Let’s continue with our examination of Karl Marx, and Marxism.
“See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.” -Luke 11:35(NAS) Benjamin Gitlow was an American-born Jew of socialist Russian emigrant parents. In 1919, at the age of 27, he co-founded the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) which attempted to establish Bolshevik Marxist policies in America. Gitlow ultimately reached the apex of his career when named the Executive Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States. However, in May, 1929 after several disagreements with Stalin in Moscow concerning the state of Communism in the U.S., he was expelled from the Party. Four years later he became disillusioned and became a critic of the American Communist movement. This ultimately led to his 1939 testimony before the U.S. Congress about the Russian Communist Party’s infiltration--through religion--in the United States.* During his testimony before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Gitlow cited a publication “edited by the executive committee of the Komsomol, the youth organization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which laid out what communists themselves called “The 10 Commandments of Communism””* . As you read these 10 commandments, allow me to remind you of 3 things: i.These commandments reveal the vision of Communism for America!! ii.The Communist Party of America used these guidelines to infiltrate the American church!!! Considering that Marxism is a doctrine of atheism, why would Communists attempt to infiltrate the ‘church’? Because they understood the church’s influence in America, and believed they could deceive the church to help them foment revolution in America!!! iii.What does this say about the American church, that Communists, i.e.athiests, could believe (and still believe) they could successfully infiltrate the church with atheist ideas? 1.Never forget that the clergy is the most powerful enemy of the Communist state. 2.Try to win your friends over to communism and remember that Stalin, who has given a new constitution to the Russian people, is the leader of the anti-God army, not only in the U.S.S.R., but throughout the world. 3.Convince your friends not to have contact with priests. 4.Watch out for spies and report saboteurs to the police. 5.Make sure that atheist publications are distributed among the largest possible number of people. 6.A good young Communist must also be a militant atheist. He must know how to use his weapons and be experienced in the art of war. 7.Whenever you can you must fight religious elements and prevent whatever influence they might have on your comrades. 8.A true “godless” must also be a good police agent. It is the duty of all atheists to guard the security of the state. 9.Support the godless movement with your money, which is especially necessary for our propaganda abroad where funds, under present circumstances, can only be spent secretly. 10.If you are not a convinced atheist you cannot be a good Communist or a real Soviet citizen. Atheism is indissolubly bound to communism. These two ideas are the pillars of Soviet power. These ‘10 commandments of Communism’ should help any honest person understand what Patrisse Cullors meant by: “We are trained Marxists.” I have one question for any Christian, especially Black Christians, infatuated with ‘Black Lives Matter’: Do you even care? If you don’t care, the following Biblical passage applies: “…Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?” -Lu18:8 *The Devil and Marx, Paul Kengor. Pg 227,228 QuoteBit "Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality." - Les Brown
“We are trained Marxists.” Patrisse Cullors
Considering the founders of BLM: Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opel Tometi: i.are/were ‘supposed’ Black Civil Rights leaders ii.were so greatly influenced by Marx and Engels that they called themselves “trained”! …I find it extremely ironic--and were you aware--that Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels were racists?!?! I repeat, Marx and Engels hated Blacks and Jews. Incredibly, Marx’ Jew-hatred was so irrational that it existed in spite of the fact that he was Jewish!!!!!* FYI, and as a side note--what is also ironic about Cullors…‘a Black Civil Rights leader’… is that she attacked Martin Luther King--the greatest voice of the 60’s Black Civils Rights movement--on his birthday no less--after being invited to Notre Dame University** to honor him: “We don’t need a black, Christian, cis-heteronormative man to take us to the Promised Land.” Back to Marx…Jew & Black racial hatred: -Black economist and historian Dr Walter Williams declared, “Marx was an out and out racist and anti-semite.”*** -“Stephen Schwartz, the ex-Marxist and expert on Communism, states flatly that Marx effectively “disowned” his daughter for marrying a man of mixed race.” “Karl Marx was a racist who cast freely with choice epithets aimed at Blacks and even at Jews—ironic given that Marx was an ethnic Jew.”**** -Marx referred to his fellow Jew socialist labor organizer Ferdinand Lassale with such delightful epithets as: “greasy Jew”; “the little kike”; “water-polack Jew”; “Jew Braun”; “Yid”; “Izzy”; “Willy Ephraim”; “Baron Itzig”; and “the Jewish Nigger”.*5 -In a letter to Engels dated July 30, 1862, Marx expanded his attack on Lassale, “It is now perfectly clear to me that, as the shape of his head and the growth of his hair indicated, he is descended from the Negroes who joined in Moses flight from Egypt.” In other words, Marx’ conclusions about Lassale were based upon the shape of his head. Marx continued his barrage: “unless his mother or grandmother on the father’s side was crossed with a Nigger!” And finally, Marx ended with a bang, “This union of Jew and German on a Negro base was bound to produce an extraordinary hybrid.” And finally, “The fellow’s importunity is also niggerlike”*6 -Marx wrote in what is probably his worst screed against the Jew, “‘On the Jewish Question’: What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Haggling. What is his worldly god? Money. Very well! Emancipation from haggling and money, and thus from practical and real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our age.”*7 -Karl Marx’s daughter, Laura, married a Cuban named Paul Lafargue. Because he was Cuban, Marx believed he had “Negro” blood, which inspired him to create nicknames for him like: “Negrillo” and “The Gorilla”.*8 -Marx once wrote to Engels that “Lafargue has the blemish customarily found in the negro tribe---no sense of shame, by which I mean shame about making a fool of oneself.” *9 -It is only logical that Marx’ hatred for Blacks was passed to at least one daughter. “In one letter, Marx’s daughter Jenny complained to her sister Eleanor, “I drudge like a nigger.”*10,*11 FYI again. Not sure if you’re aware, but hardcore racism often targets both Jews and Blacks. For example, KKK and Nazism. Now we can add Communism to the racist duo, now making for a trinity of racism: KKK, Nazism, and Communism. Of course, it is not surprising that along with her anti-Christianity, we can add anti-semitism to Cullors’ hatred! In conclusion, please…someone…anyone, answer the following 4 questions for me: 1.How did Patrisse Cullors, Opel Tometi, Alicia Garza, who are Black, come to believe it is good or right to use the philosophy (“We are trained Marxists”) of racist White men to help Black people?!!?!?!!?! 2.Why has the Cancel Culture not cancelled Karl Marx, and his Marxism, for racism? They certainly cancelled our American Founding Fathers for their ‘supposed’ racism! 3.How is it possible for Black people to be so fooled by BLM? 4.And the worst of all, how is it possible for Christians to be so fooled by BLM? Remember, believing a lie, lands you in the same place as telling a lie!!! We are witnessing 1Timothy 4:1 right before our eyes: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils!” * Sin is always irrational! **Notre Dame paid Cullors’ travel, and she was given an honorarium…to attack MLK?!?!? Really??!!?? ***The Devil and Marx, Paul Kengor. Pg 86 ****Ibid. Pg 86 *5 Ibid. Pg 86 *6 Ibid. Pg 87 *7 Ibid. Pg 87 *8 Ibid. Pg 86 *9 Ibid. Pg 86 *10 The definition of “drudge” is to perform menial, distasteful, dull, or hard work. *11 Ibid. Pg 84 Quotebit We must all wage an intense, lifelong battle against the constant downward pull. If we relax, the bugs and weeds of negativity will move into the garden and take away everything of value. -Jim Rohn Who was Karl Marx? Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany in 1818, and died in 1883 in London, England. He was married to Jenny von Westphalen for 38 years(1843-1881), and had 6 children; including one by his housekeeper. He is known to be a political theorist, economist, and sociologist. Although he did not invent Communism, he is most famous for making Communism acceptable to the world in works like, ‘The Communist Manifesto’ and ‘Das Kapital’.
What was Marx’s philosophy? “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle…” In other words, he believed that workers (proletariat) are exploited by capitalists (bourgeoisie), and the only way to right this wrong is through revolution, i.e.violence. The nations that have implemented his ideas are Russia under Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin; China under Mao Zedong; North Korea under Kim Jung-un; Cuba under Fidel Castro; along with other nations like Vietnam, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Zimbabwe for starters. In reality, no nation has ever benefited from implementing Marxism. Since 1917, and the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, Communism is responsible for the murder of upwards of 150 million people*. “Wherever Marxism goes, economic collapse, terror, and famine follow”.** I repeat, there are no exceptions to this fact!!! Following are the ‘million dollar’ questions: 1.What does Karl Marx have to do with Black Lives Matter? 2.How does Marxism help make Black lives better? BLM’s Patrisse Cullors*** declared: “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. ” It is obvious from this statement that Cullors’ Marxism plays a major role in her understanding of how to help Black people. Well, let’s do some investigating to find out just how and if her “training” in Marxism/Communism helps Black people! Following is Marx’s “10-point plan” : 1.Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. 2.A heavy progressive or graduated income tax 3.Abolition of all rights of inheritance 4.Confiscation of all property of emigrants and rebels. 5.Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. 6.Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state 7.Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. 8.Equal obligation of all to work 9….gradual abolition of all distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country. 10.Free education for all children in public schools. -‘Communist Manifesto’ Let’s do a little examination. To begin…there is not one point on Marx’s list that is Biblical/godly! 1.Property. The Bible teaches private/personal land and property ownership. As part of the Adamic covenant (Gen1:26-28), humans are commanded to own land. In other words, the word “dominion” (Gen1:28) cannot be obeyed without owning land. As a matter of fact, if one takes dominion over unowned land, it’s called theft(Ex20:15). (See also Deut8:18; Jer29:28) 2.Taxes. The Bible declares 10% tax tyranny (1Sam8:15), let alone “a heavy graduated tax.” 3.Inheritance. We are commanded to leave in inheritance to our children (Pro13:22) 4.Confiscation. While it is possible to confiscate land and property without violating the law, it is extremely risky. This practice under Communist has only led to theft, often leaving the people: i.unlawfully imprisoned, ii.enslaved, or iii.dead i.e.murdered (Ex20:13) 5.Credit. Centralization leads to big government, which the Bible prohibits (1Sam8). 6.Communication & Transportation. To centralize communication and/or transportation ‘IS’ slavery. It rejects free speech (Gal5:1,13,1Pet2:16; Ps140:11); and destroys movement, which hinders prosperity. 7.State ownership is i.big government(rejected in 1Sam8) and ii.removes business from the hands of private citizens (Lu19:13-“occupy” means business; Deut8) 8.Work obligation. This promotes slavery. The government cannot mandate where, what, who, how, or when, or how much you work (Gal5:1,13). This destroys individual freedom. 9.Abolition between town and country. This means government controls where you live, locating you where they see best. Once again, this ‘IS’ slavery. Gen1:26-28 encourages dominion over the earth, not humanity. 10.Free education. ‘There are no free lunches!’ Only total government control allows for free education. When government controls information, the only result is propaganda and atheism (Rom1:18-“suppress”; Ex20:16; Rom9:1; Col3:9). Now let’s return to BLM. Earlier this year, Patrice Cullors purchased 4 homes with earnings presumably from Black Lives Matters! Compare this behavior with the first of Marxism’s 10 point-plan: prohibit property ownership. In all honesty, I have no problem with any number of houses Patrisse Cullors chooses to own, that’s her personal business, and the Bible does not prohibit the number of houses any one person can own; however, what I do have a problem with is her owning houses…in America: i.which she calls racist ii.where she contends White people irredeemably oppress Black people**** iii.when her ‘Marxist training’ forbids ownership of all private property and land! In conclusion, it is obvious that Marx’s 10-point plan can never help Black people…or any people, as the previously mentioned countries testify! And it is just as obvious that America’s free-market system, aka Capitalism—which by the way, Karl Marx despised--helped Patrisse Cullors own 4 homes, which is directly contradictory to her Marxist training! There is a word for this kind of behavior: HYPOCRITE! *‘Death by Government’ by RJ Rummel **Paul Kengor, author of ‘Marx and the Devil’ ***The “We” in Cullors’ statement refers to Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, the creators of BLM. ****As far as I have read, at least a couple of her homes are in all White areas!!!! QuoteBit Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment. -STEPHEN R. COVEY, Leadership consultant |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024