In my last tidbit, I revealed how the 1947 Emerson vs Board of Education successfully changed the definition of:
-The separation of church and state to -The separation of God from the state* This magical trick is a foundation for much evil now confronting the American culture!! The ‘separation of God from the state’ by definition must reject God’s word (Bible) from having any influence on public policies, because the “…separation of God…” is the same as separating from God’s word. Therefore, because no ideological vacuum can exist, what NOW fills the void of the Judaeo/Christian ethic—which originates in God’s word, and which has historically been used by Americans to determine good and evil—is liberalism, a doctrine of atheism. Hence, the re-definition of ‘the separation of church and state’, which obviously promotes its origin religion: atheism, is the reason atheism is methodically ‘becoming’ the unofficial religion of America! There are literally hundreds of examples of the application of the re-definition of the separation of church and state to mean the rejection of God(Bible) from public view. A few of the more famous examples are Nativity scenes (Joseph, Mary, and Jesus in the manger); crosses, and Ten Commandments removed from public properties! Or, how about the rejection of caroling in the nations Malls; or businesses promoting “Happy Holiday” in place of Merry Christmas. However, the re-definition applies to many other deeper areas of American public life too; for example, the removal of prayer and Bible reading from public schools. The list of its applications is almost endless!! Tragically, God says, I must be lifted-up in the culture(Ex17:15)! Or, My Word must be lifted-up! Or, My Name must be lifted-up…to draw all men unto me(Jn12:32); through Emerson’s ‘separation of church and state’, the government coerces a direct contradiction to God’s Word!!! Interestingly, whereas liberalism has changed the ‘separation of church and state’ to mean ‘separation of God from the state’, the average American misses liberalism’s blatant hypocrisy in plain view!! How’s that? The term ‘the separation of church and state’ is religious! The inventor of ‘the separation of church and state’ was not Thomas Jefferson, but a late 15th century pastor named Richard Hooker!! Pastor Hooker coined the term ‘separation of church and state’ to define the Biblical doctrine taught in Matthew 22:21 and 1Samuel 13:12. He defined the term to mean: God gives purpose to the state, and God gives purpose to the church; therefore, the two entities must be kept separate! In other words, through the scripture (Bible), Pastor Hooker taught, the Sovereign God determined the state should not rule over the church; nor should the church rule over the state--their God-given purposes separate them! Hence, the term ‘separation of church and state’ is a doctrine of the Holy Bible! Therefore, it was never Pastor Hooker’s intent to remove God’s sovereign rule over the church or the state—as liberalism has arrogantly and deceitfully declared using the Emerson debacle!! Remember, Thomas Hooker was a pastor, and surely understood that nearly the entire Old Testament is comprised of story after story of prophets (men of God) speaking to kings (governments)…giving irrefutable evidence that, God not only created the nations (Gen10); but rules over them: “For the nation…that will not serve You shall perish” (Is60:12) Here is the point: liberals hypocritically use a religious doctrine, i.e. a Biblical doctrine: ‘the separation of church and state’, to reject God’s opinion from public policy!!! To put it simply, liberalism uses God’s Word to reject God!! Yet, this kind of blatant hypocrisy is the norm of liberalism!!! What’s even worse however, is that this speaks to the utter folly of the church to allow such conspicuous deception right before our eyes!! Now you can better understand why liberalism secretly changes the definition of: ‘The separation of church and state’ to ‘The separation of God from the state’ As I have cited in past tidbits, one of liberalism’s greatest methods of deception is word manipulation!! Emerson vs the Board of Education is but one of many examples! May the Sovereign God have mercy one more time on our great nation! *Or, it could also be: ‘the separation of God and state’ QuoteBit Expect, Expect, Expect; Expect your every need to be met; Expect the answer to every question; expect abundance on every level. -Eilene Caddy
In 1947, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), ruled in the case Emerson vs the Board of Education, that according to Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, the U.S. Constitution promotes the separation of church and state. Throughout American history, there have been many ungodly laws, as well as ungodly SCOTUS rulings, all of which have caused great damage to America; however, the Emerson case may very well stand alone at the top of that infamous list!
As it stands to date, all public debate in America—on any topic—is “separated” from God’s opinion. What ‘God thinks’ is too often an unwritten taboo in civil, political, educational, economic, or national policy! One should not be surprised to know that the spread and popularity* of this ‘unwritten taboo’, lays squarely at the feet of both the liberal media and academia! In effect, liberalism used Emerson to ‘pull-a-rabbit-out-of-a-hat’, turning the ‘separation of church and state’ into the ‘separation of God from the state’, which at its core means: 1.All religions are equal 2.No religious doctrine can be part of national policy Any Christian with even a beginner’s understanding of the Bible can see this is a catastrophe waiting to happen! Point one: “All religions are equal”. The Bible separates Christ from every other human. Jesus declared: 1.“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (Jn14:6). This statement alone, totally rebuts the liberal interpretation of the separation of church and state--that all religions are equal!! The words, “no man” make this statement absolute, i.e. exclusive, not inclusive! 2.“I and my Father are one” (Jn10:30). Once again, Jesus separates Himself from every other past and present religious and non-religious leader—for He claims deity. Therefore, the only way SCOTUS can declare Jesus equal with every other religion, is to declare every other religion’s god equal with Jesus, thereby positioning Him as a ‘god among many gods’. Yet, to do so, makes the statement--“all religions are equal”—itself religious; and therefore, a violation of their own self-determination: “no religious doctrine can be part of national policy”!! But…this is just another example of liberal hypocrisy! Point two: “No religious doctrine can be part of national policy” The Judaeo/Christian ethic has historically been the foundation Americans have used to determine good from evil, beginning with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, to this very day! Therefore, to reject any religious doctrine from national policy—by default--must reject the Judaeo/Christian ethic!! Yet…President John Adams poignantly declared, "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Unveiling the Equestrian statue of preacher Francis Asbury in Washington D.C. in 1924, President Calvin Coolidge said: “America was born in a revival of religion – and back of it were John Wesley and George Whitefield.” ‘American’ history is replete with references to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible. Therefore, the greatest offense of liberalism’s trickery and deception regarding the separation of church and state is God Himself: “For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens” -Ps96:5 “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” -Ps9:10 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…” -Ps33:12. These scriptures, among many others, irrefutably teach that every nation has a deity! Yet, only that nation whose deity is the Lord---the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ---is blessed!!! Because liberalism is a doctrine of atheism, using Emerson’s perversion of the separation of church and state, liberals are attempting to complete the replacement of the God of the Bible--with man**--as the God of America!! *Emerson neither ‘created’ or ‘invented’ the present interpretation of the separation of church and state; that was the work of Satan(1Tim4:1). **In reality, man is atheism’s god! QuoteBit Success is never final, Failure is never fatal, it’s the courage that counts. -John Wooden, UCLA basketball coach The last two tidbits I unveiled the first couple of ways liberalism covers its own racism: word manipulation, and word definition manipulation. Along with these two tactics, there are at least 3 other tactics liberals use to accuse others of the very thing of which they are so often guilty. 1.Name-calling. This tactic is very much like a man setting a neighbor’s house on fire, then running home to call the police that the house next door is on fire! Likewise, in order to divert attention from their own racism, liberals primarily use two names: i.Racist! The liberal usually reserves this name for White men, conservatives, Christians, Republicans, America’s Founding Fathers; White Southerners, and any other White person who disagrees with them--not just on race--but just about any issue! ii.Uncle Tom! This name is reserved for any Black person, Black Republican, or Black non-liberal who rejects the liberal agenda. I believe the full name is “boot-strap-licking Uncle Tom”. The liberal gets away with the tactic of ‘name-calling’ primarily using two philosophies: a.The nearly universally accepted belief among liberals is Blacks in particular, and ‘people of color’ in general, ‘cannot be racist’, allowing them to simply shout: “RACIST!”; putting the opposition on the defensive, having to explain away the accusation. b.Slavery. Raising the issue of past American slavery immediately changes the tone and complexity of any conversation on race; welfare; affirmative action; reparations; discrimination; police shooting Blacks; abortion; incarceration; Black out-of-wedlock birth rates; Black on Black murder; etc., once again, placing all opposition on the defensive. The issue of slavery is ‘THE’ omnipotent trump card, even exceeding shouting “RACIST”! In the liberal mind, through these two philosophies, liberalism/progressivism gangsters ‘moral authority’, creating what Black intellectual Shelby Steele calls ‘white guilt’* in White people; and Uncle Tomism in Black non-liberals; which serve to immediately shut down any further debate. 2.Emotionalism. This tactic is obviously seen in things like protests blocking streets and highways; burning vehicles; invading stores; looting businesses; and breaking store windows. I repeat, people who behave as such are not just “CRAZIES”, but are liberals acting-out the end of their philosophy. Liberalism is like a ladder. The higher one climbs, the more “CRAZY” one acts-out! However, I have found the number one way liberals use the emotional tactic to advance their racist agenda is shouting. For example, liberals simply shout-down people on college campuses or venues with whom they disagree. They are even known for organizing their protests…Saul Alinski style. For example, they offer instructions on what words to scream; when and how to interrupt speeches; and have even gone so far as to pay protesters! 3.Victimology. The final tactic used by liberals is the psychology of Victimology. Books have been written on the topic. I recommend ‘Zero Victim’, by my friend and brother, Pastor James Ward. My short definition of victimology is: Using either a fact or a myth, to accuse others in order to gain sympathy with the masses; with a view toward moral bullying, to achieve power. Liberals have made their living worshipping at the feet of victimology. It is the driving force of their methodology. Liberals have made the ‘sympathy of the masses’ their target, successfully using both facts and myth to achieve their ultimate end, which is legal authority to coerce their agenda through political power. Notice I wrote, “both facts and myth”? What makes liberalism so deceitful is that they use an amalgamation of fact and lie to trick the masses into supporting them, which actually gives them ‘legal authority’ to impose their agenda. I emphasize legal authority as opposed to moral authority, because their agenda is often immoral, i.e. contradicts God’s Word! For example, through victimology, liberals have successfully turned abortion—the obvious murder of a human being--into a woman’s right issue, which is why they chose the name “pro-choice”. The word manipulation of this name shifts the emphasis away from the baby in the womb ‘TO’: a.women rights; and b.a woman’s right to her body. Let me explain. If the baby in the womb is in fact a human being, no moral person would argue for a ‘moral right’ to take that human life in order to give women a choice. This is commensurate to a woman having ‘a right’ to kill her child after birth! Obviously, a human being has a greater right to physical existence, than another human being’s right to choose ‘if’ that person should exist! To resolve this problem, the abortionist must ‘word manipulate’ by re-naming the child to: “a product of conception” (POC). Once the masses have been marketed this ‘word manipulation’ through the media, the abortionist successfully transforms a moral issue into a legal one. In order to please the masses created by the media blitz, law-makers simply invent a law confirming “a woman’s right”**, completing the transfer of authority from moral to legal! The ‘poor ole’ woman now replaces the child as the victim! Removing the child from the issue, protects the woman from the contemporary mean ole ‘Puritans’, who want to send America back to past female slavery to men!! Because victimology is a liberal tactic--it is also used on race issues. Liberals shout “RACIST” at all opponents making themselves victims in the eyes of the masses, bullying ‘moral authority’ using word manipulation, name-calling, emotionalism, and victimology! Once again, the Bible has the answer: unrighteous men suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Rom1:18). Liberalism is a doctrine of the religion of atheism! If you love Jesus, no longer be deceived! *See Shelby Steele’s book, White Guilt **Because women have authentically been oppressed in the past, liberalism simply uses this sensitive history to continue “SHOUTING” for a right to their own body—which awards them victimhood to coerce moral authority away from their opponents in order to gain the sympathy of the masses! Of course, this is sick!!! For the Bible declares we have been bought with a price, and do not own our own bodies(1Cor6:19,20)! QuoteBit Productivity cannot occur while spending your time: a.gloating over what you have already done, or b.justifying what you have done wrong. -Derrick Jackson |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025