“But wisdom is justified by her children” -Matt11:19(NKJV), which means wisdom is known by what it produces. We have been examining some of the fruit of White Privilege on the fact sheet produced by The National Museum of African American History and Culture’ (NMAAHC). See attachment. So far, I covered their first four items. Let’s look at their point five. NMAAHC offers the following three things as examples of ‘Whiteness’: “1.Hard work is the key to success; 2.Work before play; 3.”If you didn’t meet your goals, you didn’t work hard enough.” Remember, ‘Whiteness’ is the foundation for White Privilege, or the reason liberals believe WP is bad. 5.Protestant Work Ethic. You read it right, NMAAHC believes the ‘Protestant Work Ethic’ is ‘Whiteness’.* In Thomas Sowell’s book ‘Black Rednecks and White Liberals’, on page 76, he lists the work ethic of certain ethnicities, some in America, and some in their own countries: -Korean store-owners worked on average 63 hours per week, “with one-fifth working 80 hours or more.” -“Early Lebanese businesses in the US were noted for opening 16-18 hours daily” -“During the early rise of Chinese shopkeepers in Southeast Asia, 16-18 hour days were also common.” On page 159, Dr Sowell writes that a powerful negative consequence of former slave-owning societies was the creation of laziness in the indigenous population. Of course, the laziness of the indigenous population created yet another negative which manifested as, the immigrants passing the indigenous population economically!! For example, Dr Sowell writes of Italian immigrants to Brazil and Argentina(remember Brazil and Argentina once possessed slavery), who originally entered those nations poorer than the previously existing White populations, but after time, “ultimately rose to a higher economic plane than the whites who had been born there.” How did this happen? Hard work and self-sacrifice of the immigrants!!!! On page 207, Dr Sowell writes of the incredible successes of all Black Dunbar High School in Washington D.C. During an 85 year stretch from 1870 to 1955, “most of its graduates went on to higher education. He says, “This was very unusual for either Black or White high school graduates during this era.” How did those Black kids accomplish such an incredible feat during the zenith of racism in America? Two words: Hard work! He continues offering another example of one Black female principal of Dunbar named Mary Jane Patterson, who formerly graduated from Oberlin College in 1862. At the end of her 12 years as principal of Dunbar, she was “noted for a strong, forceful personality, for thoroughness, and for being an indefatigable worker.” In other words, Ms Patterson’s hard work paid off in her success! My own ‘Black’ father worked two-jobs for 37 years! Because he dropped out of school at 8th grade, he could only secure work as a janitor. After being unable to make ends meet for a wife and 3 kids as a janitor, my dad attended barber school, and obtained his license. However, to work as a barber, and still retain his janitor position, he had to engineer a deal with the principal of Lowell elementary school. The deal consisted of him adjusting his hours from 7-4pm or 8-5pm, to 5am to 2pm. Why did he do this? To take on the second barbering job. How did he do this? After getting off work at Lowell at 2:00pm, he would often walk 10 minutes back home, eat dinner, which my mom prepared on her lunch hour, change clothes, and leave at 2:30pm and drive 30 minutes to Maywood, Illinois, where he worked from 3:00-9:00pm. After arriving home by 9:30pm, he would go straight to bed and get up at 4:30am to start all over again. On Saturday, he worked at the Barber shop from 8:00am-7:00pm. I repeat, he worked like this for 37 years! His hard work, and self-sacrifice allowed our family of five to purchase, and pay-off our own home, in a middle-class Black neighborhood in Wheaton, Illinois…where I never knew a day of hunger in my life!!!** I leave you with the highest authority on work--the Word of God! For example, -Proverbs 14:23- “In all labour there is profit…” -Proverbs 12:24-“The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.” -Proverbs 6:6-11 6.Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, 7.Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, 8.Prepares her food in the summer And gathers her provision in the harvest. 9.How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? 10 “A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest”-- 11.Your poverty will come in like a vagabond, And your need like an armed man. The ant of Proverbs 6 is evidence to the fact that all of God’s creation is a witness of ‘work’; and specifically, the ant is a witness to ‘hard work’! From all over the world, people have come to America…and made it through the simple Bible-principle of: HARD WORK! Contrary to the racist NMAAHC…work has nothing to do with ‘Whiteness’!!! In conclusion, do you think the NMAAHC’s use of the phrase: ‘Protestant work ethic’ in the context of ‘Whiteness’ is an accident? On the contrary, the phrase ‘Protestant work ethic’ originates from the Bible. Protestant refers to a particular Christian doctrine in opposition to Catholic doctrine; and ‘work’ is a gift given by God to man to help sustain him on the earth. Please don’t be naïve…the ultimate objective of liberalism, which is the impetus behind the NMAAHC, is to remove the Judaeo/Christian ethic as a foundation for America! I’m sorry to say, through liberalism--many Black people are being deceived to rise up against this nation, which has facilitated greater Black success than any nation in the history of the world—including EVERY Black African nation!!! *I wrote this segment on my dad in tears! I could not be more honored to be the son of a janitor!!! Quotebit Philosophy is the sum total of all that you know and what you decide is valuable. -Jim Rohn
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September 2024