In the last tidbit we discovered that “race” as we know it today: White, Black, Brown, and Yellow, does not exist in the Bible. God does not separate people by skin color; only man does that. However, the Bible does in fact condemn racism. Although the word ‘racism’ does not exist in the Bible, racism is categorized under elitism, which is a sin of the flesh. I repeat, racism is a sin--which means it is not a political issue, but a theological one! My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. (NAS) -James2:1* Elitism in general is defined as promoting ‘self’ more highly than should be(Rom12:3); it refers to making self better, greater, or higher than others. Although racism/skin color is the most popular contemporary method of exalting one human over another, other means of self-exaltation include: blood/genes, money, family, tribe, intelligence (IQ), skill, strength, military might, national origin; have all been used at one time or another, to declare human superiority. Breaking it down further, simply substitute any of the previous methods into the sentence, “I am better than you because of my ___________.” Any word chosen for this blank ultimately ends in the evil of elitism! For this reason, our Declaration of Independence and Constitution have their roots in the Judaeo/Christian ethic that declares all men possess the image and likeness of God, which ‘alone’ gives birth to the idea that “all men are equal”, i.e. ‘nothing’ makes one man better than another man! Furthermore, this great truth (image of God) gives birth in the Declaration to the term--“inalienable rights”, which means God-given’, or ‘not man-given’, rights! As the progenitor of the two great truths--“inalienable rights” and “all men are created equal”--only the image and likeness God mandate can refute and defeat elitism! Neither humanism nor atheism can rationally reject racism (nor any form of elitism)! Why? Because the philosophical foundation of atheism and humanism is Darwinism, which mandates the philosophy of the ‘survival of the fittest,’ a euphemism for ‘might makes right’. Therefore, under the ‘might makes right’ mandate, American slavery, which was based on racism, cannot be rejected because the might of the superior Whites, was greater than the weakness of inferior Blacks! Therefore, Darwinism not only facilitates racism, but is its intellectual support!** To further elucidate racism however, we must understand that only within the last 3-400 years, did mankind begin to negatively pre-judge men based upon their skin color(racism). Therefore, like the other sins of elitism, racism not only rejects the image and likeness of God on mankind, but contemporary racism goes one-step further and rejects the scientific field of genetics. For example, the primary chemical used to determine skin tone is melanin. The lighter a person is, the less melanin he possesses; or the darker one is, the more melanin one possesses. I repeat, the chemical of melanin controls both skin and eye color. Take 2-3 minutes to review the Punnet square below, to better understand how parents genetically pass skin color to their children. The genes ‘MM’ represent more melanin and a darker complexion, while ‘mm’ represents less melanin and a lighter complexion. The person with no melanin is an aberration, and is called an albino. “At the genetic level, race does not exist. Studies of human DNA have found that there is far more genetic variability between individuals within any given “racial” group than between two such groups.” -Dawn Stover, Readers Digest, November, 2000 from the New York Times. As is always the case, real science agrees with the Bible: race by skin color does not exist! The simple imagery of Punnet square reveals the folly of racism. It reveals the liberal folly of calling racism an American sin, or White people’s sin. On the contrary, it reveals the truth that racism is a sin capable of being committed by any human, or group of humans! Furthermore, the Punnet square reveals the racism of recently ‘invented’ liberal code language like: “people of color”, which is racially biased on two counts: 1.Every human being with melanin should be included in “people of color”. Why? Because Whites have melanin in their skin like all normal humans. On the contrary, only humans without melanin have no color, and they are called albino, which is a genetic abnormality---not a description of White people. 2.Although ‘people of color’ is not itself derogatory, its intent to exclude Whites is! In other words, liberals use it to refer to all non-White people, with the intent of separating the world into two groups: White and non-White people—which is racism! Although liberals will not admit it, the term ‘people of color’ carries an air of superiority—and is inherently racist. In conclusion, liberalism has reinterpreted the separation of church and state, using it to systematically pull-down God’s truths in our culture—specifically, the image and likeness of God. Unless God’s people are willing to fight this blasphemy, all manner of evil will exponentially increase. Remember, the ‘sins of the flesh’ (Gal5:17-21;Rom1:29-32) are the doorway to incalculable and unprecedented evil! The recent liberal resurrection of racism is just the beginning! If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. -2Chronicles 7:14 *Other places where the Bible records condemnation of elitism: Jms2:1,4,9; Deut1:17; Lev19:15; Pro24:23-26; Acts10:34; Deut10:17; 2Cor5:16; 1Pet1:17; Jude16; Deut16:19; Deut24:17; 2 Chron19:5-7; Heb11:28; Jn7:24 **Check our Darwin’s book title: “The Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favored Races In the Struggles for Life.” And, Frances Galton, Darwin’s cousin, is called the Father of eugenics. Eugenics is the supposed science of racism! Quotebit No man has learned to live until he can rise above the narrow confines of individualistic concerns, to the broader concerns of all of humanity. -Martin Luther King
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September 2024