOW…America is soooo racist!” or “WOW…I’m becoming more angry by the day” are eclipsed only by the most horrible feelings of overwhelming discouragement, and irresistible hopelessness* that: after 400 years in America--“WE CAN’T”…do nothing!** On the contrary, the Bible declares: Take heed therefore that the light which is in you be not darkness (Lu11:35). This verse teaches that instead of understanding by light/truth/right(God’s word), it is possible to understand by darkness/lies/wrong…leading to evil. In other words, one can be fully convinced: “I am right!”…yet be totally wrong! Now, let’s examine Mr Muhammad’s interpretations of contemporary events. Mr Muhammad uses facts, then interprets his facts. Yet, as we will see, he interprets his facts through his worldview, which in my opinion, is a darkness of Luke11:35. As I cited in my last tidbit, interpretation comes through worldview, which is created by one’s view of God! 1.Because a fact is true, does not mean the interpretation of that fact is true. Take as an example any one of Mr M’s statements: “We can’t drive cars (Sandra Bland)”. First, because all the names on the list are of Black people, the word “We” refers to Black people. Mr M uses Sandra Bland as specific evidence for his general assertion of what Blacks can’t do because we will be killed. Of course, the assumed perpetrator murdering Blacks is not only the police, but White people***. Back to Ms Bland. If Mr M’s interpretation of Ms Bland’s death had even the slightest inkling of truth, there would be no Black people driving cars in America! Even if it were true that Ms Bland was murdered by police/Whites while driving, to extrapolate that to the nation; to all police; or to all White people, is uniquely preposterous! As a Black man, not only do I drive, and I’m obviously still alive; I see Blacks driving every day, and none of them are killed! Remember, Mr M, used “We”—which means Black people! 2.Let’s look at letter a above: the numbers. All the Black people listed above, according to Mr M, are evidence that Blacks are under attack by police or White people. As I said, the FACT of the large number on his list is overwhelming to the reader, creating a “WOW”, which leads to an interpretation of that FACT; which Mr. M’s declares to be that police or White people are killing Black people…by the multitudes! The problem is that that interpretation is blatantly false!!! From the most recent year – 2015—of police shootings as recorded by the liberal Washington Post, more Whites are killed by police than Blacks: 495 Whites; 258 Blacks; 172 Hispanics! In other words, the long list of the numbers of Blacks recorded by Mr M. dwindles in its power to “WOW” when placed along side of police shootings of other ethnicities! Furthermore, the “WOW” capacity continues into free-fall when compared to the top 7 ways Blacks die! 3.Letter b; the individual names listed by Mr M., are intended to emphasize the fact that not only are Blacks targeted, but Blacks you know personally, i.e. your husband, son, male class mate, friend---could be killed by police…at any moment!! There are many ways to disprove this lie, but I will use some of the newest evidence. One of the latest Blacks shot and killed by police is Keith Lamont Scott, which triggered several days of riots in Charlotte, North Carolina. However, what I find absolutely fascinating is that the very same day (9/20/16) the Black man Keith Lamont Scott was killed by police, ‘five’ White men were also killed! Thomas Tucker; Sandy Joe Duke, Michael Goodale, Charles Dove, and Joshua Scott. Please check me out!! Yet, the liberal media gave no attention to the 5 Whites---only the 1 Black! Any honest person must ask…Why! My interpretation of this fact is, like Mr Muhammad, liberalism purposefully intends to ramp-up Black anger! (Rom1:18NAS) 4.The next error I need to expose from Mr M., I call the ‘We myth’. As I wrote earlier, the “We” of “We can’t…” refers to Black people. One of the erroneous assumptions in the use of “We”, is that Blacks fail or succeed as a group! This myth is foundational to Mr M’s entire “We can’t...” poem! The problem is that success begins individually! Races or people groups do not succeed as groups. This is a liberal, Socialist lie imposed upon Blacks to…once again…stoke animosity in Black people! I repeat, people succeed first as individuals. Yet, Mr M., uses an individual circumstance as evidence to establish group behavior: “We can’t walk outside (Rekia Boyd)”.**** No…no…no---Mr M---your deception is exposed! 5.Last but not least, the greatest evidence of the darkness of Mr Muhammad’s interpretation is the Word of God!! Repeatedly…over and over again…with creative ingenious…Mr Muhammad declares: “WE CAN’T…!” In other words, “BLACKS CAN’T…!” On the contrary, God says, -I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! –Phil.4:13 -Jesus said, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes. –Mk9:23***** Simply…whose report will you believe?!?! Mr Muhammad’s or God’s? In conclusion, Mr Muhammad, Mr Kaepernick and all his followers, interpret life through the color of their skin, i.e. idolatry, rather than through the Word of God! Tragically, like White racism, Black racism also creates deception! “…Let God be true and every man a liar…” (Rom3:4). After decades of increasing, positive race relations in America, the recent rise of racism--willfully created by liberalism—can only be countered by a heavy dose of God’s Word: “All humans are created in God’s image and likeness” The late, great psalmist Andre Crouch wrote, “Jesus is the answer for the world today, above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the Way!” *The creation of these feelings is Mr Muhammad’s objective! **If you read the comments of FB, many people were so inspired, they added to the list of things “We can’t…” do! ***If you disagree, just look through the responses of Blacks who take offense at those who disagree with Mr M. On the contrary, both Black and White responses are unified in their understanding that the tone of Mr M. is against not only the police…but White people! ****I see Blacks walking outside daily!!! *****1Cor15:57;1Jn5:4,5; Eph3:20; Ps37:4; Ps34:7; Ps91 QuoteBit: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was born this day, March 8, 1841. Serving on the Supreme Court over 30 years, on his 90th birthday, March 8, 1931: "Young man, the secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered I was not God."
The key to all interpretation is God(Ps36:9;Jn14:26)!! Every person--without exception--views the world around them based upon how they view God. How one views God determines their worldview, which interprets their understanding of life. An atheist; abortionist; Christian; Darwinist, Muslim; nice person; Black, White or Hispanic person; unforgiving person; homosexual; transgender; or whatever or however you designate yourself---all originates in your worldview, which backs-up to your view of God, which you use to interpret life! Simply, theology determines philosophy! Last week, an entire high school football team took a knee to protest the national anthem. As they showed the video, I was saddened because it appeared that every player and coach was African-American! Where did this thinking originate? How did a high school team, who had previously honored the flag and the national anthem, suddenly begin to protest the same? When the Black coach asked about his team’s behavior, he repeatedly said his players were exercising their constitutional rights. How did Kaep, some NFL players; some NBA players; and now this H.S. team derive their interpretation of---what Kaep describes as , “I am not going to stand-up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour.” Continuing, “There are a lot of things that need to change. One specifically is police brutality. There are people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. Cops are getting paid leave for killing people.”
As I have pointed-out in my last two tidbits, one place they did not derive their interpretation from is the facts! Where then did their interpretation originate? Kaep says he watched some videos. To what was he referring? The videos of Eric Garner, LaQuain McDonald, and about 15 other Blacks who were killed by police. Of course, one may argue, isn’t this enough evidence to agree with Kaep that America is, “…a country that oppresses black people and people of colour”? O.k. let’s examine this… again! How do we interpret the words: “…a country that oppresses black people and people of color”? The protest is of the American flag and anthem, which in the protestors minds represents—not just America—but White people, or people without color! In other words, Kaep is describing ‘White oppression’, which means, Whites oppress Blacks! To support this assertion, the liberal media has broadcast videos with their interpretation of cops shooting Blacks. The videos and their inherent emotion, liberal interpretation, along with past memories of police abuse of Blacks using police dogs, water guns, Rodney King beating, etc., all serve to prove we live in a “…a country that oppresses black people and people of color”! Yet, if this assertion is true, why does the liberal media suppress(Rom1:18) any contrary evidence? If the police videos irrefutably prove Kaep’s assertion of ‘White oppression’, why not include all evidence? For example, if police shooting Blacks is evidence for ‘White oppression’, how should we interpret the fact that police shoot more Whites than Blacks? Actually, the number is almost double: 494 Whites; 254 Blacks; 172 Hispanics! (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings/) Couple this fact with another fact---not one video of police shooting a White or Hispanic has made the ‘National cut’ by the liberal media! All the popular national videos are of police shooting Blacks! Remember, the Democratic National Convention honored “Mothers of the Movement”, or mothers of children killed by police. Were any White, Hispanic, or ‘other’ mothers included on stage, in spite of the fact they represent more than 75% of those killed by police? Why not? Simply, the liberal media suppresses truth; they are willfully attempting to ramp-up Black anger! Let’s do an illustration by comparison. It is a fact that Blacks commit nearly 50% of homicides, while only 13% of the population. It is a fact that over 95% of Black shootings are of other Blacks. It is a fact that in 2015, while police killed 254 Blacks, while Blacks murder around the 6000 other Blacks annually. If ‘White oppression’, i.e. all Whites are oppressors, rests upon the evidence of police shooting blacks, how do we interpret the fact that 6000 Blacks are murdered by other Blacks? The liberal media simply ignores it! First, in review, through Kaep and his followers, we have discovered that when police shoot Blacks, it is interpreted as ‘White oppression’.* Confirming this fact, is ‘White privilege’, which teaches that all Whites have privilege over other races, thereby making Whites racist because they are White. Therefore, according to liberal logic, these two ideas: a.police shooting Blacks, and b.White privilege, irrefutably prove that all Whites are oppressors, and all Blacks are victims of White oppression. Now, because the liberal media will not do it, let’s use their ‘same liberal logic’ to interpret Black on Black homicide. Because Blacks murder multiplied times more Blacks, than the police(6000 to 254), it is only logical to conclude that because 6000 murders is worse than 254 deaths, that Blacks are multiplied times worse than the police!! Therefore, because we previously concluded from police shootings that all Whites are racist oppressors; because Blacks kill far more Blacks than police, we must therefore conclude that all Blacks are worse racist oppressors than Whites! Why? Because Blacks not only kill more people; inexplicably, Blacks racists kill their own race! Therefore, using liberal interpretation, we must conclude that Blacks are worse racists than Whites!!! However, a couple of additional facts will re-interpret this scenario correctly and disentangle us from liberal wisdom(Jms3:15). First, only 2-3% of Blacks commit all those murders, therefore Black people are not murderous thugs…in spite of those horrendous statistics! Second, if police shoot Blacks, it should not be interpreted to mean: “Police target Blacks”(which means “all police target Blacks”). Nor should another foolish leap be made from the fact of police shootings: “America is racist” (which means “all Whites are racist!”) As a matter of fact, it is more rational to conclude from 6000 murders, that “all Blacks are murderers”, than it is to conclude from 254 police shootings, that “all Whites are oppressors!” How then do we interpret police shooting Blacks? As single, isolated, incidents of either: a.a policeman was justified; or b.a policeman committed murder! We do not interpret the shootings to mean that ‘all Whites are racist’; nor to prove ‘White oppression’! These wild and irresponsible extrapolations are lies and racist, just like it is to conclude that all Blacks are murderers from 6000 murders of 2-3% of Black people! No Christian should be involved with such obvious evil; purposefully designed to create anger, strife, envy and confusion(Jms3:16)! Finally, another great tragedy of all this folly, is young Black people growing-up learning to hate America! Blacks have historically made heroes of athletes. And our Black heroes are teaching our Black young men to hate the least racist nation on the planet! Incredibly, amongst all the talk of ‘White oppression’; ‘White privilege’, ‘White racism’, both liberalism and the liberal media, have successfully blinded the eyes of America to ‘THE’ obvious contradiction, i.e. the ‘elephant-in-the-living-room’, if you will: a Black president of a White nation!! Is there currently even one other predominantly White nation who has elected a Black leader? Especially a nation that once enslaved Blacks? Using Colin Kaepernick’s liberal logic, this can only be interpreted to mean, “…a country of…” White racist oppressors, willfully elected oppressed Black Barack Obama as their leader and president!! …such is liberal logic! Where God’s word is rejected, interpretation is perverted! Liberalism rejects God’s word, it is the social doctrine of atheism, and is therefore not from God! *This also means that police shooting Blacks transcends mere ‘police brutality’, which is why it is interpreted as ‘White oppression’. Of course, this is the liberal interpretation! QuoteBitSuccess isn’t permanent, and failure isn’t fatal. -Mike Ditka, former Professional football coach Last week San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat out the playing of the National anthem. This week he continued his protest. There has been a mad rush by liberal media, educators, and sports pundits to validate his position. As a consequence, the Star Spangled Banner has come under heavy scrutiny. However, Mr Kaepernick’s actual words were, “I am not going to stand-up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Although Kaep protested the National anthem, his words criticized the nation and the American flag. There simply is no way around the fact that this is a direct challenge to Black patriotism! Mr Kaepernick says Blacks cannot be patriots of America, and the American flag…because this country oppresses Black people and people of color! Liberal Blacks, from former NBA Detroit Piston star Isaiah Thomas, to Roland Martin, to D.L. Hugley, all got-in on affirming Mr Kaepernick. However, I found Mr D.L. Hugley’s words most intriguing, as he found it inconsistent for people to challenge Kaep’s patriotism, while mass murderer Timothy McVeigh’s patriotism went unchallenged! All I can say is…WOW!! To Mr Hugley, I would simply say that if it is true that McVeigh’s patriotism was never challenged, it’s probably because only an ‘insane’ person would even think of the words ‘American patriot’ when considering the character of a man who murdered 168 people and wounded 600 others!! Liberal logic never ceases to amaze me! When liberals/progressives speak, you are hearing the manifestation of a wisdom that rejects God(Jms3:15)! Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! I am an unapologetic American patriot!! I do not love America because it is a perfect nation, I love America because God has a purpose for this nation. When one loves God, that one will learn to love His purposes. It is my love for God that drives my love for this nation. Yet, it is not America right or wrong! It is America if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be made right. And that my friend, has been America’s glorious history!! Therefore, I simply will not stand silently by and allow liberal/progressive lies to destroy the nation! Because I’m not omnipresent, I could be wrong, but I have never heard a Black liberal say, “I love America!” I probably would faint if I ever heard a Black liberal say, “America is the greatest nation!” You must understand that liberalism believes racism is America’s greatest sin…concluding that America is, and will forever be a racist nation! Remember, ‘Pastor’ Jeremiah Wright, who while pastoring our president, i.e. watching for his soul*, bellowed: 1.“NO, NO, NO! Not God bless America, God damn America!” 2.“AmeriKKK!” While ‘Pastor’ Jeremiah Wright’s words reveal his Black Liberation Theology, they also reveal the spirit of Black liberalism! And for that matter…White liberalism too!! Now…here is the kicker! I love Black history, because it is part of American history, which originates in ‘Providential’ history, i.e. the hand of God working in history! One of my favorite Black heroes in American antiquity is a man named John Roy Lynch(1847-1939). In ‘1884’, he became the first Black American to preside over a national convention. Shocking to today’s Blacks is the fact that he presided over the national ‘Republican’ Convention. Amazingly, he was elected to the House of Representatives…in none other than---Mississippi!!! And even became the Speaker of the House!! He was also elected to the U.S. House of Representatives! Remarkably, He was also an attorney, and a writer!! A Black man of stunning accomplishments in the middle of the fire of racism! As a side note, one of the ‘many’ unBiblical positions of liberalism is the stand that slavery still affects Blacks today, and is a reason for negative behavior. Dr Joy DeGruy Leary has even given it an official name: ‘Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome’ Thank God…Mr Lynch didn’t get that memo! Furthermore, notice when Mr Lynch died: 1939. This means he lived into the peak years of lynching! President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921), introduced the infamous movie, ‘Birth of a Nation’ to the White house, which helped increase KKK membership to its greatest number of 2 million people! But watch this…John Roy Lynch, a former slave, who lived in the apex of White oppression and institutional racism said, “I love the land that gave me birth. I love the stars and stripes. This country is where I intend to live, where I expect to die; to preserve the honor of the national flag and to maintain perpetually the union of the states. Hundreds, and I may say, thousands of poor, brave, and true hearted colored men have fought, bled and died.” In the light of the words and life of John Roy Lynch, for some reason, Mr Kaepernick’s words**: “I am not going to stand-up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour.” …slowly disintegrate into oblivion!!! I feel a shout coming on!! “…shout unto God with the voice of triumph”!! AND the truth shall set you free! *Incredibly, President Obama says he was not in church to hear this ‘preaching.’ **And the words of D.L. Hugley; and Michael Eric Dyson; and Jeremiah Wright; and Isaiah Thomas; and Jesse Williams; and Jesse Jackson ; and Louis Farrakhan; and Al Sharpton; and Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Malik Zulu Shabazz! And…Black liberals! QuoteBit: Some things you have to do every day. Eating seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn't going to get the job done. -Jim Rohn |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
July 2024