Authentic diversity was created by God, and thereby possesses inherent goodness, beauty, and power! Take the human body for example. Humans have hearts, lungs, eyes, intestines, livers, etc. Incredibly, if we observe each of these areas independently we find the wonder of mind-boggling complexity. For example, the human eye is breath-takingly complex, possessing all manner of parts: the retina, ora serrata; pupil; iris; dura mater; etc., etc. It’s so complex, that medical doctors must specialize. In other words, the complexity of the eye is so unfathomable, that doctors must concentrate their study primarily on the eye, separating from other parts of the body!!! As a matter of fact, the eye is so complex, that even among eye doctors, there are specialties!! Yet, ‘medical specialty’ is true of every part of the body: lung doctors; ear doctors; heart doctors; feet doctors, etc., etc. This testifies to the incredible detail of the Creator God:
O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. -Ps104:24 The Hebrew word for “manifold” means to multiply; it describes Gods works as so numerous that, although they had a beginning, they presently have no end numerically!! Moreover, the text also says God created using “wisdom”, which means ‘skill’. In other words, God created using His infinite creativity and perfect skills! Hence, as God created man, we would expect jaw-dropping complexity!!! The more science learns about the individual parts of the body: eye, heart, lung, blood, circulatory system, brain, etc., the more dumb-founded we become!! I repeat, each part of the body is mind-bogglingly complex—which is why God describes His creation of man as “fearfully and wonderfully made”(Ps139:14)! Yet, this truth applies not only to God’s work on mankind, but of His work on all His creation! Before moving forward pause again for a moment to re-consider the complexity of each independent body part! Now…add to the complexity of each independent body part—the ‘Interdependent Factor’! The ‘Interdependent Factor’ is the wonder that although each individual body part is unique, through its complexity, each individual body part is ‘dependent’ on every other part!!! For example, let’s return to the mind-boggling complexity of the human eye. For the human eye to continue to exist, with all its complexity, it is completely and totally dependent on the perfect function of the human heart!!! In other words, if the heart malfunctions for any reason, the eye—in spite of its mind-boggling complexity—breaks down, and ceases to exist! This incredible fact is true of many body parts—because--the human body is interdependent! (As a side note, the two factors of ‘independence’ and ‘interdependence’ require an infinite, omniscient, omnipotent God! These two factors—alone--provide more than enough evidence for the existence of the Creator God!) Back to diversity! What then is the diversity of the human body? It is the incredible, mind-boggling, jaw-dropping complexity in each body part making them independently unique! Yet, diversity is not limited to the human body! There exists national diversity; cultural diversity; gender diversity, etc., etc. Diversity exists everywhere in God’s created order. Diversity is what makes anything uniquely different from everything else. In fact, diversity actually originates in God’s nature of holiness, which means ‘separated to God’! Therefore, biological diversity means the human body is comprised of many individual parts; yet all are uniquely diverse, and all marvelous and wonderful in their independence. Therefore, God not only created diversity good…reverent…awe-inspiring…and beautiful; but as a witness to the existence of God’s great goodness to man!! “…the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD”! -Ps33:5 “Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done…” -Ps40:5 “Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of His mouth!” -Ps105:6 “Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number!” –Job5:9 *the only foundation for human equality, by the way! QuoteBit Leaders are readers. -unknown
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July 2024