Interpretation is life or death; the blessing or the curse! Interpretation is how you understand what you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. Without exception, humans interpret life according their bias…and every human has a bias. For this purpose, God gave us His word as plumb-line to help us see as He sees: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path(Ps119:105). Historically, for many white Americans (not all) it was customary to interpret life through the whiteness of their skin. Of course, the results speak for themselves: slavery, share-cropping, peonage, convict leasing, lynching, and segregation etc. Tragically, liberalism has taught some black people to interpret life through their blackness. For example, responding to a recent tidbit on racism, a white woman wrote me: “I…have been accused of being racist. Why? During a conversation with a Black man, he asked what do I see when I look at him. I told him I see a man. Wham!!! Because I didn't say I see his color first, he said I was a racist. Derrick, I wasn't raised to see someone's color first, but to see a person's heart.” Because I see life through the Judaeo/Christian ethic(Bible), I immediately recognized the problem. Let me explain. During the days of the antebellum south, and the great divide in America over slavery, those who fought against the institution of slavery, beginning with the abolitionists, adopted a slogan to market the equality of the black man to America. It was short, and simple: “Am I not a man and a brother!” A closer examination of the image, the slogan, and the times of its creation, helps us understand the slogan’s origin. For example, the creators of the slogan obviously believed “all men are created equal”. Yet, what was their source? Two places: 1.Genesis 1:26: “Let us make man in our image and likeness”; and 2.All men—regardless of skin color--are descendants of Adam—the first man!* Therefore, the creators of this slogan believed the image and likeness of God produced human equality, for both men and women. Therefore, they concluded that because the Black man is a man, possessing God’s image and likeness, and therefore equal to all men, Black people should not be enslaved! Hence, the creation of the slogan! Furthermore, the creators of this slogan also believed in the ‘brotherhood’ of mankind. For example, at this same time period, preacher and abolitionist Frederick Douglas declared, "Right is of no sex; Truth is of no color; God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren.” The creators of the slogan obviously agreed with Mr. Douglas, but again, what was the ‘brotherhood’ ethic origin? Once again, the answer is the Bible: Romans 8:15; Hebrews 2:11;1Corinthians1:1. The point is the correct interpretation of Judaeo/Christian ethic created the light which helped America see the darkness of slavery. Returning to our illustration, what light did the black man use to conclude the white woman was a racist for seeing him as a “man” instead of a “black” man? Using the Judaeo/Christian ethic--we immediately recognize the black man’s view does not originate in the Word of God! Why? First, God never identifies people by skin color!! There exists exactly ‘ZERO’ places; or verses; or positive examples; in the Bible, that teach God identifies men by their race, or skin color**! On the contrary, the Bible does use the word “race” to refer to a foot race(1Cor9:24)! Let’s cut to the chase! Because the black man used his race (skin color) to see himself***, and he was so anxious to find white racism, he unwittingly pit his skin color against manhood! In other words, when he called the white woman ‘racist’ for calling him a “man”, over against a “black” man—it revealed the source of his opinion: his skin color! For this man—one term was good(black man), over against another, which was evil (man)! This mind set caused the black man to declare the white woman’s answer made her a racist because she did not use race to describe him—while he simultaneously used race to describe both himself and her!! Selah! Let’s cut to the chase one last time. The immorality of the black man’s position originates in liberalism****, which dominates, what some have called, the Unholy Trinity: academia, media, and entertainment—which are most responsible for dispensing information (often propaganda) to our culture! Sadly, liberalism teaches whites are oppressors because of whiteness, and blacks are victims because of blackness! Both of which are false when the image and likeness of God is used as the light! In my example of the black man and white woman, liberalism’s view that whiteness equals oppression, and blackness equals victimhood, comes through loud and clear. Because the black man sees life through his skin color, i.e. his blackness, he failed to see that he indicts himself with the very racism of which he accuses her! Seeing life through skin color—whether white or black—fails the Judaeo-Christian ethic test! Please be warned…liberalism does not come from God! It is a doctrine of atheism! *One could argue for the Declaration of Independence is the source, but these two points are in fact, the Declaration’s source! **Some may object using Songs of Solomon 1:5. However, if you read verse 6, Solomon refers to having been in the sun! Like every human being, his melanin made him darker to protect him from the sun’s rays! Therefore, this passage has nothing to do with ‘racial’ identity! ***Answering the question of one’s origin is THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION IN LIFE! Either ‘who you are’, or ‘who you believe you are’, is the foundation for how you interpret all of life! Those who understand they are created in God’s image and likeness, will be inspired to see life through God’s word! ****Actually, this is another twist on racism, categorized under Liberal racism. QuoteBit Don't just let your business or your job make something for you; let it make something of you. - Jim Rohn
This week, I have decided to turn to a Facebook response to my term “Liberal Racism”. One person who disagreed with me wrote: “This is not a case of racism”; while another declared, “You have made assumptions!”. You will need to read the article, “Santa Fe Survivors Accused Of Racism Against Black Classmate” to get the proper context.
Fact 1:The NBA invited several young girls who survived the Santa Fe school shooting to sing the National Anthem at a game. Fact 2: A photo of the girls surfaced on the internet of seven girls with heads bowed for a moment of silence. Six were white, and all holding hands; while the seventh was black, standing next the six white girls, but not holding their hands. Fact 3: Liberals began to tweet---RACISM!!! Accusing the six white girls of neglecting the black girl because she was black. Fact 4: The black girl was adopted, and her parents are white. The white mother intervened and attempted to correct their liberal folly. The liberals refused to believe she was the black girl’s mother---and demanded proof! The mother then provided photos of their bi-racial family. Fact 5: Subsequently, the young black girl produced a video informing the liberals the white woman was her mother, and the white girls were her good friends! What I find most incredible about this incident is that the liberals interpreting this situation as racism--were not even embarrassed! They continued to push their agenda—even when they were presented with irrefutable facts! Always remember--liberalism is not only irrational—it is tyrannical! The question is, what was the motivation here? How did these liberals conclude these white girls were racist because they were not holding the black girl’s hand? Only when you understand the liberal worldview, can that question be answered. First, liberals do not use the Bible as a standard for determining good and evil. To confirm this, simply ask a liberal: “Do you use the Bible as your standard?” The vast majority of the time, you get silence, and a bewildered look! Or, you will get a flat-out “NO!” I have never had a liberal answer me in the affirmative to this question—even those who claim Christ! They support this position by re-interpreting the separation of church and state into a separation of God from the state. This allows them to declare things like, “The constitution teaches a separation of church and state!”*; or “I’m neutral on religion”; or “You should never bring the Bible into politics!”; or “Why do you bring God in on everything?!” Tragically, this error removes their ability to discern good from evil (Ps36:9; Lu11:34-36; Rom1:18). Liberalism is so deceptive because they use “Christianized” terminology: Love; hate; tolerance; justice; don’t judge; be nice; “I’m a Christian!”; “Jesus is love”; God loves everybody!”; “You’re mean!”, etc. Using one of their main tactics of deception, they simply re-define these terms to mean something foreign to the Bible, enabling them to hide their true beliefs behind these Christianized masks. Tragically, the masks allow them to reject the Word of God, and before Christians realize it, they are caught in a web of theological and spiritual destruction! Back to the girls. I ask again, how did these liberals conclude the 6 white girls were racists? Because their accusation emerges from the liberal worldview of: “White Supremacy”, which they interpret to mean, “white people are racist because of their whiteness!”. This worldview is also responsible for creating other terms like: “white privilege” and “unconscious bias”. Therefore, from their pre-supposition that “white people are racists”, or “white people have privilege”, liberals look for “white racism” under every rock, and in any nook-n-cranny!** When the liberals saw this photo of these white girls’ behavior, they leaped to a “GOTCHA!” moment. The only problem is, in reality, they exposed their own racism---they pre-judged “NEGATIVELY” these white girls based upon the color of their skin--which is the definition of racism! My beloved…liberalism does not come from God—it is a monstrous evil—a doctrine of the religion of atheism! If America continues down the path liberalism, the Judge of all the earth(Gen18:25) will have to judge us! However, through His great loving kindness, and tender mercies, the providential God uses events like this to expose liberalism…for all who want to see! *This is a myth invented by liberals! **Every incident of “white racism” they either create or find, becomes like their spinach to Pop-eye! Quotebit The lesson learned from having to admit to others that you were wrong will make her stronger. TODD S. BREWER |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024