“But wisdom is justified by her children” -Matt11:19(NKJV), which means wisdom is known by what it produces.
Allow me to use the NMAAHC position paper just one last time, which they use to present evidence for the doctrine of ‘White Privilege’. Under the specific category of ‘Holidays’, the NMAAHC writes: “Based on Christian religions” as their opinion of ‘Whiteness’*. This statement: 1.illustrates the heart and mind of NMAAHC 2.is a perfect example of the consequence of White Privilege 3.is a perfect example of liberalism First, remember NMAAHC is a Black museum, designed to establish, record, and remember African-American history! Yet, their position paper continues to neither regard, nor respect contemporary American Blacks, nor American Black history!!! Even a cursory review of American history reveals that Blacks have an over 300-year history of Christianity in this nation! The incredible move of God’s Spirit to convert slaves to Christ, in spite of the fact that many of their owners also claimed Christianity, can be described as nothing less than a miracle; a wonder; a sign--to the World--of God’s power, love, and mercy…to Black people! I repeat, to the natural mind, the idea that Black slaves could have literally adopted the religion of their owners is an incomprehensible enigma! Why? It is only natural for slaves to hate the deity whom gave the right and power to the masters to own them! Yet, this did not happen in America!** Although, I have yet to completely prove it, but it is my suspicion that this miracle is true of no other human enslavement in the history of the world!!! Now, back to my point. But…why did the Black slaves adopt the God of their owners? Obviously, it began with God’s power to bring revival to the slaves—using first Whites and then Blacks to evangelize them. But what is also critical to note is that the Providential God wanted to create an irrefutable witness to the world, for all times, of His power upon, and His approval of: 1.America as a nation 2.Black people as an integral part of this nation However, this does not mean: 1.All the slaves were saved; or even that a majority of slaves were saved. God often imputes His grace to a remnant, not necessarily a majority. 2.The slave owners were all saved. ‘Christianization’ is not synonymous with literal salvation, which is only by grace through faith(Eph2:8,9). 3.That God approves of slavery. On the contrary, because slavery cannot save you, Black slaves did not become Christians because of their enslavement; for oppression does save the oppressed. Furthermore, White owners were neither saved nor lost…because they owned slaves! Remember Philemon, the person to whom Paul wrote a letter in the Bible…was a slave owner---yet he was saved, i.e.a Christian. On the contrary, all salvation comes through Christ…alone(Act4:12; Eph2:8,9), not through either good nor bad works. Tragically, in recent decades, liberalism has turned the hearts of many contemporary Black people away from the Christian faith of our forefathers and foremothers! The NMAAHC is just one of many examples! Let’s take a moment to examine the NMAAHC horrific view that American holidays--of which nearly every one is Christian--are examples of Whiteness. Take Christmas first, which is by far, the number one American holiday. Christmas is a day set aside to remember the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, Whom gave His life in death(Heb2:9) for the world (Jn3:16) to be saved. The definition of the “world” in John 3:16 includes every human regardless of skin color. But now, NMAAHC comes along and calls this marvelous, wonderful holiday…an example of Whiteness!?!?! Are you kidding me?!!!??! This is blasphemy!!! Yet, I fully understand why the NHAAMC would label Christmas ‘Whiteness’!!! Because the liberal view of ‘Whiteness’ is tantamount to White racism; and because White racism is considered bad, liberals link Christmas with White racism because their desire is to rid the nation of its foundation(Ps11:3), which is the Judaeo-Christian ethic! Why would liberals desire such a terrible thing? Because liberalism is a doctrine of atheism!! And atheism hates the God of the Bible, because He is the only true God(Jn17:3)! As a matter of fact, to pursue liberalism is synonymous with the pursuit of atheism…for liberalism leads to atheism! 2Thessalonians 2:11 states, “…God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” Through liberalism, America is encountering the wrath of God described in 2Thessalonnians 2:11, where people are calling good evil, and evil good(Is5:20)--willfully choosing to believe a lie…in plain view!!! In conclusion, my argument for Christmas can be made for other American holidays, such as Resurrection Day, Thanksgiving, July 4th, Valentine’s Day, and St Patrick’s Day, etc. The incredible part of all this deceit is that NO American Holiday is based upon ‘Whiteness’—not even Halloween!!! On the contrary, this hideous, liberal position of the NHAAMC perfectly illustrates a consequence of adopting the spirit of White Privilege—judging everything and everyone by skin color! In short, this NHAAMC viewpoint is yet another reason to reject White Privilege! It is a doctrine of devils(1Tim4:1) that does nothing but divide, conquer, promote atheism, and reject the Word of God! It is a philosophy of the flesh, i.e.the sin nature: “Thus says the Lord, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind, And makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord” (Jer17:5)! “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ” (Col2:8) *“Whiteness” is THE foundation of WP. Christians...please take a moment and think about this!! **I have read many biographies and autobiographies of slaves, and one thing stands out: their non-hatred for Whites! Tidbit “It is not what you get that makes you successful, it is what you are continuing to do with what you’ve got.” – Denis Waitley
The Source of Dr Martin Luther King's Freedom
On August 28, 1963, Dr Martin Luther King gave his "I have A Dream" speech, which is arguably one of the most famous speeches in American history. That day, the massive, racially diverse crowd at the Lincoln Memorial heard the 'presence' and 'belief' of a 'higher moral authority' on human freedom. What moral authority was that? A few of MLK's statements reveal its source: 1. "...a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation..." MLK referred to President Abraham Lincoln. 2."When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence" 3."...for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone." 4."I still have dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream." 5."I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together." Taken from Isaiah 40:4,5, of the Bible. These 5 statements reveal three areas of authority: 1.Declaration of Independence (1774) and Constitution (1787) 2.Emanicpation Proclamation (1863) 3.Bible, i.e.God First, through a bit of research, we find the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution have their roots in the Bible*. Second, after many intense personal internal and external conflicts throughout the year of 1862, and in fulfillment of a promise to God, Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation. Third, Dr King quoted Isaiah 40:4,5 during the course of his speech. And fourth, Dr King was a preacher of the gospel, whom God obviously raised-up for "such a time as this" (Est4:14). To the truth-seeker, we can technically reduce the origin of Dr King's final authority to one source: the Word of God, i.e.the Judaeo/Christian God! Finally, using Dr King's point 4 on the American dream, we understand that Dr King's call to freedom did not begin with the 1960's Civil Rights movement, but dates back to our founding! For this reason, Dr King appealed to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, America's Founders, and the Bible for his authority! Following is the evidence: Presidents First, a witness of freedom exists from every President in American history...following are three examples! During the War for Independence, George Washington said, "The General hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country." Our second president John Adams said, "...it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand." The "religion" to which President Adams referred was not Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam...but Christianity! Or, how about Abraham Lincoln who declared at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, 1861: "The Declaration of Independence gave liberty not alone to the people of this country, but hope to all the world, for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights would be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment embodied in the Declaration of Independence... I would rather be assassinated on this spot than surrender it." America's Dictionary Webster's Dictionary took 26 years to complete. In 1828, Noah Webster wrote in the preface: "In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed..." Supreme Court In 1892, the Supreme Court of the United States declared, "This is a Christian nation." Congress In 1853 Senate judiciary Committee. "Had the people during the revolution had a suspicion to war against Christianity, that revolution would have been strangled in its cradle. At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendment the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, not any one sect" Money "In God we Trust" is taken from Psalms 40:4 and Psalms 56:11 Monuments On the Liberty Bell: Leviticus 25:10 is permanently engraved on the 1753 Liberty Bell: "...and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." On the Washington Monument:"Holiness to the Lord" (Exodus 28:26, 30:30, Isaiah 23:18, Zechariah 14:20), "Search the Scriptures" (John 5:39), "The memory of the just is blessed" (Proverbs 10:7), "May Heaven to this Union continue its beneficence," and "In God We Trust", but the Latin inscription Laus Deo - "Praise be to God" - is engraved on the monument's capstone. On the The Jefferson Monument: "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever." On the Lincoln Monument: "we here highly resolve that . . . this nation under God . . . shall not perish from the earth"; "The Almighty has His own purposes. 'Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh' (Matthew 18:7)"; "as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether' (Psalms 19:9)"; "one day every valley shall be exalted and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh see it together" Education Early Americans used the 'New England Primer', which taught the alphabet: A-in Adam's Fall, we sinned all B-Heaven to find, the Bible mind C-Christ crucified, for sinners died D-The deluge drowned, the earth around E-Elijah hid, by ravens fed Furthermore, Ivy League schools were originally established to train preachers. For example, Harvard is named after John Harvard, a preacher of the gospel. Harvard's Rules & Precepts stated September 26, 1642: "Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life. John 17:3." In conclusion, 'American freedom' was not only designed for Whites, but for Black people; and as Abraham Lincoln declared, even for all peoples of the world! Why? All freedom originates in God's love, and is a calling of God (Gal5:13 1Pet2:16, 2Cor3:17)...to all men! Therefore, Dr King's moral authority for 'freedom' did not originate with some liberal humanist philosopher...but in the Bible, which declares: all men possess the image and likeness of God (Gen1:28), therefore, all men are created equal, and are free! Hence, unlike today's protests, MLK's 1960's civil rights movement was Holy Spirit inspired!! *See books: Defending the Declaration by Gary Amos; and Christianity and the Constitution by John Eidsmoe. QuoteBit "Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose -- as he must until weakness is overcome -- the strength of character gained will be the measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph.” -As A Man Thinketh “But wisdom is justified by her children” -Matt11:19(NKJV), which means
wisdom is known by what it produces. We have been examining some of the fruit of White Privilege on the fact sheet produced by The National Museum of African American History and Culture’ (NMAAHC). See attachment. We examined 5 points from their first page, let’s move on to the second page. Here is their 6th point: 6.Religion: a.Christianity is the norm. b.Anything other than the Judaeo-Christian tradition is foreign. c.No tolerance for deviation from the single god concept. 6.You read that right…the NMAAHC’s 6th point of evidence for ‘Whiteness’, which is used to prove White Privilege….is Christianity! I repeat, a Black museum celebrating African-American History and Culture declares that Christianity is ‘Whiteness’ and therefore should be rejected because it contributes to White Privilege!!!!!!!! Volumes could be written to refute this absolutely insane NMAAHC point, but I will offer just a few points. Let’s begin with Black figures of American history. Frederick Douglass (1817?-1895). On his conversion to Christ: “"I loved all mankind, slaveholder not excepted, though I abhorred slavery more than ever. I saw the world in a new light...” Mr Douglas was a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Zion African-America Methodist church! Harriet Tubman (1822?-1913). After leading between 70 slaves from slavery, "Twant me, 'twas the Lord. I always told him, ‘I trust in you. I don't know where to go or what to do, but I expect you to lead me,’ and He always did." George Washington Carver (1864?-1943)."Keep your hand in that of the Master, walk daily by His side, so that you may lead others into the realms of true happiness, where a religion of hate, (which poisons both body and soul) will be unknown, having in its place the 'Golden Rule' way, which is the 'Jesus Way' of life, will reign supreme." Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) "The men doing the vital things of life are those who read the Bible and are Christians and not ashamed to let the world know it...No man can read the Bible and be lazy." Sojourner Truth 1797-1883 "I set up my banner, and then I sing, and then folks always comes up 'round me, and then...I tells them about Jesus." I could mention William Still, Harriet Jacobs, William Harvey Carney, John Roy Lynch, James Forten, Richard Allen, Harry Hoosier, Jerena Lee, William and Ellyn Craft…among literally millions of other Black Americans of history!! I could also include hundreds of millions of Blacks in our contemporary times from all over Africa, America, the West Indies, and South American countries…who are Christians!!! Is the Christianity of millions of Black people ‘Whiteness’!?!?!? Or White Privilege’? Let’s move on to American history. The reason the NMAAHC can declare: “Christianity is the norm”, and use it as the evidence for ‘Whiteness’ or ‘WP’, is because they are obviously ignorant of American history!!! For example, beginning at Jamestown in 1607 and Plymouth Rock in 1620, both groups boldly declare ‘why’ they came to America: The Great Commission (Mat28:18-20)! In other words, America was birthed as a missionary Nation to win the Indians to Christ, i.e.evangelism: Virginia Charter (1606):Colony’s objective: “propagating of the Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God.” Mayflower Compact (1620): “In the Name of God, Amen!” “…for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian Faith.” Denominations of 13 original Colonies In 1607, Virginia was founded by Anglicans; In 1620, Massachusetts was founded by Pilgrim Separatists & Puritans; In 1626, New York was founded by Dutch Reformed; In 1633, Maryland was founded by Catholics; In 1636, Rhode Island was founded by Baptists; In 1636, Connecticut was founded by Congregationalists; In 1638, New Hampshire was founded by Congregationalists; In 1638, Delaware founded by Lutherans; In 1653, North Carolina was founded by Anglicans; In 1663, South Carolina founded by Anglicans; In 1664, New Jersey was founded by Lutherans; In 1682, Pennsylvania was founded by Quakers; In 1732, Georgia was founded by Protestants. 4 Presidents: Here are quotes from just 4 American presidents, although every president has claimed Christianity (including African-American President Barak Obama): Engraved on George Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon."I am the Resurrection and the Life; sayeth the Lord. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." ---“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity” -President John Adams ---“America was born in a Revival of Religion – and back of it were John Wesley and George Whitefield.” – President Calvin Coolidge. ---“When I left Springfield [to assume the Presidency], I asked the people to pray for me. I was not a Christian. When I buried my son, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ.” -President Abraham Lincoln Constitutional Convention The 55 delegates who wrote the U.S. Constitution belonged to the following denominations: 26 Episcopalian; 11 Presbyterian; 7 Congregationalist; 2 Lutheran; 2 Dutch Reformed; 2 Methodist; 2 Quaker; 2 Roman Catholics. State Constitutions (every state constitution is similar to these): --PENNSYLVANIA, the 2nd State to ratify the U.S. Constitution, stated in its 1776 State Constitution, signed by Ben Franklin: "Each member, before he takes his seat, shall...subscribe...'I do believe in one GOD, the Creator and Governor of the Universe, the Rewarder of the good and the Punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration.'" --NEW JERSEY, the 3rd State to ratify the U.S. Constitution, stated in its 1776 State Constitution: "All persons, professing a belief in the faith of any PROTESTANT sect, who shall demean themselves peaceably under the government...shall be capable of being elected." --GEORGIA, the 4th State to ratify the U.S. Constitution, stated in its 1777 State Constitution: "Representatives shall be chosen out of the residents in each county...and they shall be of the PROTESTANT religion." University of Houston political science professors Donald Lutz and Charles Hyneman in 1985 published a monumental study that took them 10 years to bring together. They amassed over 15,000 items, including 2,200 books, newspaper articles, pamphlets and monographs of political materials written between 1760-1805 and discovered that there were three writers and one book, the constitutional framers quoted from most often: 1) John Locke (1632-1704)- 3% 2) Barron Charles Montesquieu (1689-1755) -8% 3) William Blackstone (1723-80), and -8% 4) Bible- 34% All three of the previous men were strong Christians, and used the Bible as the foundation for their government philosophy. US Congress In 1854, the U.S. Congress conducted an extensive 1 year investigation. Their final report concluded: “Had the people during the revolution ever had a suspicion of an attempt to war against Christianity that revolution would have been strangled in its cradle. At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was Christianity should be encouraged, but not any one denomination. In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity. It was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendents.” US Supreme Court In 1892, the US Supreme Court conducted a thorough study of American History cited over 60 historical precedents, the court concluded: “There is no dissidence in these declarations. There is a universal language pervading them all having one meaning, they affirm and reaffirm that this is a religious nation. This is a Christian nation.” Someone please tell the people at NMAAHC—along with every Black and White liberal: Of course “Christianity is the norm” in America! America was birthed from the God of the Bible, i.e.Christianity! Of course, “anything other than the Judaeo-Christian tradition is foreign”: a cursory study of American history reveals that it was Christians who created this nation! Of course, there is “No tolerance for deviation from the single god concept”, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; the God of the Bible--is the only God!!! I repeat, there are no other gods than the God of the Bible!!!!! 10.Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. 11.I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. -Is43:10,11 In conclusion, President Thomas Jefferson said, "No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be." The truth of TJ’s quote originates from the Bible: “For all the gods of the nations are idols…” –Ps96:5. In other words, every nation has a god! However, only those nations whose God is the Lord are blessed. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…” (Ps33:12) The reason America has prospered (blessed by God) above any nation in the history of the world…is because we have made the God of the Bible…THE God of this nation! And I repeat, that one and only true God has honored His Word by blessing this nation!!! Why has the NMAAHC made such statements so easily verifiably false? Idolatry--which has led to their blindness! The foundation of White Privilege is the worship of Blackness!!! QuoteBit “There are no limits on our future if we don’t put limits on our people.” JACK KEMP, Politician |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025