Over the last several months I have focused my tidbits on American patriotism, with special emphasis on Black American Patriotism. The antics of Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Williams, Black Lives Matter, and liberals in general, who hate America, and who are tragically inspiring young people (especially Black youths) to hate America, have inspired me to look back into history.
One of the many points that make me a proud ‘American’ Black is the incredible suffering Blacks endured historically---without hate! One of my past heroes giving witness to this great truth (suffering without hate), is Harriet Tubman, a.k.a. The Black Moses. Of course, the idea of suffering without hate is completely foreign to contemporary liberalism, especially Black liberals; who while accusing others of hate, racism, and intolerance, are the most guilty of the same. I have found the two best ways to refute contemporary liberal anti-America propaganda is: 1.The Word of God 2.To offer the lives of past great Black patriots.* Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland in 1822ish. Her understanding of the horror of slavery, along with the glory of freedom are revealed in several quotes: 1. “I grew up like a neglected weed, ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it.” 2. “I think slavery is the next thing to hell.” 3.“I know what a dreadful condition slavery is. I have seen hundreds of escaped slaves, but I have never say one who is willing to go back and be a slave.” 4. “The man that owned me, was not fit to own a dog.” In spite of American slavery decimating her life, the evidences of her love for America are obvious. For example, one of the many roles she played in support of the Union army, was a spy. In other words, Harriet Tubman’s ‘voluntary’ decision to risk her life spying for the Union army teaches that her understanding of America’s commitment to freedom for all men, regardless of race, was not only real, but worth dying for—that is Patriotism! If Tubman believed, like contemporary liberalism, that slavery makes America hopelessly and irredeemably racist, why would she have offered her very life as a sacrifice? Furthermore, the acid test verifying the previous truth are the contexts of contemporary liberalism and 1860 America. Whereas, Harriet Tubman held her views in the midst of an America where 50% of the nation not only enslaved Blacks, but believed in their inferiority! On the contrary, Kaepernick and Williams, etc., all hold their views in the midst of an America that not only has a Black president, but an America which has created more opportunity, wealth, and power for Blacks (and minorities) than any other nation in world history!!! Second, biographer Beverly Lowery writes: “On a sunny June day in 1908, with an American flag draped around her shoulders, Harriet stands before a crowd of well-wishers in a celebration to mark the opening of the Harriet Tubman home.” Furthermore, in 1913, Harriet Tubman died at 91ish years old. Her services were held at AME Zion Church. With open casket, the lower half of her body was covered with an American flag! This means two things: 1.Prior to her death, she instructed those with authority over her remains, to cover her lower body with the American flag. 2.The AME Zion church--a Black church--with hundreds mourning her death, did not agree with contemporary liberals who hate the flag, hate the national anthem, and teach young people the same!!! The traditional Black church proudly honored Harriet…with her flag! Ooops! If you are a liberal, it ok to cry: “Ouch!” It doesn’t take much common sense to understand that these two instances of ostentatious flag bearing are evidence that Harriet Tubman was purposely making a bold statement: “I love America!” Or, “America is my nation!” Or, “I believe in the greatness of America!” On the contrary, no human being who hates America drapes self in the American flag! I mean do we see Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Williams, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michael Eric Dyson, Al Sharpton, or any other contemporary liberal--draped in an American Flag? Who are those people burning the American flag? And, to what group do those kneeling during the National anthem belong? Ahhhhhhh……liberals! I am a proud American Patriot! I reject liberalism’s anti-patriot, racist, rhetoric! I choose to agree with the Blacks of American antiquity who loved America! *William Carney last tidbit, now Harriet Tubman QuoteBit Excuses will always be there for you, opportunity will not. - unknown
As the godlessness of liberalism, continues its assault on our nation, both inciting and training young people—both White and Black--to hate America, it is always encouraging and reinvigorating to look to history to show-case a few of the ‘many’ great African-American men and women who served and loved this great nation! As I showed in my last two tidbits, authentic patriotism begins and ends with the God of the Bible. For this reason, it is imperative to expose the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph5:11) working in people like Colin Kaepernick and Jesse Williams; and along with groups like BLM. In my opinion, just a cursory study of history is capable of upstaging the liberal folly that encourages Blacks in particular, to hate ‘allegedly’ racist America! For example, William Harvey Carney (1840-1908) is one of the great American patriots* of yesteryear. Born into slavery in Norfolk, Virginia, his father escaped to the north, where he worked** and earned enough money to purchase his freedom, and that of his wife and son, William. The Carney family eventually landed in Massachusetts, where William studied to enter the ministry and to preach the gospel. As a side note, one of the miracles of American slavery was their incredible commitment to Christ! For the most part, the American slaves were ‘converted’ to Christ! After the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, Blacks were allowed to join the Union Army. Mr Carney left his study for the ministry deciding his actual calling was to join the armed forces. Fascinatingly, he joined the now famous all-Black 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. This regiment recently became known through the 1989 movie ‘Glory’ starring Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, and Matthew Broaderick. The movie depicted the 1863 battle for Fort Wagner in South Carolina, where the 54th was lead into battle by the 26 year old White Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, the son of a Boston abolitionist, who was played by Broaderick in the movie version. In short, Colonel Shaw volunteered to lead the regiment against a fortress. The courage and fighting spirit of Shaw and this unproven, little trained group of Black soldiers was one of the highlights of the Civil War. In the face of the roaring guns of the enemy, Shaw lead the men of the 54th to charge Fort Wagner. There was an ensuing blood bath as the brave men of the 54th fell on every side. During the raging inferno, just in front of the fearless Colonel Shaw, was the flag barrier; and to his side was William Harvey Carney. Suddenly the flag barrier took a bullet and began to fall. Before the flag hit the ground, Carney dropped his gun, grabbed the flag and held it high. As Shaw, Carney and the 54th continued their charge, targeted by the enemy, Carney was shot four times--in both legs, the arm, and the chest (one historian says the head)! Incredibly, not only did he live, but after struggling back to the Union lines, he handed the flag off, and while collapsing said, “Boys, the old flag never touched the ground.” In 1900, Sergeant William Harvey Carney was first black to be awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallantry at Fort Wagner. The photo depicts former flag barrier down, the flag held high by Carney, and Shaw imploring the All-Black 54th regiment forward.
In conclusion, like most churches, we decorate our sanctuary according to the season. To celebrate July 4th, we placed an American flag on the cross that adorns the front of our sanctuary. When our church administrator heard this story for the first time, she was so moved by Carney’s courage and dedication, she came to me and declared, “I hope you don’t make me take the flag down from the cross.” Lastly, I cannot hear this story without tears of pride and joy rolling down my cheeks! Allow me to end making a stark contrast. On one side are the 2016 Black liberals, like Jesse Williams and Colin Kaepernick; Black multi-millionares, enjoying the lap of luxury; living during the administration of America’s first Black president! And…the world’s first Black head of state of a pre-dominantly White nation!! On the other side sits the William Harvey Carneys of yesterday, who not only endured birth, life, and death in the authentic injustice and oppression, yet still believed in America! What is an obvious tragedy is the contemporary liberal Blacks who teach our young people to hate America, hypocritically stand on the very shoulders of the Blacks who endured slavery, lynching, and segregation…and yet loved America! What could possibly be the source of such blatant…in your face contradiction? The answer is simple, yet profound! The Black slaves had a revelation of the God-ordained, God-given purpose of America!! On the contrary, the atheism of contemporary liberalism, has overtime, used the lies of the liberal media, liberal academia, and liberal politicians in an attempt to destroy American patriotism! Because I love God, I love what God loves! Because God loves America, I love America! Therefore, I WILL NOT STAND IDLY BY, while liberalism destroys what God loves! *Who happens to be Black! **I have repeatedly read about men escaping slavery, and finding work in ‘racist’ America! Remember this, no matter how horrific a circumstance, my God will provide the needs of everyone, and anyone, of any color, who will trust Him! Quotebit "Beginning is Half Done!" -Dr. Robert Schuller I modify and add to it: "Beginning is Half Won!" -unknown Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, first lowered, then removed the American flag from their campus, and subsequently after a community uproar, raised it again. Between removing and raising ‘Old Glory’, some students burned the flag! Sadly, American Flag burning has become too common place across America. But Why?
What we are presently seeing in our nation by way of the irrational anti-patriotism and hate for America, is liberalism’s godlessness on full display. That’s right, because of its beginning and calling, hatred for America in particular, is the logical offspring of godlessness, i.e.atheism. Please see part 1 to understand why atheists cannot ‘rationally’ love America. After the Hampshire campus protested the election of Donald Trump, administration directed the following to their students: “…acknowledge the grief and pain experienced by so many and to enable the full complexity of voices and experiences to be heard.” Jonathan Lash, president of Hampshire College, tried to clarify the previous mumbo-jumbo: “By removing the flag, the college will seek to focus our efforts on addressing racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors.” Attempting to cover his tracks, President Lash later stated, “Some have perceived the action of lowering the flag as a commentary on the results of the presidential election — this, unequivocally, was not our intent.” Of course, he conveniently ignored that fact the campus was normal; and the American flag was blowing in the wind in the court yard--until--the election results were finalized. Further proof of the president’s delusion is one of the leading student protesters explanation of their position, “If our president is Donald Trump, I don’t think any school, especially this school, should really support his ideas by raising the flag.” Now you have it--the ‘liberal’ logic driving Hampshire College protests: because Donald Trump was elected President, we must protest the American flag! HUH?!?! On the contrary, Donald Trump has ZERO…NADA…NOTHING to do with the American flag! The flag was here before him, and will be here after him! Of course, the liberal response is, Pastor Jackson, you totally missed it! The protest is because Trump’s election to President proves America is a racist nation, because it elected a racist! My response is three-fold, with the last being the most important. First, in the president of Hampshire’s own words: a.“By removing the flag, the college will seek to focus our efforts on addressing racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors” b.“Some have perceived the action of lowering the flag as a commentary on the results of the presidential election — this, unequivocally, was not our intent.” Although contradictory, President Lash’s words are straightforward in the rejection of the idea that Donald Trump’s election is linked to their protests! However, president Lash does unquestionably connect the flag—which by the way represents the nation--with the protests! Or, as he puts it: “By removing the flag…” the college addresses “…racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors.” Second, the same American people were present both four, and eight years ago; and those allegedly ‘racist’ American people elected the first Black president! As far as I am aware, no other predominantly White nation has had, or currently has a Black president! Third, and most importantly, over the last couple of years, if you more closely examine the people perpetrating events like flag burning; accusations of inherent national racism; acrimony for America; calls to ignore, change, and even to throw-out the Constitution; venom for police; animosity toward the military; attacks on the Founding Fathers; anti-semitism; promotion of free sex, homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion, and even Islam; and of course, attacks on Christianity, and the Judaeo/Christian ethic*; you will find that all the above originates from one specific camp: liberalism! But why? The answer is simple, atheism is a religion, and liberalism is its ‘social’ doctrine. For this reason--and I must make this perfectly clear--as one rejects the Biblical God, I must repeat—the inevitable consequences are: the rejection the Judaeo/Christian ethic; attacks on Christianity; anti-semitism and hatred for Israel; promotion of free sex, homosexuality, abortion, and Islam; flag burning; accusations of inherent national racism; venom for police; attacks on the Founding Fathers; animosity toward the military! It is therefore perfectly logical to conclude that American anti-patriotism is a direct descendant of godlessness! On the contrary, God loves America, and called her into existence for this historical moment! And Americans have responded by declaring the Biblical God…Lord (Ps33:12)! "It is the DUTY OF ALL NATIONS to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor." -President George Washington issued a Proclamation for a National Day of Thanksgiving, October 3, 1789 "He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of Christianity will change the face of the world." -Benjamin Franklin "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. -President John Adams "Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." -President Thomas Jefferson 11/4/1820, “Of all the systems of morality, ancient of modern, which have come under my observation, none of them appear so pure to me as that of Jesus.” 4/9/1803, “I hold the precepts of Jesus as delivered by himself, to the most pure, benevolent and sublime which have ever been preached to man.” -President Thomas Jefferson “The greatest glory of the American Revolution was this: It connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” - President John Quincy Adams "We have a dangerous trend beginning to take place in our education...putting... books into the hands of children containing fables....and spending less time in the classroom on the Bible... -Fisher Ames, helped write the Bill of Rights "Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty." -President Abraham Lincoln, 1861 “America was born in a Revival of Religion – and back of it were John Wesley and George Whitefield.” -President Calvin Coolidge The Constitution’s 55 writers were: 26 Episcopalian; 11 Presbyterians; 7 Congregationalists; 2 Lutherans; 2 Dutch Reformed; 2 Methodists; 2 Roman Catholics; 2 Quakers; 1 Deist.** “At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was Christianity should be encouraged, but not any one denomination. In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity. It was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.” -U.S. Congress, 1854 “This is a Christian nation.” -U.S. Supreme Court,1892 Because God loves America…I have been given the high privilege and calling to love America! I am an American patriot! * In other words, values that originate with the Biblical God! **To the politically correct, I’m sorry to report, there were no atheists and no Muslims! Quotebit "The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose." -unknown |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024