The creation and worship of an idol is not only the worship of demons(Deut32:17), but both trivializes and mocks God, His name, His nature, His Word, or His works---which is blasphemy(Ex20:7)! Following are a few examples of the blasphemy of several of Marx’s disciples. First-up, a blasphemous version of the Lord’s Prayer (Mat6:9) was made into a children’s song to perhaps Marx’s most famous, or shall I say infamous disciple: Socialist/Fascist Adolf Hitler:
“Adolf Hitler, you are our great Fuhrer. Thy name makes the enemy tremble. Thy will alone is law upon the earth. Let us hear daily thy voice; order us by thy leadership. For we will obey to the end and even with our lives. We praise thee! Heil Hitler!” Fuhrer, my Fuhrer, give me by God. Protect and preserve my life for long. You saved Germany in time of need. I thank you for my daily bread. Be with me for a long time, do not leave me, Fuhrer. My Fuhrer, my faith, my light, Hail to my Fuhrer!” As late as February 14, 1976, the Soviet newspaper ‘Sovietskaia Molodioj’ printed their version of Lord’s prayer: Our Father, which art in Petersburg (now Leningrad), Cursed by your name, May your kingdom crumble Mary your will not be fulfilled, Yea, not even in hell. Give us our bread which you stole from us And pay our debts, as we paid yours til now And don’t lead us further into temptation, But deliver us from evil—the police of Plehve(the czarist prime minister) And put an end to his cursed government. But as you are weak and poor in spirit, and in power and authority, Down with you for all eternity, Amen.* Following is a poem to Joseph Stalin published in Pravda, May 1935: He commands the sun of the enemies to set He spoke, and the East for friends became a great glow. Should he say that coal turns white, it will be a Stalin wills… The master of the entire world—remember—is Stalin.** Another poem to Stalin, published in Pravda, August 1936; O great Stalin, O leader of the peoples Thou who broughtest man to birth, Thou who purifies the earth Thou who restores the centuries, Thou who makes bloom to Spring, Thou who makes vibrate the musical chords. Thou splendor of my Spring, O Thou Sun reflected from millions of hearts.*** Still yet another poem honoring Stalin also found in Pravda (3/10/1939) The sun shines mildly and who would not know that you are this sun? The pleasant noise of the sea waves sings an ode to Stalin. The blinding snowy peaks of mountains sing the praise of Stalin The millions of flowers and meadows thank you. Likewise, the covered tables, the beehives thank you. The fathers of all young heroes thank you, Stalin. Oh, Lenin’s heir, you are for us Lenin himself.**** Yet, a Soviet poet wrote of Stalin: I would have compared him to a white mountain---but the mountain has a summit. I would have compared him to the depths of the sea---but the sea has a bottom. I would have compared him to the shining moon---but the moon shines at midnight, not at noon. I would have compared him to the brilliant sun—but the sun radiates at noon, not at midnight.***** Once Communists controlled Ethiopia, children were taught to pray: Our party which rulest in the Soviet Union, Hallowed by thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in Ethiopia, and in the whole world. Give us this day our daily bread, and don’t forgive the trespasses Of the imperialists as we will not forgive them. And may we resist the temptation to abandon the fight, And deliver us from the evils of Capitalism. Amen.***** After the Communist government took over a radio station in Ethiopia, they created a mockery of 1Corinthians 13: “Though I speak all the languages and have no enmity toward the landlords and capitalists, I have become as sounding brass…Class hatred suffers no exploitation and is brutal. Class hatred envies their riches and vaunts itself with the successful revolutions in many Socialist states….And now abide faith, hope, and class hatred, but the greatest of these is revolutionist hatred.”****** Marx, and his disciples, were idolaters and blasphemers. James 2:10 declares “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” If a person violates one law, for example idol worship, he immediately becomes guilty of violating ‘ALL’ the laws. In other words, an idolater instantly becomes guilty of murder, stealing, adultery, lying, and the remainder of the 10 commandments!!! Therefore, James 2:10 explains as Marx’s disciples followed him into idolatry and blasphemy, why they became the greatest mass murders of the 20th century!!! *pg 67, Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan. ** pg 70, Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan. *** pg 70, Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan. ****pg 69, Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan. ***** pg 70, Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan. ***** pg 68, Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan. ****** pg 69, Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan. QuoteBit Practice makes permanent; but, only perfect practice makes perfect! -Unknown
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025