At 13, Jen’s father begins sexual abuse. At 16, she runs away with Bobby her first boyfriend. After 5 months, she is pregnant, but Bobby insists on an abortion. Jen refuses, and at 17 gives birth to a girl, she names Holly. Soon the offended Bobby begins beating Jen and Holly, who is only a few months old. Jen meets John, runs away and marries him to protect herself from Bobby. After a year, John begins to physically abuse Jen. She subsequently takes Holly and flees after he threatens to kill them. Several years pass and Holly turns 12 and wants a boyfriend. The abused Jen counsels her daughter, “You have to watch these boys, because all men are dogs.”
Many will respond, you can’t really blame Jen for her opinion…yet is what Jen said true? The answer is complicated because from her viewpoint, every male she has ever experienced, has in fact abused her! Jen’s experiences were real, and justifiably affected her thinking; and could affect the thinking of those who hear her story!! So too, after recently listening to a young black male now in his early 30’s, tell of a harrowing incident of police brutality that happened to him in his early 20’s, there exists an undeniable reality of negative encounters between blacks and police—which has…in reality…affected mindsets! Yet…this is the deception of Black Lives Matters! How’s that, you ask? BLM has taken recent black shootings by police, and through the liberal media, launched an assault on America! If someone speaks out against BLM’s opinions, about anything, they are immediately branded a racist, or an Uncle Tom, because who, other than the KKK, would fight against the lives of Black people! Now you see the beginning of BLM’s clever word play! They are able to escape any sort of criticism, because to oppose them, is to oppose black lives! Like Jen, who because of her experience, declared all men dogs, ‘liberal’ blacks, where only a small minority have ever even experienced police misconduct*, because of the liberal media, have willfully allowed themselves to be deceived by BLM’s racism! What BLM racism, you may ask? When BLM attacks white police for killing blacks, in reality, they are accusing ‘whites’ of killing blacks! When BLM shouts police brutality, they are actually shouting ‘white’ brutality! Where is my proof, you ask? Remember, when Trayvon Martin was shot by George Zimmerman, Jesse Jackson shouted, “Black people are under attack.” What sort of tortured logic could move the ‘reverend’ from this one black attack, to all blacks being attacked? It’s called Victimology! What is victimology? Using either a fact, or a myth, to accuse others of what you are guilty of, to justify self, and gain sympathy, with a view toward moral bullying. Selah! Sadly, many black Christians have been duped by this deception because they want to be affiliated with supporting black causes! Yet I repeat…this is the very root of BLM’s deception! Little attention is paid to the origin, leaders, and the platform ideas of BLM…precisely because they are black! Remember, it was Patrisse Cullors, co-creator of BLM, who was invited, and paid, to stand before the University of Notre Dame, on Dr King’s birthday no less(Tidbit 3), and attacked him, and his Christianity**! Can a ‘Black Christian belong to a ‘Black’ organization--because it is ‘Black’, even though it hates Christians and Christianity***--without committing the sin of idolatry? In conclusion, a strong principle truth to take away is: ‘experience does not determine truth, it confirms truth’. Jen’s experience was a fact…not truth! As this relates to BLM, as a consequence of the fact that several black youths were shot by police, BLM marchers chanted, “pigs in a blanket fry em’ like bacon” (http://dailycaller.com/2015/08/29/black-lives-matter-protesters-chant-pigs-in-a-blanket-fry-em-like-bacon-video/).Therefore, even though I proved in Tidbit 4 that the numbers of blacks killed police are less than the numbers of whites killed by police, regardless, according to BLM, we should hold “ALL” police responsible by “…fry em like bacon…”, i.e. kill them! Yet remember, and I repeat, BLM’s attack is not limited to ‘ALL’ police—that is its smokescreen! In reality, BLM refers to ‘ALL’ white people! If you are still unconvinced, the most recent proof of the ‘spirit of black racism’ driving BLM, is Chris Marquez, an ‘Hispanic’ Iraq War veteran, who was attacked, while innocently sitting in a McDonalds in Washington DC. Assuming Marquez was white, the Black teens--unaware I’m sure****--asked him a loaded question: “Do you believe Black lives matter?” If Marquez answers “yes”, he associates himself with BLM, its leadership, and objectives! You must understand, their question was not simply about supporting Black lives, i.e. Black people! Furthermore, according to the new liberal definition of white racism--because Marquez is white--even though in reality as a Hispanic, he is not white--he can’t answer “yes”, because as a white, he is automatically racist!! On the other hand, if he answers “no”, then he proves his racism, and according to BLM, should be fried like bacon! In this case, they only hit him in the head, stole his money and credit cards!! I guess we should be grateful for that consolation! Yet I repeat, this group of black teens’ advocated for BLM, which believes whites to be racist because they are white; and is the very reason they attacked Marquez from the beginning! If this is not true, why did they pick Marquez out? The obvious answer is because they assumed he was white—and therefore assumed he was a racist! Therefore, this group of black teens believed whiteness equals racism!! But where did they get that philosophy, this spirit? If you guessed Black Lives Matter—then you get an A. How can a Black ‘Christian’ be involved with this? More importantly, is God involved with this? *Remember, only a very small percentage of people, black or white, ever experience contact with police at all…let alone violent contact--which is even less! (see Tidbit4) ** “We don’t need a black, Christian, cis-heteronormative man to take us to the Promised Land…” -Patrisse Cullors ***…and the Bible ****unaware of the ‘spirit’ of racism, or the BLM spirit driving them. QuoteBit I will forever remain humble, because I know I could have less. I will always be grateful because I know I’ve had less. -Words with Weight
Sorry, I had to do another tidbit on this topic. I just finished listening to the debate between Dinesh D’Souza and Atheist, Marxist Bill Ayers that occurred last Wednesday (www.dineshdsouza.com). In that debate Bill Ayers wore a t-shirt with Black Lives Matters. When he was challenged using the statement: “All Lives Matter”, he defended himself:
“If I were wearing a t-shirt that said, “Stop the sexual assault of women”. You would probably say, “women and men”. That would sound more universal but actually miss the point. If …. I said, Jewish lives matter, you would say all lives matter, that is a given. Of course, German lives matter, but the lives that are at risk, the lives that were being contested were Jewish lives. The problem is that we’re looking at police violence against young black people is a plague and it’s something that should be stopped.” Dinesh responded, “The reason your analogy is flawed is because in the case of the Jews, all the power was in the hands of the Nazis and the Jews were completely vulnerable…”. If you want to hear the D’Souza’s complete response go to debate at 1.22.00 mark My response: While Mr D’Souza’s outstanding answer identified the flaw in Mr Ayers logic, I would like to build on it by offering the evidence against Ayers flawed logic. Mr Ayers said: “The problem is that, we’re looking at police violence against young black people is a plague.” His statement expresses what is supposed to be the core* problem of America according to BLM: blacks are being inordinately attacked by police!! -The BLM website emphasizes this point: “an immediate end to police brutality and the murder of Black people and all oppressed people”. -Furthermore, BLM referred to Trayvon Martin’s death by George Zimmerman as, “virulent anti-Black racism” that “permeates our society.” -BLM co-founder Opal Tometi uses more colorful words: “the racist structures that have long oppressed Black people” perpetuate a “cycle of oppression” that “allows law enforcement to kill Black people at nearly the same rate as Jim Crow lynchings.” -Even white Hollywood film director Quentin Tarantino weighed-in declaring that police brutality is an issue of “white supremacy.” Of course, listening to the nightly news, liberal talk shows, and President Obama, etc., the fact that police are attacking blacks is a no-brainer! As a matter of fact, only an Uncle Tom, the KKK, Neo Nazis, or skinheads would dare deny the obvious fact…right?!? Well, in spite of such a seemingly obvious truth, I would still like to ask the question anyway: Are police inordinately attacking blacks? Or, are police purposefully targeting blacks for murder? Or, as Mr Ayers contends, is police brutality a “plague” against blacks? It just so happens there are facts that argue to the contrary: 1. The Centers for Disease Control reports police shootings of blacks are down almost 75 percent over the last 45 years, while police shooting of whites remained level. (http://www.wnd.com/2015/08/blacks-kill-2-white-cops-media-silence/#H285Btf4jmQbGUVS.99.) 2.Another Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report stated that from 1999 to 2011, “2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.” (townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2015/08/15/the-biggest-idiots-in-politics-the-blacklivesmatter-protesters-n2039167/page/full) (www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/aug/21/michael-medved/talk-show-host-police-kill-more-whites-blacks/) 3. Leo Hohmann cites ‘black’ Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke: “In a three-year period, 2009 to 2012, there were about 1,491 uses of deadly force by police officers. Sixty-one percent of the people involved in that use of force were white males, 32 percent were black males, an almost two to one ratio. If there’s anybody that has a claim on police use of force, it’s white males.” (www.wnd.com/2015/10/sheriff-clarke-blows-lid-off-black-lives-matter/) 4.Another CDC report on police shooting showed that in 2012, police killed 123 blacks while killing twice that many whites. (www.prageru.com/courses/political-science/america-racist) 5.Probably, the most accurate report however originates in the liberal, Washington Post, ironically, a paper that supports BLM. “The newspaper has tracked 827 police shootings this year (2015). Its statistics are broken down by race, gender, age, state, threat level, mental state of the suspect and the type of weapon used against officers. Only a small number of the shootings – roughly 5 percent – occurred under the kind of circumstances that raise doubt and draw public outcry, the newspaper reported Oct. 24.” I repeat, only 5% of fatal police fatal shootings were even questionable regarding race, gender, age, etc! The other 95% were justified!! I repeat again…according to the Washington Post!!! (www.wnd.com/2015/11/police-shootings-fantasy-explodes-on-black-lives-matter/#R2R7lL6Mapp3xvko.99) (www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings) 6.On the other hand, another study found “the death rate due to legal intervention was more than three times higher for blacks than for whites in the period from 1988 to 1997.” This study factored the variables that more whites are killed than blacks by police, and that there are more total whites than blacks in the country. In other words, the greater number of total whites, factored with the greater number of whites killed by police, compared to the lesser number of total blacks, factored with the lesser number of total blacks killed by police, yields a higher proportion of black deaths compared to white deaths. (www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/aug/21/michael-medved/talk-show-host-police-kill-more-whites-blacks) This however, does not mean that cops are racist because the proportion of black deaths is higher than whites! That conclusion is ludicrous. For one to declare cops racist because the proportion of black deaths is higher than white deaths at police hands, in spite of the fact that cops shot and killed more whites than blacks, means that cops walk around looking for blacks to kill, but instead kill more whites!! On the other hand, only liberalism can conjure that kind of tortured logic!! In conclusion, if you consider facts above emotion, then both Mr Ayers and BLM’s contention that blacks are inordinately targeted by white cops is false! QuoteBit Working hard is only the first part of success. Making good choices is the second part, and it truly takes both to achieve success at whatever you do. IVAN R. MISNER Business leader and writer In this final tidbit on this topic, I want to remove the mask of BLM, so you can see her real face!
From the time Dr Martin Luther King’s birthday became a national holiday in 1986, it has been a time for America to join together—both black and white--to celebrate a greater, more moral America, the Civil Rights movement, and the man who led it. The 1964 Civil rights act, and the 1965 Voting Civil Rights acts were the climax of a national movement that included not only the leadership of Dr and Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, but many others like: Reverend Ralph Abernathy, Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, Reverend Joseph Lowery, Reverend James Bevel, Reverend Allen Johnson, Reverend Curtis W. Harris, Reverend and U.S. Representative Walter E. Fauntroy, Reverend C. T. Vivian, Reverend and U.S. Representative Andrew Young, Mayor Charles Evers, Cleveland Robinson, Randolph Blackwell, Annie Bell Robinson Devine, Reverend Charles Kenzie Steele, Reverend Alfred Daniel Williams King, Reverend Benjamin Hooks, Aaron Henry, Bayard Rustin*, Reverend Wyatt Tee Walker. This abbreviated list is further complimented with names like Rosa Parks, called the mother of the freedom movement, Irene Morgan, Sarah Louise Keys, and many others! You will note that I took special care to highlight the ‘Reverends’ involved. The heavy Christian involvement, is yet more evidence that the Civil Rights movement was not secular, but inspired by the Holy Spirit! Two weeks ago, on Martin Luther King’s birthday, the University of Notre Dame, a Catholic University, i.e. a Christian University, invited Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors, two of the three founders of the Black Lives Matter, to speak in 'honor' of Dr. King. During her remarks to commemorate Dr King, Ms Cullors said, “...the movement needs a new model of group leadership with female involvement. We don’t need a black, Christian, cis-heteronormative man to take us to the Promised Land…” Oooops—there it is! Ms Cullors just ripped the mask off of BLM!! First, since 1986, Dr King events have been happening all over the nation---at churches, schools, and civic halls. I wonder how many of the speakers at those events ever took the opportunity to not only insult Dr King, but much more importantly, the Civil Rights movement! You see, Dr King is not the Civil Rights movement, but represents the thousands, yea millions of blacks who suffered waiting for such a movement! For example, how about murdered activist Medgar Evers, or the Freedom Riders whose bus was bombed, or the blacks who were beaten and whipped, or who were attacked by police dogs, or had water cannons turned on them!! This does not even include Notre Dame University, who organized this honorable event, and paid the speakers, only to have BLM---disrespect them! Yet, the greatest disrespect was not to Dr. King, the Civils Rights movement, or Notre Dame, but to God Himself!! Let’s examine Ms Cullors statement a little more closely: “Christian, cis-heteronormative man to take us to the Promised Land…” Along with the first two tidbits, this last part in the series offers incontrovertible evidence that the Civil Rights movement was inspired by God, Himself! In spite of this, the insolent Ms Cullors purposely uses the words “Christian” and “Promised Land” to willfully, not only mock Dr King, but God, and His word! Those three words didn’t accidently plop off her lips, but represent a pre-planned agenda! As the creators, and leaders of BLM, Ms Cullors choice of words represent ‘THE’ position of Black Lives Matter AND all those who support them!!! Furthermore, her “cis-heteronormative”** comment, along with other impudent statements like: “the movement will challenge cisnormativity, heteronormativity, patriarchy and push a “transfeminist lens”, reveals their gay agenda, i.e. their real face! Using my best sarcasm: I wonder how a Christian, who believes the Bible is the inspired word of God—can support this?!?! Furthermore, maybe you were unaware that BLM founders Alicia Garza and Patrisse Cullors are lesbians, and the third founder, Opal Tometi, is a transgender rights advocate. If you ask what difference does that make? Then sadly, you have already missed it! The Word of God declares, “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2Pet1:21). “Holy men were moved by the Holy Spirit”!! While it is true that God can use whomever He desires for His purposes; yet, 2Peter 1:21 specifically declares, God used ‘holy’ men to write the scriptures. The emphasis of the verse is not on gender but on “holy”; or people who are consecrated or sanctified by His cleansing power. In other words, God needs His own to accomplish His great will in the earth! Of course, on the other hand, this should also inform you of the origin of BLM. Remember, God has already begun to send a spirit of delusion into the earth (2Thes2:11). And furthermore, there exists philosophies that directly oppose Christ (Col2:9)! The million dollar question is: what are those philosophies? Black people ought not so easily be persuaded by someone who shouts “BLACK!” Or, by some organization’s title containing the word “BLACK!”, as though the word “BLACK” itself is a life-line! i.e. Black Panthers, Black Muslims, Black Lives Matter, Black Liberation Theology, etc. God did not design ‘blackness’ to save black people! On the contrary, “…whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts2:21). BLM is not about black lives, but just another attempt to justify sexual perversion, and rebellion against God! *Who were all part of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference **the attitude that heterosexuality is the only normal and natural expression of sexuality Quotebit "Profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living, profits can make you a fortune." Jim Rohn’s mentor |
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