Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective. What is liberalism?
1828 Webster’s Dictionary definition of liberalism: 1.Of a free heart; free to give or bestow; not close or contracted; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely; as a liberal donor; the liberal founders of a college or hospital. It expresses less than profuse or extravagant. 2.Generous; ample; large; as a liberal donation; a liberal allowance. 3.Not selfish, narrow on contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than one’s own; as liberal sentiments or views; a liberal mind; liberal policy. 4.General; extensive; embracing literature and the sciences generally; as a liberal education. This phrase is often but not necessarily synonymous with collegiate; as a collegiate education. 5.Free; open; candid; as a liberal communication of thoughts. 6.Large; profuse; as a liberal discharge of matter by secretions or excretions. 7.Free; not literal or strict; as a liberal construction of law. 8.Not mean; not low in birth or mind. 9.Licentious; free to excess. To know anything about the nature of God, is to understand that the first eight entries are indeed wonderful—describing biblical things to which every Christian should aspire. And, for these very reasons, many believers are deceived! In reality, the ninth entry ‘is’ Liberalism’s actual face—it’s hidden agenda, if you will. Dictionary.com defines ‘licentious’ as: sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd, unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless, immoral. Even better is Galatians 5:19, which offers the word lasciviousness as a work of the flesh, and a synonym for licentiousness, and means: sexual excess, absence of restraint, insatiable desire for pleasure, arrogance, insolence referring to words; wantonness, lustfulness, excessive pleasure. However, the best definition of lasciviousness is: one thing leads to another; or one sin leads to another. Lasciviousness refers to that aspect of the sins of the flesh, which ‘naturally’ cycles downward toward ever increasing evil. Ironically, the freedom of Webster’s first eight definitions is completely offset by the evil of the ninth definition! On the other hand, Liberalism’s theology covers the horror of its licentiousness (lasciviousness) with masks, giving it credibility in the minds and hearts of so many. The masks cover its real face, and hide its real agenda…until it is adopted! However, know this for certain, the liberal masks only deceive those people who want to be fooled. John3:19 describes it: “…and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” Some of liberalism’s masks include equality, compassion, tolerance, love, and kindness. Liberals wear the appropriate mask for the appropriate situation to gain approval as mainstream and political power. Interestingly, these masks are able to fool people because these words define the Judaeo/Christian ethic, of which America, although struggling greatly, still possesses a remnant. Yet I repeat, under these masks lay some of the greatest evil of our present day: Communism/Socialism, intolerance, racism, atheism, hatred (especially of Christians & God), anti-semitism, envy, and of course its baby: sexual license!! At its core, Liberal Theology is a doctrine of its god Atheism, which has doctrines, or philosophies that describe its behavior, i.e. how its adherents are to act; how to think; and how to speak. For example, Communism/Socialism is political doctrine of Atheism; Darwinism/Evolution is the science doctrine of Atheism; Relativism is the life doctrine of Atheism; Liberalism is the social doctrine of Atheism; and Lasciviousness, i.e. sexual license is the sexual doctrine of Atheism. In conclusion, what we are seeing in today’s culture is the practice of Liberal Theology. For example, Liberalism deals with sin* 7 ways: 1.Ignore sin. In their hearts, liberalism begins to ignore God’s word, His definition of good and evil to live anyway they want—calling it freedom. Motto: to each his own. 2.Reject sin. They become embolden, and begin to publically challenge anyone who stands on God’s word. Here they begin the process of rejecting the nation’s Founders, and America’s Christian roots. The separation of church and state** begins here. 3.Promote sin. Liberals begin to publically act on their sin, mock God, His word, parade sin through the streets. They use public schools to impose sexual perversion, their primary weapon, on children. Ban the righteous. The process of banning God, His word, and the persecution of the righteous begins here. 4.Legislate sin. They publically act to make sin legal, and righteousness illegal. America is currently here! 5.Fine. They fine those who stand against their views. Some of America is here! 6.Imprison. They imprison those who reject their views 7.Murder. They murder those who reject their views Obviously, liberalism does not come from God! (1Tim4:1) *Liberalism uses sexual license as its primary weapon to open the door for its other positions. **The liberal definition of the separation of church and state is the separation of God from the state. In their minds, separating church and state means to remove God (and His word), from every public place first, which ultimately climaxes in its removal from every private place, i.e. Nazi Germany. QuoteBit The "greatest detriment to today's success" is "yesterday's success." -Rick Warren
1 Comment
5/25/2016 07:06:00 am
Truly Appreciate The Education On Liberalism Brother.....
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