Last time I used three verses to determine whether White Privilege is wisdom. This time let’s focus on Matthew 11:19(NKJV): “But wisdom is justified by her children”, which means wisdom is known by what it produces. In my last tidbit I began examining the fruit produced by The National Museum of African American History and Culture’ (NMAAHC). Please see the attachment. I covered their first three items in my last tidbit. Let’s look at their point 4. 4.“History”. The NMAAHC accuses America of “Whiteness”* because our history is: “based upon Northern European immigrant experience; focus on the British Empire; and the primacy of Western tradition and the Judaeo-Christian ethic.” (see attachment) I see at least 3 errors/deceptions in their statement: I.First, the NMAAHC’s claim that because White people from Britain arrived on America’s shores with the intent of planting a settlement; and because they were also White Christians, who held to a Judaeo-Christian ethic assumes their Judaeo-Christian ethic, and Protestant ethic…‘IS’… “Whiteness”!! Remember, the NMAAHC defines “Whiteness” as: “a White dominant culture, or Whiteness, refers to ways of White people and their traditions…” In other words, they believe the Judaeo-Christian ethic, and a Protestant ethic, are “ways” and “traditions” of Whiteness! The first problem with this logic is that ‘Whiteness’ is a skin color, and skin colors have no “ways” and “traditions”! In other words, skin color is not an action, a way, or a tradition…it simply exists. At its foundation, the skin color of ‘Whiteness’ is no different than the skin colors of Black, Brown, Yellow, or Red, which are all God-created, differing only in the amount of the chemical melanin. On the contrary, one purpose of God for melanin is beauty…not “ways” or “traditions”! However, this first deception comes into focus when we understand that the NMAAHC’s objective is to substitute the ‘actions’ of the Judaeo-Christian ethic for melanin, i.e. skin tone, which they identify as ‘Whiteness’! The confirmation of my position is that if it were true that the Judaeo-Christian ethic “IS” ‘Whiteness’, how is it that Black, Brown, Yellow, and Red people also practice the Judaeo-Christian ethic? All over the world, people from every color are Christians and Jews, i.e. practice the Judaeo/Christian ethic…not just White people! I repeat, the Judaeo/Christian ethic has been practiced by every skin color in the history of the world! II.The second deception is liberal racism. As any blind man can see, the foundation for NMAAHC’s position on ‘History’ is “Whiteness”, by which they really mean skin color, which they use to refer to “White people”! In other words, their thinking is simply defined as liberal racism. What does that mean? In other words, to make their point on ‘History’, they must use the “Whiteness” (skin color) of the British Christians who came to Jamestown and Plymouth Rock. Therefore, because they believe WP is bad, and because it is “Whiteness” that makes WP bad, and because “Whiteness” equals skin color, and because the British Christians were “White”, NMAAHC is forced to conclude that the British Christians are bad because of their “Whiteness”(skin color)!!! In other words, the NMAAHC statement is liberal racism, which in this particular situation means the “Northern European immigrant experience; focus on the British Empire; and the primacy of Western tradition and the Judaeo-Christian ethic” is bad because the people who perpetrated these three things are White people! But wait just-a-minute!!!! Is this not pre-judgment, i.e. prejudice based upon race, i.e.Whiteness, i.e.White people? Is this not the very definition of racism?!!?!?? Of course it is! Yet, in today’s culture, it is also known as liberal racism. III.The third deception is the obvious NMAAHC disgust for the Judaeo/Christian ethic. Their terminology: “the primacy of Western tradition and the Judaeo-Christian ethic” is a clear, bold, statement linking the Judaeo/Christian ethic with ‘Whiteness’; which if you are still unclear is what they believe to be “THE” foundation for White Privilege!! Remember, “Whiteness” is bad, and because they just boldly declared the Judeao/Christian ethic is “Whiteness”, then they have boldly concluded that because “Whiteness” should be rejected, then the Judeao/Christian ethic should be rejected! Incredibly, the NMAAHC, i.e. the national Black museum, just literally attacked the faith of hundreds of millions of Black people…all over the world! And what is…by far…even more horrifying, is that this sort of deception is so often completely ignored by liberal Black Christians!!! I would not be surprised that many of the people at the NMAAHC are in Black churches all over the Washington D.C. metropolitan area!!! Or what’s worse, the people who drafted this very NMAAHC abominable document will argue they are Christians!! In the latter day, many will depart from the faith(1Tim4:1)!!!!! Tragically, through the worship of ‘Blackness’, which is every bit as much idolatry as the worship of Molech or Baal, Black liberals simply ignore the fact that a National Black Museum insulted the faith of not only millions of contemporary authentic Black Christians, but just as importantly, the faith of our African-American forefathers and foremothers!* I mean, are liberal Black Christians unaware that---historically---Black slaves were overwhelmingly Christian? And, that it was the faith of the Black slaves, who stood on God’s deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery, in order to cry out to God for their deliverance from slavery? In other words, they used the Word of God, i.e. the Judaeo/Christian ethic!!!!!! I mean, how do you think Blacks were released from slavery? Do you think it was an accident?!?! Or, maybe Blacks rose-up and conquered the White slave-owners and delivered themselves? Do you have the temerity to believe that the God of “the Judaeo/Christian ethic” had no part in it? Allow me to help, nothing can happen—past, present, or future; either good or evil—without God’s involvement! If something can happen apart from God’s control…He is not Sovereign…and we cannot pray for it!!!!!!!!!!!!! In reality, all history is Providential History. What is Providence? It is God sovereignly working in history to bring about His: i.His good will(Ps119:68) ii.His judgment on sin (Ps9:8;Ps82:8,Is26:9; Is66:16; Jer25:31; Zeph3:8) Charles Kaufman offers a great definition of Providential History, “If you don’t see the divine hand behind the scenes, history becomes an incomprehensible enigma”. Noah Webster declared, “History is God’s providence in human affairs.” And finally, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “History, by apprizing them of the past, will enable them to judge the future.” By rejecting God, i.e.the Judaeo/Christian ethic…NMAAHC teaches American history is ‘Whiteness’! On the contrary, Providential History, i.e.God’s view of history, teaches that God has blessed America…a blessing that extends to all people, regardless of color—including Black people! For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. -Romans 15:4 Choose you this day whom you will serve… (Josh24:15)!!! *Why do Black liberals do this? For two reasons: i.Any organization with the word “Black” in its title is assumed to help Black people. ii.Therefore, they believe the NMAAHC helps Black people. On the contrary, because sin blinds, and the worship of Blackness is idolatry, i.e.sin, Black liberals are deceived to believe ‘Blackness’ helps Black people. In reality, only God’s word, i.e.the Judaeo/Christian ethic, sets the captive free(Jn8:31,32)…including Black people!!! QuoteBit Your philosophy determines whether you will go for the disciplines or continue the errors. -Jim Rohn
We need 3 verses today: 1.“But wisdom is justified by her children.” -Matt11:19 (NKJV) In other words, wisdom is known by what it produces. 2.James 3:14,17 teaches two types of wisdom: a.Wisdom from above. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy (Jms3:17). b.Wisdom not from above. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish (Jms3:14) Notice James3:17 says one thing God’s wisdom produces is “without partiality”. The Greek word means impartial or undistinguished. Its’ root means to separate thoroughly, which means equally. For example, if you divide 6 by 3, you get 2…every time, no exceptions! How then does “without partiality” apply to White Privilege? If we plug WP into the previous division problem, what do we get? In order to answer honestly, we must examine the consequences of WP; or the product of WP. Let’s look at The National Museum of African American History and Culture(NMAAHC) in Washington D.C. It was established in 2003, and opened in 2016, for the purpose of documenting African-American life, history, and culture. In early 2020, under the category of “Talking About Race”, it released a fact sheet on their website entitled: “Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness & the White Culture in the United States”. The fact sheet was later removed because of the National uproar it created. However, its removal does not suggest NMAAHC no longer holds the views expressed in the fact sheet! I copied and downloaded the original NMAAHC pages of the fact sheet to my personal archives before they were removed from the website. Please see the attachment. 1.First, the obvious purpose of the fact sheet is to attempt to explain White Privilege(WP). Notice the methodology used to explain is what I call ‘Word Manipulation’, which I define in two ways: i.Creating new words; ii.changing definitions of traditional words. For example, notice the word choices used in the title: “Whiteness” and “White Culture”. While the words “White Culture” might be familiar, the idea of “Whiteness” requires some defining. If you check Dictionary.com’s definition of “whiteness”, it has no reference to skin color. It uses the traditional definition of ‘white’ to define “whiteness”, or the color of white; in other words— it does not mean white people. In other words, the dictionary has no definition for “whiteness”, which informs us that the word “whiteness” --as used by WP advocates and NMAAC---was invented. Well, the obvious meaning of whiteness as intended by NMAAC cannot mean anything other than white people. Let’s be honest—to whom else could it refer? But why would they create such a word? What is their intent? If you look how the word “Whiteness” is used in the main title, its’ context suggests an obvious negative connotation. In other words, NMAAC believes “whiteness” is something to reject or avoid, i.e. it is not good! Therefore, beginning with the negative undertone of the main title, we can expect to learn that the body of the fact sheet will teach us how ‘whiteness’ creates and continues racism…in racist America!! 2.The following titles on the first page of the fact sheet are NMAAC’s initial evidence for WP: a.Rugged individualism b.Family structure c.Emphasis on Scientific method d.History e.Protestent Work Ethic Unlike the main title, these subtitles look very positive. However, because of what we know from the main title, subconsciously we understand the subtitles to: i.Teach that you must reject ‘whiteness’, if you want to be a good person ii.But, in order to reject ‘whiteness’, we must agree to reject the points on this fact sheet beginning with the above 5 points(a- e). Let’s review a couple of the points a-e. Notice each of the points used to describe ‘whiteness’ or ‘white culture’ are traditional, success principles given to mankind by God. As a matter of fact, all three pages have points rooted in the Judaeo-Christian ethic, i.e.the Bible. As I read through this fact sheet for the first time, I immediately saw its purpose: the rejection of the Judaeo-Christian ethic by associating God’s word with the dreaded ‘whiteness’!!! Actually, to be perfectly candid, the rejection of the Judaeo-Christian ethic…is the final objective of White Privilege! To support my previous assertion, let’s look at “Rugged Individualism”. First, God created Adam, and then Eve, who subsequently had children. In other words, God created mankind as individuals(Gen1,2)-- beginning with Adam! Second, salvation is individual because it requires each person to come to Christ through repentance(Rom10:9,10). Lastly, Jesus the individual, died on the cross alone, to atone for each individual person’s individual sin. In other words, the Bible teaches individualism! When the NMAAHC uses “Rugged Individualism” to prove their assertion that “whiteness” is not good, they are literally attacking the Word of God! How about “Family Structure”? After creating Adam and Eve, God joined them together in marriage, commanding them to reproduce, calling the results ‘family’; which by the way is ‘THE’ foundational structure God ‘sovereighly’ designed for humanity. As a matter of fact, every culture, religion, tongue, nation etc., from the beginning of time, has possessed the ‘nuclear family’ structure—that sadly--NMAAHC declares is an example of ‘whiteness’!! On the contrary, because NMAAHC defines the ‘whiteness’ of WP using the nuclear family as their example is one of the greatest reasons WP is a doctrine from a false god! What god? Either atheism or liberalism! At its’ core, NMAAHC’s views are idolatry!!! What about “Emphasis on Scientific Method”? NMAAHC boldly asserts, “Emphasis on Scientific Method” is an example of ‘whiteness’ or the white culture. The evidence they use for such presumption is: “objective, rational linear thinking”. In other words, and I repeat, to “Emphasize the Scientific Method, by using objective, rational linear thinking”…is ‘whiteness’…according to the NMAAHC!!! Of course, the folly of condemning: ‘objective, rational, linear thinking' as a by-product of ‘whiteness’, one must use ‘objective, rational, linear thinking’!!! Therefore, NMAAHC’s condemnation of ‘objective, rational, linear thinking’, is itself a self-contradictory!!! On the contrary, ‘objective, rational, linear thinking’ is a result of the rational, logical God of order(Jer31:35-36), who created the Laws of logic(Col1:16;Col2:3)*, along with a consistent universe(Gen1), which can only be understood through God’s gift to man—the human mind-- which was designed to use: ‘objective, rational, linear thinking’!! Dr John Oller Jr writes, “Scientific inquiry depends upon the premise that there is order in the universe. If this premise were not true, science would be meaningless.” I repeat, in order to understand the ‘order’ in the universe, one must use ‘objective, rational, linear thinking’!!! So far…can the NMAAHC fact sheet be considered “without partiality”? I think not! *Law of non-contradiction (LNC); Law of Identity(LID); Law of Excluded Middle(LEM) Quote Bit If you learn to set a good sail, the wind that blows will always take you to the dreams you want, the income you want, and the treasures of mind, purse, and soul you want. -Jim Rohn In tidbit 5, I addressed Dr Joy DeGruy’s personal experience used to define WP. Now, I would like to address two more of Dr Peggy McIntosh’s 26 points--randomly chosen, by the way--she uses to define WP (See Tidbit 4 for her list). Remember, Dr Peggy McIntosh is considered the original standard for WP.
Let’s begin with: “15.I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.” First, 2Corinthians 2:11 instructs us not to be ignorant of the schemes/devices of the devil. One scheme of liberalism is to divide people into groups.[DJ1] According to ‘liberal theology’ (Col2:8) every person is placed in a group, or assigned a group. For example, following are some of the groupings liberals use for people: Blacks, Whites, Latinos, lesbians, gays, transgenders, pro-choice, anti-abortionists, rich, poor, men, women, Marxists, capitalists etc. Whereas God begins with the individual, Whom He created in His image and likeness (Gen1:26-28), liberals begin with groups, which they use for moral authority to coerce political power. Therefore, liberal political opinions (Col2:8) begin with the question, “How does a particular policy, or law, or judgment, affect my GROUP(s)?” For example, liberals group women together, and then assign them “women’s rights”.* One of their most important liberal women’s right is abortion, of which they interpret to mean that a woman has absolute control over her own body; rejecting any right of the baby or the father. Now, on to Dr Peggy McIntosh. Let’s apply the liberal “group all humans” philosophy to Black people, who are the context of point 15. The liberal reason for placing people in groups is, and I repeat, to exert control over that group. As this relates to Black people, when Blacks are grouped together, the intent of the liberal mind is to cause all Blacks to speak/think/act alike! Said yet another way, to the liberal mind, Blacks are expected to think according to liberal expectations…or lose their Blackness, i.e.be labeled an Uncle Tom!!! Following is Dr McIntosh’s position: in her 15th point, she argues that WP allows Whites the great privilege of living without the heavy burden placed upon an individual White person to speak for all White people. Obviously, by default, this assumes the opposite for Black people. In other words, because of WP, any individual Black has the burden to speak for all Black people!! Incredibly…these very words unveil the very APEX of liberal hypocrisy! First, as wrote earlier, liberals group all Blacks together, which they use to coerce Blacks to think and act alike. Yet, according to Dr McIntosh’s number 15 example of WP, those same liberals who group all Blacks together, and demand that all Blacks adopt their liberal views, turn-around and accuse Whites of WP for expecting Blacks to think and speak alike!! You need proof? Following are the most recent examples of White liberals ‘grouping’ Blacks, expecting them to follow liberal thinking. Liberal Joe Biden said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Or, what about Chelsea Handler, who is White, pompously declared about her former Black boyfriend Curtis Jackson(50 cent), “and I had to remind him (Curtis Jackson) that he was a black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump.” These are perfect illustrations of two things: 1.White liberals grouping Blacks expecting them to think according to THEIR enlightened philosophy! 2.Pure irrefutable liberal racism. Or, how about Dr McIntosh’s number 9.“I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and find the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can cut my hair.” Because my father was a Black barber, Dr McIntosh’s statement on hair-cutting caught my immediate attention. To save time, I will only comment on the hair-cutting part of her statement. First, my Black father cut White people’s hair for over 30 years…which means they chose him…is this an example of White or Black Privilege? Remember, it is Dr McIntosh who presumptuously claimed: to easily find someone of your skin color to cut your hair…’IS’ WP!!!! So…and I repeat, what do you call it when a White man chooses my father, a Black man, to cut his hair? The liberal idea of WP makes it very difficult to be consistent! Second, after my father passed, and I found other barbers to cut my hair, both Black and Hispanic barbers told me that in barber school they were taught to cut the hair of different ethnicities, both male and female! I have even had some Black barbers tell me they find it easier to cut White people’s hair than Blacks! While I have never asked a White barber his/her opinion on this issue**, there are two fundamental reasons a White barber would not have a problem cutting Black/Latino hair: 1.Money. The White Barber who does not know how to cut Black hair leaves money on the table. Because hair-cutting is a business, that certainly would be unwise. 2.License. All states require a license to cut hair. Therefore, because a license requires schooling, and barber schools teach their barbers to cut all kinds of hair, I can’t see how a White barber would have any problems learning to cut Black hair! I saw Latino barbers cutting Black hair all the time! The essence of Dr McIntosh’s statement is racist…it assumes Black people ‘require’ Black barbers; and White people require White barbers; and Latino people require Latino barbers! In practice…it just ain’t so! This is yet another example of Liberal racism! In this case, White liberals telling Blacks who should cut their hair!! Humans should choose whomever they want to cut their hair, not have to conform to liberal clap-trap!!! I know Black women who have White hair-dressers, and even Latino hair-dressers! My wife has had both Black and White hairdressers, and presently has a Latino hairdresser…all by choice! However, according to Dr McIntosh, my wife ought to stay-in-her-lane! Our church has a Hispanic salon owner, with different races comprising their hair-dressers…all serving different ethnicities! I have a Black brother-in-law, who married a Latino woman, and their daughter is a hair-dresser---how does her mixed racial heritage fit into Dr McIntosh’s WP scenario?!?! I repeat, the definition of WP must be consistent…because it is irrational! In conclusion, WP advocates use their personal experiences to define WP---because it can have no objective standard!! In other words, a liberal can use anything a White person experiences—good or bad—and make it an example of WP! Therefore, WP is relative…and undefinable! * FYI, all rights in our Constitution are individual--group rights do not exist!! **Because it is so embarrassingly absurd!!! QuoteBit Don't borrow someone else's plan. Develop your own philosophy and it will lead you to unique places. -Jim Rohn |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024