To conclude this short study of liberalism’s re-definition of the ‘separation of church and state’, I want to remind you of its impact. First, you must understand this fight is spiritual—not political! This fight is not new, it’s been around for centuries. More recent for example, just prior to the Nazi take-over, Germany had a national policy called: Two Spheres, which was liberalism’s re-definition of the ‘separation of church and state’ renamed. It meant:
1.Christ is Lord of the church sphere 2.Kaiser is lord of the political sphere Before Hitler took power, Two Spheres taught allegiance to the government was honorable; and allegiance to God meant allegiance to the government. They even quoted Romans 13:1-2: 1.Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2.Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. In reality, this wonderful passage teaches it is God’s will to honor ALL authority—even governmental authority. Even Jesus told Pilot (Jn19:11) that all authority comes from God; admitting that Pilot had been given authority over Him…at that moment! If this is true, what’s wrong with the doctrine of Two Spheres? Answer: there is one BIG problem. Although the passage does instruct Christians to honor authority, even government authority, a critical point is willfully ignored, which liberalism exploits to accomplish their objective: to usurp control. Romans 13:1,2 teaches God not only is the ruler over the church: 1.The origin(Creator) of human government is God* 2.The end (purpose) of human government is order And, what you don’t get in these first two verses, subsequently comes in the remainder of the passage (Rom12:3-6): a.God* sovereignly rules over the government b.God* (or God’s word) is ‘THE’ sovereign origin of good and evil. Points a. and b. are the points Germany missed in their doctrine of Two Spheres; and like Germany, are the same points liberals pervert to re-interpret the Biblical ‘separation of church and state’, to make it declare just the opposite of its original intent!! Read carefully!!! Liberalism’s reinterpretation of the ‘separation of church and state’ is one of the greatest, if not the greatest deception of contemporary America!!! When Germany declared Christ the Lord of the church; and the Kaiser the lord of the government; by default, it clearly declared that Christ is NOT the Lord over the government!!! This is heresy! By virtue of being the Creator, the Biblical God is the sovereign Ruler over all HIS creation (Neh9:6; 1Chron29:11,12; 1Tim6:15)! Through the religious doctrine of Two Spheres, which is synonymous with the present day liberal reinterpretation of the ‘separation of church and state’, Hitler became the lord over the government, i.e. he filled the position of God; i.e. he usurped the throne God was supposed to possess(1Sam8:7;1Sam10:18,19) i.e. he became the god of Germany**! The Bible categorizes this as the sin of idolatry(Ps96:5)! Whereas Pastor Richard Hooker’s (1554-1600) original intent for the Biblical doctrine of the ‘separation of church and state’ was: God is sovereign over the church; and God is sovereign over the state; YET, the purposes of the two are different; which means because He created and mandated both purposes, and He is not the author of confusion (1Cor14:33), the two purposes will not conflict! On the contrary, liberalism’s re-interpretation declares, like Nazi Germany, that the God of the Bible, i.e. God’s word, His law, have no place in government; therefore, separate Him out! Tragically, like Nazi Germany, the rejection of God as the lawful ruler over this nation(Ps33:12), through liberalism’s reinterpretation of the ‘separation of church and state’, leaves man as the Sovereign of America! Therefore, liberalism*** has lead America into idolatry, i.e. the rulership and worship of man! How could such a thing happen in America? Simple answer: atheism is a religion…and it has doctrines****! For example, 1.Liberalism is the social doctrine of atheism 2.Relativism is the life doctrine of atheism 3.Communism/Socialism is the political/governmental doctrine of atheism 4.Darwinism is the scientific doctrine of atheism The liberal re-interpretation of the ‘separation of church and state’ is a doctrine that falls under the political/governmental doctrine of atheism. Life Principle: every doctrine of a religion leads back to the deity of that doctrine! Christians, please listen…the more you permit the doctrine of liberalism in your life, 1.The more you ‘attempt’ to mix Christianity with atheism! 2.The more you move toward adopting, i.e. converting to atheism! 3.The more you proselytize and market atheism in America! You don’t believe it?!?! Just look around and notice the vast numbers of people who have converted to atheism via Darwinism! Or, consider the numbers of people who are Communists, or even Socialists; then ask yourself, how many are avowed atheists? Stalin! Lenin! Mao! Bernie Sanders! If Jesus is not Lord of all…He is not Lord at all!! “The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; heaven without hell” -General William Booth (Salvation Army) Is not Booth’s statement, “politics without God” synonymous with liberalism’s re-interpretation of the separation of church and state’? And, are we not seeing the prophetic manifestation of this very quote before our very eyes in contemporary America? *My reference to God, refers to the God of the Bible; the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the only God, there is no other god! **Although the word ‘Fuhrer’ actually means leader, it’s practical meaning in Nazi Germany was ‘god’! *** Liberalism and progressivism are synonymous!!! ****They are called doctrines of devils(1Tim4:1) Quotebit Don't just let your business or your job make something for you; let it make something of you. -unknown
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July 2024