As the horrific stories have come to light over the past several weeks of the sexual attacks on woman after woman by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, my heart has broken for each one. However, the story that literally brought me to tears was of British actress Sophie Dix. She described how as an aspiring 22-year old actress, she was lured to Weinstein’s hotel room, “I was open and trusting and I had never met a predator; I had never considered a predator.”
After the attack, which did not even include rape, or any sexual act, because she managed to get away, she made several more shocking statements: “You think you go into the film business because you think it is this free-thinking, liberal-minded industry, but actually it could not be more opposite. It is as antiquated, as sexist and rigged as they come.” Dix continued, “It was massively damaging,” “It’s the single most damaging thing that’s happened in my life.” “I decided if this is what being an actress is like, I don’t want it!” And then there is actress and filmmaker Asia Argento, who after initially being raped, later admitted to consensual sex, said: “The thing with being a victim is, I feel responsible. If I were a strong woman, I would have kicked him in the balls and run away. But I didn’t. And so, I felt responsible.” In other words, even though she didn’t want sex, she submitted to his pressure. While I learned many things from these testimonies, what hit me like a ton-of-bricks is the fact that these were all grown women who were assaulted!! Several women described intense emotional pain from a sexual assault that actually happened over 20 years ago!! Yet, I repeat, these were adult women at the time of the assaults--not children! Of course, my mind immediately went to the Bible, the Word of God! How wise and good is God to have ordained the family, and the man to be the leader(Eph5:22-33); who was given as one of his responsibilities, the protection of his wife and children, and especially little girls! I thought what if…Weinstein had been taught the Word of God, from which proceeds the Judaeo/Christian ethic, that teaches ‘chivalry’,* i.e. men are protectors of women?!?! Or, what if…he were taught adultery and fornication are sins against a holy God(Ex20:14; 1Cor6:18)! Sadly, what this liberal culture now considers to be laws restricting “our fun”, tragically blinds us to the terrible consequences of rejecting the Word of God…which in this case, the consequence was sexual assault! What’s my point? The glaring hypocrisy of the Weinstein sexual assaults is that while liberalism shouts “Women rights” out one side of their mouth, out of the other side it rejects the very Word of God that provides the necessary internal restraint that perpetrates the evil of the Harvey Weinsteins of life! Interestingly, sexual perversion is the monster that hides behind the mask of liberalism’s so-called tolerance…their ‘idea’ of freedom…their progressivism! For example, when Sophie Dix said, “You think you go into the film business because you think it is this free-thinking, liberal-minded industry, but actually it could not be more opposite”. Ms Dix did not realize how accurate she was! If you look as far back as ‘1828’, in the 9th, and final point of Webster dictionary’s defining liberalism, it declares: “Licentious; free to excess.” Dictionary.com defines licentious as: 1.sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd. 2.unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral. Remember, this is the Dictionary.com definition of liberalism, not the Bible!** And again remember, this definition dates back to 1828!!!! Now, let’s be real honest here…do these definitions sound like Harvey Weinstein? ABSOLUTELY! In other words, he was acting out liberal doctrine, i.e. freedom, i.e unrestrained by law; i.e.immorality, i.e.atheism; i.e.relativism---when he assaulted those women! The Bible declares, “For, brethren, you have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh…” – Gal5:13 (The flesh is the sin nature in man) “Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil…” -1Pet2:16! Liberalism is supposed to mean progressive! In reality, but consistent with liberal RE-definition of words--the truth is exactly opposite! Liberalism literally digresses into the pit! You know what’s even more haunting?!? One consequence of the tsunami of liberalism overrunning American culture, is the increase of men desiring/attacking children, i.e. little girls(and even little boys)! There is even a contemporary liberal movement to lower the age of consent***! This means sexual predators will be encouraged, even licensed to rape…and then cry, “BUT THEY CONSENTED!” Remember Weinstein!?!? The women who were assaulted by him were afraid to come forward or to speak-out! And even more chilling, were Sophie Dix’s words of naivety: “I had never considered a predator.” If these are true of adult women--how much more of children!?!?! However, the worst of all; the very depths of hell itself--are the laws allowing men into woman’s bathrooms…AND SHOWERS!!!! A man in a woman’s shower!!! Let me repeat that…a man in a woman’s shower?!!?! Are you kidding me!?!?! All you liberals, tell me how the new bathroom laws, which you support because it’s your political party position, or you believe it’s part of some human right, will protect women and girls from the Harvey Weinsteins of life?!?!? In reality, these fool-hearty laws will both create new sexual predators, and release them into ‘THEIR’ freedom, i.e.‘THEIR’ licentiousness, i.e.‘THEIR’ liberalism!!! May the Sovereign God have mercy!!! *Tragically...an obsolete word?!?! **Although the Bible agrees (Gal5:18-lasciviousness). The Complete Word Study Dictionary defines lasciviousness from the Greek word: asélgeia; gen. aselgeías, to mean ‘licentious’, brutal. Lasciviousness means license, debauchery, sexual excess, absence of restraint, insatiable desire for pleasure. Mark 7:22, arrogance, insolence referring to words; 2 Cor. 12:21, wantonness, lustfulness, excessive pleasure. Notice one of the definitions is brutal!!! ***NAMBLA is an acronym for North American Man Boy Love Association.
Several people sent me the following 5 minute video this past week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xGoeKsiDA&feature=youtu.be You will have to review it to understand this tidbit. Now, let’s examine its liberalism.* 1.He offers $100 to the winner of the race. In this video, the ‘$100’, and the ‘foot race', illustrate not only his point, but an unbiblical economic world view, which he uses to make his point. Of course, Donyes and liberals will argue he is just using the $100 to get the kids involved; but what is his point? “And it’s only because you have this big head start that you’re possibly going to win this race called life.” My response: The underlying economic assumption driving Donyes point is that there is only ‘one’ 100 dollars in the ‘race of life’. This unbiblical economic model, for example, states: There exists one pie with 8 slices; if there are 10 people, two people will not receive a piece of the pie. Therefore, this model teaches because there is only a limited supply, we must all share, i.e. take less, or many will be left in poverty. According to its proponents, this is the reason for poverty. First, the Bible states, God created “the earth full of His riches” (Ps104:24). Therefore, the earth will never run out of supply for its inhabitants. Second, God created nations, which are comprised of individuals, to create wealth(Deut8:1-18). Therefore, the ‘pie’ example is refuted by simply making/creating more pies, i.e. more supply, i.e. more money! I repeat money is God-designed to be created, NOT distributed!!!! Wealth distribution is unbiblical, and a doctrine of Socialism/Communism.** Third, the Bible states, My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory(Phil4:19). His “riches in glory” are inexhaustible!! Conclusion, “…let God be true, but every man a liar” (Rom3:4)i.e. there is no limited supply of wealth! 2.Now let’s examine the “take 2 steps forward” statements: i.“Take 2 steps forward, if both your parents are still married” ii.“Take 2 steps forward, if you grew-up with a father figure in the home” iii.“Take 2 steps forward, if you had access to a private education” iv.“Take 2 steps forward, if you had access to a free tutor growing-up” v.“Take 2 steps forward, if you never had to worry whether your cell phone would be shut off.” vi.“Take 2 steps forward, if you never had to help mom or dad with the bills” vii”Take 2 steps forward, if it wasn’t because of your athletic ability, you don’t have pay for college.” viii.“Take 2 steps forward, if you’ve never wondered where your next meal was going to come from.” My response: Let’s examine the first two, “step forward” statements. Both marriage and father figures are the consequence of God’s plan for humanity. In other words, instead of making kids step forward who possess these; kids that don’t possess them, should step backward! Because life includes the consequences of sin, many children, obviously of no fault of their own, will tragically have to bare the negative consequences of parental sin! Contrary to this video, those who have Godly homes should not be made to feel guilty through liberalism’s definition of ‘privilege!!! Point iii. Private education does not guarantee people will “make it”. Many kids attend good schools, but make bad decisions, and fail. Many kids attend bad schools, but make good decisions, and “make it!” Although statistically, private schools are better, contrary to this video there exists no “liberal privilege” for kids to attend private schools! They key is obedience to God’s success principles—regardless of the school! Point iv. is simply ignorant!! Parents pay for tutors, not kids—which means tutors are free for kids! In addition, many schools pay for tutors. Point v. is preposterous! (Points 6-8 makes this piece too long!) My point…Donyes attempts to use his “step forward” statements to prove that: a.“certain” people have a head start b.“you have nothing to do with anything any of you have.” c.“certain” people have more opportunity These are all liberal half truths, i.e. manipulate viewers to support his initial point! a.Donyes’ “head start” can be attained by obedience to God’s word, which anyone can do(Josh1:8), therefore the benefits of obedience are available to all(Is1:19)… not some select group! b.Every kid begins life totally dependent on their parents(Mat7:11)!! God created it this way to teach humans of His provision(Ps136:25; Ps145:16; Phil4:19). While all are given different gifts (Mat25:14-29); and some are even given ‘more’ than others, only right action guarantees success!! This quote reveals all: “you can go anywhere from anywhere”! c.God ALONE gives opportunity(Ps75:6,7), and He does not give to all people equally. Proof? Not every or any person can become an NBA basketball player! NBA players originate from American colleges and universities, or foreign country pro leagues. In addition, college professorships require a Master’s or Doctorate degree--it is not open to everyone! In real life, everyone having the same opportunity is a myth! Opportunity appears at the end of preparation! 3.Probably the worst part of this video is its covert racism. For example, Donyes says, “We would be foolish to believe that we have not been given more opportunity. We don’t want to recognize we’ve been given a head start. But the reality is we have.” Who is the “we” to which Donyes refers? White people! Or, how about this racist statement: “If it wasn’t because of your athletic ability, you don’t have pay for college.” First, it’s a lie that most blacks get (or even need) athletic scholarships to attend college! Most blacks in America don’t even play sports!!! What about this racist statement, “The reality is if this were a fair race, and everyone was back on that line, I guarantee you that some of these black dudes would smoke all of you. And it’s only because you have this big head start that you’re possibly going to win this race called life.” First, not all Blacks are sprinters! Second, Whites don’t need a head start to win in life! There are many Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and all races that have started at the bottom…and ‘made it’! Race has nothing to do with winning in life! Third, this statement reveals his real motive: ‘White privilege!’ Lastly, the worst racism is in the video editing. Re-watch the video, and with each “take 2 step forward” statements…notice the editing!!! For example, i.“Take 2 steps forward if both your parents are still married” Video edit cuts to white kids stepping forward (59-1:01) ii.“Take 2 steps forward if you grew-up with a father figure in the home” Video edit cuts to white kids stepping forward(1:05-1:06); then cuts to black kid scratching his face.”(1:07-08) iii.“Take 2 steps forward if you had access to a private education” Video edit cuts to white kids stepping forward(1:10); then cuts to Black kid standing and looking.(1:12-14) ‘Every’ video edit gives visual imagery of who “We” refers to: White people!*** Then he cuts to Blacks to show who the victims are: Black people! However, there are Black people--both men and woman--in the crowd that have stepped forward(2:24), but no video cut shows a black person stepping forward! If you are still not convinced, do you really believe that all Black parents are not married? Why are only Whites shown stepping forward? Or, do you really believe Blacks don’t have their biological father as a father figure? Why then are only Whites shown stepping forward? At 1:59 and 2:28, the video cuts to the back of the group, where all the kids except one, are Black; AND all are Black males! Does this not convey that Black people, and specifically Black males are victims of the White privilege system where only Whites take two steps forward? I’m Black, and a male…and I ain’t NOBODY’S victim! The Word of God calls me a Son of God(Jn1:12)!! AND, it says, I have (past tense) the victory(1Cor15:57)! AND, it says I can do all things through Christ (Phil4:13)!! Contrary to liberalism…no devil or man can hold ‘me’ back! Choose this day whom you will serve…man or God! (Josh24:15) *Remember, atheism is a religion which possesses doctrines. Liberalism is one of its doctrines. **Socialism/Communism is another doctrine of atheism. ***Interestingly, Donyes is a liberal in race, but not in sexual issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hlnhw7ui7hI In the last tidbit, I offered a better understanding of the National Anthem’s third verse in the context of America and slavery. This week I offer evidence for God’s providential approval of the Anthem: which is His miraculous power in behalf of its inspiration.
During the War of 1812, as the British marched towards Baltimore, they captured an elderly medical doctor named William Beane. The people of the area he served were fearful the British would either keep him captive in the belly of one of their infamous prisoner-of-war ships, where men were literally starved to death; or simply execute him. Therefore, they asked attorney Francis Scott Key, along with American colonialist colonel John Skinner to arrange for a prisoner exchange. After a week of intense negotiations, America and Britain agreed to exchange prisoners on a one-for-one basis. After informing the jubilant prisoners they would be freed, Francis returned to the ship’s captain, who informed him the prisoner exchange would be null-and-void, because unless the colonies yield, they planned to use the fire-power of the entire British fleet, to level Fort McHenry! Key objected indicating the fort had woman and children. The British commander responded that when the huge 30 x 42 foot flag flying over the Fort was lowered, and the White flag of surrender raised, the shelling would cease. To protect their plans to destroy Fort McHenry, the British decided to place Key and Skinner under arrest until the attack was completed. As the bombardment commenced, Key began to report the results to the prisoners, who were initially concerned only with whether the flag was still flying. One hour, five hours, ten hours passed, and the British mercilessly pounded Fort McHenry! As the hours passed, the American captives began to cry out to God, for flag and country! Fifteen hours, twenty hours…for 25 hours the British shelled Fort Mc Henry, with over 1800 cannon balls, rockets, and mortar shells! The American cannons were not as powerful, and not being able to respond, they simply had to absorb the onslaught! There are two differing versions of the end: 1.The huge flag continued to take direct hits from the British bombardment, which caused the pole to ultimately tilt. Key and Skinner observed the flag’s tilt, but did not understand the reason until later. As cannon balls fell, and the flag took hits, and began to tumble, several American soldiers ran-out to physically hold the flag in place. As those men died, several more soldiers would replace them! For 25 hours, as shells pounded the fort and hit the flag, and killed the soldiers, the tilt of the flag was the result of being held in place by the bodies of dead patriots!!! 2.For 25 hours, the fort took a merciless bombardment of nearly 2000 British cannon balls. In the providence of God, rain began to fall during the night, making the ground, in and around Fort McHenry soft. As the 1800 cannon balls hit, many failed to explode, or simply sunk into the softened earth. Of the over 1000 soldiers, not including women and children, only 4 people died! Whichever version is literally true, after 25 hours of continuous British bombardment, the flag remained upright!! No White flag was ever raised over fort McHenry. A few weeks later a peace treaty was signed, and the nation was once again miraculously preserved! At the end of the battle, the Holy Spirit inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the words to what we now call the Star-Spangled Banner! The second half of verse one tells the highlights of the battle: “…And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” Yet, it is the fourth verse, that offers witness to America’s divine preservation: Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto - "In God is our trust" Let’s review! It was Almighty God who: 1.Brought supernatural deliverance to Fort McHenry 2.Inspired Francis Scott Key to write the National Anthem… including its lyrics! 3.Inspired America’s national motto from the fourth verse: “In God we trust” These points further give credence to what I pointed out in the last tidbit: The National Anthem is permanently linked to the National Motto, which are both permanently linked to the American Flag; which are all permanently linked to America; which is permanently linked to THE GOD of America: Who is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ--Who sovereignly created all these links, AND offered all this inspiration! To disrespect the National Anthem; to disrespect the Flag; to disrespect the National Motto; to disrespect America…is to disrespect God’s calling(work), AND the God of that calling! The Bible declares: -One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts (Ps145:4) -They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness (Ps145:7) -All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD (Ps145:10) Here is my question: Can a Christian disrespect the works of God—and still honor God? The answer is a resounding NO! What God has blessed…no man can curse (Num22:6,12,18)!!! On the contrary, if man attempts to curse what God has blessed, the curse reverts back to him(Gen12:1-3)! QuoteBit It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you are not. - Denis Waitley |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024