What did Karl Marx believe about God? What does Communism believe about God? Following is a very short list of just some of the views on God of both Marx and his pupils!
Karl Marx & Freidrich Engles: -“Communism begins where atheism begins.” -“Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion and morality.” -“Religion lies at our feet” -“Religion is the opium of the people!” Marx Disciples: Nikolai Bukharin, founding editor of Pravda, Joseph Stalin’s lieutenant: -“A fight to the death must be declared upon religion.” -“…take on religion at the tip of the bayonet.” -“Religion and Communism are incompatible, both theoretically and practically…Communism is incompatible with religious faith.” -“Religion is the opium of the people! It is the task of the Communist Party to make this truth comprehensible to the widest possible circles of the laboring masses”* Vladimir Lenin, first head of the Russian government (1917-1924): -“Religion is the opium of the people”** “Religion is a sort of spiritual booze.” -“Everyone must be absolutely free to….be an atheist, which every socialist is, as a rule.” -“Complete separation of church and state is what the socialist proletariat demands of the modern state and the modern church.” “Religion must be declared a private affair.” -“It is the absolute duty of Social-Democrats to make a public statement of their attitude towards religion. Social-Democracy bases its whole outlook on scientific socialism, i.e.Marxism. The philosophical basis for Marxism, as Marx and Engels repeatedly declared, is dialectical materialism—materialism which is absolutely atheistic and positively hostile to all religion… Religion is the opium of the people—this dictum by Marx is the cornerstone of the whole Marxist outlook on religion. Marxism has always regarded all modern religions and churches, and each and every religious organization, as instruments of bourgeois reaction that serve to defend exploitation and to befuddle the working-class…. Marxism is materialism. As such, it is relentlessly hostile to religion…We must combat religion---that is the ABC of all materialism, and consequently of Marxism. But Marxism is not materialism which has stopped at the ABC. Marxism goes further. It says: We must know how to combat religion, and in order to do so we much explain the source of faith and religion among the masses in a materialist way. The combating of religion cannot be confined to abstract ideological preaching, and it must not be reduced to such preaching. It must be linked up with the concrete practice of the class movement, which aims at eliminating the social roots of religion.”*** -“All worship of a divinity is a necrophilia” (an erotic attraction to corpses)**** -…any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness…the most shameful infection.” -“There can be nothing more abominable than religion.” -“As a teen, Lenin removed the cross that hung around his neck declaring: “I broke sharply with all questions of religion, I took off my cross and threw it in the rubbish bin.”**** -“Is there such a thing as Communist ethics? Is there such a thing as Communist morality? Of course, there is… In what sense do we reject ethics, reject morality? In the sense given to it by the bourgeoisie, who based ethics on God’s commandments. On this point, we, of course, say that we do not believe in God…We reject any morality based on extra-human and extra-class concepts.” From where then does Communist morality originate? Lenin explains: -“We say that morality is entirely subordinated to the interests of the proletariat’s class struggle. Our morality stems from the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat. Communist morality is that which serves this struggle and unites the working people against all exploitation, against all petty private property; for petty property puts into the hands of one person that which has been created by the labor of the whole of society… When people tell us about morality, we say: to a Communist all morality lies in this united discipline and conscious mass struggle against the exploiters. We do not believe in an eternal morality. Morality serves the purpose of helping human society rise to a higher level and rid itself of the exploitation of labor….” FYI, the following is Lenin’s deathbed confession: -“I committed a great error. My nightmare is to have the feeling that I’m lost in an ocean of blood from innumerable victims. It is too late to return. To save our country, Russia, we would have needed men like Francis of Assisi. With ten men like him, we would have saved Russia”***** Tragically, such is the case for many atheists on their deathbeds! Sixth World Congress, 1928: -“One of the most important tasks of the cultural revolution affecting the wide masses is the task of systematically and unswervingly combating religion---the opium of the people.”** Patrisse Cullors, Founder of Black Lives Matter -“We are trained Marxists.” The idea that a Christian can in any way connect with Marx or his philosophical offspring: Communism, Socialism, Fascism; or any organizations that support them…is certainly mind-boggling! So well did William Booth(1829-1912) prophesy of this day: “The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; ‘politics without God’******; heaven without hell” -General William Booth, Salvation Army *Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’, pg 107. Bukharin quotes Marx: “Religion is the opium of the people!” He is a faithful protégé. ** Lenin quotes Marx: “Religion is the opium of the people!” He too is a faithful protégé. ***ibid, pg 113 ****ibid, pg114 ***** Richard Wumrbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg 50 ******Where does “politics without God lead? See part 5 of this series. Quotebit "Those who are quite satisfied sit still and do nothing; those who are not quite satisfied are the sole benefactors of the world." -Walter Savage Landor
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After 12 years in Holland, the Pilgrims left for America on two ships, the Speedwell and the Mayflower for two fundamental reasons: 1.“Propagate the gospel among the Indians”; 2.“become stepping stones for the furtherance of the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.” In other words, they were missionaries!
Along the way, the Speedwell developed leaks and had to be abandoned. Because of terrible storms, over 100 people had to be stuffed into the hole of the Mayflower--50’ wide, and 90’ long--44 out of the 66 days on the perilous seas. The average death rate for cross-Atlantic trips was 50%, yet only 2 people perished; an indentured servant, who refused to partake of limes; and a blasphemous crew member. The captain originally planned to land south, around the present-day Virginia area, but in God’s providence, strong winds blew them far to the North. They began to pray about exactly where to land. Once again, providentially, they found a piece of land formerly occupied by the Patuxet Indians--it was good for planting and had fresh-water springs—all they needed for survival. Interestingly, a plague wiped out the Patuxet Indians in 1617, and no tribe would take over that piece of land for fear of the same fate. The date was October/November of 1620, so the Pilgrims immediately began to build houses to survive the winter. The food from the ship lasted until the Spring of 1621. However, the bad news is that diseases, like Scurvy, along with the new habitat, hit the small group of 102, and by the Spring, 50% died. However, their Christian character emerged for many times only 5 or 6 people were healthy enough to care for the sick. Food shortages led to starvation, and hope quickly began to dwindle that anyone would survive! Once again, in the Providence of God…enter Squanto—who arrived at the exact moment of their desperation!!! Historian Stephen McDowell wrote, “He showed them how to plant corn, assuring its growth by setting it with fish; he taught them how to catch fish and the times when they could find the creeks stocked with fish (for the Pilgrims had only caught one cod in the preceding four months); he taught them to stalk deer, plant pumpkins, find berries, and catch beaver, whose pelts proved to be their economic deliverance. Squanto was also helpful in securing a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and surrounding Indian tribes, which lasted over fifty years.” And, William Bradford, elected Governor of the Pilgrims also wrote, “Squanto… was a special instrument sent of God for their good, beyond their expectation.”* So…what happened? God’s providence! In 1605, the English wanted to colonize the new world. But not knowing which Indian tribes were hostile and friendly, they decided to use fishing exhibitions to capture 6 Indians, teach them English, and derive the needed information. Providentially, like Joseph in Egypt, Squanto was among the 6 Indians initially captured. After 9 years of living with the captain, he returned to his village in 1614. After a short period of time, another fishing exhibition arrived under Captain John Smith. They obtain the fish desired, and return to England. However, before setting sail, Smith orders one of his assistants to remain behind and trade a boat-load of fish for beaver-pelts, which were worth more in England. Instead, the man tricks 20 Indians on board, and later another 7, and then sets sail for Malaga, Spain, a notorious slave trading port. Twenty-six Indians are auctioned off, sold into slavery. As Squanto stands on the auction block, a priest walks by, and the Holy Spirit instructs him to buy him. He argued with God because he didn't believe in slavery. He finally obeyed and purchased Squanto. Over the next year, the priest led Squanto to Christ, and forgiveness entered his heart. Squanto subsequently made his way up the coast to England and finds a ship crossing the Atlantic back to his home. Upon arriving at Plymouth, he receives the shock of his life—his tribe has been wiped out by the plague---he is the only remaining Petuxet Indian on earth! Not only is he devastated at the loss of his family, he now has nowhere to go, because Indians do not take-in other Indians! However, Squanto has no other choice but to walk 50 miles through the dangerous tribal territory to the Wampanoag tribe, where Massasoit was chief. Miraculously, i.e.providentially, he is accepted, where he lives for a short time until he hears some English have settled on the land of his tribe. He is moved by the Holy Spirit to visit them. He arrives speaking perfect English, knowing the English culture, foods, likes, and dislikes. Guess when? Exactly at the time when the Pilgrims were starving! With Squanto’s instruction…and I repeat…the Pilgrims learned how to plant, fish, catch beaver, find berries, etc. Governor Bradford appointed a day of Thanksgiving and invited the Wampanoag Indians (Squanto’s adopted tribe) to celebrate. In October of 1621, Massasoit arrived with 90 braves, their squaws, and children. They feasted on “deer, turkey, fish, lobster, eels, vegetables, cornbread, herbs, berries, pies, and the Indians even taught the Pilgrims how to make popcorn. The Pilgrims and Indians also competed in running, wrestling, and shooting games. Massasoit enjoyed himself so much that he and his men stayed for three days”** Remember, the traditional celebration of ‘Thanksgiving’ is a day set aside by Americans to thank God for His providence and provision! “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” -1Thes5:18NAS * William Bradford, Of Plimoth Plantation (Boston: Wright & Porter Printing, 1901), p. 111. Spelling has been changed to modern usage in this and the other quotes from Bradford. **Stephen McDowell, historian QuoteBit Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Alva Edison “We are trained Marxists.” -Patrisse Cullors, Founder of Black Lives Matter
Karl Marx did not invent Communism, but his political and economic theories became the basis for its foundation and practice. Therefore, it can be definitively stated that the term “Marxism” is synonymous with Communism! I have endeavored in the past few tidbits to offer just a few of the fundamental philosophical positions of Marx, in order to reveal what he actually believed, with the purpose of helping to elucidate his version of Communism. However, there is a question I must ask. In all honesty, what has been Communism’s legacy to this date? In other words, what has been the fruit of Marx’s Communism where it has been implemented? This question is important for at least two reasons. First, the philosophies and the agendas of Communism/Socialism have made great inroads into the thinking and outlook of Millennials and Generation Z regarding today’s social issues. And furthermore, using Patrisse Cullors as a recent example, since the 1950’s Communism has historically influenced--to a certain degree--the Black Civil Rights movement. For example, Black Panther Angela Davis explains in: “Why I am a Communist”: “But one of the things which really impressed me, when I was on the streets fighting for my job at UCLA, was that whenever I spoke to Black people, and whenever I spoke to the Black community, very few people had hang-ups about Communism. I can remember many times walking down the street and having someone stop me and say, are you Angela Davis, and I would say yes, and they would express their solidarity, and say, well, all the sisters and brothers would say even though I don’t really know what Communism is all about, just as a brother here said, then we know that there must be something good about it because ‘the man’ would not be coming down on you so hard. So I think that the resistance to understanding what Communism is all about doesn’t exist nearly as much in the Black community as it does in the country as a whole.” Black Panther leader Fred Hampton made similar statements about his preference for Communism/Socialism. Why is ignorance of Communism in the Black community a tragedy? First, because Blacks have suffered many social ills in America, out of desperation, recent Black leaders have sought answers to complex issues--outside of Christ! One example is Malcom X, who declared, “To bring about the complete independence of people of African descent here in the Western hemisphere, and first here in the United States. And bring about the freedom of these people by any means necessary.” On the contrary, and exactly opposite of Malcom X, Jesus said, “I am the way”(Jn14:6). In other words, there can be no ‘help’, nor any ‘way’ to help…outside of Jesus(Heb13:6; Is43:11)! Therefore, the Bible does not condone “by any means necessary”, which is nothing more than a euphemism for ‘the end justifies the means’. To choose man’s way “for help”, ultimately lands one on Satan’s way!! God will not follow man, man must intentionally seek God, and His way, to resolve any problem. When man gets ahead of God—only destruction awaits! Communism is not just a man’s way, i.e.Karl Marx…it is the way of Satan! Please see last week’s tidbit. However, the greatest example of the Satanic origin of Communism, is not Marx’s writings, but Communism’s wake of death and destruction. Remember, the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy(Jn10:10)!!! In 1999, the Black Book of Communism cited the total number of murders perpetrated by the following Communist countries: USSR: 20 million deaths China: 65 million deaths Vietnam: 1 million deaths North Korea: 2 million deaths Cambodia: 2 million deaths Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths Latin America: 150,000 deaths Africa: 1.7 million deaths Afghanistan 1.5 million deaths Total: 94 million However, these figures may not be completely accurate. First, Alexander Yakovlev an official in Mikhail Gorbachev’s regime totaled Stalin’s murder figures at between 60 -70 million!* This figure agrees with the figure of 61,911,00 murders attributed to Stalin as recorded in ‘Death by Government’ by R.J. Rummel (pg79). Adding in this figure, the total murders by Communism leaps to over 135 million!!! Yet…the 135 million number does not include the Nazis, who were Socialists. Remember, Nazi is an acronym for ‘National Socialist German Workers Party’. The only difference between Nazis and Communists is race and class. Whereas the Communists promoted revolution between the classes ‘bourgeoisie’ and ‘proletariats’, the Nazis used race: ‘Aryans’ and ‘non-Aryans’, with special emphasis on Jews! With this exception, everything else philosophically between the Communists and Nazis is the same. Incredibly, the book ‘Death by Government’ attributes 20,946,000 million (pg111) murders to Hitler. So, adding Hitler’s number to the total murders, and the consequence of Marxist philosophy exceeds 155 million murders!!! What adds fuel to this already mind-boggling number, is that the 155 million murders all occurred within the 100 years of the 20th century—1900-2000!!!! In other words, the 20th century is the most murderous century in the history of the world…and Communism/Socialism, i.e.Marxism, is the driving philosophy behind those murders!!! Here is the million-dollar question, does Patrisse Cullors’ quote have more meaning to you now? *Paul Kengor, The Devil and Karl Marx, pg.xviii. QuoteBit "There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." -W. Clement Stone “We are trained Marxists.”
-Patrisse Cullors, Founder of Black Lives Matter “trained”: Dictionary.com defines “trained” as: “to develop or form the habits, thoughts, or behavior of (a child or other person) by discipline and instruction.” Cullors, and the BLM founders in their own words are not just “Marxists”, but “trained” Marxists!!! This means, through their BLM founders--their followers-- are knowingly or unknowingly being disciplined or instructed to develop or form habits, thoughts and behaviors…according to the philosophy of Karl Marx, i.e.Marxism!* Allow me to offer 3 pieces of evidence that indict Marx of Satanism: 1.Letter correspondence; 2.his poetry; 3.his friends. 1.Letter Correspondence: Marx wrote to his father: “A curtain has fallen. My holy of holies was rent asunder and new gods had to be installed.” Marx biographer Richard Wurmbrand responds, “Marx originally professed to having Christ in his heart. Now this is no longer so. Who are the new gods installed in Christ’s place?” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg20). Marx’s wife, Jenny von Westphalen, wrote him in August of 1844, stating, “Your last pastoral letter, high priest and bishop of souls, has again given quiet rest and peace to your poor sheep.” Again, Richard Wurmbrand responds, a high priest “…Of what religion? The only European religion with high priests is the Satanist one. What pastoral letters did he, a man believed to have been an atheist, write?” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg47) On March 31, 1854, Marx’s son, Edgar writes him a letter beginning with the words, “My dear devil!” Wurmbrand responds again, “Who has ever known a son to address his father like this?” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg47) 2.Poetry --In 1839, at the young age of 21, and already a prolific writer, Marx wrote, “I harbor hatred against all gods” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg23) --The following quotation is taken from the Marx poem entitled, “On Hegel”, which is about philosopher Fredrich Hegel, Marx declares, “Words I teach all mixed up into a devilish muddle. Thus, anyone may think just what he chooses to think.” Contrast this line with world renowned Satanist Aleister Crowley’s most famous statement, which is also known as ‘the John 3:16’ of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible: “Do what thou wilt” --In another poem on Hegel, Marx wrote: “Because I discovered the highest, And because I found the deepest through meditation, I am great like a God; I clothe myself in darkness like Him” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg21). This statement sounds eerily like Satan’s words in Isaiah 14: 13,14: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God…” “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” --In his poem called “The Pale Maiden”, Marx wrote, “Thus heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well, My soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell.” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg22). In his poem “The Player” Marx wrote, “Look now, my blood-dark sword shall stab Unerringly within thy soul…The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain, Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See the sword---the Prince of Darkness sold it to me. For he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.” 3.Three Friends One of Marx’s partners in the First International federation of labor groups was Mikhail Bakunin, who was a Russian anarchist. Bakunin wrote: “The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund(very fruitful) germ of all human emancipations, the revolution. Socialists recognize each other by the words, “In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done.” Satan is the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.” “In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in the people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is to destroy, not to edify. The passion of destruction is a creative passion.” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg26) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a French socialist, and a friend of Marx. In his, ‘The Philosophy of Misery’, regarding God, he wrote, “We reach knowledge in spite of him, we reach society in spite of him. Every step forward is a victory in which we overcome the Divine.” He continues, “Come, Satan, slandered by the small and by kings. God is stupidity and cowardice; God is hypocrisy and falsehood; God is tyranny and poverty; God is evil. Where humanity bows before an altar, humanity, the slave of kings and priests, will be condemned…I swear, God with my hand stretched out towards the heavens, that you are nothing more than the executioner of my reason, the sceptre of my conscience…God is essentially anticivilized, antiliberal, antihuman.” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg28) Marx’s third friend I choose to mention was Heinrich Heine. Heine wrote, “I called the devil and he came, His face with wonder I must scan; He is not ugly, he not lame. He is a delightful, charming man.” In Heines’ writing named ‘Works’, Heine referred to his relationship with Marx as “warm and hearty” (Richard Wurmbrand, ‘Marx and Satan’, pg28). In conclusion, another Marx biographer named Robert Payne, in his book ‘Marx, a Biography’, wrote, “there were times Marx seemed to be possessed by demons, when rage overflowed in him and became poison, and he seemed to enter into a nightmare.” (Paul Kengor, The Devil and Karl Marx, pg78) While I understand biographers must attempt to be unbiased, it is obvious they do not understand spiritual things. I will make it plain: Karl Marx was demon-possessed!!! Allow me to end with the quote I began: “We are trained Marxists.” -Patrisse Cullors, Founder of Black Lives Matter *Unless you are naïve enough to believe their “training” had no effect on their followers! If so, then you don’t understand the spiritual realm! Quotebit "Great minds have purposes, others have wishes. Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them." -Washington Irving |
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