Why I Am NOT A Democrat-12: Anti-semitism
First, a correction. In my last tidbit, I wrote there were 3 primary forms of racism in America. That was a mistake, an error of omission, and I apologize. There are four primary forms of racism: 1.Anti-semitism; 2.White racism; 3.Black racism; 4.Liberal racism. There is an overabundance of evidence that the Democrat party is “anti-semitic”. It’s hard even to know where to begin. So, I will just begin with Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Although the KKK is primarily famous for lynching Blacks and Republican Whites, they actually hated three groups: Blacks, Jews, and Catholics. Before I understood that anti-Semitism is the foundation for racism, I never understood why the KKK hated Jews. Sin cannot be understood apart from the Sovereign God. Because God is the ‘ONLY’, i.e.the Sovereign definer of good and evil, the sin of racism cannot be understood without understanding God’s word. In short, the KKK hates the Jews, for the very same reason that every person or group has hated the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And, what is that reason? Because God has a ‘special’ calling upon Israel/the Jew. There are literally hundreds of Old and New Testament verses, so I will just…choose two: 5.Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: 6.And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. -Ex.19:5-6 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises. -Rom.9:4 From the moment God made this unique covenant with Abraham(Gen12:1-3), Satan committed himself to the destruction of Israel/the Jew. Hence, anti-Semitism and its’ descendents i.e.contemporary racism--are all Satanic. Therefore, because the KKK is motivated by racial hatred, and thereby by Satan—they had to include the Jews on their hit list! As a matter of fact, the KKK could not be authentically racist without first hating the Jew! So, what does this have to do with the Democrats? Everything! First, I have already irrefutably proven that the Democrat party created the KKK!!!1* See 8/1/22, ‘Why I Am NOT A Democrat-6: The Ku Klux Klan’. Therefore, it only logically follows that Democrats would be anti-Semitic! Second, let’s look at just a few anti-Semitic statements made by Democrats: Rep. Rashida Tlaib2* “There’s kind of a calming feeling I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors, Palestinians, who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports.” 1* Is it possible to place the words “calming effect” and the “Holocaust” in the same sentence? I think not! Rev.Jesse Jackson3* Even while running for president in 1984 was caught on tape referring to Jews with the slur: Hymie. And, calling New York City: "Hymietown." His exact statement was: “That’s all Hymie wants to talk about is Israel. Every time you do to Hymietown that’s all they want to talk about.” Margret Sanger4* “Slavs, Latin and Hebrew immigrants(Jews) are human weeds…a dread weight of human waste. Blacks, soldiers, and Jews area menace to the race.” Louis Farrakhan5* “When you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.” — Saviours’ Day speech, 2/25/18 “The Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out: turning men into women, and women into men.” — Saviours’ Day speech, 2/25/18 Cynthia McKinney6* Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., a critic of American support of Israel served two stints in Congress from 1997 to 2003 and then from 2005 to 2007. Her father, a state representative from Atlanta, was asked on television days before his daughter was defeated in a 2002 primary, why she faced such intense opposition. He said: "That ain't nothing. Jews have bought everybody. Jews. J. E. W. S." Ilhan Omar7* Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted: 2012-"Israel has hypnotized the world" 2018- "Drawing attention to the apartheid Israeli regime is far from hating Jews." 2019- “about the Benjamins baby” -suggesting the Jews are buying political support And the list goes on… 1*Further irrefutable proof that the Democrats created the KKK is by Democrat President Woodrow Wilson in his multi-volume set: ‘The History of the American People’, where he boldly declared: “The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation—until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.” 2*https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/13/politics/rashida-tlaib-holocaust-comments/index.html 3*https://thelibertarianrepublic.com/8-racist-liberals-the-left-ignores/5/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/frenzy/jackson.htm 4*https://thelibertarianrepublic.com/8-racist-liberals-the-left-ignores/8/ 5*https://www.adl.org/education/resources/reports/nation-of-islam-farrakhan-in-his-own-words (There are many Farrakhan anti-semite quotes on this site.) 6*https://townhall.com/columnists/larryelder/2019/03/14/it-is-time-for-jexodus-n2543097 7*https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/ilhan-omar-twitter-anti-semitism-aipac-its-all-about-the-benjamins/ Quotebit God put something AMAZING inside of you. If you DON’T know what it is, it’s time to find it. If you DO know what it is, it’s time to use it. If you ARE using it, it’s time to be GRATEFUL that God is utilizing you. -Brenda Pryor
Why I Am NOT A Democrat-11: Modern Democrat Racism!
In the last couple of tidbits, I debunked the myth that Democrats and Republicans switched parties. This is necessary because Democrats use this myth to deny their own racism while simultaneously accusing Republicans of racism. As a matter of fact, if you listen to Democrats speak, the only tactic they use is to name-call Republicans: “You are Racists”! What is most tragic is that so many Blacks have swallowed this lie—and it is the primary reason that a large percentage of Blacks still support the Democrat Party!! How do Democrats respond to my accusations of their past racism? They often respond with a question: “But…how are Democrats racist today?” Of course, this very question is a smoke-screen to remove the spotlight from their voluminous historic racism! However, let’s take a shot at answering this disingenuous question anyway. So, what is my take on Democrat racism today? I answer with the following two points: 1. Sociologist Kenneth Stamp cites a list of five ways the typical ‘Slave Plantation’ of the antebellum South is similar to today’s contemporary inner city Black ghettoes. Stamp’s list is important because the inner cities of America are primarily run by Democrats. In other words, if Stamp’s list is true, we should find some of the same things in today’s Democrat-run cities as we found on the Democrat-run Southern Plantations before Reconstruction (1866-1876). Stamp cites five areas of similarities: i.Housing ii.Family iii.Violence iv.Provision v.Nihilism i.Housing. In general, on plantations, slaves lived in shanties which were one-room dilapidated shacks with dirt floors, with or without windows. Many slaves and slave families slept head-to-foot in those shanties using only hay as bedding separating them from the cold ground. Similarly, most of America’s inner cities are governed by Democrats, and even more tragically Black Democrats. Of course, Democrat Socialist policies have resulted in contemporary inner cities being filled with dilapidated public housing project high-rise apartments such as in Chicago’s Cabrini Green, the Robert Taylor, or Ida B. Wells homes. That’s in addition to the many substandard broken-down homes which are often without consistent running water, heat, or electricity. ii.Family. The slave families were often broken-up as either children or parents were sold-off for any reason. In contrast, Black Washington Post writer Joy Jones quotes Black historian Eugene Genovese in ‘Roll, Jordan, Roll’ in her piece ‘Marriage is for White People’*: "A slave in Georgia prevailed on his master to sell him to Jamaica so that he could find his wife, despite warnings that his chances of finding her on so large an island were remote. . . . Another slave in Virginia chopped his left hand off with a hatchet to prevent being sold away from his son." In the very next sentence, Jones makes a most startling statement: “I was stunned to learn that a black child was more likely to grow up living with both parents during slavery days than he or she is today, according to sociologist Andrew J. Cherlin.” Tragically, this statement is not so startling when we realize that 73% of Black children are born out of wedlock. iii.Violence. With the beatings and whippings that regularly occurred on slave plantations, it is obvious that violence was a norm. Yet, the violence of the Black inner cities is in some ways worse, when considering the nearly daily assaults, shootings, and murders are perpetrated by Black gangs on other Blacks! iv.Provision. On the slave plantations, many times the slave owner provided for their slaves. Complete and total provision by their owners had to often occur because of the long hours worked by slaves. For example, Fredrick Douglas declared, “Master Thomas told me, If I would be happy, I must lay out no plans for the future. He said…he would take care of me…and taught me to depend solely upon him for happiness.” Similarly, with the Socialist policies of the Democrat party, such as ‘Equity’, which means equal outcomes; under their rule the government has replaced God as the provider for Black people. v.Nihilism. Dictionary.com defines nihilism: “an extreme form of skepticism; the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth; nothingness or nonexistence.” The phrase ‘chattel slavery’ means generational slavery. Therefore, seeing themselves locked into slavery like their ancestors, and then extending beyond their children going forward, an American slave often had no foreseeable hope of freedom! If there was a glimmer of hope at all, it was often a hope for death. So too, in contemporary Black ghettoes, there is sheer established hopelessness and inevitability over one’s present circumstances. Therefore, the same historic nihilism that existed in slavery past often still exists in today’s Democrat-run cities. 2. My second point is Liberal Racism. There are four primary types of racism in contemporary America: Anti-semitism; White racism; Black racism; and Liberal Racism. This does not mean racism does not apply to any others. On the contrary, because racism is a sin of pride it can be committed by any person or group(Jms2:1,9). While the dictionary.com definition uses other words, it agrees with the Biblical definition declaring a racist as one who believes one race is either superior or inferior to another race based on skin color. It is important to note that the traditional view of racism does not require hatred—just racial discrimination! However, because racial discrimination is a sin of pride, it organically devolves into hatred; for sin leads downward to greater 0sin, ultimately ending with death/murder and destruction (Rom6:23; 1Jn3:15). So, Black Racism agrees with the traditional dictionary.com definition, for example, Black Muslims, Black Panthers, Black Israelites, and Black Nationalists, etc. Moreover, White Racism also agrees with the dictionary definition, for example, the KKK, Neo-Nazis, Skin Heads, etc. In short, however, Liberal Racism intentionally complicates and confuses the real definition of racism to make itself palatable to the masses. For example, Liberal Racism has three faces, all relative to a particular situation. First, Liberal Racism rejects Black Racism, declaring Blacks cannot be racist because they are without power. Second, Liberal Racism accepts the traditional dictionary.com definition of White racism—but ONLY when it benefits its’ agenda. And third, Liberal Racism redefines White racism to mean Whiteness, in spite of the Whiteness of its adherents; while simultaneously professing a pseudo-love for Blacks for their Blackness---in order to either gain or retain political power. Because Democrats are liberal, nearly all have adopted Liberal Racism or parts thereof. For this reason, Democrats can deny their own racism by simply applying the ‘relativism’ of Liberal Racism!!! For example, when they are called-out for racism, they simply put-on another non-racist mask to justify themselves. Using the above definition of Liberal Racism, you will find expressions of it in the news almost daily. Allow me to offer two quick examples that immediately come to mind. First, let’s address the term ‘White Privilege’! How can it be rational for White people to call-out other White people for their White Privilege? If White people have White Privilege, due to their Whiteness--which liberals themselves define as White Racism--then all Whites should be cancelled for their Whiteness, i.e.their White Racism, i.e.their White Supremacy, i.e.their White Privilege!!! How do liberals maneuver around this unresolvable dilemma? They simply declare, Whites must “acknowledge” their White privilege! But…for what reason?!?! After acknowledging their White Privilege, White people are still White! Therefore, using their own logic, because Whiteness equals racism, requiring them to acknowledge their White privilege, they still have their racism---because they are still White…regardless of how many times they acknowledge their White privilege!!! So…how do liberals maneuver around this second unresolvable dilemma? They simply declare they mean “White systems”—not white skin color. First, systems have no color, systems are simply a means to bring order to facilitate or resolve a situation. Second, as a more practical example, liberals desire to replace the racist ‘system’ of Capitalism, supposedly created by a White man Adam Smith, with Communism/Socialism/Fascism. 50% of college students now prefer Socialism to Capitalism. There is one problem: Karl Marx the creator of Communism, with its branches of Socialism and Fascism…was White!! Once again, following liberal logic, in order to accept a system, we must first determine if it was created by a White person! But, the White person must be a certain type of White, i.e.a White person who is a fellow liberal! My second example is Nick Sandman, a teenager from Covington Catholic School, who was nationally defamed for literally ‘standing’! A Native American named Nathan Phillips walked up to Nick and began beating a drum—in Nick’s face--while he was waiting for a bus after attending a Pro-Life rally in Washington D.C. As the Indian moved closer to Nick’s face, Nick did not move. Liberal America declared Nick committed a “facecrime”. What is a “facecrime”?** Liberals simply invented a word as part of redefining White racism to mean whatever they desire for that moment, in order to convict a White person of White Supremacy!! These are just two examples of Liberal Racism! *https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/2006/03/26/marriage-is-for-white-people/095b1136-1440-4380-ac23-64beeeac3df4/ **Two points. First, Nick won tens of millions of dollars in lawsuits from many liberal news media sites for slander!!! Second, liberals use what I call Word Manipulation to justify their folly. Word Manipulation has two parts to its deception. 1)it creates new words; or 2) it changes definitions of old words. In the case of Nick Sandman, they created a new word: “facecrime” Quotebit “Every man is entitled to be valued by his best moments.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson |
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