In my last tidbit, I began addressing what Mr. Barton calls “Lie 3: The Jefferson Bible”. ‘The Jefferson Bible’ is a derogatory term invented by historical revisionists (liberal historians), to present Thomas Jefferson as either a deist, an atheist, or at worst, a hypocrite.
Last time I offered quotes by several liberals who accused Jefferson of slicing the Bible to fit his views of life. This is ‘liberal-speak’ to mean, through the ‘Jefferson Bible’, we now know TJ rejected the Bible’s divine inspiration; and therefore, none of his views on life, especially on freedom, are derived from the doctrines of its pages. Although the original document is no longer with us, in my last tidbit I offered the actual title of what today has been renamed: “The Jefferson Bible”: ‘The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth; Extracted from the Account of His life and Doctrines Given by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; Being an Abridgement of the New Testament for the Use of the Indians, Un-embarrassed [uncomplicated] with Matters of Fact or Faith beyond the Level of their Comprehensions.’ I said there were three points that literally leaped from TJ’s actual title. I addressed the first point last time: “…for the use of the Indians…”, which I explained refers Jefferson’s encouragement of Indian evangelism**. The second point that leaps-out at me that I would like to highlight in order to refute the liberal attack on TJ is: “…Being an Abridgement of the New Testament…”. According to Definition.com, the word ‘abridgement’ means: “a shortened or condensed form of a book, speech, etc., that still retains the basic contents”. These words are concise and clear and unequivocally reveal that TJ did not want to change the Bible, nor did he intend to disparage or reject it. The definition simply means he wanted a “shortened or condensed form of the” Bible—for the Indians to read! This simple, clear, and concise fact does not fit well with liberalism’s agenda; so because their greatest tactic of deception is word manipulation, which fundamentally has two parts: a.changing definitions of words, b.creating new words; they simply created a new name (The Jefferson Bible) that better helps them reach their ultimate objective: power and/or control. While the definition of ‘abridgement’ is innocuous, the term “Jefferson Bible” possesses all manner of negative connotations. For example, it means Jefferson changed the Bible to fit his philosophy—which means he rejects its divine inspiration. Of course, anyone who participates in this kind of behavior with a book revered as holy, is guilty of blasphemy. But why is this negative image of TJ important to liberals? There are at least three reasons: 1.TJ is a Founding Father of America. To discredit him, is a black eye against all the Founding Fathers. 2.TJ wrote the Declaration of Independence, which makes him revered all over the world, not only in America. Once again, liberals must destroy this image to accomplish their objective. 3.The most important reason however, is that TJ used the Judaeo/Christian ethic as the foundation of his morality…as did all the Founders, and the Settlers before them. Therefore, in order for liberalism to usurp control of America, they need to destroy the Judaeo/Christian ethic, and replace it with their religion, which is atheism. This feat can only be accomplished by dismantling the reputations**** of those who initially implemented it, i.e.the Founding Fathers. Although Karl Marx is not quotable in 99.9% of his philosophy, but if he said this, it certainly applies today: "Take away the heritage of a people, and they are easily persuaded." -Karl Marx, the father of Communism For this reason, liberalism uses the tactic of historical revisionism to systematically attack the Founding Fathers as racists and hypocrites. They repeatedly attack them as old, White men who have no application for our lives today! Liberal academics invented this plan; and their bed-fellow, the media, has spread it like wild-fire! Up to this point, their plan has worked well; however, along with others, the eternal God has called me to expose it! “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” -Eph5:11NIV *Facts in this tidbit taken from historian David Barton’s incredible book “The Jefferson Lies”. It is a must read!! **In reality, this is missions. Yes, you read that right! Even as president, TJ participated in missionary work to the Indians. ***Please see my response to their attacks, here and here ****Better known as Deconstructionism, which means to marginalize, deemphasize, or efface one for the purpose smearing his/her reputation, for the purpose of limiting or destroying their influence in the culture. Quotebit If you want the things on the high shelf, you must stand on the books you read. -Jim Rohn
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September 2024