In my last tidbit, I began identifying some of the liberal tactics of contemporary racism. Their number one tactic, in my opinion, is: ‘word re-definition’. In short, liberalism manipulates words using the bullhorns of the Cultural Trinity: media; academia; entertainment…as hammers of pseudo moral authority to impose the term ‘racist’ on all people with whom they politically disagree!!
Liberal word re-definition focuses on three areas: 1.change definitions of words 2.add to definitions of words 3.create entirely new words (one I failed to mention in my last tidbit) …all for the purpose of accusing others of the very thing of which they are guilty!!! I repeat, liberals justify their own racism by simply pointing a pseudo moral finger of authority at others while shouting “racist” or “bigot”; or any other of their long list of pejoratives…as loudly as they can! Last tidbit I showed how liberals changed the definition of the word ‘racism’ to mean ‘White racism’; when appropriate in order to attain political power. Allow me to offer another example of the liberal tactic of ‘word re-definition’: “people of color”. The term “people of color”, has recently gained popularity, and at its core, is an innocuous phrase. For example, Frederick Douglass used similar language in one of his many powerful statements: “It is evident the White and Black must fall or flourish together. In light of this great truth, laws ought to be enacted, and institutions established—all distinctions, founded on the complexion, and every right, privilege and immunity, now enjoyed by the white man, ought to be as freely granted to the man of color.” Knowing Frederick Douglass, and the context of this statement, as well as the times that he spoke these incredible words, lends to the understanding that the term “man of color” was ‘not’ a racist statement. On the other hand, knowing the people who use “people of color” in this day, the contexts in which they use it, lends to the exactly opposite conclusion! You must remember, we live in a day when liberalism is deceiving and being deceived—because it is a doctrine of atheism! I offer two reasons to support my contention that the term “people of color” falls under the category of the re-definition of words, and is therefore more often than not, used as a racist term: 1.Every human being with melanin should be included in “people of color”. Because Whites have melanin in their skin, they should be included under the category of ‘people of color’—because melanin controls skin hue. On the contrary, only humans without melanin have no color, and they are biologically known as albino, which is a genetic abnormality—not a definition of White people! 2.The term ‘people of color’ is not inherently racist, yet that is the foundation for its potential to deceive. In other words, liberals use the term to refer to all non-White people, which by default separates the world into two groups: White and non-White people—encouraging the “me against them” or “us against the world” mentality— which is the spirit of superiority, i.e. racism. Therefore, the term ‘people of color’: a.is a willful separation of the world into two-groups; for the purpose of dividing. b.possesses a natural, unconscious, spirit of superiority for those claiming to be ‘people of color’. Furthermore, this very same “superiority spirit”, as well as re-definition of words, is seen in the term ‘Black lives matter’. I mean, who could honestly object to the idea that Black lives matter—other than a full-blown racist? Of course, Black lives—in fact--do matter! However, the liberal organization Black Lives Matter revealed the true spirit behind their use of the term ‘black lives matter’, when they arrogantly rejected the idea that ‘all lives matter’. The lives of Black people matter because Blacks are created in God’s image and likeness--and that is THE ONLY reason!!! Yet, Black people are not uniquely created in God’s image—all humans are created in God’s image! As a matter of fact, the specific truth that Black lives matter, must logically rest upon the universal truth that all lives matter! Said another way, ‘Black lives matter’ originates from ‘all lives matter’!! Yet, when the organization BLM was confronted with this obvious universal absolute ‘truth’ that ‘all lives matter’, over and over again, all across the nation, BLM people rejected ‘all lives matter’, declaring the very term--‘all lives matter’--racist!!! This reveals the ‘spirit of superiority’ behind the organization BLM! In their arrogance, they unveiled--for all the world to see--their driving core belief: Black lives matter more than all lives matter—which is a philosophical impossibility! Of course, if you go to their present website—they have ‘now’ changed their mission statement and power principles to reflect the obvious universal truth that all lives matter! The final evidence for my accusation of BLM’s racism is also found in their former mission statements, and tv interviews. In spite of video evidence of BLM protestors directing their racial venom at White police: “pigs in a blanket, fry’em like bacon”; or “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!” They tried to clear-up this catastrophe in former mission declarations, declaring that they oppose police brutality. Of course, any reasonable person will agree that it is logical and rational to oppose police brutality. Who in their right mind would want to encourage police brutality? In other words, opposition to police brutality is a universal truth applicable to all people—not just Black people! Yet, following their original logic—‘all lives matter’ is racist--BLM can only oppose police brutality against Blacks—not all people! Why? The BLM organization boldly… arrogantly…and repeatedly---over time--declared that ‘all lives matter’ is racist! Because the organization rejects ‘all lives matter’ as racist, it must logically follow that they can only oppose police brutality against Black people—not all people! They cannot have it both ways!!! Either they support the universal truth ‘all lives matter’, that supports the specific truth, ‘Black lives matter’--or they don’t!! BLM cannot logically pick-out support for one universal truth: “oppose police brutality for all”; while rejecting the other universal truth “all lives matter” as racist!! At best, it is called inconsistency; at worst, it is called hypocrisy!! In reality, it is called racism!!! Of course, many will argue my accusations no longer apply because BLM has cleared-up their past radicalism---they have changed! On the contrary, authentic change only comes through repentance—which means acknowledging, and then confessing sin, to those they offended!! On the contrary, authentic change does not come simply through changing words on a website!! Yet, my actual objective in using BLM as an example, was not necessarily to call-out BLM, but to expose liberalism’s tactic of re-defining words! Tragically, liberals re-define words, in mid-paragraph, and sometimes even in mid-sentence! Be forewarned--the objective of their deception is to replace the Judaeo/Christian ethic in America as the standard of right and wrong, with the standard of feelings. Solomon wrote of this tragedy over 2500 years ago: “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes…” (Pro21:2). Yet, because of the sin nature, feelings are not designed to determine good and evil—only God’s word can to that! I leave you with Paul’s warning that applies perfectly to liberalism: “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them” (Eph5:11)! Quotebit "Beginning is Half Done!" -Dr. Robert Schuller "Beginning is Half Won!" -Derrick Jackson
Over the past 4 weeks, I offered the foundation, i.e. the very basics, for the sin of racism. Yet, because sin is complex, it often evolves into various forms—and sometimes even unidentifiable forms(Lu11:35). As a part of sin, the sin of racism, has in fact dramatically evolved into many various forms.
Historically, racist tactics such as slavery, segregation, share cropping, the poll tax, and literacy tests were overt, bold, and shameless. While racism has dramatically changed from this sordid past, it continues to this day in different forms. The question now is what forms? Beginning with this tidbit, and moving forward, I would like to unveil some of those contemporary forms of racism. First of all, you must remember, this tidbit rests squarely upon at least two fundamentals for understanding racism I revealed in previous tidbits: 1.human equality exclusively originates in the image of God on mankind. And, 2.as a sin, racism infects the entire human family--it is not limited to color, tribe, nation, or religion! Without these two principles, understanding racism* becomes impossible! Unlike historic racism, the guiding principles of contemporary racism are deception and confusion. The deception begins with racism retaining a few overt historic forms. For example, anybody who knows human nature, will understand racism can never become obsolete, it can only be controlled. Because I’m not politically correct, people often accuse me of believing racism no longer exists. However, because I understand that racism is a sin of the flesh, I know sins of the flesh can only end when each human receives a new body(1Cor15:3-38). In other words, I absolutely believe racism still exists! While I believe much has changed, some still remains; but must of all, I believe a new system of racism has been birthed! Now, if you reread my last paragraph, which I italicized and underscored for emphasis, it contains an example of a hidden liberal tactic used to deceive and confuse. I can almost guarantee, very few if any, noticed it. First, if you look-up the word racism at dictionary.com, you find: 1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. This offers ‘the’ universal definition of racism; which is supported by the Biblical understanding of the sin of elitism, which gives birth to racism. In other words, the Dictionary.com definition declares racism affects all human beings, regardless of nationality, tribe, tongue, or creed.** At this point, allow me to give you the key liberalism uses to drive the general discourse in American society on race and racism into its present state of deception and confusion. First, the italicized and underscored paragraph is actually true, there are no lies—either willful or accidental. What then is the deception? The key is ‘word definition’. Liberalism either changes definitions, or adds to definitions of words. Re-read to the above paragraph and you will find the same word ‘racism’ actually has two different definitions depending on what sentence uses it, and who is reading it. For example, examine my sentence, “Because I’m not politically correct, people often accuse me of believing racism no longer exists.” Remember, Dictionary.com’s universal definition of racism applies to any people group regardless of nationality, tribe, tongue, or creed. However, as used in this sentence, the word racism means ‘White’ racism! Re-read the sentence, considering I am a Black man referring to racism, and you will find the sentence is interpreted as: “Because I’m not politically correct, people often accuse me of believing White racism no longer exists.” See the subtle difference? With passion and intensity, liberalism markets the hidden assumption that Black people believe ‘racism’ means ‘White racism’!!! If you take the liberal definition, along with the Dictionary.com definition, and reread the paragraph, you will find that it becomes fairly easy to determine to which one I refer. For example, the word ‘racism’ in my sentence "However, because I understand that racism is a sin of the flesh, I know sins of the flesh...” , fits perfectly with the Dictionary.com definition, but not the liberal definition. Why? Because all humans possess “sin of the flesh”, it must therefore refer to all people, not just White people! Still not convinced? Add this fact: liberals argue that Blacks can’t be racist! Yet, if they really believe Blacks can’t be racist, to whom then do liberals refer when they so frequently accuse people of racism? This thinking can only emerge from the idea that ‘racism’ means ‘White’ racism! Or, how about terms like “White Privilege” or “people of color”, which both rest upon the thinking that only Whites are racist! I challenge you—next time there is a media conversation on race, especially when liberals are involved, if you listen closely, you will find they move between the liberal definition of racism and the Dictionary.com definition, depending on what benefits them at the moment. Yet, the liberal idea of changing or adding to word definitions is not limited to the word ‘race’. This liberal practice is now nearly perfected in many areas of public life, which has allowed them to make deception and confusion into an art form! Actually, this sounds very much like Isaiah 5:20-21: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! *Understanding sin is a theological matter; because racism is a sin, it can only be defined and identified by God’s word. **Remember the second principle above. QuoteBit "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" – Napoleon Hill Principles learned so far:
Racism is a sin, and is therefore spiritual in nature Racism is Biblically categorized under the sin of elitism Racism is learned Race as defined by man, does not exist in the Bible, nor on the genetic level Racism can ‘ONLY’ be defeated through the ‘image of God’ principle Today’s principle: Racism is an individual sin. When Satan declared his desire, “I will be like the most High”(Is14:14), he was actually declaring himself as a replacement for God!! In other words, because the nature of deity demands the existence of only one God (Is43:10; Is44:6,8; Is45:5), Satan’s desire to be “like God” was not a declaration to be another God along with ‘the only’ God, but to be God in the place of God!! Interestingly, Satan tempted man using this same sin: “…and you will be like God…” (Gen3:5). When man fell for Satan’s lie; like Satan, it resulted in man exalting himself. Man’s sin caused him to believe he could become God, determining his own good and evil. Knowing all, God understood this propensity of sin to cause man to deify himself, so He gave the first two commandments (Ex20)*. Therefore, sin against God is not some simplistic, irrelevant event, but man arrogantly shaking his fist in God’s face and declaring, “You don’t tell me what to do, I do whatever I want---for I am God!” aka: idolatry! It therefore becomes simple to understand how this sin birthed ‘superiority thinking’ in man--the thinking that one man is superior to another. And furthermore, to understand the birth of ‘superiority’s’ twin: one man thinks he is inferior to another! Please stay with me!! Because sin is like leaven, which grows and fills a thing, we have seen millenniums of self-declared superiors teaching other humans of their inherent superiority. This evil morphs, and one of its most popular morphs is racism—using similar skin tones to determine superiority. As I already pointed out, inseparably linked to the idea of superiority by race (skin tone) is the equally false notion of inferiority by race! This explains the history of the sin of racism, not only in America, but all over the world—in different cultures; different religions; different nations, and at different times! As a side note, this also forever settles the contemporary liberal myth that racism is a sin of White people!! On the contrary—like all sin, racism is a sin of humanity!! When the Bible is rejected as the absolute standard for determining good and evil—which liberalism does through twisting the separation of church and state, into the separation of God from the state—then man alone is left to determine his own good and evil(Jud17:6). When the image of God on man was touched by the sin nature after the fall of man, I repeat, one consequence was that man began to believe he is God; i.e.superior to other men. Hence, the erroneous and ridiculous reasoning of racism was born: “My skin tone makes me superior to you!” As men began to join together, and teach each other, the sin of racism (skin tone superiority) became one of many common bonding factors. But other common, bonding evils also arose. For example, the great truth God created man individually in His image and likeness, rationally lead to the truth that the individual is more important than the group. Yet, sin perverted this truth into the myth that the group is more important than the individual. Of course, this perversion lead to the doctrine of Communism/Socialism**. Overtime, and at different times, men began to join together around the common bond of their rejection of God***; which means join together around their common sin. However, because evil is aggressive, men did not simply stand around and call each other pejoratives---but rather began to attack and murder one other (Gen4:8;1Pet5:6; Ps37:32)--which is always the end of sin(Rom3:3)! Tragically, skin tone (Race) is one of many common bonds man uses to declare himself superior to other men! Therefore, racism is the sin nature perverting the image of God, motivating men to join together by the common bond of skin tone, to enforce their superiority by dominating other humans. In conclusion, because racism is an individual AND internal sin, one can be delivered by repentance from sin; and adopting God’s declaration about every human: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” -Genesis 1:26 “…who are made in the likeness of God” -James3:9 The image and likeness of God gift to man is the ‘ONLY’ reason humans are equal! *1.Thou shalt have no other god before me; 2.Thou shalt not make a graven image. **Communism/Socialism is the sister doctrine to liberalism; and both are doctrines of the religion of atheism. ***Genesis 11 is one Biblical example. QuoteBit Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. ~Steve Jobs |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024