19-year old Prince Ogidikpe received a Christmas gift from his mother that included a United States approval of his citizenship. His reaction to citizenship was inspiring to say the least. He leapt around the room in ecstasy! The video has gone viral on FB.
Please view the 30 second video: Here are a few facts: -He is 19 years old -Graduated high school at 14 -Majored in biology at California State University -Waited 6 years for citizenship However, here is the clincher: “It means a lot to me to finally say I am an American” “I am now part of the greatest nation on earth” Let’s evaluate his situation. 1.Prince was inspired at becoming an American. 2.He is grateful to be an American 3.He believes America is the greatest nation on earth. 4.He is Black Why would a young Black man want to become a citizen of AMERICA? Is he ignorant of the events happening in America all around him? -Professional athletes kneeling for the anthem! -Student protests burning the American flag! -Liberal pundits declaring White privilege! -American cops shooting unarmed Black youths! According to liberalism; according to BLM; according to Collin Kaepernick; according to Jesse Williams, etc---Prince Ogidikpe must be an UNCLE TOM!!! And….do not his own words further confirm it? “America is greatest nation on earth”? A statement that sounds eerily like Donald Trump’s presidential campaign motto: “Make America great again”; whom liberals all call racist?!?!? How then can a Black man, of all people, think America is great? First, I have Nigerian friends, and they are a proud people. Is Prince violating his proud heritage by committing to America? Not in the least. For a Nigerian, or any foreigner, to become an American is not a disavowal of his/her origin, family roots, or even his nation! Prince is not saying, “I hate Nigeria”, by becoming an American citizen. On the contrary, to become an American citizen is an acknowledgement of what God is doing in America! It is a love for what God has purposed; i.e. to love what God loves—which is the root of patriotism! See tidbit 11/30/16. A man who loves and marries a woman does not disavow his parents, because he loves his wife. Nor does that man disavow his wife, because he loves his daughter! God calls a man to marry his wife, and now he loves her too---in other words, he loves what God purposed for him! So too, Prince loves what God has purposed for him: America! A love for America is not tantamount to a hatred for Nigeria! On the other hand, when liberalism calls America inherently racist--they believe racism is America’s original sin. In other words, what they actually mean is: ‘American White racism is immutable’*, i.e. unchangeable. If that is true, then liberals cannot love America, and therefore will scoff at American patriotism.** If a man commits adultery; after repentance, he can be forgiven and restored. However, if he commits adultery; then repents; then repeats it; then repents; then repeats it, then repents; and so on—that man can never regain the trust of his wife. To the wife… his serial adultery is proven immutable! As a consequence, her love will abate, and eventually vanish. So too, if America is inherently racist, as liberals declare--which means it cannot change—than ‘that’ belief will forever hinder, and even prevent liberals from ever loving America! In conclusion, here is the acid test. Put the statements Prince made about America in question form and use them on a liberal. For example, ask liberals the following: Do you love America? Does it mean much for you to be an American citizen? Is America a great nation? Is America the greatest nation on earth? Do you believe in American exceptionalism?*** The answers are predictable. Why? Because liberalism is a doctrine of atheism, and atheism hates God and His purposes; therefore, because God created and purposed America, liberalism ends in a hatred for America! It’s that simple! Tragically, like impenitent adultery destroys love, and ends with the destruction of a marriage; so too, liberalism’s ‘belief’ that America is immutably racist, reveals their real intent: America’s destruction! On the contrary, like William Carney and Harriet Tubman of yesteryear (two previous tidbits in this series), Prince Ogidikpe is a contemporary Black American patriot! *Remember, liberalism invented code language. When they use the term ‘racism’, they actually mean ‘White racism’. Liberalism erroneously believes only Whites can be racist. **As I said in my previous tidbit on this subject, it is possible for a liberal to be a patriot, but to do so, he must be inconsistent, i.e.irrational. See Tidbit 11/3/0/16 ***Had to add this one for good measure! QuoteBit Success is the best revenge. -unknown
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September 2024