The dictionary defines racism as:
Dictionary.com A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. 2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. Does the Bible agree? The short answer is yes! But we must go deeper for greater understanding! There is ‘NO’ place in the Biblical text where the word “race” is used as it is now defined by anthropology. For example, white people, black people, red people, or brown people; nor by Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid; nor by how www.Census.gov defines race, which literally offers hundreds of different racial designations. I repeat, there is ‘NO’ place in the Bible that divides humans according to skin color!!!! (Selah) This alone should end the controversy, but sadly, God’s word is dishonored in our culture, even by those who call themselves Christians! The closest the Bible comes to contemporary race designations is found in Genesis 9-11, where the Bible differentiates nations--but not by race! Or, one could possibly interpret the Bible’s Jew and Gentiles/Greeks (Rom1:16; Rom2:9,10) designation as racial. Or, the hatred between Jews and Samaritans (Lu10:30-37) as racial. Or, some call Nathanael a racist (Jn1:46). There are still others who call Jesus Black because He had hair like wool (Rev1:14). I have even heard preachers attempt to explain the differences in human skin tones through Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Gen6:10; 10:1). In each case however, the Biblical texts in question must be stretched, squeezed, and strained to include a racial component!!! However, because human skin tones do exist--nations are often grouped by skin color--means God created the differing skin tones. In other words, the difference in human skin tone was an intentional act of creation to ultimately accomplish God’s sovereign purposes. Remember, all that exists, exists according to God’s providential plan! Said another way, all of God’s creation has a God-given, God-ordained purpose! Science, which explains ‘how’ God created the differing skin tones, reveals its origin to be the chemical melanin. Whites have less melanin, and Blacks have more; and those in between, have more than Whites, and less than Blacks! It’s that simple! Therefore, all racism is taught, and all racism is stupid!!! Yet, indispensable to understanding Liberal Racism, is that the Bible, designates racism a sin! It is categorized under the sin of elitism. Elitism means to think of ‘self’ more highly than one ought to (Rom12:3). A scriptural example of the sin of elitism is found in James 2:1(NAS): My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. More scriptural examples of the sin of elitism are: Jms2:1,9; Jms2:4; Deut1:17; Lev19:15; Pro24:23-26; Acts10:34; Deut10:17; 2Cor5:16; 1Pet1:17; Jude16; Deut16:19; Deut24:17; 2Chron19:5; Heb11:28; Jn7:24; Rom12:3; Ex28:12-15; Is14:12-15. Therefore, when the sin of racism is kept under its parent category, the sin of elitism, the traditional, dictionary definition of racism applies. However, here is the key: to remove racism from the category of sin--as liberalism does by making it a political issue—removes racism from God’s revelation(Bible) leaving it to be re-defined by man’s opinion! Because all men have sinned (Rom3:23), without God’s word, men discern life through the lens of sin(Lu11:35,36). Tragically, without the light of God’s word(Ps119:130), men call good evil, and evil good(Is5:20); ending with man’s opinion as the final arbiter of his actions!! The consequence of this evil leads man to justify himself (Rom3:19), which practically works itself out in two ways: 1.Minimizing personal sin. “It’s not my fault!”, or “It’s their fault!” 2.Exalting self/group(elitism). “I am better than you!”, or “We are superior to you!” In short, minimizing sin ends with the rejection of the existence of sin! And second, as man increases self/group, he decreases God(Jn3:30)! In other words, he challenges for the very throne of God, Himself (Is14:12-14)! Under the guise of fairness and equality, liberalism promotes confusion and kaos. Adding the charge of racism to liberalism, gives liberalism its moral authority necessary to deceive the masses. As liberalism creates enough confusion in the society, the resulting kaos, will end with anarchy—and the need of some ‘ONE’, or some ‘POWER’ to restore order! With the rejection of the Biblical God(1Sam10:19), who will liberalism choose? May God have mercy!! To be continued… QuoteBit You cannot speak that which you do not know. You cannot share that which you do not feel. You cannot translate that which you do not have. And you cannot give that which you do not possess. To give it and to share it, and for it to be effective, you first need to have it. Good communication starts with good preparation. -Jim Rohn
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July 2024