Maulana Ronald Karenga, the founder of Kwanzaa writes: “Kawaida philosophy was forged in the fire and water of the ideological and practical struggles waged in the Sixties.” “Kawaida defined itself as an ongoing synthesis of the best of African thought and practice in constant exchange with the world.” “…the role and work in the Black Liberation Movement in the 60s and now of the organization Us*, in which Kawaida was conceived, created and first embraced and practiced. The uniqueness of Kawaida’s past, present and continuing contribution is evident, first, in the enduring embrace and practice of Kwanzaa and the Nguzo Saba (The Seven Principles) in various forms and formations throughout the world African community. For it is out of Kawaida philosophy that Kwanzaa and the Nguzo Saba were conceived and thru which they are continually renewed, enriched and expanded.”
Here These statements are typical of Karenga’s philosophy. What do I mean? After reading the above statements one is no more enlightened as to the meanings of Kawaida, Kwanzaa, and Nguzo Saba then before reading them. I simply scratch my head and think: What in the world does all this mean? I call it ‘articulate confusion’ at best, or ‘intentional deception’ at worst. For example, Karenga declares Kawaida conceived Kwanzaa and Nguzo, yet Kawaida was conceived in the Black Liberation movement in the 1960’s. But if that is true, how can Kawaida be an “ongoing synthesis of the best of ‘AFRICAN’ thought”? I have questions: 1.So, what exactly is African thought? 2.Where was “African thought” prior to the 1960’s? 3.How can Black “struggles waged in the Sixties” synthesize (combine) African thought? 4.How does Karenga jump to African thought while being born and raised in America? 5.Why would Africans not synthesize their own thoughts? 6.The continent of Africa has been in existence for thousands of years, long before there was an America or Black “struggles” in America. Why would the ongoing synthesis of the best of ‘AFRICAN’ thought need to wait for Maulana (teacher) Karenga? Who is Ronald Karenga to Africans? 7.The words Kwanzaa and Nguzo Saba are Swahili words spoken primarily in Kenya and Tanzania, or East Africa. However, there are hundreds of languages and tribes in Africa, many violently opposed to one another—at times fighting for centuries!! In addition, the two dominant religions in Africa are Islam and Christianity which are irreconcilably different! And, the differences between the Black African nations are as stark as the differences between Black Africa and Russia, or China, or Indonesia!! How can Kawaida, Kwanzaa, and Nguzo Saba which began in 1960 America—synthesize all these differences into umoja (unity)? 8.How can Kawaida define itself? Does it have being? Does it have a mind? Is it alive? 9.I have spoken to Africans who unequivocally reject Kwanzaa as an African celebration! Why are they wrong…and you (Karenga) right? Moving forward. Kwanzaa is NOT African at all! Karenga borrowed the term “First Fruits” from the Jewish celebration Feast of Harvest(Ex23:16); Karenga borrowed the Jewish Menorah renaming it a Kinara; Karenga borrowed ‘his’ “seven principles” (Nguzo Saba) from the Symbionese Liberation army. Here Karenga placed ‘his’ celebration after Christmas and borrowed its gift-giving, with the sole intention of giving Black people a celebration of their own tied to their African roots and culture. Of course, the problem with this is two-fold: i.Kwanzaa has nothing to do with African culture—it is wholly a Black nationalist invention from America ii.American Blacks are tied to Christmas through faith in Christ,' which has nothing to do with skin color! On the contrary, Karenga is a black nationalist, which means he interprets life through his skin color…which inspired him to create: “The ‘Seven-fold path to Blackness’; Think Black, Talk Black, Act Black, Create Black, Buy Black, Vote Black, and Live Black." First, only a Black person could get away with inventing ‘The Seven-fold path to Blackness’… and not be called a racist! Why? Because liberalism declares Blacks cannot be racist. On the contrary, racism is a sin that any person or group of humans can commit. Can you imagine what would happen if a White person declared a “Seven-fold path to Whiteness”?!?! Furthermore, even worse than the confusion of the seven principles (Nguzo Saba), the list of seven things on the Seven-fold path can only be defined by Karenga!!! I mean, what exactly does it mean to “Think Black? Is Blackness a language? Do Black people see a house, car, boat, or bicycle differently than do White, or Brown people? How does one Talk Black? Does this refer to ebonics? If so, how many African countries speak ebonics? How does one Act Black? Does this mean walking, producing, or dancing a certain way? How does a Black person Create Black? Does this mean Blacks only create for Blacks? Or, maybe Blacks only create Black things? How does one ‘Live Black’? Does this mean Blacks only wear Dashikis? Or, that Blacks ought to limit our clothes to the color Black? The one that interests me most is “Vote Black”. How does one ‘Vote Black’? Does that mean Blacks should only vote for the Democrat party? I mean presently the vast majority of Blacks vote Democrat…so Maulana Karenga must mean ‘Vote Democrat’! Right? Tragically, there is a major problem with the ‘Vote Democrat’ idea! While the Democrats did not invent racism against Blacks, they certainly perfected it! How many Black people know the Democrats enslaved Blacks in America? How many Blacks know that the KKK was created by the Democrat party? Do Blacks even care that the Democrat party created ‘every’ draconian law in the south against Blacks voting---from the Poll Tax, to Literacy Tests, to the Grandfather clause, to Black Codes, to sharecropping, to Convict Leasing, to Peonage, etc., etc., etc., etc!?!?! The sin of racism makes people extremely ignorant! In conclusion, although Kwanzaa may be an invented holiday, Blackness is a reality! Blackness is the sin of idolatry and yet another sad example of Black nationalists propagating the sin of racism! *US Organization - Wikipedia (I think this link would help explain some more background about Karenga and his agenda) Quotebit Addiction is an ever-increasing desire for something that has an ever-decreasing ability to satisfy. -Derrick Jackson
So, what is the celebration of Kwanzaa? Using its founder Maulana Ron Karenga's own words: “For it is out of Kawaida philosophy that Kwanzaa and the Nguzo Saba were conceived and thru which they are continually renewed, enriched and expanded.” Here Don’t worry if you don’t completely understand, because there is much circular reasoning and contradiction involved in Karenga’s philosophy.
What is Kawaida? Kawaida is Swahili for “Common”. What is ‘Nguzo Saba’? It is Swahili for ‘seven pillars’ or as Maulana Karenga calls it, “The Seven Principles”: umoja (unity), kujichagulia (self-determination), ujima (collective work and responsibility), ujamma (cooperative economics), nia (purpose), kuumba (creativity), imani (faith). As you read the seven principles, I'm certain your initial response is probably that they all sound really good, right? I mean, how can there be anything wrong with these powerful words? On the contrary, THE initial reading of these principles is THE primary factor contributing to THE acceptance of Kwanzaa by both Black and White people—which is why a closer look is necessary. To begin, we must understand the principle of: ‘return to the origin’. This means if you want to fully understand something, return to its’ origin. In Matthew 19, when the Pharisees asked Jesus about divorce, he said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female”. In other words, if we want an answer to our questions about Kwanzaa, we must return to its beginning. In the case of ‘The Seven Principles’ their origin is complex. In short, the 1960s’ and early 70’s saw the rise and heavy influence of the Black Liberation Army(movement), i.e.Black Panthers, United Slaves, Black Muslims, etc. One of the branch-off organizations was the Symbionese Liberation Army, which was a small group of around 10-15 Black and White ‘soldiers’.* The word ‘symbioese’ is a word invented from the word ‘symbiosis’, which in biology means two dissimilar organisms living off one another or parasitism (Dictionary.com). The symbiosis of the ‘Symbionese Liberation Army’ was a few Whites, and primarily one Black named Donald Defreeze**. This was an unusual relationship at that time among the Black Liberation movement because they preached hatred of Whites. Like Karenga, DeFreeze changed his name. He took on the name ‘Cinque’ from Joseph Cinque, a West African who was taken from the Spanish slave ship during the ‘Amistad rebellion’ in 1839. Interestingly, DeFreeze added the Swahili name Mtume, which means prophet: Cinque Mtume, or Cinque, the prophet. What does DeFreeze have to do with the Seven Principles? Everything! The seven principles of Kwanzaa are verbatim with the same seven principles of the Symbionese Liberation Army!!! The question is how did this happen? As of this writing, I cannot prove Karenga took his seven principles from DeFreeze’s organization. However, I highly suspect that he did because of Karenga’s poor character as I revealed in part 1 of this series. If Karenga could torture Black women---of which to this day he denies, it is hard to believe he would not stoop to plagiarism! Of course, there will be those who disagree, arguing that DeFreeze copied Karenga because Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966. In reality however, it really makes no difference ‘who plagiarized who’ because some of the seven principles have deeper meanings than what appears in their initial reading. In other words, the literal meaning of at least a couple of the words can only be understood in the Swahili language. For example, Karenga says the principle ‘Ujamaa’ means ‘cooperative economics’. The first thing that came to my mind after reading this principle was: i.money (economics); and ii. cooperating together to make money! Well, certainly nothing is wrong with that! Actually, God has called humans to these very two points, see Gen1:28; Eccl5:19; Ps128:2. However, if you google the translation of ‘Ujamaa’ from Swahili to English two things popup: 1.“Believe in Socialism” or 2.“Socialism”. Here, Here, Here are THREE different google links to translations of the word Ujamaa to ‘FACT CHECK’ me! The shock of this quickly fades however, when we recall that Black nationalism, especially of the 1960’s rejected free markets(capitalism). Communism heavily infiltrated the Black nationalist thinking beginning in the 1950’s (see ‘Color, Communism, and Common Sense’ by Manning Johnson). For example, the Black Panthers were Communists!! Remember, Communism/Socialism/Fascism is the economic system of the religion of atheism!! I repeat, because ‘theology drives philosophy’ or ‘theology creates philosophy’, the religion of atheism is the driving force behind the philosophy of Communism/Socialism/Fascism. Remember, Colossians 2:8 in part 1 of this series!!! Moving forward, of course the principle “Ujamaa” is supported by the principle “Ujima” which Karenga says means “collective work and responsibility”. The term ‘Collective Work’ is Communism…plain and simple! These two principles--at least--make Communism a large contributing factor to Nguzo Saba (seven principles). Let’s look at another principle: “Imani”, which Karenga says means “Faith”. In Arabic the same word “Imani” means “My faith”. First, what is often true when cultures and their languages meet together is that entire words from one language are adopted into the other. What is probably true is that “Imani” was incorporated into Swahili from Arabic because of the trans-Arabian slave trade that dominated East Africa. If that is true, because the Swahili men-stealers were Muslims, the ‘faith’ of the principle of “Imani” probably refers to “faith” in Allah, the Islamic god! Second, what is absolutely true however, is that the fundamental question regarding the principle of ‘Imani’ is: “faith” in what? The word “faith” is normally a spiritual word taken from “Faith in God” (Mk11:22). However, we learned last week that Maulana Karenga hated Jesus***! His hatred for Jesus is also confirmed by the color red in the Kwanzaa flag and candles, which refers to the blood that was shed for Black people to be redeemed. On the contrary, this is blasphemy!! Only the blood of Jesus can redeem humanity! NO! The blood of past or present Blacks cannot redeem Black people!! Furthermore, Maulana Karenga taught, “Kwanzaa is a cultural holiday not a religious one” Here So, because Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday, what then does Maulana Karenga teach that we should have faith in, or for? On the contrary, because of Karenga’s sin (Jn1:4,9; Ps36:9) he cannot understand spiritual things (Lu11:35,36), such as ‘faith in God’, therefore one can only speculate, i.e.invent, what he believes we should have ‘faith’ in. However, for the Christian who celebrates Kwanzaa, he/she has an absolutely unresolvable problem! Why? Because he/she cannot bring Christianity into Kwanzaa because as I just revealed Karenga hated Jesus, “calling Christianity a “White religion”***. Yet, the designation of Christianity as a “White religion” simply defies logic, highlighting the hypocrisy, and the many contradictions in Maulana Karenga’s thinking, who declared: “Kwanzaa brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be both African and human…” Here What?!?! Really…Maulana Karenga?!!? First you call Christianity a “White religion”; and then you declare that Kwanzaa is “the best of what it means to be …African”? Wow, this logic has serious problems! Why? How can Christianity be a “White religion” when the majority of Black Africa is Christian!! And what’s more, the Christianity of Africa is not a recent development because Christianity was in Africa before Europe! Confirming this is the fact that the apostle Thomas had much success in taking the gospel to Africa just after Pentecost in 33AD: which is 2,000 years ago!!! And again, Islam performed Jihad in Africa after the death of Muhammad in 632AD turning much of Northern Africa to Islam by force---which is an ‘enemy attestation’! What is that? An ‘enemy attestation' means because Muhammad--who is an enemy of Christianity--performed Jihad in northern Africa converting many to Islam after 632AD is perfect evidence that Northern Africa was NOT Islamic before the Jihad! Well, what religion dominated Northern Africa prior to Islam’s Jihad? Christianity!!! In other words, Christianity was in Africa 600 years prior to Muhammad! Stay tuned for part 3 *The Symbionese Liberation Army gained national attention in 1974 with the kidnapping of Patty Hearst, the granddaughter of American publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst. *Others believe SLA was created by a White man named Willie Wolfe and a White woman named Patricia Soltysik. Regardless, the Black man DeFreeze was the leader. ***“Christianity is a White religion. It has a White God, and any Negro who believes in it is a sick Negro. How can you pray to a White man? If you believe in him, no wonder you catch so much hell.” Is Kwanzaa innocuous? A simple celebration of African-American heritage occurring just after Hanukkah and Christmas? Vice President Kamala Harris certainly thinks so: “Our Kwanzaa celebrations are one of my favorite childhood memories. The whole family would gather around across multiple generations and we’d tell stories and light the candles. Whether you’re celebrating this year with those you live with or over Zoom, happy Kwanzaa!” Here
Of course, President Joe and Jill Biden also agree: “During this celebration, millions will gather with their families to reflect on the struggles and triumphs of the past and look towards a brighter future,” Jill Biden said. “With each candle you light, we hope your home is warmed by the laughter of your family and friends, your hands are inspired to creativity, and your heart is filled with determination, faith, and love.” Here Let’s take a deeper look into the celebration of Kwanzaa, beginning with the Word of God. See to it that no one takes you captive (lead away, seduce) through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. -Col2:8 (NAS) Notice what this passage lists as ‘oppositions’ to Christ: 1.philosophy; 2.empty deception; 3.tradition of men; 4.elementary principles of the world. Also notice what is left off the list: ‘religions’. Therefore, two things leap from this text as to how men are taken captive, led away, or seduced: 1.Anyone or doctrine that rejects Christ (Who is the Word of God(Jn1:14) sums-up the four areas. 2.‘religions’ are part of the four listed areas because God defines religion. Remembering that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh(Jn1:14), this passage unequivocally asserts that anti-Christ doctrines and anti-Biblical doctrines--are the same. Therefore, Colossians 2:8 teaches that anti-Christ doctrines can take a person, a family, a church, and even a nation—captive! The foundational question that lay before us is, is Kwanzaa one of those doctrines? First, let’s begin with Kwanzaa’s inventor, ‘Maulana Ronald Karenga’. Karenga was born in Parsonsburg, Maryland in 1941 as Ron Everett, and the youngest of 14 children. His father was a sharecropper, and most interestingly—a Baptist preacher. Second, the word ‘Maulana’ is a Swahili word meaning “Master teacher”. And the word ‘Karenga’ means “keeper of tradition”. So, Kwanzaa’s inventor is ‘Master Teacher’ Ronald Karenga, the keeper of tradition. Third, Karenga currently possesses two doctorate degrees. One earned in Political Science in 1976 and another in Social Ethics earned in 1994. He is a professor of Africana Studies at California State University, Long Beach. Fourth, the LA Times reported on Karenga’s torture of two Black women, Deborah Jones and Gail Davis, whom he accused of trying to murder him. "The victims said they were living at Karenga’s home when Karenga accused them of trying to kill him by placing crystals in his food and water and various areas of his house. When they denied it, allegedly they were beaten with an electrical cord, and a hot soldering iron was put in Miss Davis’ mouth and against her face. Police were told that one of Miss Jones’ toes was placed in a small vise, which then was tightened by the men and one woman. The following day Karenga told the women that ‘Vietnamese torture is nothing compared to what I know." “Miss Tamao reportedly put detergent in their mouths; Smith turned a water hose full force on their faces, and Karenga, holding a gun, threatened to shoot both of them. The victims Deborah Jones and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothing." "Karenga Tortured Women Followers, Wife Tells Court". 13 May 1971, 3 - The Los Angeles Times at Newspapers.com He was convicted and served 4 years in prison. Here Fifth, Maulana (master teacher) Ronald Karenga started the ‘United Slaves’ (US) in 1965, and Kwanzaa in 1966. United Slaves is a Black nationalist organization, and part of the pan-African movement, espousing the belief that "African people everywhere share both a common history and destiny.” Here The United Slaves organization was a rival of the Black Panther Party in the middle of the 1960s. Two of Karenga’s United Slave followers George P. Stiner and Larry Joseph Stiner shot dead two Black Panthers John Huggins, 23, and apprentice "Bunchy" Carter, 26, after they disrespected Karenga’s name in an argument over who would lead the Afro-American studies department at UCLA. Sixth, in ‘QUOTABLE KARENGA’ Maulana(master teacher) Karenga informs us of some of his beliefs, i.e.his master teachings: “…everyone but the Negro has a god who looks like him. Jesus said, My blood shall wash you white as snow. Who wants to be White but sick Negroes, or worse yet –washed that way by the blood of a dead Jew. You know if Nadinola cream couldn’t do it, no dead Jew’s blood is going to do it." https://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_Monograph_US_April-1968.pdf. Pg17 “We must gear the money going from the church to the support of the revolution. Revolution cannot succeed with finance.” https://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_Monograph_US_April-1968.pdf. Pg18 “Christianity is a White religion. It has a White God, and any Negro who believes in it is a sick Negro. How can you pray to a White man? If you believe in him, no wonder you catch so much hell.” https://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_Monograph_US_April-1968.pdf. Pg35 “the time we spent learning about Jesus, we should have spent learning about Blacks. The money we spend on church should have been spent on our community and the respect we gave the Lord should have been given to our parents.” https://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FBI_Monograph_US_April-1968.pdf. Pg33 Well, now we better understand WHO the “master teacher” Ronald Karenga is: i.Black racist, ii.antisemite; iii. impenitent criminal; and, iv.hater of Jesus! Stay tuned for part 2 and Karenga’s creation of Kwanzaa! * “A psychiatrist who examined Karenga in 1971 concluded he was insane. A September 1971 sentencing hearing transcript shows that the unidentified psychiatrist believed that the founder of Kwanzaa was “both paranoid and schizophrenic.” https://dailycaller.com/2016/12/24/kwanzaa-was-concocted-by-a-deranged-felon-who-tortured-naked-women/ |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025