Authentic diversity was created by God, and thereby possesses inherent goodness, beauty, and power! Take the human body for example. Humans have hearts, lungs, eyes, intestines, livers, etc. Incredibly, if we observe each of these areas independently we find the wonder of mind-boggling complexity. For example, the human eye is breath-takingly complex, possessing all manner of parts: the retina, ora serrata; pupil; iris; dura mater; etc., etc. It’s so complex, that medical doctors must specialize. In other words, the complexity of the eye is so unfathomable, that doctors must concentrate their study primarily on the eye, separating from other parts of the body!!! As a matter of fact, the eye is so complex, that even among eye doctors, there are specialties!! Yet, ‘medical specialty’ is true of every part of the body: lung doctors; ear doctors; heart doctors; feet doctors, etc., etc. This testifies to the incredible detail of the Creator God:
O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. -Ps104:24 The Hebrew word for “manifold” means to multiply; it describes Gods works as so numerous that, although they had a beginning, they presently have no end numerically!! Moreover, the text also says God created using “wisdom”, which means ‘skill’. In other words, God created using His infinite creativity and perfect skills! Hence, as God created man, we would expect jaw-dropping complexity!!! The more science learns about the individual parts of the body: eye, heart, lung, blood, circulatory system, brain, etc., the more dumb-founded we become!! I repeat, each part of the body is mind-bogglingly complex—which is why God describes His creation of man as “fearfully and wonderfully made”(Ps139:14)! Yet, this truth applies not only to God’s work on mankind, but of His work on all His creation! Before moving forward pause again for a moment to re-consider the complexity of each independent body part! Now…add to the complexity of each independent body part—the ‘Interdependent Factor’! The ‘Interdependent Factor’ is the wonder that although each individual body part is unique, through its complexity, each individual body part is ‘dependent’ on every other part!!! For example, let’s return to the mind-boggling complexity of the human eye. For the human eye to continue to exist, with all its complexity, it is completely and totally dependent on the perfect function of the human heart!!! In other words, if the heart malfunctions for any reason, the eye—in spite of its mind-boggling complexity—breaks down, and ceases to exist! This incredible fact is true of many body parts—because--the human body is interdependent! (As a side note, the two factors of ‘independence’ and ‘interdependence’ require an infinite, omniscient, omnipotent God! These two factors—alone--provide more than enough evidence for the existence of the Creator God!) Back to diversity! What then is the diversity of the human body? It is the incredible, mind-boggling, jaw-dropping complexity in each body part making them independently unique! Yet, diversity is not limited to the human body! There exists national diversity; cultural diversity; gender diversity, etc., etc. Diversity exists everywhere in God’s created order. Diversity is what makes anything uniquely different from everything else. In fact, diversity actually originates in God’s nature of holiness, which means ‘separated to God’! Therefore, biological diversity means the human body is comprised of many individual parts; yet all are uniquely diverse, and all marvelous and wonderful in their independence. Therefore, God not only created diversity good…reverent…awe-inspiring…and beautiful; but as a witness to the existence of God’s great goodness to man!! “…the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD”! -Ps33:5 “Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done…” -Ps40:5 “Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of His mouth!” -Ps105:6 “Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number!” –Job5:9 *the only foundation for human equality, by the way! QuoteBit Leaders are readers. -unknown
A photo is worth a thousand words. The following three photos are great examples of this truth. 1. This photo is of the Black 8-year old junior Comanche football team, who were led by their coaches, to not only kneel during the National Anthem… but to turn their backs!! 2.This photo is of a 3-year old White child, dressed in Klan garb, at a KKK rally, who obviously got away from his parents, and began to play with the shield of a Black police officer assigned to protect the assembly rights of his parents. 3.This photo is of an 8-year old Black child, comforting his tearful White teammate, who mistakenly thought his dad had abandoned him.
Photo 1. As you know, it is customary during the anthem to hold your hand over your heart and face the American flag. This means the anthem and flag are connected. And what is represented by the anthem and flag? America! Now, not only did these Black children kneel in protest of the anthem; but turned their back on the American flag! The critical question is, what were these impressionable children taught in this experience? The answer is simple: reject America! F.Y.I – not even Black slaves rejected America!! What’s my evidence? The Colonization movement in America which began as early as the late 18th century did see a ‘small’ percentage of Blacks return to Africa, but the greatest opponents of this movement were Black people—primarily slaves! The vast majority of Blacks in America wanted freedom—not to return to Africa! But that’s not all! America is a nation, which obviously is comprised of people. Although the children were too young to understand why they should reject America*, the seeds were planted through this incident. But—what seeds? As these 8-year olds grow and remember this incident; why they were told to kneel; and then, hear other like-minded adults offer opinions, they will reason something like: “I wonder why Blacks in America are oppressed; which caused my leaders to encourage me to reject the anthem and flag(and thereby America)?” Again, the liberal answer is simple: White people! Therefore, these kids will conclude, “White people are the reason Black people are oppressed, and because White people run America, I must reject America…and White people, who run it!” Allow me to ask a question, with as much sarcasm as possible: Is this racism? Duh!!!! Photo 2. This photo is soooooooo very fascinating because it SCREAMS: racism is taught! But if racism is taught, it can be untaught! Another powerful lesson in the “racism is taught” adage is, because it is taught, it cannot be applicable only to White people! On the contrary, “racism is taught” is a universal truth, and applicable to all people groups, nations, ethnicities, and religions!! Its origin is the Bible, which teaches racism is sin(Jms2:1,9)! And sin infects humanity…not just certain people groups! This point is critical because liberalism teaches only White people are racist…which is racist! Photo 3. This photo is THE answer to racial reconciliation! The child, who happened to be Black, saw another child, who happened to be White in distress, and was moved with compassion to comfort him. In other words, a Black child did not see the pain of a White child; or a White teammate; or a White person. The Black child was not moved with ‘Black compassion’, to help a White child. On the contrary, a young child was moved with compassion at the hurt of another, and used that compassion** to bring comfort. The sin of racism can never be resolved viewing life through the lens of race! In other words, you cannot see people through your race, and also see them as God sees them (Gen1:27; Jer15:16)---the two are mutually exclusive!! Viewing people through your race, will cause you to view others through their race. Liberalism uses racism to attempt to resolve racism. The problem is that not only is this view racist, but racism can never drive out racism! Dr Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” In conclusion, regarding the children, God will use this one act of service, as an experience to teach both children: man is not defined by race! Furthermore, the eternal God will instruct both children: Whites and Blacks are not enemies! Finally, The Blessed Redeemer will inspire them that love--through serving others--can overcome anything…even evil(Rom12:21)! Furthermore, and interestingly, these children had no idea that their experience was captured on camera, and is now being used to inspire people all over America, and possibly even the world, of its great truths?!?! Only the loving God of providence can do that! Can you honestly say the Black kids on the junior Comanche football team learned anything even remotely similar? Beware…“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble…” -Mat9:42 *The article states the boys asked the coach about protests, and his response was to train them to kneel this is what Read the article and you will see they had to ask their coach about protests. **All compassion originates in Christ (Mat9:36)…it is God’s nature! Man can possess compassion through God’s image and likeness. On the contrary, compassion cannot exist in Darwinism, because its mode of operation is survival of the fittest—which means the strong rule the weak—the exact opposite of compassion. QuoteBit “People are anxious to improve their circumstances, but they’re unwilling to improve themselves; therefore, they remain bound.” –James Allen In part 1, I listed the Biblical principles used to define marriage. I argued that liberals seek to redefine marriage using their greatest tactic of deception: word manipulation. In this second part, I promised to give you my “One Flesh Phenomenon” which, using another angle, further helps elucidate the gravity of God’s gift of marriage to mankind. Let’s do this!
In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus quotes Genesis 2:23,24 to answer a question on divorce posed to Him by the Pharisees: 4.“And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning, made them male and female, 5.said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh? 6.Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” -Matt19:4-6 First, Jesus affirms God created mankind with 2 genders: male man and female man, which confirms the first qualification for marriage (see part 1). Second, Jesus affirms God created marriage for one human male, and one human female, confirming ‘Number’ as the second qualification for marriage (see part 1). Third, in verse 5, Jesus makes a declaration: “for this cause”! To what “cause” does He refer? In verse 4, Jesus said at the beginning when God created man male and female, He created two genders with the purpose of a man leaving his father and mother and cleaving to his wife. In short, in order to answer the Pharisees question on divorce, Jesus said God created mankind male and female…for the purpose of marriage! In the context of these great truths, Jesus declares, ‘The One Flesh Phenomenon!’ “Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh” (Mat19:6) The English word “one” in “one flesh” is translated from the Greek word heis. The word heis means the numeral one, or only (Strong’s Concordance). It is used over 300 times in the N.T. in several ways, of which a couple are: 1.It is used as one, as in number (Jn6:70; Lu15:7) 2.Humans are one in God/Christ (Jn17:11; Rom12:4,5) 3.Humans are one with God through Christ (1Cor6:17; Gal3:28) 4.God is one; or when used with God, “one” reveals the Trinity (Jn8:41; Jn10:30) Point 4 is where “One Flesh” becomes a phenomenon! In Mark12:29,32, heis is used by Jesus to quote Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord”. This means, in the New Testament, the oneness of God is defined by using heis! Allow me to repeat that…the oneness in the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--is described by using heis!! Are you sitting down? Incredibly, the same Greek word (heis) used to describe the oneness of the Trinity is used to describe the oneness in marriage(Mat19:5,6; Eph5:31)! In other words, the ‘One Flesh Phenomenon’ means when God created marriage, He used the same oneness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to define the oneness between a man and woman! Selah (Stop and meditate)!!! Furthermore, a reason God used the oneness of His Trinity to create the oneness in human marriage, is to give the world a natural example of the Godhead! The Bible declares one way God reveals Himself to the world is through His creation (Rom1:20). Therefore, everything God made was created for the purpose of unveiling Himself to mankind (Ps19:1-4;Rom1:20). Because the institution of marriage is created…it reveals God. How again does marriage reveal God? Incredibly, through the creation of marriage between one man and one woman--as one flesh, God sovereignly chose to reveal to mankind the oneness of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!! The great truth of the ‘One Flesh Phenomenon’ is one major reason Satan is so focused on destroying the institution of marriage. Satan’s plan is clear to anyone who has eyes to see! To re-define* marriage destroys: 1.the institution of marriage 2.man’s understanding of God On the contrary, the GOOD NEWS is because God has already given us the victory (1Cor15:57), we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices (2Cor2:11)!!! *Satan is the culprit, but liberalism is the tool! QuoteBit "If you would lift me up, you've got to be on higher ground" – Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
July 2024