This Thomas Nast political cartoon originates from the October, 3,1868 edition of Harper’s Weekly*. The time period is just after the start of Re-construction (1866-1876). Let’s examine this image to better understand Nast’s critical portrayal of the Democrat mindset regarding Black people. The cartoon uses the Biblical story of Samson and Delilah to tell the story of the attack on Black Suffrage (voting rights) in the South.
1.First, the image is a visual of how Southern Democrats removed the voting rights of Black people. If you look closely, Delilah uses a razor called “the lost cause regained.” The “cause” refers to “Southern Redemption”*, which is the name Democrats created in order to restore Whites to power and Blacks back into subjugation. As I previously outlined in Tidbit #3 of this series, Democrats created 11 ways to prohibit Blacks from the legal right of voting. This was done after and in spite of the unanimous passage of the 15th Amendment by Republicans that gave the legal right for Blacks to vote. 2.Second, like in the biblical account, the White Delilah tricks the Black Samson, and is shown holding his hair in her hand, i.e. his power to vote (suffrage), which she had just cut off. She is called “Southern Democracy”, who holds up his hair (suffrage) to a White mob, i.e.Philistines, to indicate his power is gone and now is the time to attack the Black Samson, i.e. Black people. As a short note, the Founding Fathers hated Democracy, which they called mobocracy or ‘mob rule’. On the contrary, they called the form of government they created a Republic, meaning rule of law, which we will later understand why this is so important. 3.Third, in the upper right-hand corner, Moses holds up the Ten Commandments, which the Democrats have changed the name to “VETO”. In other words, this portrays that the Democrats act as though they have God given authority to usurp or veto (redeem) any rights that were possessed legally by Blacks. 4.To the upper left of the image, depicts several Democrat men, i.e. the Philistines, charging to murder Samson. Among them includes former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, who first led the massacre of Black soldiers at Fort Pillow and was later crowned as the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Tragically, also included is Robert E. Lee, who would never have taken part in this lynching; in spite of being the leader of the Confederate army! 5.In the upper middle part, the image contains “The Democratic Barbecue”. What were the Democrats barbecuing? Directing your attention to the middle left-hand corner of the image we find books burning. First, historically, the burning of books universally symbolizes the rejection of the freedom of speech which is still true of Democrat policies today! Yet, the worst part of this book-burning reveals the presence of the Bible! In other words, the visual of a ‘burning Bible’ teaches in order for Democrats to fulfill their demonic objective of ‘Southern Redemption’** i.e. re-enslaving Blacks, they must rid themselves of the Bible!! Yet, in reality, the fact that the Democrats burned the Bible should not be a surprise! As we will see in the next Tidbit, to this day Democrat political positions still reject the Word of God! In short, because every nation has a god or gods (Ps33:12; Ps96:5): 1.the replacement of Moses’ Ten Commandments with “VETO”, 2.along with burning the Bible, is a clear rejection of the ‘rule of law’, i.e.the law of God …commit the sin of blasphemy, and is a clear visual the Biblical God is ‘NOT’ the God of the Democrat party!! *Harper's Weekly, A Journal of Civilization was an American political magazine based in New York City. Published by Harper & Brothers from 1857 until 1916, it featured foreign and domestic news, fiction, essays on many subjects, and humor, alongside illustrations. It carried extensive coverage of the American Civil War, including many illustrations of events from the war. During its most influential period, it was the forum of the political cartoonist Thomas Nast. Source: Wikipedia “Harper’s Weekly” He advocated the abolition of slavery, opposed racial segregation, and deplored the violence of the Ku Klux Klan. Source: Wikipedia “Thomas Nast” **It is not ironic that the term “Southern Redemption” uses the word “redemption”, which Biblically refers to Jesus’ blood paying the cost of our salvation. Once again, this is blasphemy, which removes their mask, uncovering the true face of the Democrat party. Quotebit By thinking and acting affirmatively in this minute, you will influence the hour, the day, and in time, your entire life. -Denis Waitley
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