The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him. -Nahum 1:3,6 One of the many things taught in this passage is God both controls and uses the weather as a tool to bring about His righteous judgments (Ps119:164) upon those who hate Him, i.e. who reject His word and purposes. Therefore, this passage unequivocally teaches, contrary to liberalism, 1.God exists; and for the sake of this tidbit--2.He is not a teddy bear! At the beginning of America’s second war with Britain, the War of 1812, our fourth president, James Madison, proclaimed July 9, 1812, a day of national prayer. In other words, the ‘president of the United States’, asked the nation to pray; and then set aside a day, i.e. declared a day, to do so!* “I do therefore recommend ... rendering the Sovereign of the Universe... public homage ... acknowledging the transgressions which might justly provoke His divine displeasure ... seeking His merciful forgiveness ... and with a reverence for the unerring precept of our holy religion, to do to others as they would require that others should do to them.”** -President James Madison Did President Madison just say, “OUR holy religion”!!! I wonder to which “religion” he referred? And I wonder to whom “our” referred? Actually, I think you know: “religion”=Christianity; and “our”=America! Now read it again, substituting those appropriate words. However, and most importantly, did anything happen as a consequence of America’s national day of prayer—proclaimed by the ‘president’? Let’s see! After Napoleon was banished to the island of Elba on April 6, 1814, British troops were freed-up to attack America. On August 24, 1814, over 4000 British marched on Washington D.C. The city fled in terror; along with Dolly Madison, who in so close-a-call, rode out of D.C. as the British Admiral George Cockburn was riding in. After settling in the White house, and eating dinner, he summarily burned it to the ground. Then he presided over a mock legislature meeting in the Capitol building where all his soldiers voted “aye” to burn down the Capitol building, the Treasury, the Department of War, and the Library of Congress. While in the process of these dastardly deeds, mysteriously the skies darkened, the wind began to howl, and thunder boomed. Lightening crashed to the earth, and a tornado touched down, causing walls and chimneys to fall on the British troops. As the British fled, Admiral Cockburn encountered one of the few American women remaining; shouting over the storm, he declared, “Great God, Madam! Is this the kind of storm to which you are accustomed in this infernal country?” She responded, “No, Sir, this is a special interposition of Providence to drive our enemies from our city.” Later, a ‘British’ historian wrote, “More British soldiers were killed by this stroke of nature than from all the firearms the American troops had mustered in the feeble defense of their city.” On November, 16, 1814, less than three months later, President Madison struck again, declaring yet another day of National Public, humiliation, fasting and prayer to Almighty God: “The two Houses of the National Legislature having by a joint resolution expressed their desire that in the present time of public calamity and war, a day may be recommended to be observed by the people of the United States as a day of public humiliation and fasting and of prayer to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, His blessing on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peace ... of confessing their sins and transgressions, and of strengthening their vows of repentance ... that He would be graciously pleased to pardon all their offenses ... I have deemed it proper ... to recommend ... a day of ... humble adoration to the Great Sovereign of the Universe.” So far in this series, I have offered irrefutable evidence of the divine hand of God in directing the founding of America. If this is true, and it is, the one who curses America becomes like the apostle Paul prior to his conversion. As Paul continued to resist God’s purposes, Jesus appeared to him: “…I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks” (Acts9:5). What an incredible visual! In other words, as liberalism continues its hypocritical attacks on America; calling her racist, rejecting her exceptionalism, our Constitution and Declaration, and most of all--her Christian roots, i.e. the Judaeo/Christian ethic, they will not be able to avoid their own destruction—for they are “kicking against the pricks”! Jesus called the Pharisees and Sadducees hypocrites because they missed the “signs of the times”(Mat16:1-4). One of the signs--of this time--is the obvious calling of God on America! Sadly, we have many Americans, even many who claim to be Christians, yet by adopting liberalism, a doctrine of atheism, have rejected the obvious blessing on America, i.e. the calling on America! Beloved, have you even considered whether the words of your mouth, along with the people and positions you support regarding America---are God’s will? How do I know, you may ask? Very simply, God’s will is His word! No person, nor position, nor doctrine can be God’s will that opposes His word! The Bible declares, “the Lord’s purpose will prevail”(Pro19:21). By default—God blesses His purposes. Therefore, what God has blessed, no man can curse! Credit to Susie Federer. Please see her wonderful ebook “Miracles in American History” *Hummmm…It doesn’t sound very much like he was familiar with the contemporary liberal re-definition of the separation of church and state; which is the separation of God from the state! Actually, he wasn’t---because it did not exist! It was created by 1947 Brown vs Board of Education. **President Madison followed-up this proclamation of a day prayer with another day the next year on July 23, 1813. QuoteBit "The first step to becoming is to will it." - Mother Teresa
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025