“For the wages of sin is death…”(Rom6:23)
For yet another piece of evidence for the violence of sexual perversion I must return to the Bible, 1Corinthians 6:18: “ “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” -KJV What was the Holy Spirit’s intent by inspiring the phrase: “sin against his own body”? The obvious answer from the context of 1Corinthians 6:18 is because the “wages of sin is death,” there will be consequences in a human being’s physical body because of the act/sin of fornication. In other words, like all sin, the sin of fornication, defined as sex prior to marriage, can cause sickness up to and including death! Strong’s Concordance defines “fornication” using the Greek word: pŏrnĕia, por-ni-ah; from 4203; harlotry (includ. adultery and incest); fig. idolatry:—fornication; which means both fornication and adultery are included in this word. In short, the word porneia is simply sexual perversion which is sexual behavior outside of God’s definition of marriage. First, what is God’s definition of marriage? One man and one woman joined together in a covenant relationship for life (Gen2:24; Eph5:21-33). Second, what is that sickness/death that occurs because of sexual perversion, or sex outside of God’s definition of marriage? Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). What is most intriguing about sexual perversion is that the physical act of sex is the same for a couple who is married and a couple who is not. In other words, the only difference between those who obtain a sexual disease and those who do not is God’s marriage covenant which requires monogamy between one man and one woman---not the sex act itself! If a man and woman remain sexually faithful to one another in marriage which is God’s definition of marriage--no disease comes between them. However, if a man and woman abandon monogamy, and invite others into their sexual bed—STDs appear---and I repeat—even though the physical act of sex remains the same. What’s my point? The sex act is one of the greatest, if not the greatest demonstration of God’s word that “the wages of sin is death!” What is an STD? Following are some: Syphilis; Gonorrhea; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; Genital Herpes; Genital Warts; Non-Specific Urethritis; Trichomoniasis; Chlamydia; Mucopurulent Cervicitis; Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID); Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 60 different types existed in early 90’s; Cytomegalovirus – CMV; Human immunodeficiency virus – HIV- the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome- AIDS. These diseases are transmitted during sexual intercourse ONLY to those outside of the marriage covenant! What this does not tell us is the origin of these diseases. For example, if a man goes to a doctor, he will describe his symptoms. Subsequently, the doctor will ask the man questions about his lifestyle and do tests in order to derive the reason for the pain. If the patient complains of pain in the chest, and the doctor does tests and finds lung cancer, he will normally find out that the patient smokes cigarettes which is the cause of cancer. Doctors must press down to the cause of sickness in order to offer a remedy to help the patient with his/her health! Tragically, this science does not always apply to STDs. Why? Because STDs fall under the category of political correctness! I asked two different geneticists, who were not Christians, the following two questions: 1.If it is true that STDs are sexually transmitted, where did the first one begin? 2.What is the origin of an STD? Without exception, they both simply answered that STDs are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. They explained it like anyone could possess these diseases. I responded, why then are they called sexually TRANSMITTED diseases? Both were offended and acted like I had attacked their doctoral training…and ended the conversation! Do STDs have no origin? Yes…they do!!! Their origin is sin! The physical sin of sexual perversion conceives its consequence from the spiritual realm! In other words, when a man or a woman commits the sin of sexual perversion, the result of that physical sin comes down from the spiritual realm!!! Sin is disobedience to God in the spiritual, soul, or physical realms, and has consequences in any of those three realms. I’m fully cognizant that my opponents will respond that people who are not married often have sex, and no STD appears. The problem with this reasoning is that it explains neither the origin nor the existence of the STD…it simply ignores it! Or, better yet, they simply justify themselves because they can’t---or don’t want to control their sexual drive! In other words, those who have sex out of wedlock and do not possess an STD…are simply playing Russian Roulette! What the sexually promiscuous have to deal with is that given enough time---one day they will have to give account for their promiscuity in the natural realm with either: 1.a pregnancy; 2.an STD!! If there is no repentance---in the spiritual realm (eternity) they will have to face a holy God! In conclusion, because sexual perversion is a sin against God, it commits violence against the bodies of those who indulge! Why? “For the wages of sin is death…”(Rom6:23) Quotebit In our world of normalized perversion, erotic love is severed from sexual differentiation, marriage is severed from sexual differentiation, sex is severed from marriage, sex is severed from procreation, procreation is severed from marriage, and people are severed from their bodies. Laura Higgins
“For the wages of sin is death…”(Rom6:23)
Continuing with more evidence for my premise that sexual perversion ends with violence including the act of murder, I now offer contemporary mass murderers who were sexual perverts. By sexual perversion I mean those who participate in the ‘seemingly’ never-ending descent of lasciviousness/licentiousness involving things like fornication, adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism, pederasty, pedophilia, incest, Sado/Masochism, Bestiality, Necrophilia, etc., etc., etc.* There Bible condemns lasciviousness as a work of the flesh (Gal5:19). Once again, this does not mean all those who indulge in sexual sin become mass murderers, what it does mean is that sexual perversion or sexual license ‘releases’ man’s sin nature—facilitating more and more sin in number and depth, and if left unchecked--can send perpetrators into an abyss of darkness ending with murder, including ‘grotesque’ serial murder! Two Confirming Quotes by Experts: 1.The NY Times published an article by N.R.Kleinfeld and Erica Goode dated October 28, 2002 entitled “Serial Killings Squarest Pegs…”, where the writers declared: “The majority of serial killers, experts said, use their crimes to act out elaborate sexual fantasies, sometimes involving rape or torture. The very process of killing -- seeing that look of terror in a victim's eyes, hearing a victim beg for mercy -- often elicits a sexual thrill. The murderer typically enjoys the intimate physical contact of the crime.” Notice the phrases “sexual fantasies” and “sexual thrill”; along with the words “rape” and “torture”, are described as common among serial killers. (Source) 2.“Many of the most violent recent multiple murders have been committed by homosexual males.” -Lindsey, Robert, New York Times. New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 21 Jan 1984: 1.1. (Source) 10 examples of homosexual serial murderers. 1.Donald Harvey (Source) CINCINNATI (FOX19) - Donald Harvey believed he was acting as an angel when he killed terminally ill patients at Drake Hospital in the 1980s. Harvey was a nurse’s aide and had unlimited access= according to Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. He was ultimately convicted of 37 murders although his lawyer claimed Harvey confessed to 57. His weapons of choice? Cyanide, arsenic and rat poison, according to a book written by Harvey’s attorney, William Whalen. “Bottom line was, Donald Harvey liked to kill," Whalen said before he died. Whalen says Harvey was molested as a child, shunned by children at school, and gay during a time it was not accepted, going through life feeling powerless.” 2.John Wayne Gacy Gacy murdered 33 people and sodomized them. In the Chicago Tribune, 2/22/1980, Jane Fristch wrote a piece called, 'Our house was his house': Neighbor calls Gacy 'very brilliant', where she confirmed Gacy’s homosexuality: “He said that he wanted revenge for the attack but the Chicago police gave him little help after he told them he was a homosexual.” (You can google Gacy for a abundance of information) 3.Patrick Wayne Kearney (Source) Kearney murdered 32 people. Wikipedia confirms Kearney’s homosexual perversion: “It was from his experiences in his early years in California that Kearney cultivated his skill as a gay pickup artist.” New York Times reporter Robert Lindsey confirms the homosexuality of the next 4 serial murderers: 4.Bruce Davis, 5.Dean Corll, and 6.Randy Steven Kraft, 7.William Bonin: “Detectives who have worked on several of these cases, many of which have involved especially vicious mutilations and torture of victims, theorize that killers acted out of rage rooted in unresolved guilt about their own homosexuality. Based on interviews after their arrest, the detectives say, the killers have admitted to being motivated by a sense of shame after having sexual relations with their victims. Media Violence Is Cited” (Source) 4.Bruce Davis Bruce A. Davis confessed to killing 28 men and boys mostly in Illinois. 5.Dean Corll “Dean Corll is accused by Texas police officials of killing dozens of teen-age boys.” 6.Randy Steven Kraft “Randy Steven Kraft, a California computer programmer has been charged with killing as many as 16 youths.” 7.William Bonin “William Bonin of Los Angeles was convicted of torturing and murdering 14 young men.” 8.Juan Corona (Source) He committed 25 murders of male migrant workers. NY Times confirms his homosexual perversion. “These are homosexual murders,” Richard Hawk, the attorney defending Mr. Corona said. He added that the killings could not have been committed by his client because, he said, he is “hopelessly heterosexual.” 9.Jeffery Dahmer (Source) He committed 17 murders. Wikipedia confirms Dahmer’s homosexuality. “Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster was an American serial killer and sex offender who killed and dismembered seventeen males between 1978 and 1991. Many of his later murders involved necrophilia, cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts—typically all or part of the skeleton.” Dahmer later confessed to 17 murders, many of which included the rape and dismemberment of the victims. (Source) 10.Richard Speck (Source) Speck murdered 8 of 9 nurses in 1966. The lone survivor was undetected hiding under a bed. In 1988 Statesville Correctional Center released video footage of Speck performing oral sex on a fellow inmate; “parading in silk panties, sporting female-like breasts (allegedly grown using smuggled hormone treatments)” confirming Speck’s homosexual perversion. *I have a list in my computer in excess of 45 such sexual perversions which the Bible condemns as sin! **In order to confirm my sources using the ‘Proquest’ links, you will have to search the Naperville, Illinois, online library. Quotebit Jesus called Peter a “rock” long before he was stable and mature. He leads us by calling out of us His identity for us, and unique purpose in us, not by calling out our failures. – unknown. “…and calleth those things which be not as though they were.“-Rom4:17 “For the wages of sin is death…”(Rom6:23)
Over the past three tidbits I offered ‘Biblical’ evidence that sexual perversion leads to violence, including murder. In this piece I intend to offer evidence of how sexual perversion has ended in murder…in our day! I will begin with a bang: Adolf Hitler. In the book ‘Germany’s National Vice’, by Samuel Igra, published in 1945, on page 67, he writes, “Dr Hermann Rauschning assured me that he had seen a copy of such document, which was in the hands of a foreign government. It declared that Hitler(1889-1945) had been a male prostitute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912 (18-23 years old), and that he practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914 (23-25 years old). Mussolini obviously knew of the existence of this document, and had a copy of it at his disposal when he charged Hitler with pederasty and murder at one and the same time.” In the book ‘The Hidden Hitler, by Lothar Machtan, published in 2001, on page 51, he writes, “It was an open secret at the beginning of the 20th century that municipal hostels for homeless males were hubs of homosexual activity as well as catchment centers for stray individuals. According to Hirschfield, “homosexual occurrences formed a favorite and far from only theoretical topic of conversation” in these emergency accommodations. For many of their occupants, homosexual intercourse was a substitute for lack of contact with women; others kept themselves afloat by engaging in prostitution. Hitler spent over three years in this environment. The hostel Meldemannstrasse, a relatively modern comfortable establishment by contemporary standards, was an exclusively male preserve.” On page 68, Machtan continues, “Meanwhile, we had gotten to know Hitler better. We noticed that he never looked at a woman. We suspected him of homosexuality right away, because he was known to be abnormal in any case. He was extremely eccentric and displayed womanish characteristics which tended in that direction. In 1915 we were billeted in the Le Febre brewery at Fournes. We slept in the hay. Hitler was bedded down at night with Schmidl, his male whore. We heard a rustling in the hay. Then someone switched on his electric flashlight and growled. “Take a look at those two nancy boys.” I myself took no further interest in the matter.” On page 100, Machtan continues, “In France in 1916/17, according to the said documents, Hitler posed in the nude for a homosexual officer named Lammers—a Berlin artist in civilian life—and subsequently went to bed with him.” Or, in the book Napoleon and Hitler, by Desmond Seward, on page 148, he quotes Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, who referred to Hitler as “that horrible sexual degenerate”. In addition, in page 299, Seward also writes, “the files of Viennese police list him (Hitler) as a homosexual.” Or, in the book “The Pink Swastika” by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams--one of the top five books I’ve ever read by the way—who identify not only Ernst Rohm, but many of Hitler’s top aides as violent homosexuals; the worst of which was Ludwig Tiene, who was a major leader at Auschwitz death camp. Lively and Abrams quote Frank Rector in his book ‘The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals’, who writes that Tiene “became the most prolific mass murder of all time”. When the Nazis came to power, Germany was a bastion of sexual perversion from fornication to adultery to homosexuality. I’m sure you are probably wondering, “how Hitler’s homosexuality connects to the murder of 6 million Jews?” As I have endeavored to prove through the scriptures in the three previous tidbits, the connection is through the understanding the nature of sin, and how it works. One of the characteristics of sin is that it develops or matures over time. As sin develops it sends impenitent sinners spiraling downward into ever-increasing darkness, climaxing in death or murder. In other words, apart from repentance, one sin irresistibly leads to another in numbers and intensity. The Bible calls this phenomenon lasciviousness (Gal5:19), also known as licentiousness—which actually means sexual license. In other words, sexual intercourse outside of God’s boundaries is not merely what a man and woman naturally and consensually do. Satan uses man’s sin nature, not exclusively…but especially through sexual deviancy to unleash the power of the sin nature plunging a person or people into greater and greater evil—which Biblically and historically only concludes in destruction, death, and murder! Remember, although Cain committed the first murder against his brother Abel, the Bible does not offer sexual perversion as the cause. However, this situation does unveil the incredibly fast maturity of sin—from a ‘seemingly’ innocuous action of eating a forbidden fruit---to the murder of one brother by another…all happening within ‘ONE’ generation!!!! However, also remember, from the Genesis 4 murder of Abel by Cain, sin matured and exponentially multiplied landing us in Genesis 6:5: “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This statement is made in the context of sexual perversion (Gen6:1-4)!!!! This does not mean sexual perversion was the only sin man was committing at this time. However, it does illustrate that sexual perversion was the primary conduit in facilitating the propagation of the power of the sin nature over the known earth--causing God to pour out His wrath in order to preserve 8 people! If God had waited, man’s sin nature would have wholly annihilated himself! On the contrary, in God’s mercy (Eph2:4), He so loved mankind(Jn3:16) that He dealt with his sin nature through the Cross(Col2:14); hence, God gave His only begotten Son as our substitutionary sacrifice(1Pet3:18)! HALLELUJAH!!!! Quotebit Like virtue in the culture, repentance has been cancelled in the church. -Derrick Jackson |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025