In meteorology, a barometer measures atmospheric pressure. We have looked at how voting measures three things in America:
1.Christianity 2.America’s purpose 3.Racism We finished Racism and America’s purpose, now on to Christianity. I would like to include two parts to help elucidate how voting measures the ‘state of Christianity’ in America: 1.Word of God 2.Israel (These two points are not necessarily in order of importance) First, the Word of God, through the prophet Hosea declares: They have set up kings, but not by me: they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off. –Hosea 8:4KJV A few of the teaching points of this verse are: 1.The people have a responsibility to their rulers. 2.There is a right and wrong way to choose a king 3.God wills the use His guidelines/Holy Spirit to determine a king 4.It is possible for the people to choose a wrong ruler 5.The reason for choosing a wrong ruler is ignoring/disobeying God 6.The choice of a wrong ruler, by default, creates an idol 7.The wrong ruler will generate God’s judgment upon the ruler, and the nation. 8.Money plays a critical role in rulership. a.Who is set in authority b.How one rules when in authority Or, how about this verse: The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. 2Samuel 23:3KJV Or, another: …that a godless man should not reign, that he should not ensnare the people. -Job34:30 ESV Or, another: Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him. -Ps140:11KJV Or, one more for good measure: When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. -Pro29:2KJV Like a legitimate coin needs a heads and tails to be considered legal tender, so choosing a political leader using God’s word/Bible possesses two sides: positive and negative. The positive side is to examine the potential candidate to determine whether his/her personal AND public life aligns with the scripture. For example, 2Samuel 23:3 says a ruler must possess the fear of the Lord. Does your candidate fear God? A study of the Bible regarding the definition of the fear of the Lord should reveal whether your candidate fits this qualification. The negative side is to determine who cannot be your choice for political leader through a promotion of sin. For example, if a candidate promotes obvious sins like abortion, pornification of the culture, sexual perversion, gay marriage, atheism, etc. --according to the Bible--that person has just disqualified himself from holding political office. A final question remains: how many ‘Christians’, use these verses, or others like them, to choose political officials? I emphatically say…very few! Yet that is the very point. The Bible teaches us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith(2Cor13:5). Therefore, your love for God, is demonstrated by your desire to keep His word (Jn14:21). One way to examine your love for God, is to ask yourself, why you are voting for who you are voting for? However you genuinely answer that question is a barometer of your love for God. To this point, I must sadly report that America has abandoned God, which I repeat, is especially revealed by who His people vote for. As a consequence, not only is America at the end of being a ‘Christian’ nation; but more importantly, America cannot long glorify God if His people continue to ignore His word! Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people -Pro14:34 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD… -Ps33:12 The God of the Bible blesses only righteousness; but judges sin! QuoteBit We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. Bertha Calloway -- Fonder of the Great Plains Black Museum
Contemporary voting, measures American atmospheric pressure in a minimum of three ways:
1.Christianity 2.America’s purpose 3.Racism Last week I endeavored to show how liberal racism is reflected in American voting. This week I would like to continue making my point on voting using America’s purpose. Over the years, I have heard many reasons why/how people vote; and especially vote for presidents. I can remember expressly two young women interviewed on television boldly declaring their vote for Bill Clinton because they thought he was handsome. Recently, I read that a man said he would give his vote to Donald Trump because he was a good man. Black actor Samuel Jackson said he voted for President Obama because he was Black. A group of 25 Black pastors recently declared their support for Hillary Clinton; in a joint statement they declared that she best represents what is important to the people of their congregation. I recently heard a fan of Marco Rubio for president in effect say that because his wife was “hot”—meaning she’s beautiful—he deserved a vote for president. Furthermore, I have heard many people use their party as a guide for their vote. I once told a ‘Christian’ so sold-out to his favorite political party that if Jesus ran for president in an opposing party, you still would not vote for Him! In addition, I told another friend, “If the devil ran for president on the ticket of your party, you would still vote for him.” If you’ve been around long enough, I’m certain you could share some real ‘doozies’ on what you’ve heard as reasons people vote for a politician. The point is that people vote for their favorite person for almost any and every reason. Therefore, the question of this tidbit is: how is America’s purpose used to help to know who to vote for? The Bible points out at least four purposes for a nation. Although these four purposes were given to all nations, God has specifically given them to America to serve as a ‘living’ example for nations to follow. 1.Righteousness (Pro14:34). “America is great because America is good” -Alexis de Toqueville 2.Freedom (Gal.5:13,1; 1Pet2:16). Yet, not a freedom to do anything, i.e.pursue the sin nature, but a liberty to seek God (Act17:26,27). 3.Unique Purpose(2Tim1:9). To facilitate men finding their unique purpose from God. 4.Israel. The establishment and continual support of Israel (Deut32:8) (These are not necessarily in order of importance) One of the most important places to look regarding a potential national leader is whether his/her personal and public philosophy aligns itself with these four purposes. Dr Myles Munroe said, “Where purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.” God created all things, therefore all created things have purposes—including nations(Ps86:9,Deut32:8)! If a potential leader does not understand the purpose of God for his nation, he will abuse the nation! Voting in America ‘OUGHT’ to be easy if this great truth is used as a guide! Ask yourself two simple questions when considering a potential candidate: 1.Does the candidate’s personal life adhere to America’s purposes? 2.Does the candidate’s past actions align with America’s purposes? To offer a little practical help, neither Communism, Socialism, Darwinism, Liberalism, Deism, Atheism, Islam, paganism, or sexual perversion, are aligned with America’s purposes! Nations that no longer exist, don’t exist for a reason! There are no Hittites, Hivites, Amorites, Amalakites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Babylonians, or Canaanites…for a reason! If you choose to vote for a leader who opposes God’s purposes for this nation, you contribute to the demise of America: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God!”(Ps9:17). The optimal word is “forget”. What does “forget” refer to? Both the being of God, and the purposes of God! To forget either is to usher-in God’s wrath. However, if you vote for one who respects God’s purposes for America: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…” (Ps33:12), you contribute to God’s blessing upon America! There is no middle ground! * The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution wonderfully align with America’s God-given purposes. The Declaration is America’s vision, and the Constitution serves to enforce or facilitate the vision. Quotebit TRUE WEALTH: My friends are my estate. -EMILY DICKINSON (1830–1886) Poet In meteorology, a barometer measures atmospheric pressure. In my opinion, contemporary voting measures American atmospheric pressure in a minimum of three ways:
1.Christianity 2.America’s purpose 3.Racism Let’s begin with racism. I have lived through several presidential elections, but the present race for the next president has been the most contentious in my life! One reason is that the atmosphere of America has been intentionally charged with racism. When I mention the word ‘racism’ as it relates to America, the politically correct—which means liberals/progressives-- immediately agree with me. How can I, one of the most vociferous critics of liberals agree with them? I don’t! You see…that is their deception! For liberals (progressives)—the word ‘racism’ means “White racism”. What I find most incredible...amazing…stunning…outrageous…and most of all Godless(Col2:8), is that politically correct thinking, i.e.liberalism, has successfully made Whiteness tantamount to racism! The liberal ability to redefine the absolute using code language, and undertone--is the crux of their deception. In other words, for liberalism an absolute is not all-encompassing! Pastor Jackson, you ask, “How can the statement: Whiteness equals racism be an absolute, if it is not all-encompassing? Don’t you know that absolutes must be all-encompassing to be absolute! Absolutes must apply to all, or they are not absolute.” I say, “Well done!! You have just identified the liberal deception! Liberalism has bullied the privilege to re-define word ‘meanings’ in mid-statement! Selah!!! Allow me to explain. The liberal ‘absolute, non-absolute’ statement: ‘Whiteness equals racism’; applies to whom? (If you’re confused by the question, it means you’re rational! If you’re not, it means you’re a liberal!) Very simply, the liberal hit-list of racists includes: White people! The evidence for this truth is irrefutable: ‘White Privilege’! The term “White Privilege” means Whites are privileged because they are White; therefore ALL Whites are racist; hence, ‘Whiteness equals racism’! Their problem is that liberalism also comprises White people! How is this contradiction resolved? In order to remain consistent with their ‘absolute, non-absolute’ philosophy that ‘Whiteness equals racism’, liberals had to create an ‘out’…a ‘trump card’…a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ pass! What is that? Under the category of ‘Whiteness’, they simply include: Republicans, conservative Whites, conservative Blacks, conservative Hispanics…AND Bible-believing Christians, who are also known as conservative Christians*! If you are in one of these categories, if you didn’t know it…you are a racist! Now, having a better understanding of this backdrop, let’s move on to how voting measures the atmosphere of racism in America. Allow me to propose two examples. First, President Barack Obama received 95% of the black vote. Black actor Samuel Jackson publically admitted voting for Obama because he was Black. Yet, this sort of behavior is not something hidden by Black America! It is culturally acceptable for Blacks to vote for Blacks because of race. This unwritten rule applies to Hispanics, and most minorities. Of course, my detractors will argue this is not racist. They might add something like, “Whites have voted for Whites because of Whiteness! Why can’t we?!” But, when Whites have supported candidates using race, we have correctly labeled them racist! Why the double standard? Normally two answers are offered for this double standard on racial matters. First, because blacks have endured past institutional racism, to expect a balanced scale—is itself racist. Hence, things like affirmative action and welfare which obviously use race to tilt the playing field, are implemented without considering its innate racism, nor its consequences! The second answer is much less complicated. Liberalism simply declares: “Only Whites can be racist”! My second example where voting is found to measure racism is Donald Trump**. Presently, Mr Trump leads the GOP field for President. A few days ago in Chicago, violent demonstrations erupted cancelling his rally. The reason for the protests was not Trump’s stand on building a wall on the Mexican border; nor deporting illegals; nor halting Muslim Syrian refugee immigration, positions he has held for months now. Trump has had rallies in several states over the last few weeks while holding the three previous controversial views, but why such violence only in Chicago? Actually…one reason! Recently, Chicago has been a hotbed of racial tension, especially after the cover-up video footage was released of Laquan McDonald’s shooting. For some time, Chicago has been protesting Mayor Rahm Emanuel over this issue, seeking his resignation. But remember, Emanuel is a White liberal, so he can’t be included on the liberal ‘racist’ hit-list, which is the reason he still holds office. However, what pushed the temperature of the Chicago protests into a frenzy, is the liberal media’s declaration of Trump racism***. In a CNN interview, Trump said he did not know former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, and needed to do research on him. A crack in the door is all liberals needed…especially Black liberals!! From that moment forward, in spite of any contrary evidence, Trump is now branded a racist! In reality though, the ‘racist’ brand is not directed at Trump! Trump was actually right when he declared that the Chicago anger was NOT directed at him! Liberalism simply used Trump’s David Duke answer as proof of what they already wanted to perpetrate! In reality, any Republican front runner is racist because, according to the liberal mindset, all Republicans are racists! Until the November elections conclude, American voting is now back on the liberal track, divided according race! If you vote Republican, you’re a racist! If you vote Democrat, you’re not! Yet, this is ‘THE’ liberal tactic to win political power. * “Liberal” Christians (whatever that is) are not on the liberal racist hit-list because they are liberals, not because they are Christians. Liberal Christianity declares: God is love! God is nice! God is good! God does not judge! He never mentions sin! God simply accepts everyone just like they are! **I am not a fan of Mr Trump, and did not vote for him in the primaries. *** Remember, to the liberal mind, racism equals ‘White racism’. Here is Ms Marissa Jenae Johnson, another co-founder of Black Lives Matter on full, unedited display at a meeting organized for Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in Seattle.
(Please review 1min 21sec clip) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mZ3tIII5zg And again, here is Ms Johnson again in a 3 minute clip on Fox News: (Please review) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JezQNSirUe8 For review and examination in this tidbit, I offer Ms Johnson’s first statements: Explain for our viewers why ‘All life Matters’ is a racial slur?” –John Roberts, Fox News “…White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter. Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you? While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery?”-Ms Jenae Johnson Last week I offered my definition of victimology, which I believe is BLM’s methodology: “Using either a fact, or a myth, to accuse others of what you are guilty of, to justify self, and gain sympathy, with a view toward moral bullying.” Now, let’s examine Ms Johnson’s actions and statements in light of this definition. Ms Johnson says, “…White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter’. Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you?” What conditions, Ms Johnson? Her next statement informs us of her idea of conditions: “Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you?” Notice the clip visually captures the intense, emotional anguish on her face. Simply, Ms Johnson believes the world hates her! However, believing something doesn’t make it true. Interestingly, by the phrase “…a world…” she does not mean Blacks, Hispanics, or Jews, or Muslims, or Indians, or the Brazilians, or the whole world--she means White people. Of course, there is no other way for Mr Roberts to respond than: “no I don’t,” because he was not there when she was growing up…AND more importantly, he is White—one of the haters! Yet, herein lay the strategy of BLM’s victimology! Victimology takes a specific emotional circumstance, fact or myth (true or lie), isolates it, magnifies it, promotes it, repeats it…in order to gain sympathy---which is their power, i.e. moral authority! Yet, to respond to this bullying in any other way than silence, is to be labeled insensitive… a racist…a homophobe…a xenophobe…an Islamophobe! Incredibly…astonishingly…unbelievably…Ms Johnson contends to have grown up in a world that hates her!?!? I mean, did she actually mean that 2016 America hates black people!?!? An America that has a Black president?!?! Does England, Denmark, Russia, or any other predominantly White country have a Black President?!?! How about giving me the predominantly Black country, who has an elected White president?!?! Does she refer to an America where Blacks are found in every area of life: politics, business, media, entertainment, academia, etc.!!! An America that has black millionaires, and even billionaires!?!?! My mind immediately raced to wonder how Ms Johnson would have faired in the 1960’s during the Civil Rights marches; with public beatings; with water cannons, with police dogs, bombings, and segregation!! Or, God forbid…lynchings? The idea that Ms Johnson is hated by Whites is strictly emotional! I mean how does she know? Did she take a nationwide poll of White people? “As a White person, do you hate Marissa Janae Johnson?” However, I know exactly how she would prove Whites hate her (i.e. Blacks); her next statement tells us: “While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery?” Of course, you know she is not referring to blacks gunning down blacks, which I said in Tidbit 2 comprises 8,200 blacks murdered annually*; and represents a number 30 times higher than the annual number of police killing blacks! What’s more, and even worse, Black homicide is only 5th on the list of Black deaths! (see Tidbit 2) No, Ms Johnson refers to, not just police, but ‘White’ police killing blacks! Well, I’m happy to report. The liberal Washington Post has released the facts for 2015. American fatalities at the hands of the police are: Asians -14 Hispanics -171 Blacks -258 Whites-494** (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings/) If you combine Blacks and Hispanics….police still kill more Whites! This is Ms Johnson’s “gunned down in the street”. Ironically, Whites have more a claim than Blacks! With a few undesignated, Washington Post reports 990 total police killings. Proudly, BLM declares we should end police brutality. Using 300 million as the number of Americans, the 990 number represents 0.0000033%. Of course, because BLM is unapologetically black, their idea of police brutality does not really mean police brutality in general, but ‘White’ police brutality against blacks! If you disagree, remember, according to Ms Johnson, “All Lives Matter” is a racial slur! And she certainly does not think it’s a slur against Whites, but against Blacks! Ms Johnson’s display of emotional anguish is blatant, unadulterated victimology, a ploy to gain sympathy for the purpose of imposing BLM’s idea of justice, which in reality is injustice! BLM abuses highly emotional circumstances (created by the liberal media), to gain sympathy for their cause, and to sadly, and ultimately coerce on a naïve America their sexual perversion and racism! All authentic Christians—Black, White, or whatever—should renounce and distance themselves from the group Black Lives Matter! *FYI—I just had to stick this juicy fact in on the last day of Black history month! For a little context of the size of the 8200 annual black homicides; between 1882 and 1968 (86 years), with the vast majority before 1920, around 5000 lynchings occurred in the south, approximately 3500 blacks, and 1300 whites!! Just as interesting however, is the question, why were whites lynched? The answer is because they were Republicans! Who then was doing the lynching? Democrats! One could argue that Blacks were lynched for being Republicans as much as for being black! By the way I’m not a Republican! **Unarmed police killings: Blacks 37; Whites-31; Hispanics-17 |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024