Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective. One of the ways Liberal Theology (LT) practically demonstrates itself in our culture is Gay Theology. In other words, because LT possesses sexual license (licentiousness*), which means it teaches God approves of any, every, and all sexual behaviors, it must logically follow that LT teaches that God approves of homosexuality, which is a form of sexual behavior. Allow me to use a photo to illustrate how Liberal Theology supports Gay Theology: One picture is worth 1000 words…and in the case of Gay Theology, 1000 feelings! First, notice the use of the term “Gay Christian”, which is designed to use feelings, i.e. emotions, to compare ‘Gay Christian’ to ‘White Christian’ to ‘Black Christian’ to ‘Chinese Christian’, etc. Their intent is to equalize or normalize the “Gay Christian” with all other Christians. In other words, “Gay Christians are Christians too!” Second, notice the use of the term “Hateful Christian”, which is designed to categorize as a ‘hater’ anyone who disagrees with Gay theology i.e. “A Gay Christian is not an oxymoron.” Hate is an emotion, a feeling. In reality, hate is a theological word, defined only by God. Yet, even ‘hate’ is exploited by LT, and arguably used as its number one weapon to bludgeon anyone who disagrees with their opinions. For example, Liberals publically label (or scream at) all their opponents as “intolerant” and “haters”. Because the sexual license doctrine of Liberal Theology is the support for contemporary Gay Theology, Gays use this same “hate” strategy as LT to bludgeon anyone who disagrees with them. The deception of the photo is twofold: 1.The response of the ‘actual’ Christian to the photo’s words is, “that’s not true”, or disagreement. Yet, to disagree immediately categorizes that person as a ‘hater’—which is photo’s intent. Therefore, the ‘actual’ Christian must say nothing in order to retain his Christianity. But to say nothing facilitates the error of the photo’s statement. But to say something subjects the Christian to being fired from a job, and fined**…all in the name of LT’s “tolerance”, which whose real face is “intolerance”. 2.The second deception of the photo is its appeal to feelings as opposed to scripture as the highest authority. In other words, in Gay Theology, feelings replace God(idolatry). Gay Theology must emphasize words like love, grace, and freedom to mentally accept their homosexuality because the Bible does not give even ‘one’ supportive passage for homosexuality; nor does it offer approval of even ‘one’ gay Biblical character! Therefore, the deception of Gay Theology (and LT) is to twist the definitions of the Biblical terms: freedom, love, and grace. Freedom: LT perverts the definition of ‘freedom’ into licentiousness,* from which liberals (and gays) declare, ‘I am free to do what makes me happy’, or ‘whatever makes me feel good!’ Therefore, all behavior --which liberals approve--is categorized as freedom, and their right; and any societally restricted behavior---which liberals disapprove---is a violation of their freedom, and subject to a law suit; and shockingly…now supported by force of government. Love: Gay Theology (LT) perverts the word ‘love’ to mean acceptance and approval, “Everyone…accept (love/approve) me…with a smile!” AND, “If you don’t accept (love/approve) me, (smile at me, and my behavior) then you hate me!” Notice in Gay Theology (LT), there are no other choices, no middle ground; for example, “I disagree with your opinion” is unacceptable. For liberals (and gays): you either love me or hate me!!! It is either, “give me what I feel, or pay the price!” Therefore, they declare, with the support of government force, to anyone who does not love (accept/approve) their behavior: “All you haters must be banned, ignored, fined, or imprisoned!”…in that order!** Grace: Gay Theology argues that God gives grace to everyone…by which they mean Christ’s death provides forgiveness…for everything! Because the Bible declares we are saved by grace, and Gays want to be saved, they need grace in their theology to justify homosexuality, so they must pervert grace to apply to everyone, anywhere, at all times, i.e. here grace…there grace…everywhere grace…grace! Although the Bible may declare that God gives rain to the just and unjust(Mat5:45), on the contrary, He only gives grace to the humble(Jms4:6); the humble referring to those who obey God’s word. Therefore, God does not give grace indiscriminately; which means nor does He offer forgiveness indiscriminately! Forgiveness must be preceded by repentance.*** Liberal Theology may give support to Gay Theology, but neither are Biblical Theology! *Please review last week’s tidbit to understand the role of licentiousness to liberalism. **See Tidbit 1 for the downward progression of LT’s punishment for societal disobedience to their opinions. ***Repentance means turning to Christ, who subsequently empowers one to turn away from sin(2Tim2:19)---not to live in it! QuoteBit "Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act." - Maxwell Maltz
1 Comment
6/1/2016 08:33:13 am
BLT-black liberation theology is a WORSE version of this ideology. It posits that almost ALL New Testament accounts of oppression, degradation, prejudice, and insinsitivity are exclusively based on the last 459 years of difficulty for Blacks in North America!
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