Much of the confusion among Christian involvement in BLM is a misunderstanding of the existence of ‘two’ ‘Black Lives Matter’. The first is a statement: ‘Black Lives Matter’. This statement is without doubt--an absolute truth--for the lives of Black people do matter. No honest person, can deny the humanity of Black people.
On the other hand, the second is a ‘movement’ or ‘organization’ called ‘Black Lives Matter’, created by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. Because I am Black, I unequivocally declare that I love the BLM ‘statement’; however, I have a problem with the BLM ‘Movement’. Why? 1.Describing the BLM movement, Alicia Garza writes, “It centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.” The Black liberation movement is Marxist/Mao inspired. Garza, Cullors, and Tometi all worked for groups in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). There are dozens of organizations under FRSO---all of which are Marxist. One quick example: Garza was the special projects director for National Domestic Workers Alliance . If you want to see more of BLM’s Marxist affiliations: click here Marx was a Satanist!* Among his followers are Lenin, Stalin, and Mao—all atheists…men not exactly known for Christian virtue!! Can a Christian be a Marxist? How can a Christian adhere to the doctrines of either Satanism or atheism? Or, follow those that do? 2.Alicia Garza writes, “Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks”. The Creator God declares that homosexuality is a sin(1Cor6:9). Yet, the Bible also teaches that He loves the sinner (Jn3:16); and that Jesus ate with sinners (Mat9:10,11). Yet, the same Bible never declares that Jesus ‘affirmed’ the sinner’s sin! The one place where Jesus had the perfect opportunity to ‘affirm’ sin was the woman caught in adultery(Jn8:11), yet He did just the opposite. After forgiving her, Jesus declared, “go, and sin no more”!! Can a Christian “affirm” sin? No(2Tim2:19)! On the contrary, sin is the reason Christ died! To affirm sin is to reject the very reason for the cross of Christ! 3.On Martin Luther King’s birthday, the University of Notre Dame, a Catholic University, i.e. a Christian University, invited Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors, to speak in honor of Dr. King. During her remarks--I repeat--to commemorate Dr King, Ms Cullors said, “We don’t need a black, Christian, cis-heteronormative man to take us to the Promised Land…” Representing BLM, the 'Movement', on the birthday of the man responsible for Black civil rights in America, Ms Cullors, insulted him, and his legacy!! Furthermore, if that's not bad enough, let's just by-pass her insult to Dr King's manhood ("cis-heteronormative man"); and let's look at what is multiplied times worse than insulting Dr King on his birthday... her attack of Dr King's.....ah....CHRISTIANITY?!?! Can a Christian follow a hater of Christ? What’s up with that? 4.BLM protests have been most interesting. On separate occasions, during organized marches, where protesters were taught chants! In other words, they repeated the following words over..and over again! 1.“Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon” 2.“What do we want…dead cops…when do we want them… now!” Can a Christian support killing cops?? 5.BLM possesses abnormal leaders, without the fear of God(2Sam23:3). At Yale ‘Divinity’ School** DeRay McKesson lectured on an essay entitled "In Defense of Looting." Can a Christian justify looting? Maybe I’m wrong, but doesn’t God’s word teach it is wrong to steal! (Ex20:15) Furthermore, on CNN, Aaron Goggans, ‘head’ of BLM, DC said, “It’s important to talk about the myth of black-on-black crime as just that – a myth.” A ‘leader’ of BLM, calls black-on-black crime a ‘myth’! Is this man from planet earth? And...Christians should follow this? 6.Last and most important, BLM, the ‘Movement’, claims to be in favor of black lives, hence its name: “Black Lives Matter”! The ‘Movement’ was created when Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were killed. The ‘Movement’ has been at the forefront of the news--to this day--as more and more young Black men are shot by police! Therefore, we can safely assume that the ‘Movement’ cares about Black lives! Right??? If the ‘Movement’ cares about ‘Black lives’…why is it that the BLM, the Movement, along with the liberal media, only roar about one of the least ways Blacks die: police shooting!! Here are the facts: ‘Deaths’ of African Americans: 7.Police shootings -254 (2015) 6.HIV deaths-5,686 5.Homocides-6,217 (2013) 4.Diabetes death-11,934 3.Accidental deaths-12,215 2.Cancer deaths-63,279 1.Heart disease-69,918 Total ‘Black’ deaths is over 169,000 annually! Yet incredibly, ‘Black’ abortions annually total an astounding 429,000 (2013)!!! -35,750 abortions per month -8,250 abortions per week -1,175 abortions per day (1400) -49 abortions per hour The above abortion comparison doesn’t even include the Washington Post fact that the police killings of Whites (494) almost doubles that of Blacks(254)!! Nor is there one word on Hispanic deaths by cops (172). And, this has been the trend for over 15 years!!! Somebody is lying!!! Choosing between race and Christ…is not a choice! It’s idolatry! *See Marx and Satan, by Richard Wurmbrand **I’m not sure what’s worse: McKesson supporting looting; or the Yale ‘Divinity’ school supporting him, support it! QuoteBit Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing. -Abraham Lincoln
Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means a study of the Liberal god’; and some of the philosophies of the religion from which liberalism is birthed: atheism.
Last time, I wrote on liberalism’s redefinition of justice. I would like to add one more tidbit to this point. Allow me to offer just ‘one’ real life example of the deception of liberalism’s ‘justice’. One of the incredible Bible verses on justice declares: “Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand all things” –Proverbs28:5 Justice is critical to God, and His plan for man. As I pointed out in the last tidbit, God’s very nature is just! On the contrary, this verse argues that evil men misunderstand justice, and the context offers the reason as men who do not seek God for answers! The clear implication is that in situations requiring justice, men seek two other places than God: 1.Their own thoughts 2.The philosophies of other men who reject God For these reasons, men misunderstand justice, and by default impose injustice. This is the inherent problem with liberalism! Their rejection of God causes them to see light as darkness, and darkness as light; to see good as evil, and evil as good(Is5:20;Ps36:9;Matt6:23;Lu11:35). Let’s look at a crystal clear example of ‘liberal justice’ in action in the case of David Daleiden, of the Center for Medical Progress(CMP), who exposed Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts.* The videos CMP produced presented irrefutable evidence of PPF’s obvious guilt!! All one needed was ‘sight’ and ‘hearing’ to come to the conclusion PPF broke the law by selling baby parts in the past, and is presently selling them. Yet, in a liberal world, up is down, and down is up; and good is evil, and evil is good! Therefore, liberal justice simply turned this situation upside down and prosecuted David Daleiden for: 1.using a fake ID, and 2.attempting to buy baby body parts---UNBELIEVABLE!!! Undercover video has been used for decades--all over the world--to secure criminal indictments, and expose all manner of corruption, in places like politics and business, for example. Yet, in this case because the undercover agent (Daleiden) went politically incorrect to expose the real face of abortion--which by the way is another liberal doctrine---he was indicted for the very evil he exposed in Planned Parenthood!! President Obama, himself a liberal, is an accomplice to this travesty of justice, because the Whitehouse simply dismissed the videos by declaring them edited—something any first year student video editor could have verified as false!! Furthermore, not only did President Obama’s liberal justice system not prosecute PPF for selling baby body parts, they also did not prosecute any of the real buyers of baby parts exposed on the videos!! Incredibly, they instead focused their attention on David Daleiden; who is pro-life, meaning that not only does he reject abortion, i.e.the murder of infants; but his pro-life position also means he rejects selling baby parts, and obviously purchasing those baby parts!!!! On the contrary, if he wanted to sell baby parts--that he obviously knew was illegal**—why in heavens name would he video record himself committing an illegal act, for which he knew he could be prosecuted, and then show it to the world? Do murderers video record themselves committing murder, and then give it to the police? Yet, this is not only the mindset that prosecuted David Daleiden, but more importantly…the mindset of liberal justice! The liberal system of justice is so warped…so corrupt…so wicked…so evil…so dishonest, that the videos produced by CMP, the very same videos called edited, and rejected by President Obama; the same videos that so clearly present evidence against PFF, and against the companies that would purchase the baby parts, were used by the liberal system of justice as evidence to indict David Daleiden of the very evil that he so courageously exposes!! How were liberals able to philosophically justify such obvious evil? Two ways: 1.Suppressing truth (Rom1:18) 2.Relativism The liberal media very often simply reports and repeats only that information which supports their agenda, while systematically and willfully suppressing any contrary evidence. And second, the liberal media acts-out another of its doctrines: relativism. Because relativism determines its own version of good and evil, liberals simply use relativism to change what is evil into good, and what is good into evil, and then it creates laws to indict perceived enemies. I repeat, this is liberal justice!! Some of you may be thinking, were not the charges against David Daleiden dropped? Yes!! But that makes no difference! The very fact that such bogus charges could be trumped-up in the first place, and then used to present as a serious case in a U.S. court of law, vividly reveals the liberalism pervading America’s system of justice! Be encouraged and feat not!! God’s word cannot fail!! Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. -Isaiah41:10 Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men! -Ps31:19 * See youtube for all the videos. For example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJPLzMIC7CI **Remember, the illegality of selling baby parts was the inspiration behind Daleiden doing the videos in the first place!! QuoteBit There are some things you don't have to know how it works - only that it works. While some people are studying the roots, others are picking the fruit. It just depends on which end of this you want to get in on. –Jim Rohn Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means a study of the Liberal god.’ Or, Liberal Theology is a study of the religion, from which liberalism originates: atheism.
I have been writing on how liberalism redefines words to impose their deception on America. Last time I covered the word ‘rights’, this week let’s look at another word: ‘justice’. First, justice originates in God---for He exists as just Ps129:4(NET); Ps145:17(NET); Is45:21(KJV); 2Thes1:6NIV). Therefore, because God’s nature is just—as shocking as it may sound---it must follow that justice is a theological term…a religious term. If you look at any of the above verses, the Hebrew word describing God’s nature is translated either ‘just’ or ‘righteous’, depending on the version of the Bible. There are at least three ways just (or justice) and righteous intersect in the Bible: 1.The Bible often translates the same Hebrew word as justice or righteousness. 2.Justice requires righteousness to exist. 3.At times, the Bible declares justice and righteousness, as what I call a Dynamic Duo. In other words, the two possess an inseparable link. These three points of intersection once again confirm that justice is a theological, or religious term! Therefore, justice cannot exist apart from God’s will and purposes. Yet, an entire culture of people are shouting for justice, while simultaneously rejecting the God, Who alone gives justice, and Who alone exists as just! Of course, this is yet another evidence for the myth of the separation of church and state—which by the way is a foundational philosophy of liberalism, and its religion--atheism! Furthermore, the Bible declares that governing, or political leadership requires justice and righteousness: “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne…-Ps89:14NAS “…righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. Ps97:2KJV Building on this truth, the Bible also offers a very specific outline for political office: “He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God” -2Sam23:3 In other words, a person aspiring to a political office needs at least two things: 1.He/she must be just 2.He/she must possess the fear of God If it is true that these verses speak to governing, and they do; yet they also include specific theological requirements, how then can the liberal interpretation of the separation of church and state be true*? In addition, as I just pointed out, the word righteous, is not only very often used synonymously with justice; while at other times, it is permanently linked with justice---yet the Bible also teaches that righteousness can only be imputed (charged) to man by God(Rom4)! Yet, I repeat, if God alone imputes righteousness, and righteousness is often synonymous with justice, or inseparably linked with justice, how can the government reject righteousness—because is theological, without rejecting justice? How can God’s view of justice be ignored when He exists as just, i.e. when justice is His very nature? Can man use God’s nature of justice without God? What kind of tortured logic is that? Yet this is exactly what the liberal view of justice asks! Moving in a different direction, to use the term justice to define an entire legal system, that system by default must exist predicated on rights---which originate in values—or, what is considered valuable. As attorneys, and lawyers, and judges adjudicate, they do so according to previously enacted laws, which derive from a system of rights, or agreed upon cultural values. For example, why is it wrong to steal? The people of a community agree to honor ownership rights,** i.e. a right of individuals to own property. They agree that each person’s possessions are valuable, and others shouldn’t be allowed to just take them. The problem is that because liberals reject the Judaeo/Christian God, it must follow that they reject His values. Therefore, they must create other values, derived from their god(atheism), to replace the Judaeo/Christian values---for which they must also create new laws to protect those new values. For example, the principles of the Constitution and Declaration derive from the Bible.*** Yet, because liberalism rejects the Bible, and because their worldview originates in their religion (atheism), they create new values/rights, based on that religion! For example, there is no right to gay marriage in either the Declaration or Constitution, which boldly and clearly declares that man’s rights originate in the Creator God—Whom by the way, rejects homosexuality(1Cor6:9). So what did liberalism do? They separated God’s view out by perverting the principle of the separation of church and state*, allowing them to redefine equality, and make homosexual and heterosexual marriage equal. In the recent Obergefell case, using their newly created right, originating in their god(atheism), liberals simply declared gay marriage just! Liberalism repeated the same thing with abortion. First, they separated the Biblical God out, once again using the liberal version of the separation of church and state, allowing them to create another right known as a ‘right’ to privacy—which of course exists in neither the Declaration, Constitution, nor the Bible! The end result of liberal justice on abortion: almost 60 million deaths, since 1973! BE ENCOURAGED!! God’s good is better than the devil’s bad! Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds!!! (Rom5:20) Expect a miracle!! God is preparing to pour out His great power, such as we’ve never seen!! *The liberal interpretation of the ‘separation of church and state’ is ‘separation of God from the state.’ **Which in America, the law originates in the Judaeo/Christian ethic. ***Read books, Defending the Declaration, by Gary Amos; Christianity and the Constitution, by John Eidsmoe QuoteBit "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." – NBA, Basketball player, Michael Jordan -Josh Howard, former NBA, Dallas Mavericks star once said, “The Star-Spangled Banner is going on right now. I don’t even celebrate that ----. I’m Black.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi523TdWj_E)
-Black singer Rene Marie was asked to sing the National anthem for a Mayoral event in Denver, Colorado, but substitutes the Black National anthem instead (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw02sW04hHE). After such an outrage, Rene explains herself, “When I decided to sing my version, what was going on in my head was: ‘I want to express how I feel about living in the United States, as a black woman, as a black person.” -Or, what about Reverend Jeremiah Wright, “…no, no, no, not God bless America, but God damn America. That’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America…” -Or, most recently, black ‘Grey Anatomy’ star actor Jesse Williams declares, “…we're done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us…” These heavy statements, combined with the new kid on the block: Black Lives Matter--seem to unequivocally shout: BLACKS CAN’T BE PATRIOTS!! BLACKS CAN’T LOVE RACIST AMERICA! Well, I beg to differ. Let’s look at some past Black patriots to make a contrast. 1.Johy Roy Lynch who was born into slavery in 1847, but later became the first black Speaker of the House--in none other than--Mississippi!! Furthermore, he was the first Black to preside over a National Convention in 1884—the Republican National Convention. He said, “I love the land that gave me birth. I love the stars and stripes. This country is where I intend to live, where I expect to die; to preserve the honor of the national flag and to maintain perpetually the union of the states, for which hundreds, and I may say thousands of poor, brave, and true hearted colored men have fought, bled and died.” 2.Abolitionist Frederick Douglas, was taught by his mentor William Lloyd Garrison, that the Constitution of the United States was a racist, pro-slavery document because of the inclusion of the 3/5 clause. However, subsequently, in his writing entitled ‘My Bondage And My Freedom’, Mr Douglas had a change of heart, “I was on the anti-slavery question, fully committed to the doctrine touching the pro-slavery character of the Constitution. I advocated this with pen and tongue according to the best of my ability. However, upon a latter reconsideration of the whole subject, I became convinced that the Constitution of the United States not only contained no guarantees in favor of slavery, but on the contrary, it is in its letter and spirit an anti-slavery instrument, demanding the abolition of slavery as a condition of its existence as a Supreme law of the land! Here was a radical change in my opinions.” Numbers 3-9, I call the Black Magnificent Seven—all American Patriots at a time just after the end of slavery known as the Reconstruction period(1866-1876). They were the first blacks elected to Congress (all elected as Republicans) in American history. 3.Hiram Rhodes Revels from Mississippi. He was a pastor and missionary, who ironically, replaced Senator Jefferson Davis, who became president of the Confederacy when the south seceded. He is America’s first black Senator. 4.Benjamin Turner from Alabama. He was a slave both before, and during the Civil War. Incredibly, he was so wise and articulate that he became a wealthy businessman within five years of the war’s conclusion. He was elected to the House of Representatives. 5.Robert Delarge from South Carolina. Like Ben Turner, he was born a slave, yet within three years of the end of the Civil War he served in the state house, where he chaired the Republican Party’s platform committee, and became a state wide elected official, all before being elected to the House of Representatives in Washington D.C. 6.Josiah Walls from Florida. He was slave before the War, and was forced to fight for the Confederate army. After being captured by the Union army, he quickly re-enlisted, and later even became an officer. Subsequently, he was elected to the House of Representatives, but was twice challenged by the Democrats, who eventually had he sent home, and he never returned. 7.Jefferson Long from Georgia. He also was born a slave, but taught himself to read and write, and later even built a business. However, after being elected to the House of Representatives, the Democrats made sure his business was boycotted, and after suffering great financial loss, he was forced to return home. 8.Joseph Haines Rainey from South Carolina. He was also born a slave. Incredibly, he became the first Black Speaker of the House. He served in Congress longer any of the other blacks during Reconstruction. 9.Robert Brown Elliott from South Carolina. He was not born a slave, and had a high formal educated. He could speak and read in four languages: Spanish, French, Latin, and English. He became the Speaker of the House on the state level. These are just a ‘few’ of the Black American Patriots who lived in American antiquity. I’m sure you are probably wondering why Blacks who lived through, and around the time of slavery were American patriots, while it appears that so many contemporary Blacks are angry at America…what is that all about? First, there are many contemporary Blacks that love America—and realize God’s call upon this great nation! I read their writings, and even speak with them…all the time! Please don’t be fooled by the media! On the contrary, there are two simple reasons it appears Blacks hate America: 1.In order to increase ratings and sales, the media loves to agitate, to stir up resentment, if you will…by presenting angry people; and negative, hate-filled stories! 2.The vast majority of Black ‘America-haters’ are Black racists/nationalists, and/or Black liberals!* I have found that the segment of Blacks who either incite, or cheer at the incitement of the Jesse Williams’, the Jesse Jacksons’, the Louis Farrakhans’, the Al Sharptons’, the Michael Eric Dysons’, the Ta-Nehisi Coates’, the Malik Zulu Shabazzs’, etc., ---are Black liberals! *Although I’m sure they exist, I have never seen or heard of a Black ‘America-hater’, who is not a liberal/progressive. QuoteBit Don't take the casual approach to life. Casualness leads to casualties. –Jim Rohn |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025