In 3 previous tidbits I offered the definition and philosophy of Liberal Racism. However, the best way to understand Liberal Racism is to see it in action. This week I offer quotes from white liberals; next week black liberals.
White Liberals 1.Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher, a white man, declared “All I want for Christmas is White genocide. When I first read this statement, I thought of Roman statesman Cicero, who once said, “There is nothing so absurd that it can’t be said by a philosopher.” First, and probably foremost, this man is a professor at a university…educating kids!?!? One of the worst things a parent can do is send their child to college based on its historic reputation! I’m sorry to report, but the Harvards, Princetons, Yales, and Stanfords, etc., of this world are now totally sold-out to liberalism!! Professor Maher is but one example of thousands of liberal professors in American Universities. If you choose to send your child to a liberal university, there is high risk he/she will return an atheist! Second, this man is talking about personal and racial suicide…and you want this guy teaching your child! Suicidal people should be under the care of a doctor—not teaching kids in a university! Third, this informs us how liberalism can make an educated person stupid! Please hear me--liberalism is spiritual! Fourth, in case you missed it, the Liberal Racism of Professor Maher is the assumption driving his statement: ‘Whiteness is evil because it is White!’ In case you missed it again, that is pre-judging (prejudice) negatively by skin color! This is Liberal Racism! Finally, white racism used to be: whiteness is good because it is white; and blackness is bad because it is black! Yet, if that is true--how is ‘whiteness is bad because it is white’ not racism?!?! Does it not also use skin color (race) to pre-judge negatively? And most interestingly, who changed this definition? Can you guess? Liberalism!!! 2.The University of Wisconsin at Madison offers the course, “The Problem with Whiteness” taught by a white professor named Damon Sajnani. The course seeks to “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy.” Professor Sanjani, who is also a rapper, in one of his songs created the lyric: “But you know what your number one problem of whiteness is, you don’t even know what the f--- whiteness is…” Ahhhhh…is this not pre-judging negatively by skin color, i.e.Liberal Racism! I think so!!! 3."Part of what I've learned is that the white-nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." -Jesse Daniels In short, not only is this an example of Liberal Racism, it advocates the destruction of the family, which is ‘THE’ way God has chosen to transfer faith in God to children (Is38:19; Duet6:7-9). If you study liberalism, you will find one of its main objectives is the destruction of the nuclear family! Ms Daniels just happens to be honest enough to admit it! 4.“Not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, or at least take a demotion. If you are a white cis man you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. ...Stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing.” -- University of Hawaii Professor Piper Harron I really have no idea how this person retains his job! On the other hand, the answer is quite obvious--his superiors are liberals too! Please listen…when a person views life through their skin color, there are no restraints! It’s called idolatry! 5.The former vice president of the United States, the running mate of the first Black president of America, said about Barack Obama, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” -Joe Biden Joe Biden said Obama was the “first mainstream African-American”?!?! First, what in the world is a mainstream African-American anyway!?!? Second, there were no mainstream African-Americans before Obama? After hearing this, the question is why would Obama keep him? And, why did not the liberal media crucify him for such a monstrous racist statement? First, for liberals, liberalism trumps actual racism! Second, Joe Biden is a Democrat, and Democrats are liberals. Third, the media is liberal—which means they share this same racist belief about black people! 6.In his interview with African-American, Candance Owens (Red Pill Black), David Rubin, of the Rubin report, shared a story of visiting the studios of The Young Turks, liberal news commentators. Rubin says, he and the host of TYT were watching a conservative Black person on television commenting on an issue. The TYT host shouted at the conservative Black person, calling him, “a token black”! What is a ‘token black’? A euphemism for “Uncle Tom”. Let’s review this. A white host of a liberal tv show—The Young Turks--called a black man, who is conservative: “a token black” because the TYT host disagreed with his conservative views. What drives the TYT host’s opinions? In short—the arrogance of liberalism! However, to elaborate more, this ‘white’ person believes ‘blackness’ must think a certain way to be ‘black’! What way is that way? Like a liberal! In other words, a white liberal declares how a black ought to think in order to be black! Historically, a white racist demanded that blacks think like whites—which was: white is good because it is white; and black is bad because it is black! But now white liberals declare a black must think like a liberal to be black! Ahhhh….sounds like racism with a twist, i.e.Liberal Racism! Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” -Is5:20 Quotebit "Winners are those people who make a habit of doing the things losers are uncomfortable doing." - Ed Foreman
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