One of the most oft used soundbites by liberals to discredit America is: “America is a racist nation!” (To clarify, by “racist nation” they mean “White racist nation”.*) However, I found the only way to hold to this myth is to willfully distort history. Here is the key--history becomes distorted by rejecting God’s Sovereignty and providence. Why? Because it is impossible to understand history (His-story) apart from God’s revelation**! “If you don’t see the divine hand behind the scenes, history becomes an incomprehensible enigma”. -Charles Kaufman The two points that pertain to this tidbit: “Accusation” and “Change”. Let’s begin with Accusation. The Bible defines Satan as the accuser of the brethren (Rev12:10). However, even though Satan is the father of lies (Jn8:44), he does not lie while accusing the brethren! Why? Two reasons: i.Those he accuses are literally guilty. ii.He makes his accusation to God…to Whom he cannot lie. Therefore, when Christians sin, Satan can rightfully accuse us before God. However, because Jesus became our substitutionary sacrifice (Jesus paid the price by taking the penalty for our sin on Himself), all of Satan’s evidence to accuse us has been eliminated! Therefore, Satan’s tactic of accusation is not for the purpose of encouraging repentance, but rather to destroy the brethren! In other words, because the wages of sin is death (Rom6:23), Satan believes he can force God’s hand to judge the brethren because all mankind has sinned(Rom3:23)!! What does this have to do with America? Everything!!! Liberals use the very same tactic of accusation!!! Like Satan, the liberal purpose of their accusations is not to find ways of building racial harmony, to improve our nation; but to destroy it—and start over!! How? The liberal objective is to find a way of establishing as fact that America is an irredeemably racist nation, because it was built upon a systemically racist foundation, which cannot be repaired! And, what is that ‘way’? ‘American slavery!’ Here is their driving principle: Find a way to permanently connect the White Supremacy of American slavery, to contemporary White racism, thereby bringing White Supremacy from the past into the present, which convicts contemporary America of irredeemable systemic racism---whose only remedy is to tear it all down, and start again! So, how do they do it? One powerful means is to incessantly repeat old words, while simultaneously introducing newly created words and phrases into the consciousness of culture, like: -colonialism; -intersectionality; -Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome; -red-lining; -income disparity; -White Privilege; -Implicit Bias; -Unconscious Bias; -equity; -Police brutality; Whiteness; Multi-racial Whiteness; -Anti-Racism; -1619 project; -systemic racism; -defund the police; -White Fragility; -CRT, etc. These terms are not meant to be in any order, but to reveal ‘a’ technique. Through incessant public repetition of these words and phrases, liberals have been able to sell White Supremacy to our present culture so that it is now normal to think: “Whites have privilege!” which means “All Whites are racist!” But, because American Slavery also rests on White Supremacy, how easy is it to connect White Supremacy (present) with White Supremacy(past)!!! The phrases are the same! However, what has also had an impact is shortening the phrase: “White Privilege” to “Whiteness”, which allows them to connect all the above words and phrases to Whiteness. In other words, to study American Slavery in our schools today, one must study Whiteness which includes all the above words---therefore, American Slavery is now inseparably linked to Whiteness, which means the White Supremacy of slavery equals the White Supremacy of the present! Another proof of my contention is a statement made by President Barak Obama, in an interview by Mark Moron, carried on NPR radio. President Obama said, “What is also true is that the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives — you know, that casts a long shadow. And that's still part of our DNA that's passed on. We're not cured of racism”. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/06/22/416476377/we-are-not-cured-obama-discusses-racism-in-america-with-marc-maron Change You see…Obama uses ‘slavery’ as his foundational evidence to accuse America of ‘systemic racism’!! This is ‘THE’ liberal viewpoint!! Yet, it is totally false!!! Why? Remember, human DNA is immutable… therefore, if American racism is comparable to DNA—it cannot change, i.e.we can never be cured of it!!! But—America abolished slavery—so, America did in fact change! Therefore, if America has changed, and it has, then Obama is wrong; and so is his (and the others) accusation of systemic racism!!!! Returning to ‘Satan the accuser’, if the evidence that our sin no longer exists is the Cross of Christ, which gives Satan no legal grounds for accusation…in the same manner, the abolishment of American slavery---is absolute proof that America has changed---and our nation cannot, and should not, any longer be accused of “systemic racism”! Still not convinced? How about a little American Exceptionalism—as proof of change!!! 1.Barak Obama was the first Black American president. If every Black and Hispanic person in America had voted for him, he would never have been elected! In other words, White people were responsible for voting the first Black American into the office of President!!! 2.There is no record in human history of a predominantly White nation electing a Black president—the U.S. is the first in the history of the world!! No European nation has done it! No Black African nation has ever elected a White leader! Not even Brazil*** has ever had a Black president! 3.Obama is the first Black American president to be elected by Whites to the office—twice!! He served two terms as President totaling 8 years!!!! This has never happened before…in the history of the world!!! 4.There is no record of a predominantly White nation (or Black nation) voting a former member of a group it once enslaved, as its leader…I repeat, in the history of the world! 5.There is no record of a predominantly White nation (or Black nation) voting a former member of the group it once enslaved, as its leader---twice! I repeat, there is no record of this…in the history of the world!!! 6.When the Declaration of Independence was passed in 1776, less than one year later Vermont partially abolished slavery!!! Prior to 1776, there is no record of any nation, people group, tribe, or race—to ever abolish slavery…in the history of the world!!!! 7.In 1780, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, fully abolished slavery. There is no record of any nation, people group, tribe, race, or tongue, to ever fully abolish slavery---in the history of the world!!! 8.In 1784, Connecticut and Rhode Island abolished slavery. 9.In 1786ish, Vermont returned and fully abolished slavery. 10.In 1789, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, which allowed Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc, into the union…without slavery, i.e. as free states!!! 11.The Constitution was not ratified until 1789. Therefore, prior to this date as stated previously above, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, all had abolished slavery…using only their conscience!!! In other words, no federal law existed at that time requiring these states to abolish slavery! I repeat, this had never before happened…in the history of the world! 12.After ratification of the Constitution, the state of New York abolished slavery in 1799. 13.In 1802 (or 1804), New Jersey also abolished slavery. Contrary to Obama and liberalism, these American states all changed!!! In other words, through God’s conviction of sin, repentance arose, enabling God to move, to end slavery in America!!! I repeat…these states were the first to abolish slavery of any nation, people group, tribe, or race---in the history of the world!!! In conclusion, true repentance leads to good change, and good change always ends with gratitude. Just like the authentic Christian is full of gratitude, and commanded to rejoice in the Lord always (Phil4:4), because his/her sins have been cleansed by Jesus’ Blood; so too, authentic Americans rejoice and are very grateful to live in this great nation that--through repentance****--has irrefutably changed!! As a consequence…God has blessed this nation more than any other nation…in the history of the world!!!! Therefore, we are not ignorant of the schemes of Satan(2Cor2:11), and will not, and must not, sit back and allow CRT advocates, Howard Zinn supporters, and Nicole Hannah Jones’ “1619 Project” teachers, as well as other liberal racists, continue to remain unopposed in their efforts to illegally accuse this great nation of past sins…for which we have been cleansed!!! I choose to give thanks to the Providential God for America…how about you? *This is called Word Manipulation. See March 23, 2021 for definition. **God’s revelation is twofold: 1.Bible; 2.Creation. Both are given to know God. ***While 355,000 African slaves landed on the shores of America, 4.5 million landed in Brazil!!!! ****Biblical repentance is the path to all positive change--it is impossible to change for the worse through repentance! Quotebit "It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers." -Bennis & Nanus
“And we’re done watching and waiting while this invention called ‘whiteness’ uses and abuses us, burying black people out of site and out of mind, while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment, like oil, black gold, ghettoizing and demeaning our creations, stealing them, gentrifying our genius, and trying us on like costumes, before discarding our bodies like rines of strange fruit”.
“What we’ve been doing, is looking at the data and we know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people everyday.” -Jesse Williams, 2016 BET acceptance speech “It is no longer a hushed secret that Black people are wantonly gunned down by law enforcement on a seemingly daily basis.” “There are more hashtags than most can count as the list of Black lives struck down at the hands of police officers continues to grow…” -Benjamin Crump, attorney, 5/25/21 “…many of us still live in fear, as we go to the grocery store, or walking our dogs (Gayle King interjects); or allowing our children to get a license…but every time they get in a car by themselves, I worry about what assumption is being made by someone who doesn’t know everything about them. The fact that they are good students and polite girls, but maybe they’re playing their music a little loud; or maybe somebody sees the back of their head and makes an assumption, I like so many parents of Black kids…the innocent act of getting a license puts fear in our hearts.” -Michelle Obama, interview (1 min. mark) on CBS with Gayle King after Derek Chauvin was convicted(2021). In light of the above quotes, allow me to remind you of the ‘numbers’ only points from my 10 points refuting the myth-- Police Target Black Men: -Arrests in Houston. In the city of Houston, during 1.6 million arrests, police did not discharge their guns 99.968% of the time. Take a moment and meditate on this number! -Arrests in America. In 2019, during 10,085,207 arrests, 249 Blacks were killed. Therefore, during arrests, police kill Blacks at the rate of .0000246896. Or, police do not kill Blacks 99.99753104% of the time. I could not find arrests by race, so let’s just use hypothetical numbers: -8 million Black arrests=99.9968875% of the time Blacks are not killed by police -7 million Black arrests=99.99644286% of the time Blacks are not killed by police -4 million Black arrests=99.993775% of the time Blacks are not killed by police -1 million Black arrests=99.9751% of the time Blacks are not killed by police -500,000 Black arrests=99.9502% of the time Blacks are not killed by police -250,000 Black arrests=99.9004% of the time Blacks are not killed by police You have to fall to the hypothetical number of 24,000 arrests of Blacks before we ever dip below the 99 percentile figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Police Contacts in America. In 2018, there were 61.5 million contacts between police and the American public. Therefore, 99.99839024% of the time, Americans are not killed during police contacts. The conclusion from these numbers: even if ‘all’ or ‘every’ killing by police of Blacks were unjustified, the chance of a Black man being killed by the police is remote, i.e. less than 99.99%!!!! Compare this fact with Michelle Obama’s comments!!!! What is a critical piece of evidence to consider NEXT is that the previous ‘minute’ percentage numbers assume that “no other variables” exist! In other words, the previous ‘minute’ percentages only consider ‘THE NUMBERS FACTOR’---and nothing more, i.e.no other variables!! On the contrary, there are at least two ‘elephant-in-the-living-room’ variables: 1.justification of police killings 2.unarmed Black men 1.Justification. Were any of the police killings of Black men justified? Well, the first question that comes to mind is, how exactly is a police-killing justified? First, did the person killed by police present a ‘life-threat’ to the police officer or another person? For example, prior to being killed, did the victim possess a gun, knife, or a weapon that could kill or injure the officer, or another? In short, according to the Washington Post, both Whites and Blacks killed by police were overwhelmingly armed with either a gun, knife, or some other weapon. In other words, i.the vast majority of the Black men killed had criminal records, i.e.they had a history of breaking laws and hurting others. I repeat, there are only a few names on the list of Black men killed by police who did not have a criminal history. ii.the vast majority of people killed—Black, White, and Hispanic, were killed while resisting arrest! Here is THE principle truth: if you resist arrest, you put your life at risk!!!! 2.Unarmed. First, because a person is unarmed, does not mean the person is not dangerous: i.e. is not a threat to the body or life of a policeman, or another person! Second, an unarmed person can take the weapon of the police officer and use it to kill him or others(Michael Brown). Following are the unarmed killed by police annually(See Tidbit 1 of this series) 2015: Unarmed: White-31; Black-36; Hispanic-19 2016: Unarmed: White-20; Black-18; Hispanic-9 2017: Unarmed: White-24; Black-19; Hispanic-12 2018: Unarmed: White-25; Black-23; Hispanic-8 2019: Unarmed: White-25; Black-14; Hispanic-11 2020: Unarmed: White-23; Black-18; Hispanic-? Notice there is only one year where more unarmed Blacks were killed by police than unarmed Whites. Yet, liberalism continues to have incredible success promoting the easily proven lie that police are racist for killing unarmed Blacks!!! If it is true that police are racist for killing unarmed Blacks, what does it make White police for killing MORE unarmed Whites? Second, let’s give some perspective to the literal ‘unarmed’ annual death numbers, by comparing them to deaths in other areas: i.Lightening kills 26 people/year ii.Bee stings kill 62 people/year iii.Passenger and Cargo plane crashes kill 345/year iv.Car accidents kill 38,000/year v.Cardiovascular Disease kills 70,000 Black males and 60,000 Black females/year* vi.Cancer. 202,260 new Cancer cases were expected in 2019 among Blacks, and 73,030 expected deaths.* vii.Abortion. Approximately 926,200 abortions were performed in 2014, down 12% from 1.06 million in 2011. Blacks aborted were 259,336 in 2014. -862,320 abortions were performed in 2017, down 7% from 926,190 in 2014. -According to the CDC, black women have triple the abortion rates of white women. Why is this not racism, if we measure racism, i.e.injustice, by using the deaths of Black people? In conclusion, Heather McDonald wrote, “in 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer. Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population.” Why is it permissible for criminal Blacks to kill police, but considered the highest evil for police** to kill Black criminals?!? As the rejection of God, and His word, continues to surge in America, we proportionately fall into a darkness(Ps119:30), where lying becomes the norm, and good becomes evil, and evil good(Is5:20)!!! *Highest among all races **Both White and Black police officers. Quotebit "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." -Michael Jordan |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
July 2024