Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective. One of the ways Liberal Theology (LT) practically demonstrates itself in our culture is Gay Theology. In other words, because LT possesses sexual license (licentiousness*), which means it teaches God approves of any, every, and all sexual behaviors, it must logically follow that LT teaches that God approves of homosexuality, which is a form of sexual behavior. Allow me to use a photo to illustrate how Liberal Theology supports Gay Theology: One picture is worth 1000 words…and in the case of Gay Theology, 1000 feelings! First, notice the use of the term “Gay Christian”, which is designed to use feelings, i.e. emotions, to compare ‘Gay Christian’ to ‘White Christian’ to ‘Black Christian’ to ‘Chinese Christian’, etc. Their intent is to equalize or normalize the “Gay Christian” with all other Christians. In other words, “Gay Christians are Christians too!” Second, notice the use of the term “Hateful Christian”, which is designed to categorize as a ‘hater’ anyone who disagrees with Gay theology i.e. “A Gay Christian is not an oxymoron.” Hate is an emotion, a feeling. In reality, hate is a theological word, defined only by God. Yet, even ‘hate’ is exploited by LT, and arguably used as its number one weapon to bludgeon anyone who disagrees with their opinions. For example, Liberals publically label (or scream at) all their opponents as “intolerant” and “haters”. Because the sexual license doctrine of Liberal Theology is the support for contemporary Gay Theology, Gays use this same “hate” strategy as LT to bludgeon anyone who disagrees with them. The deception of the photo is twofold: 1.The response of the ‘actual’ Christian to the photo’s words is, “that’s not true”, or disagreement. Yet, to disagree immediately categorizes that person as a ‘hater’—which is photo’s intent. Therefore, the ‘actual’ Christian must say nothing in order to retain his Christianity. But to say nothing facilitates the error of the photo’s statement. But to say something subjects the Christian to being fired from a job, and fined**…all in the name of LT’s “tolerance”, which whose real face is “intolerance”. 2.The second deception of the photo is its appeal to feelings as opposed to scripture as the highest authority. In other words, in Gay Theology, feelings replace God(idolatry). Gay Theology must emphasize words like love, grace, and freedom to mentally accept their homosexuality because the Bible does not give even ‘one’ supportive passage for homosexuality; nor does it offer approval of even ‘one’ gay Biblical character! Therefore, the deception of Gay Theology (and LT) is to twist the definitions of the Biblical terms: freedom, love, and grace. Freedom: LT perverts the definition of ‘freedom’ into licentiousness,* from which liberals (and gays) declare, ‘I am free to do what makes me happy’, or ‘whatever makes me feel good!’ Therefore, all behavior --which liberals approve--is categorized as freedom, and their right; and any societally restricted behavior---which liberals disapprove---is a violation of their freedom, and subject to a law suit; and shockingly…now supported by force of government. Love: Gay Theology (LT) perverts the word ‘love’ to mean acceptance and approval, “Everyone…accept (love/approve) me…with a smile!” AND, “If you don’t accept (love/approve) me, (smile at me, and my behavior) then you hate me!” Notice in Gay Theology (LT), there are no other choices, no middle ground; for example, “I disagree with your opinion” is unacceptable. For liberals (and gays): you either love me or hate me!!! It is either, “give me what I feel, or pay the price!” Therefore, they declare, with the support of government force, to anyone who does not love (accept/approve) their behavior: “All you haters must be banned, ignored, fined, or imprisoned!”…in that order!** Grace: Gay Theology argues that God gives grace to everyone…by which they mean Christ’s death provides forgiveness…for everything! Because the Bible declares we are saved by grace, and Gays want to be saved, they need grace in their theology to justify homosexuality, so they must pervert grace to apply to everyone, anywhere, at all times, i.e. here grace…there grace…everywhere grace…grace! Although the Bible may declare that God gives rain to the just and unjust(Mat5:45), on the contrary, He only gives grace to the humble(Jms4:6); the humble referring to those who obey God’s word. Therefore, God does not give grace indiscriminately; which means nor does He offer forgiveness indiscriminately! Forgiveness must be preceded by repentance.*** Liberal Theology may give support to Gay Theology, but neither are Biblical Theology! *Please review last week’s tidbit to understand the role of licentiousness to liberalism. **See Tidbit 1 for the downward progression of LT’s punishment for societal disobedience to their opinions. ***Repentance means turning to Christ, who subsequently empowers one to turn away from sin(2Tim2:19)---not to live in it! QuoteBit "Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act." - Maxwell Maltz
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Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective. What is liberalism?
1828 Webster’s Dictionary definition of liberalism: 1.Of a free heart; free to give or bestow; not close or contracted; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely; as a liberal donor; the liberal founders of a college or hospital. It expresses less than profuse or extravagant. 2.Generous; ample; large; as a liberal donation; a liberal allowance. 3.Not selfish, narrow on contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than one’s own; as liberal sentiments or views; a liberal mind; liberal policy. 4.General; extensive; embracing literature and the sciences generally; as a liberal education. This phrase is often but not necessarily synonymous with collegiate; as a collegiate education. 5.Free; open; candid; as a liberal communication of thoughts. 6.Large; profuse; as a liberal discharge of matter by secretions or excretions. 7.Free; not literal or strict; as a liberal construction of law. 8.Not mean; not low in birth or mind. 9.Licentious; free to excess. To know anything about the nature of God, is to understand that the first eight entries are indeed wonderful—describing biblical things to which every Christian should aspire. And, for these very reasons, many believers are deceived! In reality, the ninth entry ‘is’ Liberalism’s actual face—it’s hidden agenda, if you will. Dictionary.com defines ‘licentious’ as: sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd, unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless, immoral. Even better is Galatians 5:19, which offers the word lasciviousness as a work of the flesh, and a synonym for licentiousness, and means: sexual excess, absence of restraint, insatiable desire for pleasure, arrogance, insolence referring to words; wantonness, lustfulness, excessive pleasure. However, the best definition of lasciviousness is: one thing leads to another; or one sin leads to another. Lasciviousness refers to that aspect of the sins of the flesh, which ‘naturally’ cycles downward toward ever increasing evil. Ironically, the freedom of Webster’s first eight definitions is completely offset by the evil of the ninth definition! On the other hand, Liberalism’s theology covers the horror of its licentiousness (lasciviousness) with masks, giving it credibility in the minds and hearts of so many. The masks cover its real face, and hide its real agenda…until it is adopted! However, know this for certain, the liberal masks only deceive those people who want to be fooled. John3:19 describes it: “…and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” Some of liberalism’s masks include equality, compassion, tolerance, love, and kindness. Liberals wear the appropriate mask for the appropriate situation to gain approval as mainstream and political power. Interestingly, these masks are able to fool people because these words define the Judaeo/Christian ethic, of which America, although struggling greatly, still possesses a remnant. Yet I repeat, under these masks lay some of the greatest evil of our present day: Communism/Socialism, intolerance, racism, atheism, hatred (especially of Christians & God), anti-semitism, envy, and of course its baby: sexual license!! At its core, Liberal Theology is a doctrine of its god Atheism, which has doctrines, or philosophies that describe its behavior, i.e. how its adherents are to act; how to think; and how to speak. For example, Communism/Socialism is political doctrine of Atheism; Darwinism/Evolution is the science doctrine of Atheism; Relativism is the life doctrine of Atheism; Liberalism is the social doctrine of Atheism; and Lasciviousness, i.e. sexual license is the sexual doctrine of Atheism. In conclusion, what we are seeing in today’s culture is the practice of Liberal Theology. For example, Liberalism deals with sin* 7 ways: 1.Ignore sin. In their hearts, liberalism begins to ignore God’s word, His definition of good and evil to live anyway they want—calling it freedom. Motto: to each his own. 2.Reject sin. They become embolden, and begin to publically challenge anyone who stands on God’s word. Here they begin the process of rejecting the nation’s Founders, and America’s Christian roots. The separation of church and state** begins here. 3.Promote sin. Liberals begin to publically act on their sin, mock God, His word, parade sin through the streets. They use public schools to impose sexual perversion, their primary weapon, on children. Ban the righteous. The process of banning God, His word, and the persecution of the righteous begins here. 4.Legislate sin. They publically act to make sin legal, and righteousness illegal. America is currently here! 5.Fine. They fine those who stand against their views. Some of America is here! 6.Imprison. They imprison those who reject their views 7.Murder. They murder those who reject their views Obviously, liberalism does not come from God! (1Tim4:1) *Liberalism uses sexual license as its primary weapon to open the door for its other positions. **The liberal definition of the separation of church and state is the separation of God from the state. In their minds, separating church and state means to remove God (and His word), from every public place first, which ultimately climaxes in its removal from every private place, i.e. Nazi Germany. QuoteBit The "greatest detriment to today's success" is "yesterday's success." -Rick Warren Gender: When a child is born into this world, regardless of the culture, religion, ethnicity, or country, the doctor, nurse, midwife, etc., looks at the anatomy of the infant and declares:
1.It’s a boy! or 2.It’s a girl! The doctors take no tests. No blood is extracted. They use no microscopes or telescopes. They don’t rely upon their doctorate or nursing degrees. They simply use their eyes, or you better might say, “common sense”. Ironically, it is a ‘common sense’ that has endured the test of time since the birth of Cain! In the past, fathers and families would sit in a waiting room, and doctors would suddenly burst-in and shout the gender of the child. Everyone would raise the roof with joy! If a boy, American tradition dictates the father celebrate by handing out cigars and declare: “I’ve got a son!” If a girl, he immediately begins to worry how he will pay for her wedding! Now days, ultrasound technology has removed the element of surprise from childbirth, allowing for the pre-purchase of clothes, toys, and the painting of bedrooms blue or pink. What has remained however, is the gender specific element of those celebrations. In other words, normal parents simply know the new-born child they now possess is either a boy or a girl; a male or a female…by the anatomy…period!! The ultrasound nurse simply peers into the mother’s womb and ‘looks to see’ the gender and then informs the parents. How hard is that? To ‘See’ after the baby is born, or to ‘See’ before the baby is born, is still determining gender through ‘Seeing’ the anatomy! Amazingly, the ‘Sight’ method has been 100% accurate!! However, ‘under the new liberal’ dictates, ‘doctors and parents’ will soon be ‘forced’, i.e. coerced, under penalty of law…to declare: 1.It’s an it! 2.We must wait, until it decides! For some odd reason….something seems off!!! Bathrooms: When a child is born into this world, it has little regard for modesty. As an infant, he/she eats and poops! Normal fathers and mothers change the diapers of their baby, regardless of the child’s gender. Mom changes Johnny’s diaper; and Dad changes Suzy’s diaper—and neither mom or dad; nor Johnny or Suzy, have the slightest care! However, very interesting is the fact that as the child grows something kicks-in! Somewhere along the line, even though Daddy changed Suzy’s diaper, bathed her, dressed her, knows every part of her female anatomy, and has seen that anatomy repeatedly for years, is married to Suzy’s mom, and knows her anatomy from top to bottom as well…at a certain age, Suzy looks at her Daddy and shouts, “DADDY—GET OUT OF HERE—I DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE ME! Even though she may have never seen her dad undressed, yet she simply “knows”: daddy is different! On the contrary, daddy doesn’t get mad, he simply yields, because his daughter’s response is normal and natural! Furthermore, when it’s time for her to start wearing a bra…she doesn’t go to daddy; she naturally goes to mommy! When Suzy reaches her teens, and begins her monthly cycle, she doesn’t go to daddy, but to mommy! If little Suzy is in the bathroom, Daddy doesn’t just walk in! He politely knocks and stands at the door (of a house he owns and pays for, mind you), and waits for his daughter’s response. This is called respect for God’s gift of Natural Modesty! NM is inherent to every human being, male and female, in every culture, in every religion, in every ethnicity—all over the world! No one has to teach it—it is both normal and natural! What’s my point? God gave to man two types of revelation: 1.Special; and 2.General. Special revelation is the Bible, General revelation is the creation. Both contain knowledge of God for mankind. The ‘common sense’ to recognize a baby’s gender using anatomy; and ‘Natural Modesty’, both fall under the category of general revelation. Because both Special and General revelation must agree, and are inseparably linked--they cannot exist without the other. On the contrary, because liberalism rejects of the Bible (special revelation), ‘simple things’ in the creation (general revelation) become challenging: 1.The ability to look at an infant and determine gender. 2.The ability to understand why a man/boy should not be allowed in the bathroom/lockerroom of a woman/girl. In conclusion, allow me to repeat myself for emphasis, Special revelation and General revelation are inseparably linked—you can’t have one with the other. God is the author of both, and they exist to complement one another. Therefore, because liberalism has rejected the Bible (special revelation), it misunderstands the creation, i.e.general revelation. The contemporary ‘bathroom controversy’ is but a sign we are now in the middle of a deception descending (2Thes2:11) upon America heretofore unknown in our long glorious history! The philosophy of liberalism/progressivism is the responsible culprit. The end of the liberal agenda is the rejection of the Judaeo/Christian ethic that has traditionally guided America; of which the ultimate end…is lawlessness! Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. –Pro22:28 QuoteBit Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals. - -Jim Rohn In the last tidbit, I wrote how the sad situation of Brittney Griner and Glory Johnson was facilitated by a national atmosphere created by liberalism. An astute reader did not understand how I connected liberal thought with their situation--which I think is a very good question.
I do not classify myself as either a conservative or liberal, but a Christian who does not contrast one against the other, but both against the Bible. I have found that many people are confused with liberalism and conservativism because the definitions of both terms have evolved. Further confusing the matter is the fact that their names have also been subject to change. Conservativism: First, in the sixties, the word ‘conservative’ was linked with Conservative Democrats of the 1960’s, who blocked the 1964,65 Civil Rights legislation. Their philosophy consisted of a desire to “conserve” the ‘southern’ way of life, i.e. the values of their ‘fathers’. For example, ‘southern gentlemen’; southern manners; southern hospitality, etc. However, it also included racism, which manifested as slavery, lynching, segregation, share-cropping, peonage, convict leasing, and so on. Second, and on the other hand, the word ‘conservative’ is presently linked to contemporary Conservatives, who want to ‘conserve’ the values of the Founding Fathers, which includes those principles in Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, which originate in the Judaeo/Christian ethic. In other words, although the word “Conservative” is the same, the definitions are totally different. Liberalism: On the other hand, liberalism/progressivism is much more complex. There is much more confusion because the names and definitions associated with liberalism so often change--and most of that change I believe was/is intentional and willful. Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt were progressives or liberals. Wilson showed the movie ‘The Birth of a Nation’ at the White House, which was the KKK’s greatest recruiting tool, helping it to reach 2 million in its heyday. He also introduced segregation to the U.S. government. President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal Coalition, which defined Liberalism/progressivism in the 20th century. On the other hand, President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson were liberals, who were ‘given credit’ for the 1960 Civil Rights legislation and supporting Martin Luther King. In 2016, though liberalism/progressivism has continued its evolution, it yet retains many of its foundational values; values I have found to militate against the Judaeo/Christian ethic! For example, liberalism values the virtue of equality. Equality originates in the Judaeo/Christian ethic, it is a by-product of the image and likeness of God (Gen1:28), a irrefutable point even established by the Declaration of Independence: “…all men are created equal…”. Therefore, the equality of mankind exists only because we are created by God, and possess His image and likeness! Therefore, although liberalism uses the same word--equality—they changed its definition to “sameness”. This seemingly slight difference has confused millions of people, even the most educated—facilitating the liberal rejection of God, and the Judaeo/Christian ethic.* For example, liberals argue Whites and Blacks are racially equal, then turn around and use the same word ‘equality’ as their foundation to support gay marriage. Liberal President Obama made this very point, even citing the Bible’s Golden Rule: ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’ (Lu6:31NIV), as an argument for equality to support his position. Yet, this is a horrendous misinterpretation (Eisegesis) of Luke 6:31, as well as the Bible!! It is a deliberate, willful deception so people will think the President’s unBiblical position in support of gay marriage, is in fact, Biblical. On the contrary, gay marriage is neither equal to, nor is it the same as marriage! Here is the deception of liberalism. Liberalism puts on the masks of equality, compassion, tolerance, love, kindness, etc.---all of which, are Judaeo/Christian virtues--in order to be accepted by a nation that has historically used the Judaeo/Christian ethic as its measurement for justice. Yet, under those masks, ‘one’ of the real faces of liberalism is sexual perversion!! The liberal/progressive promotion of gay marriage teaches that the real face of liberalism is being masked, because any person who reads the Bible understands that homosexuality, the foundation for gay marriage, is neither equal to, nor is it the same as heterosexuality! Yet, liberalism’s real face of sexual perversion, cannot stop with homosexuality and gay marriage—because its real value system is relativism, and its real religion atheism.* Therefore, liberalism’s promotion of sexual license (perversion) must have no boundaries! How then did I come to link the Griner and Johnson case to liberalism? Because, according to liberalism, all love is equal, and all sex is equal! Remember, liberal doctrine teaches that everyone is equal, therefore, everything is equal; therefore, we must be tolerant, nice, kind, and allow anything and everything**—or we called intolerant bigots. I repeat, equality is the driving philosophy of liberalism!! Yet, if all love is equal, then incest—known as ‘love’ between two siblings--is not a sexual perversion, and must not only be permitted, but celebrated(https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/sibling-incest-should-be-legal-says-danish-professor-of-criminal-justice-et)!! Relativism, the ‘kissin’ cousin’ of liberalism, and the life philosophy of atheism teaches—anything goes!! Therefore, incest is not the end of liberalism’s sexual perversion! Furthermore, using liberalism’s equality argument, America is now embroiled in a fight on whether men should use women’s bathrooms. The mega-department store Target argues, “Inclusivity is a core belief at Target. It's something we celebrate. We stand for equality and equity….” Even one year ago, who could have thought that America would pass laws allowing a man to not only use a woman’s bathroom, but to also use a woman’s lockeroom? On the contrary, why would we be surprised when sexual perversion is the real face of liberalism! *All religions have doctrines or philosophy. Atheism is a religion. Communism/Socialism is the political philosophy of Atheism. Relativism is the life philosophy of Atheism. Liberalism is the social philosophy of Atheism. Evolution/Darwinsim is the scientific philosophy of Atheism. **Of course, another hypocrisy of tolerant liberalism is their intolerance of Christianity, and the Judaeo/Christian ethic. Yet, this is kind of behavior is to be expected, because liberalism’s religion is atheism, one of Christianity’s greatest foes. QuoteBit “The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the holy ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; heaven without hell” - General Booth, Salvation Army |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024