Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means a study of the Liberal god.’ Or, Liberal Theology is a study of the religion of which liberalism is a part: atheism.
I have been writing about the methodology liberals use to deceive: the redefinition of theological words. Moving forward, two other words liberalism redefines are: ‘rights’ and ‘justice’. Although the words are different, they work hand-in-glove. These words originate in God, and like everything God created, can only function properly through Him: therefore they are theological in nature. As applied to humans, God designed ‘rights’ to be secured through a system of justice. But what are rights? First, rights are the end results of an inheritance. Or, inheritance produces rights. For example, if a father dies, and leaves a will to his children, those named in that will, have a ‘right’ to whatever each inherited. For this reason, wills are dispersed through attorneys in our legal system. Therefore, a few requirements for rights are: a.The owner both creates, and by default owns or possesses the right. b.The owner freely elects to give the right. c.Rights do not originate with the receiver. d.The receiver freely receives the right. The Bible declares, “…which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints…” Col1:12. Therefore, we have an inheritance from God (Eph1:11,14,18; Rom8:17). Therefore, it is God’s inheritance which creates and offers rights beginning with the spirit, but extends to include the natural realm also. First, the spiritual realm includes rights given by God to man. For example salvation, i.e. the born again experience, has been given to man, i.e. the lost/sinner (Rom10:9,10), but it is the church’s responsibility to secure that spiritual right. Second, the natural realm includes rights given by God to man. For example, the natural rights included in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with such inalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Therefore, a ‘God-determined’ purpose of government is to secure natural human rights.* It is critical to understand that all rights—from spiritual to natural--originate “from the Creator”, who freely gives those rights. Rights are not created by man; nor does man decide his own rights. Yet, this is exactly where liberalism interjects itself. Because it rejects the God of the Bible, liberals believe rights originate with man(atheism)! For this reason, liberalism must ultimately reject the Declaration and Constitution, whose rights originate with God. For example, take abortion. Liberalism teaches that women have a ‘right’ to their own bodies. This ‘right’ translates into the option to murder their unborn child. How did liberals accomplish this? They simply invented the term: “Right to privacy”, and added it to the Constitution, thus allowing a woman to justify destroying children in the womb ...because it is her body, and her body is her right to privacy! But… this is a direct contradiction to the Bible: “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For you have been bought with a price…”(1Cor6:19,20). Therefore, liberalism’s rejection of the Bible has led to their rejection of the Declaration and the Constitution through rights invented by man! How? Because liberalism has a god (atheism), it has begun the process of replacing the rights created by the God of the Bible with its own rights, i.e. man’s rights…which in the abortion circumstance resulted in…ABRA CA DAB RA…the ‘Right to privacy’! The root of liberalism is a theology! It is a religious doctrine! Another example is gay marriage. America (and Christianity; and liberal blacks) allowed liberalism to link gay marriage to civil rights. Therefore, any opposition translates into a violation of human rights. How did they accomplish this? They connected gay rights to the black civil rights movement of 1964. How? Once again, through the rejection of the Declaration and Constitution, which says rights originate in the Creator—the God of the Bible; which by the way, offers no special rights for gays, nor is there a right to gay marriage! As a matter of fact, the Bible condemns homosexuality as sin (1Cor6:9). I repeat, the liberal rejection of the Bible, by default, must lead to the rejection of the rights in the Declaration and the Constitution. How? The god of liberalism possesses rights, which are man created rights, which means to be effective, the rights of the Constitution and Declaration, which originate in the Bible, must be replaced by the new rights of liberalism!! Liberalism is a theology! It is a religious doctrine! Because there can exist only one God, liberals must reject the real God, and replace Him with their god: self! Therefore, atheism, the religion of liberalism, is ultimately the exaltation of self to deity! Who is the god of atheism? Man! Who is the god of liberalism? Man! 'Justice' comes next week! *Remember, one is the church’s assignment; while the other is the government’s assignment--yet both are assignments from God—Who by virtue of being the Creator, is Lord and Ruler over all! QuoteBit "The successful always has a number of projects planned, to which he looks forward. Anyone of them could change the course of his life overnight.” –Mark Caine
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July 2024