Simply, the art of victimology is creating a moral authority through the manipulation of the virtue of sympathy. Creating moral authority, the foundation for victimology, is also what I call self-righteousness.
Although unlimited in its application, victimology has seen its greatest ‘American’ success with minority groups. For example, in order for a ‘particular’ ‘minority’ ‘subset’ of people to possess special cultural rights, they must begin by presenting ‘themselves’--not their cause--as having suffered unjustly. They present the pain of their ‘personal being’ in the form of images before the masses. The visual imaging of suffering creates an automatic sympathy toward the victim, while simultaneously creating a revulsion toward the aggressor. For example, what does the image of a man abusing a kitten or a puppy do to you? One of the greatest examples of the use of victimology is Adolf Hitler, who used it to gain control of Germany and destroy Europe. 1.In 1933, the Nazis set fire to the Reichstag(German government building) and subsequently blamed the Communists. One day later, President Hindenburg signed the Reichstag Fire Edict which suspended individual liberties and civil rights so that, according to Hitler, he would possess the legal authority to keep the Communists from destroying Germany. Just a few days later, this lead to the passage of ‘Enabling Act’, which gave Hitler full dictatorial powers. 2.One week after the Enabling Act was passed Hitler declared a boycott of Jewish stores in Germany. The purpose was revenge against the international press for printing lies on the Nazi regime…which of course was, according to Hitler, controlled by Jews. Thousands of Jewish owned businesses were boycotted, and began the increasing attacks on Jews, ultimately landing them in the concentration camps where millions were systematically murdered. 3.Because victimology worked so well, Hitler unofficially began World War II on March 11, 1938, by marching into Austria. In 1937, Hitler began financing and inciting the Austria Nazis to violence—bombings and thuggery occurring almost nightly. The Austrian police broke into the headquarters of a group called ‘Committee of Seven, whose ‘public’ goal was to bring about peace between Austria and Nazis, but secret papers were found with the signature of Rudolph Hess stating that open revolt was to be maintained until the Austrian government intervened to quiet the fighting, at which point the German army would enter Austria to prevent “German blood from being shed by Germans.” German troops annexed Austria without a shot fired. 4.In 1938, at the same time Hitler was annexing Austria, plans were being made for Czechoslovakia, where over three million Germans lived in what was called the Sudentenland. Although doing well compared to the minority Germans in other countries like Hungary, Italy, or Poland, at times the Czech Germans complained about unfair treatment. In order to attack Czechoslovakia, Hitler used their ‘supposed’ unjust treatment claims and ordered: “demands should be made by the Sudeten German Party which are unacceptable to the Czech government.” Publically however, Hitler said, “It is not my intention to smash Czechoslovakia by military action in the immediate future without provocation, unless an unavoidable development….within (emphasis in the original) Czechoslovakia forces the issue, or political events in Europe create a particularly favorable opportunity which may perhaps never recur.” Hitler determined the Sudetenland Germans, who were previously part of Austria, needed to return to the Reich although they had never been part of Germany. The end result is that ‘The Great Appeaser’ ---Neville Chamberlain, the English Prime Minister, broke his covenant of protection with the Czechs, ironically in order to avert World War, and agreed (The Pact of Munich) to divide Czechoslovakia among the Germans, Hungarians, and Poles! In one day, Czechoslovakia ceased to exist! I stop here only because of space.* The demon of victimology did not die with Hitler, I use him only to show the horror of its consequences (Col2:8). On the contrary, victimology is alive and well in America! It is the greatest tool of liberal success! Take abortion for example. How is it that Planned Parenthood can withstand the most recent undercover videos of selling baby parts? Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood leader--with help from President Obama**--simply appeals to the service they provide for women. In spite of the fact that the services PPF provides can be found elsewhere—their appeal to Americans is that, to defund PPF is to hate women! In other words, forget the murder of infants, AND selling their parts--Planned Parenthood is the victim! Victimology is not some insidious methodology hidden from all but the most keen, observant eyes! It is in the wide open for all to see! Liberalism used it to achieve gay marriage! The appeasers in the media present gays as victims of mean-spirited Christians! Furthermore, victimology literally dominates the liberal black community! Liberals, white and black, have joined together to create blacks as the target of whites! Their express purpose is to institutionalize and memorialize racism as ‘white’ America’s original sin in order to destroy America’s Christian roots, supplanting*** those roots with socialism! Yet, I am not ignorant of the devil’s schemes! Even if I have to be the lone voice crying in the wilderness! Victimology is exactly opposite of much of the Bible. How about the following two verses as an example: For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? -1John5:4,5 One cannot be a victim and an overcomer simultaneously!! You are one or the other! There is no middle ground!! Allow me to conclude by plainly spelling out victimology’s pathway... No overcoming equals no faith! Yet, without faith, it is not only impossible to please God (Heb11:6), it is impossible to be saved (Eph2:8,9)! Therefore, victimology is a direct attack on Christ’s salvation!! * The attack on Poland, Hitler’s next target, probably the greatest case of victimology, officially began World War 2. **The President simply declares the videos fraudulent—he means edited! ***President Obama calls it “change” QuoteBit "Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken." -Warren Buffett
German legend Otto Von Bismarck managed to turn 18 different German states into one united empire, the largest being Prussia, with Berlin as it capitol. Describing the culture of Germany at the turn of the 20th century, French Statesman, Comte de Mirabeau, declared, “Prussia was not so much a state with an army as an army with a state.” Furthermore, Victoria Barnett* wrote of an English visitor to Berlin at the end of the 1800’s, who said, “nowhere in Europe were so many uniforms to be seen in the streets. The mentality instilled in the wearers of these uniforms was one of absolute unwavering obedience to the German empire and its Kaiser.” (pg9,10)
Additional evidence of the German state of mind just prior to World War 1(1914) is found in remarks made by the great Confessing church pastor Martin Niemoller, who in 1910, joined the Kaiser’s army at age 18: “I was never interested at all in politics…. Officers and reserve officers were not interested in political issues. We simply remained true to our oath to the flag under which we stood.” (pg10). Another Confessing church pastor Kurt Scharf, testified that he, his brothers, and their classmates were allowed to participate in the Kaiser war maneuvers in 1913 at age 11! Yet, many Confessing church pastors, not only Scharf and Niemoller, were raised to believe they were ‘apolitical’! “Since Martin Luther’s time...” (1483-1546)--almost 400 years—“…one of German Prostestantism’s foundations had been unwavering support for state authority. The Biblical passage frequently cited…was Romans 13:1-5, used to characterize the correct relation between the Christian and State” (pg11). “This view developed into the doctrine of two kingdoms, represented by the thrones of earthly rulers and the altar of God. Christians owed political obedience to the throne and religious subservience to the altar. German Protestants viewed their love for the Fatherland and loyalty to its leaders as patriotic and Christian virtues” (pg11). “Institutionally and ideologically, then, the German Evangelical Church was aligned with the state, a situation formalized over the centuries by law.” (pg11) In 1889***, Adolf Hitler was born into an atmosphere where parents raised their children according to strict German traditions and cultural pride which taught absolute loyalty. Although the German nation possessed a doctrine of two kingdoms, which is comparable to our doctrine of the separation of church and state, their cultural focus on the absolute loyalty to leadership established the nation in a place where the state controlled the church. As Hitler grew-up in such an atmosphere, it is easy to understand how simply and quickly he was able to turn such a culture to support his dictatorship. After winning a ‘democratic’ election on January 31, 1933, by May, less than 3 months later, Hitler was able to shut down the Reich (legislature), and get the Enabling Act passed, which gave him absolute authority over the nation! Hitler now became “The Fuhrer”, i.e. the absolute leader! It was a complete misunderstanding, misapplication, and rejection of God’s word that allowed a German ‘Christian’ culture to pine for, and democratically elect one, who many believe to be the most evil man in human history! Adolf Hitler is often used as an example of the anti-Christ! How does this relate to America? The Pilgrims, followed closely by the Puritans, crossed the Atlantic in flight from England--a land where the church controlled the state. Although initially, the 13 American colonies adopted some of the same practices from their old England; after the Revolutionary War (War for Independence), the Biblical wisdom of our Founders kicked-in and they implemented a Constitutional Republican form of government that not only rejected Germany’s idea of the state controlling the church, but also rejected England’s idea of the church controlling the state. With these facts in mind, I move to contemporary America. With the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay (anti-)marriage in the Obergefell case, our beloved United States has now initiated a new phase in American history where the state has assumed control over the church. We are now in the beginning stages of the same philosophy which allowed Hitler to create a dictatorship! Why do I make such an accusation? The Kim Davis case in Kentucky is not the beginning, but the precedent upon which the government will begin to enact laws making certain doctrines of the Bible illegal; i.e. this is the state control of the church! In other words, it will soon be against the law in America to ‘say’ that either homosexuality and/or gay marriage are sin! Legislation to this effect is already being considered in Britain! The world is watching America…but more importantly God is watching America! The saving prayer for America is now…Have mercy, sovereign, Creator God…have mercy! *This series of tidbits uses Ms Barnett’s great work “For the Soul of the People” **The Confessing church was the orthodox Christian church in Germany, in contrast to the “German Christians” who were heretics. The Confessing church was the church of Deitrich Bonhoeffer. ***Please notice the date FaceBook reminded me of my grandnephew’s birthday. I wanted to wish him a happy birthday, but I also wanted to be a witness to him because, astonishingly, somehow as a small child of less than ten years old, he came to adopt atheism.
ME: Happy birthday young man! The God of the universe has given you another year to celebrate His life and purposes! For that I am grateful. RELATIVE: I appreciate it, the universe has chosen me lol and I'm grateful. ME: 1.Of course, I will have to respond to this. You are my flesh and blood, the grandson of my brother. 2.I believe God, through Christ Jesus has a special calling in your life. I have sensed it from the time you, as a child, sat in the backseat of my van riding with me and my mother (your great grandmother, who helped raise your mother) about 15 or years ago. Because of this special calling of God, I will continue to give you small doses of God's word to help you understand both His salvation and His purposes for your life. 3.I fully understand you and your brother Johnnie (real name hidden for privacy) have an inclination to atheism, so I will give you small doses of truth to help you understand the irrational basis of atheism. For example, your statement reads, "the universe has chosen me, and I'm grateful." I'm aware your appeal to the universe originates in actors like Will Smith and Jim Carrey, who have made this kind of thinking about the universe popular. However, what you may not have considered is that you have simply turned your denial and rejection of the real God, into an acceptance of the ‘universe’ as god. The universe has no power to choose, there are no sacred writings, nor is there is any evidence anywhere past or present, that the universe has any power to choose any person or thing. There is no evidence that the universe has any power, in any way! There is no evidence it has performed any miracles to prove its ability, or its goodness to mankind. The universe simply exists, it is a created thing like a rock, or a mountain, or any other inanimate thing. It has no breath, nor life. Although it is expanding, it has no eyes to see, nor ears to hear, nor does it have understanding. Actors like Will Smith and Jim Carrey have simply invented another religion, with another god—the universe! In reality, the actions of actors Smith, Carrey, and other like them are simply an act of rebellion against the authentic God, attempting to replace Him with a false ‘universe’ god. Allow me to expand my point. Your statement draws two conclusions about the universe: a. The universe has the ability to choose b. We express our gratefulness to the universe Interestingly, these two things: chosen and gratefulness, are relegated to the Biblical God: a.God chooses us (Jn15:16, Matt22:14) b.We are to be grateful to God(Ps50:14). To direct these points at the universe confirms my contention that you have simply replaced the authentic God with a pseudo god! Hence, the nature of atheism’s irrationality revealed--it declares boldly, and definitely: "We reject the idea of a deity". Yet contradicting itself, it must declare another, or some other, as god! There are 3 primary areas where atheism reveals its irrationality by denying the existence of God, while simultaneously accepting a deity in their lives: i.atheists direct or guide their own lives thereby declaring 'self' to be god. ii.atheists adopt the philosophy of another man, thereby declaring that man to be their god. iii.atheists adopt a thing to give them guidance, declaring its’ deity, for example the universe. Of course, because things, like the universe, can’t speak, hear, or have understanding, the atheist simply invents an appropriate doctrine, which backs point iii to point i---and we simply start over again. At its most fundamental level, atheism is simply idolatry. Atheism is not the rejection of a deity, but the acceptance of self as god; a favorite philosopher as god; or in context of this writing, the acceptance of the universe as god. 4.Most importantly, God loves you! Because He has set His love upon you, i.e. chosen you---He wants you, and needs you! Quotebit Our age finds it difficult to come to grips with Churchill. The political leaders with whom we are familiar generally aspire to be superstars rather than heroes. The distinction is crucial. Superstars strive for approbation; heroes walk alone. Superstars crave consensus; heroes define themselves by the future; they see as their risk to bring about. Superstars seek success in a technique for eliciting support; heroes pursue success as the outgrowth of their inner values.” – Henry Kissinger. For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife. -Mark 6:18
John the Baptist, a prophet of God, rebuked Herod: a ruler, a politician, one with civil authority--for adultery. This passage, is one among many that rebukes Christians who advocate for the deception that fellow believers should remain out of politics! Nazi Germany may be the ultimate evidence that this error, may arguable be the greatest mistake of contemporary Christendom! For the next tidbits, I will base my writing on the excellent book “For The Soul of The People”, by Victoria Barnett. I highly recommend this outstanding book. As I have written before, I have had a ‘fascination’ with Nazi Germany from a child. Although I did not understand this ‘fascination’ for decades, I now know the reason to be that God would have me to understand and unveil the similarities of the church in pre-Nazi and Nazi Germany, to the church in contemporary America. Ms Barnett’s book has helped greatly with that understanding. For this tidbit, let’s begin in 1933, the year Hitler takes power. Shortly after 1933, the German church split into the Confessing church, and the German Christians. The Confessing church is what we would consider the authentic church, while the German Christians were apostates. The German Christians were the religious face of the Nazis, while the Confessing church was the church of Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemoller. In case you are unfamiliar with these names: -Karl Barth has been called by some the greatest theologian of the 20th century. -Deitrich Bonhoeffer has been called the epitome of 20th century Christian martyrs -Martin Niemoller is credited with probably the greatest quote of that period: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me” With these significant men leading the way in the church, one would assume the Confessing church had it going on; that they certainly had to have been a bright light in the midst of such gross darkness! Yet, as we look back, the Confessing church, the supposedly real church--had some real issues! Mrs Barnett writes, “The only thing all Confessing Christians had in common was their opposition to the absolute demands of Nazi ideology on the religious faith” (pg5). What happened? Why was this true? I believe there were at least two primary reasons: 1.Nationalism 2.Anti-semitism By these two terms you might think I am referring to the apostate ‘German Christians’. On the contrary, I refer to the vast majority of the Confessing Church Christians! What do these two things mean? By nationalism I mean a ultra-hyper patriotism. It is a patriotism that shouted, “Germany...right or wrong!” Many Germans, and Confessing church members, including Martin Neimoller (at least initially) believed Germany should win World War II!! Authentic patriotism, on the other hand, speaks calmly, but carries a big stick (if you will)---saying, “United States right, to be kept right, and if wrong, to be made right.” In my opinion, what was worse than Germany’s nationalism was their anti-semitism! It was through centuries of simmering German anti-semitism that enabled Hitler’s seduction! I use the word ‘seduction’ not ‘deception’, because Germans were not deceived by Hitler. Remember, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf in 1925--a full 8 years before he assumed power--that he would annihilate the Jew, and enslave the slav!!! Therefore, Germans knew what they were getting!! Well before Hitler entered the picture, Germany was deceived by her anti-semitism, which again, is what I believe enabled both their nationalism and Hitler! Incredibly, if these two horrific doctrines could infect the Confessing Church Christians, who were supposedly the authentic church in Germany, how much more would these unbiblical and unGodly philosophies affect the apostate church….let alone secular Germany? Mrs Barnett makes a statement on page 6 that caused me to mark it, highlight it, and put a star by it—to emphasize my shock! “The story of the Confessing Church, then, is not of the triumph of good over evil. Good people do not always recognize evil. Even when they do, their behavior is guided not only by strength of conscience or love of humanity but by fear, nationalism, and human weakness.” All I can say is ‘WOW’!!!! What profound points: 1.How can a Christian not recognize evil? 2.Her point was capped off by: Yet, “when they do, their behavior is guided” by at least 5 things: a.strength of conscience b.love of humanity c.fear d.nationalism e.human weakness Without a second thought, we can easily agree that many ‘Christians’ in America do not recognize evil! Regarding her second point however, every letter with the exception of d.nationalism, describes most American Christians! Yet, if I replace nationalism with anti-Americanism*, we have an American church that can wear the German church shoe! *I categorize racism as a sub-point of anti-Americanism. By racism, I mean liberal racism. In contemporary America, racism is driven by liberalism…both black and white liberalism! |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024