In early January 2017, ABC journalist Judy Hsu asked President Obama about racism. Obama said, “You know I think that in some ways, like everything else, it’s gotten better, and in some ways, we have surfaced tensions that were already there, but are getting more attention.” “I promise you, for the most part, race relations have gotten better.”
In April of 2016, a Gallup poll survey revealed that: 17% of “Americans worried a great deal about race relations” in 2014 35% of “Americans worried a great deal about race relations” in 2016 Among specific groups of people who “worry a great deal” about racial tensions, the Gallup survey revealed: 2001-2011 2012-2014 2015-2016 Democrats 25% 22% 37% Republicans 14% 14% 26% Liberals 25% 24% 42% Conservatives 17% 16% 28% Blacks 45% 31% 53% Whites 15% 14% 27% In all groups, concern for racism has nearly doubled from 2012 to 2016. Because the liberal media has made ‘racism’ America’s number one hot button issue, let’s back-up to the beginning on this important topic. First, what are the definitions of race and racism? One must have a universal understanding of the words, i.e. their definitions, before making any rational determinations. Dictionary.com declares race to be: 1.a group of persons related by common descent or heredity. 2.a population so related. 3.Anthropology. a.(no longer in technical use) any of the traditional divisions of humankind, the commonest being the Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negro, characterized by supposedly distinctive and universal physical characteristics. Dictionary.com declares racism: 1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. 2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. Second, why is racism wrong, i.e. immoral? In fact, after all is said and done, there can really only be two answers: 1.Man’s view/reason 2.God’s view/reason First, man’s view of race designations exist as: Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negroid. But then it changed to: 1.American Indian or Alaskan Native, 2.Asian or Pacific Islander, 3.Black, 4.White. But then it changed again: 1.American Indian or Alaska Native; 2. Asian; 3. Black or African American; 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; 5. White. And it changed again. If you go to www.Census.gov, you will find there are presently hundreds of racial designations!! I copied and pasted the different designations into my resources, and it stopped at 30 pages!!! Man’s view says race is a biological flux! Recently, man’s view added yet another category to its biological flux: preference. Man’s view now says race is not only defined by genes, but can also be defined by preference. This means one can determine race based upon choice.* Or, as Rachel Dolezal declares, “I identify as Black”. She recently finished her new book, due in March of 2017 entitled, “In Full Color; Finding my place in a Black and White World”. The book’s ad declares: “What determines your race? Is it your DNA? The community in which you were raised? The way others see you or the way you see yourself?”* Bottom line: man’s view of ‘race’ extends from biology to preference: therefore, ‘YOU’ decide—either one, or the other, or both!!! With regard to ‘racism’, man’s view is also in flux. Whereas at one time racism generally meant, the superiority of a race based upon skin color! Now, that definition has evolved to specifically mean--‘White Privilege’, which is defined as: White people are favored because of their Whiteness. This means Hispanics, Blacks, along with all other ‘People of Color’ (POC) cannot be racist; only Whites can be racist! On the contrary, God’s view of race is much simpler. The Bible never uses the word ‘race’ to refer to people groups; only to contests, as in a foot race. God does not use biological differences to separate people; He identifies humans by: “…every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” (Rev5:9). Kindred=tribe; tongue=language; people=people/family group; nation=Gentiles. AND, God calls people: “…of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). This means every human being from any and all nations, originates from one blood, i.e. one man! In other words, all humans descend from one human (Adam), and thereby possess the same human genetic make-up!! In conclusion, man’s view of race is best defined by two sources: First, the Humanist Manifesto 1, point six, declares: “We are convinced that the time has passed for theism, deism, modernism, and the several varieties of "new thought". Humanist Manifesto 2, point one, declares: “No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.” And second, in his book ‘Descent of Man’, Charles Darwin wrote: "Civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate the savage races throughout the world...” AND, the title of Darwin’s first book says it all, “The Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favored Races In the Struggles for Life.” In contrast, the Bible declares, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;” (Gen1:26). The eternal, omnipotent, omniscient God, Who created everything animate and inanimate; and fashioned mankind--both male and female---just like Himself! In other words, there is no favored race of people; no stronger race; no savage race; no superior race; no survival of the fittest! Only human beings…all just like God! *This is called relativism; another atheist doctrine! **Both the Humanist Manifestos and Darwinism are accepted by the world’s scientists, humanists, liberals, secularists, and atheists, etc. QuoteBit Dr. Bill Bright, Campus Crusade For Christ: “Citizenship in a free country is a blessing from God ... God wants us to do his will in government ... but we have disobeyed our Lord ... As a result, we are in danger of losing our nation by default, and with it our individual freedoms and possibly our very lives. If that should happen, our opportunity to help fulfill the Great Commission throughout the United States and the world will also be lost. And hundreds of millions will never have the opportunity to receive our Savior.”
The Word of God teaches in the last time; or the latter day; or the time before the coming of Christ, many anti-Christs would arise (1Jn2:18). Yet the Bible also teaches that one man would arise (2Thes2:8,9) called the anti-Christ or the Beast (Rev13:11,12), who along with the False prophet, will be allowed to take-over the world. This man will institute a one-world government, where no one will be able to buy or sell without first taking his mark in their forehead or right hand(Rev13:16,17). That mark will be the number 666(Rev13:18)!
I remember very vividly when the 1972 movie “A Thief in the Night” was released. It was about the rapture of the church, and the anti-Christ. Later in 1976, the movie ‘The Omen’ starring Gregory Peck and Lee Remick was released. Their child Damien grew-up to become the anti-Christ!! I can remember being terrified at being left-behind after seeing “A Thief in the Night”; and spending sleepless nights after watching ‘The Omen’. After answering the call of God on my life, my thoughts began to transcend my childish fears, and I began to wonder ‘how’ all the incredible Bible prophesies would work out! It was like piecing a puzzle together attempting to understand what goes where, and when. However, my top couple of questions in the 80’s and 90’s were, how would the anti-Christ come to power? How would he take-over the world? How will I recognize him? Listening to the world-renown prophecy teachers of that day, I thought the anti-Christ was the pope; I thought he was Adolf Hitler; I thought he would be a Jew, from the tribe of Dan; I even thought he would be an American President! Yet, it was not until 2013, when I read the book ‘The Islamic Anti-Christ’ by Joel Richardson, that I finally understood that the man who will be given power (for a short time) over the whole earth, will be a Muslim! After the ‘who?’ was resolved, what about the ‘how’? From a child, I have always had an interest in Nazi, Germany. However, only recently have I understood the life-long fascination. It was approximately 2010, when I felt God lead me to do a more thorough study of the Nazis; afterwhich I spent 5 years reading one book after another. One of the many interesting facts I uncovered was though Germany was 95% Protestant and Catholic, it was filled with all manner of horrific sexual perversion, the occult, paganism, Darwinism, and atheism. That contradiction, was further highlighted by other contradictions, such as the fact that many famous German theologians were atheists (Try to figure that one out)! For certain, Hitler grew-up in a Germany that was a mess, in every sense of the word! However, it was during that 5-year study that God revealed to me the reason for my fascination. I learned how and why early 20the century Germany gave lip-service to Christianity, while simultaneously living completely contrary—simply…it was liberalism! Let me illustrate. Below is the 1828 Webster dictionary definition of liberalism: 1.Of a free heart; free to give or bestow; not close or contracted; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely; as a liberal donor; the liberal founders of a college or hospital. It expresses less than profuse or extravagant. 2.Generous; ample; large; as a liberal donation; a liberal allowance. 3.Not selfish, narrow on contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than one’s own; as liberal sentiments or views; a liberal mind; liberal policy. 4.General; extensive; embracing literature and the sciences generally; as a liberal education. This phrase is often but not necessarily synonymous with collegiate; as a collegiate education. 5.Free; open; candid; as a liberal communication of thoughts. 6.Large; profuse; as a liberal discharge of matter by secretions or excretions. 7.Free; not literal or strict; as a liberal construction of law. 8.Not mean; not low in birth or mind. 9.Licentious; free to excess. Observing the first eight definitions, we find they are fairly solid stuff! One might even be able to make a Biblical argument for each one! Yet, the attractiveness of these eight definitions are what makes liberalism so very deceptive. For it is the ninth definition that removes liberalism’s mask, revealing its real face! It is a face of the sin nature, i.e. the flesh** (Gal5:13; 1Pet2:16)! It is lasciviousness(Gal5:17-21)! In a word, liberalism gives man a license to sin! In fact, for this reason, liberalism is responsible for America’s contemporary sins: from the dishonest media(Rom1:18); to abortion; to separation of church and state; to the hatred of America(anti-patriotism); to political corruption; to affirmative action; to gun control; to hatred for Israel(anti-semitism); to big government; to liberal racism; to gay marriage; to men using women’s bathrooms…and incredibly—to a love for Islam! Interestingly, because Islam is indisputably the most oppressive belief system of any kind on earth, with the least freedom in any area of life for its believers; and non-believers, one would think it would be detestable to all freedom-worshipping liberals! But not so... How is the anti-Christ linked to liberalism? God showed me that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis are a harbinger, a sign, an omen—if you will--for the anti-Christ. If you want to know how the Beast will be loved, accepted, usurps power, and understand his actions on a mini-level—look at Adolf Hitler and the Nazis! Three of the more remarkable evidences of this truth are: 1.Like the Beast, Nazis terrorized the world for 7 years (1939-45), the exact time of the Tribulation period! 2.Mein Kampf, Hitler’s book, has had revival in the Muslim world! 3.See below for a third. How then will the Beast take power? Even though liberalism was hated by Adolf Hitler, it was the prevailing philosophy that allowed the Nazis to take power in Germany! So too, while the Anti-Christ will be a Muslim, who abhors the supposed liberal freedoms of the west, yet he will use liberalism--freedom of the flesh--to usurp control of the world!! In a word, the Anti-Christ will be a Muslim; who will use liberalism to usurp authority over the world! Repent while there is still time! *Higher Criticism is a term which, very simply, defines criticism of Christianity. **Freedom of the flesh means: if it feels good, do it! It means whatever you think is good, is good. Anything does—nothing is evil! QuoteBit "There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” -Napoleon Hill God is sovereign, meaning He rules over all(Ps146:10; Ps99:1). It means nothing happens outside of God’s ultimate control or responsibility (Ps135:5,6; Is14:24,27)! However, it does not mean that God does everything.* On the contrary, there is a real devil who acts! The Bible is crystal clear, God’s works and Satan’s works are not the same (Jn10:10)!
One aspect of God’s goodness, which falls under His providence, and which makes Him God alone, is that He uses evil. Or, God has the power to either use evil, or turn evil, into good. Liberalism is a doctrine of atheism, and thereby contrary to Christ**. To the degree liberalism is adopted, like other doctrines of atheism***, is the degree that the spirit of atheism is released in the land. In essence, atheism’s doctrines are practically worked out through ‘feelings’ (Deut12:8; Jud17:6; Jud21:25; Pro12:15; Pro21:2; Pro30:12). Sadly, over the past several years, the American culture has increasingly become more and more non-Christian, and is in a free-fall toward anti-Christian!! Recently, I was discussing the very issue of the ‘change in American values’ with a church member, who asked, “What happened to America?” Without hesitation, I answered: liberalism! Because liberalism is practically lived-out through feelings; and feelings are the opposite of faith (2Cor5:7); and whatsoever is not of faith is sin(Rom14:23); to the degree that liberalism increases, or as more and more people live by their feelings, by default faith must decrease--- resulting in the uplift of sin!! The promotion of sin! The pleasure of sin(Rom1:32)! Interestingly, the Bible declares at Christ’s return: “…shall the Son of man find faith on the earth” (Lu18:8). Unless you’re living in a cave, we therefore know we’re near the coming of Christ, because the sign of ever decreasing faith, i.e. using feelings to judge, exists all over the American culture…and the world! So, how is God using the evil of liberalism? By what I call ‘Expose and Separate’. Tragically, “liberal” Christians love their liberalism to such a degree that they will either ignore blatant, obvious sin; or what’s worse, attempt to redefine the sin. Yet, in His sovereignty, God uses that same evil (ignore or redefine sin) to expose and separate. In other words, God uses the evil of liberalism to expose and separate those who love God and keep His word (Jn14:21), from those who love their feelings! For example, last year Planned Parenthood was caught red-handed selling baby-parts. This did not surprise me because I have always known if one would murder a baby in the womb, it logically follows not to waste the remaining parts! In other words, because abortion is about money, why get money only for the abortion, when you can multiply the profit by selling the left-over parts? On the other hand, and just as important, shedding light on Planned Parenthood’s darkness, further exposes the blatant lies of abortionists! For example, PPF claims, “We are concerned about the woman’s health”; or “look at all the other things PPF provides for woman”; or “a woman has a right to her own body”; “a baby in the womb is not human”****. The videos exposed all this propaganda as lies because the sale of the baby parts places PPF, and all abortionists on the same level with the Nazis who sold Jewish skin, gold in teeth, and every other human remain to garner the greatest profit! If this were not true, why did PPF go to such lengths to deny the videos? Furthermore, the videos especially exposed every “liberal” Christian, who in spite of having the mask of abortion ripped off AGAIN….still refuses to denounce abortion as murder!!! The videos also exposed the ‘Whitehouse’, who simply dismissed the whole thing, calling the tapes edited. Because I do video editing, this answer was particularly revealing. Any beginning video editor can see that those recordings were not edited to make people say they sell baby parts!!! They were edited down for time so that people will look at them. Do you see their deception? It’s in their wording? Yet, this exposes the lengths that liberals will lie to retain their right to murder! In other words, no amount of empirical evidence will convince liberals of abortion’s monstrous evil! So what did God do? He exposed the evil, and separated the righteous! One last example. A few days ago, Kim Burrell preached that homosexuality is a sin from the pulpit of her church---KAOS ERUPTED! She was cancelled from the Ellen Degeneres show; She lost her radio show at Texas Southern University; Her invitation to the BMI Trailblazers “GOSPEL” music event, where she was scheduled to be honored, was rescinded; Time magazine called her remarks “homophobic”. Pharrell Williams, who was scheduled to sing with Kim Burrell on the Ellen Degeneres show said, “there's no room for any kind of prejudice in 2017!" Yolanda Adams said, “Hateful Words are never profitable to the cause of Christ”. Sort of reminds me of Job! Interestingly, gospel singer, Tasha Page Lockhart, put out a tearful response asking, “Where is the church?” “How silent the Church has been” “How silent some of these gospel artists are.” “Nobody is saying anything,” “Nobody has her back.” Though Kim Burrell used crude language, she said nothing foreign to the Bible! In fact, to condemn homosexuality as sin—is Bible! Yet, for fear of experiencing the loss of shows, money, and fame, many “Christians” remain silent! Remember, the sin of omission is as grave as the sin of commission! The Bible declares: For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels. -Luke9:26 What is God sovereignly doing in all this mess? Exposing sin and separating His own to Himself---for all the world to see! Be warned! Those who love God and His word, or those who love the world (liberalism), you will not be able to hide! God, Himself will use either good or evil to force you into the open!! Choose this day whom you will serve…(Josh24:15); for this one thing is certain, “…your sin will find you out (Num32:23)! *This is the mistake of ‘ultra-evangelical’ theology on sovereignty. ** Any philosophy or doctrine contrary to Christ originates with the enemy! Col2:8; 1Tim4:1. ***Like all religions, atheism (Eph2:12) has doctrines. Along with liberalism; Communism/Socialism is the political doctrine of atheism; Relativism is the life doctrine of atheism; Darwinism is the scientific doctrine of atheism. ****Repeatedly the abortionists in the videos who sold baby parts used the words: “baby”, “boy”, “girl” to describe the child in the womb; revealing that every abortionist knows he/she is killing a human being! QuoteBit Success is not so much what we have as it is what we are. -Jim Rohn 19-year old Prince Ogidikpe received a Christmas gift from his mother that included a United States approval of his citizenship. His reaction to citizenship was inspiring to say the least. He leapt around the room in ecstasy! The video has gone viral on FB.
Please view the 30 second video: Here are a few facts: -He is 19 years old -Graduated high school at 14 -Majored in biology at California State University -Waited 6 years for citizenship However, here is the clincher: “It means a lot to me to finally say I am an American” “I am now part of the greatest nation on earth” Let’s evaluate his situation. 1.Prince was inspired at becoming an American. 2.He is grateful to be an American 3.He believes America is the greatest nation on earth. 4.He is Black Why would a young Black man want to become a citizen of AMERICA? Is he ignorant of the events happening in America all around him? -Professional athletes kneeling for the anthem! -Student protests burning the American flag! -Liberal pundits declaring White privilege! -American cops shooting unarmed Black youths! According to liberalism; according to BLM; according to Collin Kaepernick; according to Jesse Williams, etc---Prince Ogidikpe must be an UNCLE TOM!!! And….do not his own words further confirm it? “America is greatest nation on earth”? A statement that sounds eerily like Donald Trump’s presidential campaign motto: “Make America great again”; whom liberals all call racist?!?!? How then can a Black man, of all people, think America is great? First, I have Nigerian friends, and they are a proud people. Is Prince violating his proud heritage by committing to America? Not in the least. For a Nigerian, or any foreigner, to become an American is not a disavowal of his/her origin, family roots, or even his nation! Prince is not saying, “I hate Nigeria”, by becoming an American citizen. On the contrary, to become an American citizen is an acknowledgement of what God is doing in America! It is a love for what God has purposed; i.e. to love what God loves—which is the root of patriotism! See tidbit 11/30/16. A man who loves and marries a woman does not disavow his parents, because he loves his wife. Nor does that man disavow his wife, because he loves his daughter! God calls a man to marry his wife, and now he loves her too---in other words, he loves what God purposed for him! So too, Prince loves what God has purposed for him: America! A love for America is not tantamount to a hatred for Nigeria! On the other hand, when liberalism calls America inherently racist--they believe racism is America’s original sin. In other words, what they actually mean is: ‘American White racism is immutable’*, i.e. unchangeable. If that is true, then liberals cannot love America, and therefore will scoff at American patriotism.** If a man commits adultery; after repentance, he can be forgiven and restored. However, if he commits adultery; then repents; then repeats it; then repents; then repeats it, then repents; and so on—that man can never regain the trust of his wife. To the wife… his serial adultery is proven immutable! As a consequence, her love will abate, and eventually vanish. So too, if America is inherently racist, as liberals declare--which means it cannot change—than ‘that’ belief will forever hinder, and even prevent liberals from ever loving America! In conclusion, here is the acid test. Put the statements Prince made about America in question form and use them on a liberal. For example, ask liberals the following: Do you love America? Does it mean much for you to be an American citizen? Is America a great nation? Is America the greatest nation on earth? Do you believe in American exceptionalism?*** The answers are predictable. Why? Because liberalism is a doctrine of atheism, and atheism hates God and His purposes; therefore, because God created and purposed America, liberalism ends in a hatred for America! It’s that simple! Tragically, like impenitent adultery destroys love, and ends with the destruction of a marriage; so too, liberalism’s ‘belief’ that America is immutably racist, reveals their real intent: America’s destruction! On the contrary, like William Carney and Harriet Tubman of yesteryear (two previous tidbits in this series), Prince Ogidikpe is a contemporary Black American patriot! *Remember, liberalism invented code language. When they use the term ‘racism’, they actually mean ‘White racism’. Liberalism erroneously believes only Whites can be racist. **As I said in my previous tidbit on this subject, it is possible for a liberal to be a patriot, but to do so, he must be inconsistent, i.e.irrational. See Tidbit 11/3/0/16 ***Had to add this one for good measure! QuoteBit Success is the best revenge. -unknown |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024