‘Word Manipulation’ is the number one tactic of liberal deception. What exactly is it? ‘Word Manipulation’ comprises two areas: 1.creating new words 2.redefining old words. Liberals use the tactic of ‘Word Manipulation’ to drive public opinion, coerce political philosophy, to make laws, and finally, to cancel and ultimately destroy their opposition.
Today let’s examine the word: intersectionality, which falls under the category of: 1.creating new words. In 1989, Dr Kimberle Crenshaw created the term “Intersectionality”. She declares: “Intersectionality …was my attempt to make feminism, anti-racism activism, and anti-discrimination law do what I thought they should—highlight the multiple avenues through which racial and gender oppression were experienced.” -Dr. Kimberle Crenshaw, Law Professor, Columbia University Intersectionality: “the theory that the overlap of various social identities, as race, gender, sexuality, and class, contributes to the type of systemic oppression and discrimination experienced by an individual.” –Dictionary.com “Race, religion, nationality, sexuality, gender, class, age. In these intersections we see different types of systemic oppression (privilege), that a person may experience. In other words, the obstacles faced by an older black woman, are much different from those faced by a younger white man. In other words, these two people will view the world, and be viewed by the world differently because of their various social identities. Recognizing these different experiences can help fuel conversations and build empathy between people with different backgrounds.” -Dictionary.com If we compare both Dr Crenshaw’s and Dictionary.com’s definitions, we notice a small, but significant difference. While Dr Crenshaw’s view highlights more of the race and gender distinctive; whereas dictionary.com focuses more on a general application to all people. At first glance, with special emphasis on Dictionary.com, my initial thoughts are that ‘Intersectionality’ is innocuous. However, what determines the “good or evil” in this situation is not its philosophy, but its practicality, or how this word looks when applied in everyday American life. In application, I see many things wrong with ‘Intersectionality’. First, its focus on oppression. The underlying assumption of ‘Intersectionality’ is oppression—but not all people, only ‘certain’ people are oppressed. Dr Crenshaw declares ‘Intersectionality’ “highlights the multiple avenues through which racial and gender oppression were experienced.” And, Dictionary.com highlights how ‘Intersectionality’ “contributes to the type of systemic oppression and discrimination experienced by an individual.” In other words, the entire focus of ‘Intersectionality’ is: that ‘certain’ Americans are oppressed, persecuted, disrespected, or privileged; where even Dictionary.com defines ‘privileged’ as oppression. I repeat, in the mind of Dictionary.com privilege=oppression. Said still another way, they believe if you are privileged--you are THE oppressor! The question is who are the oppressors? First, whereas liberalism calls privilege oppression, the Word of God declares, righteousness brings favor(Ps5:12)—where ‘favor’ and ‘privilege’ are synonymous! I repeat, God bestows favor on the righteous!!! Therefore, privilege is NOT oppression!!! Favor(privilege) is a reward or a blessing from God for those who walk uprightly(Ps84:11). Second, who are the oppressors? And, who are the oppressed? To whom do you think Dr Crenshaw refers when she writes of ‘Intersectionality’: “highlight the multiple avenues through which racial and gender oppression were experienced?” Considering that liberals declare Blacks can’t be racist, and the Whiteness of White people means they have privilege, can only mean that Whites are the oppressors, and Blacks are their oppressed! Third, so what is the core problem with ‘Intersectionality’? It encourages a person to examine his/her personal life to determine how other people are oppressing him/her on multiple levels. For example, one is mandated to personally ask: How am I oppressed because I am Black? How am I oppressed because I am a lesbian? How am I oppressed because I am a woman? How am I oppressed because I am a transgender? In short, how am I oppressed by anybody and everybody?* In practical application, this works-out to mean liberalism encourages Black people to search their hearts to determine ‘how often’, and ‘to what degree’, White people oppress Blacks!! But remember, in spite of Dictionary.com’s definition, this is not a general application, for there is no such thing as Blacks oppressing Whites; or Hispanics oppressing Blacks; or Blacks oppressing Hispanics!! In ‘Intersectionality’, Whites are the oppressors, and everyone else are the victims of White oppression! On the contrary, the Bible encourages us to focus on our victory: “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”(1Cor15:57)! To focus on our triumph: “Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ(2Cor2:14)! To focus on the good report (Phil4:8); to focus on the capability to do all things through Christ(Mk9:23), etc. Therefore, whose report will you believe? Intersectionality or the Bible? Furthermore, as ‘Intersectionality’ encourages people to focus on what others have done to them, i.e.victimology, or what Whites have done to Blacks, it rejects focusing on one’s personal sin, or what YOU have done to others. Once again, the Bible encourages: “Search ME, O God, and know my heart: try ME, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in ME…”(Ps139:23,24). When David committed adultery with Bathsheba, he prayed, “Against YOU (God) and YOU (God) only have I sinned, and done this evil in YOUR (God) sight…”(Ps51:4). Notice, David’s focus on himself in Psalms 139:23,24! And then in Psalms 51:4, he focuses on how he offended God—not on how Bathsheba offended him! What is extremely interesting here is that in Psalms 51:4, David says nothing about Bathsheba, although she was also guilty---David initially saw her bathing on her rooftop! Do women normally bath outside; and on a rooftop too?!?! In other words, David did not blame his problems on others! He was not a victim! This is why God said David had a heart after His own(1Sam13:14) It is absolutely certain, if you search long enough for something others have done to you— YOU WILL FIND IT—even if it doesn’t exist! *However, notice that this does not apply to White people—because according to liberalism’s ‘Intersectionality’…Whites are THE oppressors! QuoteBit Define your future by your dreams, and not by your memories; by your hopes, and not by your fears. -JOE TYE, Motivational speaker and leadership coach
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September 2024