Ever wonder about the origin of the adage: “the love of God and country”? Obviously, it is not secular.
The greatest commandment of scripture is: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God…” -Mat 22:37,38 2Thessolonians 3:5 confirms this truth: “May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God…” To love God does not mean to simply say the words, “I love God!”, “I love Jesus”, or “I love You, Lord!” The reality of loving God is obedience to His word (Jn14:21,23). No man loves God without obeying His word…period! Situated directly under the umbrella of obedience to God’s word are His unique purposes, also known as the callings of God. In other words, obedience to God’s word includes obedience to His purposes. But remember, obedience to God’s word reveals one’s love for God. Yet, if obeying God’s word includes obeying His purposes, and obeying God’s word is loving God, then obedience to God’s purposes is also loving God. One of the places the Bible reveals both God’s origin and purpose for nations—which, of course, is a foundation for patriotism--is Psalms 86:9: “All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You…” In 1787, at the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin concurred with this great truth, stating: "I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth -- that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?" Because America is one of the nations God created, and must therefore possesses His unique purpose, we now understand the foundation for authentic patriotism: the love of God! Therefore--for Americans, in contrast to most other nations--a love for God creates a love for America—a nation created by God! On the other hand, and confirming this truth, to love God, is also to love God’s purpose(s) for America. Either way, because God created America, or because He has a purpose for America, real Americans love America because their love originates in a love for God. On the contrary, through the philosophy of liberalism, we are seeing the hideous emergence of hatred for America—But Why? In short, because liberalism is a doctrine of the religion of atheism, its rejection of God ultimately climaxes in a hatred for anything God has created, or purposed. Because the Founders of America were unapologetically either Christian or Christianized, and liberalism hates God, it only follows that liberals despise America, along with its founding documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Northwest Ordinance, all of which originate in the principles of the Judaeo/Christian ethic!* One thing must be clarified--liberalism possesses an ‘American patriotism’ too, but it has a different origin; it is born of different parents, if you will. For this reason, liberals often become unhinged when accused of being anti-American or anti-patriotic! For example, liberals advocate for freedom, but re-define it from its traditional definition of economic freedom, to a freedom of sexual license, or what the Bible calls lasciviousness (Gal5:19). I have repeatedly challenged liberals--who call themselves Christians--on liberalism’s undeniable promotion of sexual perversion; to this day--I have never received a rational answer! Most of the time, they simply give me an angry or puzzled look, often refusing to respond to this ‘T-Rex-in-the-living-room’, because it obviously indicts their version of Christianity! Furthermore, liberals redefine patriotism from its traditional meaning which is to love God; love America; love Columbus; love George Washington; love the Declaration of Independence; love Thomas Jefferson; love Abraham Lincoln; love Booker T. Washington; love Martin Luther King; love the enterprising spirit; love ingenuity; love the Boy Scouts; love the traditional family; love success; to a new liberal meaning for patriotism, which is to love entitlements; love wealth distribution; love big government; love abortion, love gay marriage; love taxes, love Socialism, love racism; love feminism; love protests; love agitating; love to fight “the power”; love hating police; love hating the Founding Fathers; and love hating the Judaeo/Christian ethic! In conclusion, although it is possible to love America without loving God, in actuality, such behavior is unnatural, and such thinking is inconsistent, and overtime will often devolve into nationalism on one hand; or rebound into anti-patriotism** or pseudo-patriotism on the other. On the contrary, to love God is to love His creation and His purposes—which is the only sure foundation for authentic love of country, and genuine patriotism! *There exists an ever-increasing liberal push to change the Constitution at best; and completely discard it at worst! Why? Atheism hates God! **For example, contemporary American liberal patriotism QuoteBit Life asks us to make measurable progress in reasonable time. That's why they make those fourth grade chairs so small - so you won't fit in them at age twenty-five! -Jim Rohn
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024