If you have not heard, Pastor Carl Lentz of Hillsong Church in New York* has succumbed to cultural, political correctness. While if you view the video, Pastor Lentz is just a normal pastor preaching the Word of God in a successful church, however it seems that he has made a grave error by compromising with the gay agenda. I don’t believe Pastor Lentz had fallen from the faith, but we must pray for our shepherds diligently because the danger of gay (or liberal) agenda is very present, and very real!
Following are five of his comments: 1."Jesus was in the thick of an era where homosexuality, just like it is today, was widely prevalent. And I'm still waiting for someone to show me the quote where Jesus addressed it on the record in front of people. You won't find it because he never did," he said. 2."I do discuss it, just not the way people want me to." 3."We have a lot of gay men and women in our church and I pray we always do." 4."It's not our place to tell anyone how they should live, it's - that's their journey." -Laura Lentz, 5."My thing is that Jesus transcends politics," he said. "Some Christians say you can't even be a Democrat and follow Jesus. That really bugs me." His first comment is probably the most dangerous because of its subtle deception. While it is true that Jesus never mentioned the word homosexuality, nor the term ‘gay’, as it is used today, Pastor Lentz’ words fall lock-step, or lend support, to the supposed ‘gay Christian’ view promoted by people like Matthew Vines or Justin Lee who attempt to amalgamate homosexuality and the Bible! This statement by Pastor Lentz shows not only a friendliness with sin, but puts him in direct contradiction to the revealed Word of God! Two points. First, the idea that Jesus, or the red letter addition of the Bible, ‘must’ record something to know if it is good or bad, contradicts the fact that all scripture is given by inspiration of God (2Tim3:16)! The Bible defines good and evil, right and wrong, not just the Words of Jesus recorded in the gospels. In addition, Jesus is the Word made flesh(Jn1:14)! When you read the Bible in Leviticus, Revelation, Isaiah, Micah, etc., you are reading the words of Jesus! Pastor Lentz should know better, we learn this simple truth in Sunday school as a child! The second statement above indicates a hesitancy to call homosexuality sin! The central focus of the gay agenda--even recognized by the liberal media--is to mock Christianity, and make us appear intolerant by asking if either gay marriage or homosexuality is sin! I mean, the topic could be Santa Claus, and the liberal media will find a way to bring the conversation full-circle around to gay marriage! Another liberal objective is to find Christians who will hesitate, be ashamed, or deny that gay marriage is sin! Christians must be quick, plain, and simple on this topic—no compromise… no stuttering: homosexuality is sin…period!! And therefore, because gay marriage is based upon the sin of homosexuality, it too must be sin! Pastor Lentz’ third statement above offers the reason for his compromise: money and church attendance! Although God wants us to prosper in every area, you can’t prosper at the expense of God’s word, or personal integrity(character)! Yet, another real problem with his third statement is his usage of the present tense to express his point! His statement would have been good had he said, “We have a lot of former homosexuals in our church!” Although our churches should have sinners in attendance, they should be sinners in transition to Christ! Therefore, our churches should be filled with two types of people: 1.former homosexuals, former fornicators, former adulterers, former thieves, former liars, etc., i.e. those who are now the righteous, the saints, the called out ones! And 2. Present sinners who need Christ, and/or are desiring Christ! The fourth statement by Mrs Lentz is simply bad theology! Every single sermon, of every single pastor, on every single Sunday--or any other time--tells someone how to live! The entire Bible is God writing to man to tell him how to live! If preachers preach the Bible, we are telling people how to live! I find His fifth statement most fascinating. It is a common belief these days that Christianity and the Democrat party are irreconcilable! To be clear, the Bible does not say we are saved by our political affiliation, but by grace through faith(Eph2:8,9). ‘However’, I very much understand why many Christians believe Christianity and the Democratic Party are incompatible! I am not a Republican, nor do I speak from a Republican position, however, the Democrat party has ‘willfully’ adopted positions contrary to the Bible! As a matter of fact, I do not know of one position the Democrats hold that is Biblical! I have never heard a “Christian” Democrat attempt to support his/her positions using the Bible! The fact that Pastor Lentz does not see this speaks volumes of his theology of sin. In conclusion, the reason Pastor Lentz makes such a grave error in compromising with the sin of the homosexual agenda is that I believe this lie will be the foundation for “the great falling away” (2Thes2:3) from the faith in the last day. Pastor Derrick Jackson *http://www.christiantoday.com/article/hillsong.new.york.pastor.carl.lentz.we.have.a.lot.of.gay.men.and.women.in.our.church.and.i.pray.we.always.do/37918.htm http://edition.cnn.com/videos/living/2014/06/02/ac-harlow-pastor-carl-lentz-long.cnn QuoteBit There is no failure. Only feedback. ~Unknown
If you have not already heard, here is the dialogue between black, liberal, professor Marc Lamont Hill and Pastor T.D. Jakes as seen on Huffington Post television: Hill: Do you think the LGBT community and church can coexist? Jakes: Absolutely! Hill: Let me rephrase that question. The church ain’t turning nobody away. How should the church and LGBT community coexist? Jakes:I think it’s going to be diverse from church to church. Every church has a different opinion, and every gay person is different. LGBT has to find a household of worship that reflects what your views are and what you believe like anybody else. If the church has convictions you don’t like, don’t try to change my house, move into your own, and find somebody who gets what you get about faith…. Hill: Your thinking has evolved? Jakes: Evolved and evolving…. STOP! No need to go any farther!!! I left out some of Pastor Jakes’ second response because it does not apply, and I did not want to extend this tidbit. Paul writes, “For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you…” (Rom2:24). Although I cannot say Pastor Jakes has fallen from the faith, he certainly has made several terrible theological and social blunders that will allow God’s great name to be blasphemed! First, the idea that the church and the LGBT community can “coexist”, affirmed by Pastor Jakes’ “Absolutely” is absurd and shockingly ignorant of the Biblical text. The Greek word for the church--not a building--but the people is ĕkklēsia. It is defined as “a calling out”. The church is comprised of a people who are “called out” of the world, and into God’s kingdom (Col1:13,2Cor4:6,1Pet2:9), i.e. His marvelous light! This means there can be no comprise with sin…in any way! The church does not “coexist ‘with’ the LGBT community”! As if the two are on equal footing! People of the LGBT community--who want to be saved, and who want to be part of the church--must depart from iniquity(2Tim2:19)…period! Like all sin, homosexuality must be repented of, for one to be part of the church! Second, Pastor Jakes said, 1. “Every church has a different opinion” 2.“LGBT has to find a household of worship that reflects what your views are and what you believe like anybody else.” These statements reflect the doctrine of relativism. Pastor Jakes makes the grave error of confusing the absolutes of God’s word with preferences. When the Bible so plainly calls homosexuality, not just a sin, but “an abomination”(Lev18:22)---this constitutes an absolute truth! Contrary to Pastor Jakes, God does not give room for human opinion regarding absolute truths! Absolute is defined as objective, universal, and eternal. For example, 2+2=4 for every person, in every place, for all time! One cannot have an opinion on whether 2+2=4! So also, God’s moral truths are absolute. We don’t choose heterosexuality or homosexuality, like we choose Burger King or McDonald’s! The choice of hamburger producers is a preference, while to choose homosexuality is sin! No church has an ‘opinion’ on homosexuality! No church has an opinion on God’s word! Either the Bible is God’s word or it is not! Furthermore, Pastor Jakes says his views on homosexuality, LBGT, gay marriage are: “Evolved and evolving….” Evolving to what? Or, evolving from what? Neither the Bible, nor absolutes, which the Bible produces…change! They do not evolve!! Assuming that Pastor Jakes believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the only way his views can “evolve”, are from God’s word to the word of another! Pastor Jakes should have known by consenting to interview with a liberal commentator, on a liberal show (Huffington Post) that an agenda was in place—either by the show’s liberal producers, or by the devil himself! The repeated, and obvious liberal agenda is to make Biblical Christianity look judgmental, backwards, intolerant, ignorant, or all of the above, i.e. Pastor Fred Phelps! Sadly, there is another response as to whether Pastor Jakes understood what he was getting into— he actually agrees with the gay agenda! God forbid! Finally, if you watch the video closely, you will find that Pastor Jakes is not only confused, but trying to tip-toe through a situation that is obviously embarrassing for him. This greater orator, who is one of America’s most gifted speakers…rambles, and is at times irrational, because he obviously doesn’t like answering this black and white question! May God forgive, correct, and then, because the remarks were public, move Pastor Jakes to publically repent!! QuoteBit Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs. ~Maxwell Maltz |
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February 2025