In my experience, contemporary Democrats are almost exclusively Liberal (and vice versa); and contemporary Republicans are almost exclusively Conservative (and vice versa). Interestingly, Blacks are almost exclusively Democrat although many still claim to be Conservative. On the contrary, Whites are divided between Conservative and Liberal, and Republican and Democrat fairly evenly, although Whites lean more toward the Liberal side than Conservative. Most importantly, Christians are often split between both Liberals and Conservatives. Obviously, this creates great confusion! Furthermore, the reason more Blacks are Democrats than Republican is because Blacks are taught from their youth that Democrats favor Blacks, and Republicans are racist. I find this an extremely interestingly phenomenon, which will be addressed later. This means race does in fact, have an effect upon party affiliation. If you review the following Pew research poll: …you will find that peoples’ ‘generation’ is not a consistent factor to determine whether a person is Democrat or Republican. Further evidence for this inconsistency is that political party platforms change over time, and some people switch parties while others choose to remain with their party. This means not even party platforms are powerful enough to consistently predict how people determine their party affiliation. Furthermore, another Pew research poll reveals that race, generation, and education do not consistently predict party affiliation over time. In other words, some polls predict, while others contradict how party affiliation is determined. Yet, because inconsistencies do in fact exist, the interpretation of these inconsistencies becomes relevant.
Following are at least four reasons for the inconsistencies: 1.Definitions. First, the definitions of the words Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican often change, which completely confuses people, who respond by retaining their present party. 2.Platform positions. Second, most people do not affiliate with a political party because of their Party’s platform positions. Why? Because like definitions, party positions also change. Once again, because people have voted according to a particular party--all their life—they simply continue that historical pattern. In addition, the idea of voting according to a historical pattern is also true of people who don’t vote at all. 3.Apathy/lethargy. People believe their votes don’t make a difference because--in their opinion--nothing changes whether a Democrat or Republican takes office. Apathy can also overwhelm people due to a belief that because the Constitution does not change, and all leaders must abide by the Constitution, there is no need to vote. 4.Bible. A rejection of the Bible causes: i.ignorance of the Word of God ii.ignorance of the purposes of America ii.ignorance of the providential history of America, and other nations iii.ignorance of God’s wrath. QuoteBit “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.” -President George Washington
In short review, in part 1, I concluded: Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, and Liberals all derive their philosophies from a deity! Why? See part 2.
In part 2, I concluded Colossians 2:8 declares Christ/the Word of God stands on one side; and on the other are the philosophies of mankind. Therefore, all philosophy originates in theology, or from a god—either the God of the Bible, or a false god. In part 3, I offered the definition of liberalism from 1828 Webster’s dictionary: “free to access, sexual license. In comparison, the conservative definition is conserving the principles of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. In part 4, I concluded the Biblical God is political (Is9:6). Therefore, political philosophies can be Biblical or unbiblical! All man’s philosophies originate either from God, or from man. Therefore, because parties are comprised of ‘imperfect’ people*, it is possible for an authentic believer to become part of a party/group that holds to unbiblical/ungodly positions, yet that individual can still be saved. How? Because his/her mind is not renewed on the Word of God(Rom12:1-2)!!! Likewise, it is possible for a person to be part of a party/group that holds Biblical views, and yet not be a Christian, because that one may come understand certain principles God placed in the creation, and allow those principles to inform his/her views. For example, the concept of ‘freedom’ is not only taught in the Bible(Gal5:1,13), but it also exists in the Creation**, therefore an unbeliever can choose a party/group that supports ‘freedom’, and yet not be a Christian. Of course, the problem arises when an authentic Christian adopts unbiblical philosophies (1Tim4:1,Col2:8); in the long-run--he/she will fail(Josh1:8)! Why? I repeat, only God’s word ultimately works---in both the short and long run!!(Ps119:160) Because this is true, it is imperative that every Christian--after their salvation--begin to renew his/her mind on the Word of God(Rom12:1-2)! Why? In order understand how God works both individually and nationally—and then commit to align themself with His good and perfect will! It is critical at this point to understand that if an authentic Christian becomes deceived, and chooses to run after political parties, groups, churches, etc., that reject the Word of God(1Tim4:1), they will ultimately receive the same judgment--in this life---as those unbelievers who reject the Word of God! Why? The wages of sin is death(Rom6:23)! For example, although no human can actually judge the heart of another, we can however, judge their fruit(Mat7:16). An application of this great truth is during the 30’s and early 40’s in Germany, where many people claimed to be Christians--yet joined the Nazis! When the Russians attacked Germany from the east and Americans from the west, do you think the German Christians were spared? Of course not! Yet, an even better question is—do you think God protected authentic Christians who ran after Hitler? My answer is an obvious NO! Of course, one may argue that those Germans who claimed Christ, and were Nazis—were pseudo-Christians--and you might be right! Yet, to this day, I know Christians who hold to unbiblical views, yet vehemently claim Christian conversion! Therefore, if that is true, it means it is possible for an authentic Christian to be deceived! But, if a Christian can be deceived holding to unbiblical positions--I can guarantee one thing--his/her Christianity can no more keep that Christian from God’s judgment(on this earth)---than God keeps a smoking-Christian from lung cancer! Let’s cut to the chase, in part 1 I wrote, “in general, liberal Christians claim the Democrat party, while conservative Christians claim the Republican party”. This is an obvious undeniable fact. What is also undeniable is that liberals/Democrats and Conservatives/Republicans are incompatible, they have totally different values, yet Christians occupy both sides. Who then is right? As I pointed out in part 3, the only standard/way to judge something or someone as either right or wrong, or good or evil—is the absolute standard: 1.the Word of God, the Bible. 2.The creation, which was created by the Word of God, and possesses God’s innate values within each created thing. Theologically, these two are known as Special revelation (1) and General revelation (2). In other words, without God’s word as THE absolute standard, evil cannot exist—only good exists! I repeat, if God does not exist then everything is good---and evil cannot exist! Why? Without God, man becomes the sole judge of good and evil, or right and wrong. Therefore, because mankind is inherently equal, and if mankind determines his own good and evil—then one man’s evil is another man’s good—which means no man’s behavior can be judged as evil!!!! Yet, because mankind does in fact judge some things good, and other things evil; that fact alone demands an absolute standard! Yet, if an absolute standard exists, it cannot be a creation of mankind—because mankind cannot have an absolute standard! Why? Because I repeat, every man/woman has their own version of good! Therefore, Who is that only One Whom can determine an absolute good and evil? God!! Who is this God? His Name is Jesus! The God of the Bible—Who is the only God (Jn17:3). If this is not true, there can be no disagreement between Liberals/Democrats and Conservatives/Republicans! Yet, unless one is living on the Moon, we know that not only does a disagreement exist between these two groups, it is an irredeemable disagreement! *People who have a sin nature, i.e.a propensity to sin. **Not only people, but all things animate exhibit an inherent law of freedom written on their hearts QuoteBit “Initial response illustrates a great deal about someone's personal philosophy.” -Jim Rohn Following are just a few examples of God’s hand of blessing upon America:
1.America is the first nation in the history of the world to facilitate such incredible prosperity for so many of its people*!! 2.An unprecedented number of minorities, including an unprecedented number of Blacks, have achieved--in many instances---wild prosperity; more so than in any other present nation, and more than any other nation in the history of the world--including every Black African nations—past and present! 3.America is the only nation in the history of the world to willfully elect a descendent of the group it once enslaved as its leader, i.e.president! 4.America is not only the first, but the only nation in the history of the world to willfully re-elect a descendent of the group it once enslaved. There is no other White, Hispanic, Asian, Arab, or African nation that can make this boast! 5.No other White majority nation in the history of the world has ever elected a black leader. 6.America is the only nation in the history of the world to elect a former member of the enslaved group as its president in less than 150 years after abolishing slavery! 7.America is the first nation in the history of the world to abolish slavery not by a slave uprising, but by the conscience of the slave-holder!!! 8.By 1980, more black Africans have immigrated to America seeking freedom and opportunity than were ever brought here as slaves. 9.The conscience of America regarding slavery was changed by the Judeao/Christian ethic, which created Western culture, which for the first time in the history of the world led to, i.e. influenced many other nations to follow its lead, and abolish slavery!!! -America is the leading exporter of the Judaeo/Christian ethic to the world, and therefore by default the abolishment of slavery!! 10.America is the only nation in the history of the world founded upon an idea, and not ethnicity, race, or nationality; and that idea is liberty. America’s freedom has been exported to the nations of the world; and many of those nations have become even more free than America. 11.America is presently the least racist, multi-cultural nation in the history of the world. Why is America exceptional?** Not because America is better than any other nation, but because America has honored God! Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. -Ps33:12 On the contrary, the day will soon come when God will restore Israel*** to its rightful position as world leader. When that day soon arrives, God will pour out a blessing upon the world like never before! "I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them (Jews/Israel) be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? -Rom11:11-12 *See ‘Everyday Millionaires’, by Chris Hogan, the most comprehensive study of millionaires ever completed. He interviewed over 10,000 millionaires. **This is a short list of the things that make America exceptional ***Deut30:3-6 Quotebit Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out. -Jim Rohn |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024