Does World Population Growth Consume, Even Destroy the Earth’s Resources and Wealth? Are We Doomed?3/23/2023 In short, the following statement is the consensus of past and contemporary liberal ‘doomsayers’:
“The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970’s the world will undergo famines – hundreds of millions of people are going (emphasis mine) to starve to death” -Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb*, 1968 In 1972, George Fichter wrote the following to children: “When man first began to farm, there were fewer than five million people on earth, and it took more than a million years for the population to reach that figure. But populations increase geometrically – that is they double (2,4,8,16,32, etc). Food supplies, in contrast, increase only arithmetically, a much slower process (2,4,6,8,10,12, etc)…. If the population continues to explode, many people will starve. About half of the world’s population is underfed now, with many approaching starvation.” ** In 2023, the now 90-year-old Dr. Ehrlich, not content with the failure of his former predictions, once again predicted: "The rate of extinction is extraordinarily high now and getting higher all the time," Ehrlich said. He explained, "Humanity is not sustainable. To maintain our lifestyle (yours and mine, basically) for the entire planet, you'd need five more Earths. Not clear where they're gonna come from." "I was alarmed. I am still alarmed. All of my colleagues are alarmed."*** There are two reasons these doomsayers are so very wrong. First, and most important is the Word of God. The Bible declares God created the earth “full”: “The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” -Ps24:1 In other words, contrary to the ‘doomsayers’, the earth is neither running out, nor down, precisely because God created it to sustain as many people as obey God’s command to: “…multiply and replenish the earth…” (Gen1:28)!! Along with the “fullness” of the earth, God breaks it down even further declaring that the sea is full (1Chron16:32). In addition, scripture declares God possesses “…treasures in darkness, and hidden riches in secret places” (Is45:3), which also can be used to provide for mankind; and is confirmed by Jeremiah 33:3* and 1Corinthians 2:9**. And finally, even if it were possible for the earth to run out of resources, Philippians 4:19 declares God will provide for mankind using His “…riches in glory”!!!! The word “glory” transcends even the abundance God created in the earth!! Incredibly, the great provision inspired in scripture by God for man is rooted in His name El Shaddai(Gen17:1; Gen28:3), which describes His nature of “more than enough”! My second reason originates in the graphs I showed in my last tidbit, also known as General Revelation***. I added another graph from last week showing world population growth. This graph provides absolute proof that the number of people on the earth does not contribute to world starvation!! For example, look at the two graphs showing individual GDP and world population growth. First, if you look closely at the world population growth graph it reveals an explosion in population growth all over the world beginning around the early 20th century (1900). Now, if you look at the graph of the individual GDP, it also shows an upward explosion at the same time. I repeat, the rate of upward explosion for both world population and individual GDP occurred nearly exactly at the same time! If the ‘doomsayers’ were right, when the population exploded upward, assuming the same rate of food supply growth, the individual GDP of the world should have plummeted, and the world’s people should have experienced mass starvation!!! Yet, the exact opposite occurred!!! Two of the greatest examples are China and India, whose people were starving even into the 1950’s and 60’s! What happened? Innovation and technology! Simply, as the people of certain third-world nations became free, they created stuff!! Their creativity often resulted not only in stuff, but also in new ways to produce food from the nearly infinite resources of the earth that obviously and dramatically reduced starvation!!! In other words, just like God’s word declares, the earth is full and can and will produce for all its inhabitants!! “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof.” -Ps96:11 *Jer33:3- “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” **1Cor 2:9- “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” ***The knowledge God created in His creation. QuoteBit “If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the Pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.” -Charles Finney
The idea of American wealth originating in Black slavery has been proclaimed for decades but has particularly taken root in the last 10 years. The obvious reason is to give credence to the liberal myth that American wealth is stolen! I offer five answers to this falsehood: 1.First, in the history of the world, not just in America or the Western world, the existence of slavery is a constant! In other words, in every nation; every people group, every tribe; every race; every culture; and in every society, etc.—slavery existed. If slavery was able to make people wealthy…then it would have eviscerated poverty---everywhere!!! On the contrary, slavery is irrefutably the WORST economic system ever devised by man!!! Why? First, mankind cannot create success, any more than he/she can create air, lungs, the sun, the moon, the oceans, etc. God alone creates both the elements for success(earth-Ps24:1), and the principles of success* and man can only use these two areas—BECAUSE--it is God’s will for man to succeed(Josh1:8). My point is, although man has a history of trying--he cannot do life alone!! On the contrary, whenever man has attempted to go life alone--leaving God out--even when using God’s elements and principles, over time it always ends in tragic failure! Why? The pleasures of sin last only for a season(Heb11:25). Slavery is a great example of man trying to succeed without God, or do life alone. Furthermore, my next point (point 2) is yet more evidence of this human arrogance! 2.Second, slavery cannot generate enduring wealth! First, it is obvious that those enslaved accumulate no wealth—either immediate or enduring--precisely because the fruit of their labor is stolen. This point is the absolute greatest reason slavery does not create wealth!! Why? Legitimate wealth creation will benefit all! Next, just as important is that the riches of the enslaver…are fake! Why? Because of debt! The elephant in the living room of slavery is debt! I repeat, ‘slavery organically creates debt’! And again, why? Because the slaves must be fed, clothed, housed, and provided health care, to name a few—all of which must be subtracted from any profits. Slavery literally destroys the three greatest motivators of work: 1.the enslaved family-the number one motivator of wealth building, a.k.a. ‘generational wealth’; 2.it creates a hatred for work in the enslaved because it requires work without reward; and in the enslaver by creating a superiority complex, and rebellion ending in abject laziness. 3.And most importantly, slavery destroys the unique purposes of both the enslaved and the enslaver. While the destruction of the unique purpose of the enslaved is obvious, the enslaver’s unique purpose is also destroyed because all unique purpose ends with serving mankind…not only self—like slavery. Furthermore, slavery requires a force of overseers to both coerce and measure the work done; and an entirely separate security force to keep slaves from running, and bounty to re-capture them when they do! Therefore, much more money was necessary to sustain any profits—because of all the negatives. The high cost of a slave demands creative, relentless, and ever-increasing cruelty to coerce productivity. Yet, the obvious problem with cruelty is that it destroys both motivation and productivity. Cruelty often involved everything from murder, beatings, selling family members, down to a rejection of providing food(or very little food), housing, and clothing for slaves, etc.---and I repeat, all of which organically rebounded in creating even less productivity! As any rational person can understand, reward not cruelty is the greatest motivation of productivity; and productivity is God’s path to wealth(Gen1:26-28). However, slavery can create ‘some’ riches, because it involves work which is ‘THE’ foundation God created and gifted to man to facilitate financial increase. However, because riches are different from wealth, slavery can create neither wealth, nor enduring wealth!! On the contrary, the greatest productivity comes from purposed work…not coerced work! So, the curse of rejecting God’s plan for productivity (Gen1:26-28) remained in the southern states—because of their slavery! The final result is the enslaver’s riches were a mile wide, but only an inch deep!!! In other words, slavery’s actual wealth was social…it was a show! Once again, God’s word has the answer, which is “durable riches”. Proverbs 8:18 declares, “Riches and honor are with me(wisdom); yea, durable riches…”. The word “durable” conveys the idea of ‘enduring’ or ‘lasting over time’ or ‘does not decay’ which is a virtue conveyed through God’s unchanging nature, i.e.His faithfulness. In reality, only virtue can create enduring wealth! Because virtue and slavery are mutually exclusive—‘enduring wealth’ cannot be created by slavery!! 3.If it is true American wealth was stolen, then morally, it ought to be returned. The Bible calls it restitution. First, the God’s word forbids theft: “do not steal” (Ex20:15). Second, in the case where a thief is captured, Exodus 22:7 declares he/she ought to pay double in restitution. However, Proverbs 6:30-31 is much worse: “30.Men do not despise a thief if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; 31.But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.” The person, or people group, or political party, or nation, etc., who is caught stealing can’t get away with just an apology!!! No! No! No! He/they must pay restitution from 2 to 7-times what was stolen!! In other words, if America stole its wealth, it must return it 2-7 times. If that is true however, because liberal America uses the principle of ‘returning to the past to determine contemporary truth’, which allows us to conclude that America stole its contemporary wealth, to be consistent, we must also use that same principle on the restitution of any stolen wealth, which allows us to conclude that our contemporary American wealth is built upon that stolen past wealth! Because this is true, contemporary American wealth must be part of that wealth returned to those from whom it was taken! In other words, the contemporary people who proclaim American wealth is stolen, ought to be the FIRST to return their contemporary wealth to those from whom it was stolen!!!! If not… it’s called first-class hypocrisy!!! 4.In the excellent book ‘God is a Capitalist’, author Roger McKinney writes regarding the “stolen wealth of Babylon, Greece, Rome, the Ottoman Empire and Spain” which he calls “primitive accumulation”: “Their capitals became the wealthiest in their day and the envy of the world by conquering others and stealing their wealth. But, unlike America, none of those nations sparked an industrial revolution because capital decays. Capital cannot be accumulated and held on to for centuries. The owners spend it on consumption so they must continually replenish it either through conquest or through the market. Entropy destroys capital in the form of buildings and equipment. All of the ancient empires succumbed to decay when they extended their borders to the limit and could no longer conquer and steal the wealth to replenish what they had consumed.” In other words, McKinney is saying the gold etc., that was stolen from other lands by these nations was used to build buildings, roads etc. Therefore, their ‘philosophy’ that wealth must be stolen to possess and increase it cannot be sustained, without ‘continuing’ this practice over time. The problem for the plundering nations is the victim nations may either run out of wealth to steal, or they may become stronger and destroy you in battle! If America stole its past wealth, from whom is it stealing its contemporary wealth? Or, if America’s wealth is built upon Black slaves, how is America’s contemporary wealth sustained and increased considering slavery is abolished?!?!! Present-day statistics show America has the greatest GDP in the world---and it’s not even close! On the contrary, plundering wealth is not God’s design for nations to possess wealth…creating it is!! For this, and other reasons, nations remained poor until God’s system for creating wealth, i.e.free markets, arose at the end of the 19th century! Remember, my point is that slavery does not create wealth---and for millenniums, although history is full of slavery, that very history proves slavery has never produced wealth! This fourth point leads inexorably into my fifth and final point. 5.The first graph below is from ‘Economics 201’ called the ‘Hockey Stick’ graph. It reveals that individual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) remained basically the same until the end of the 18th century. The second graph lists the same information by nation. These graphs are the ‘mic-drop’ evidence: 1.slavery does not create wealth 2.Black slaves did not create American wealth First, notice the ‘Hockey Stick’ graph line remains constant for millenniums!!! Individual GDP remained low in spite of…or better yet…BECAUSE of, the fact that slavery existed in every nation, among every people group for thousands of years—all over the world!!! Second, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were created and implemented in 1789, slavery began to end in America toward the end of the 18th century! Incredibly however, the graphs reveal that as slavery ended in America, American GDP began to rise…but not only in America—it began to rise all over the world! Why? The American Declaration of Independence and Constitution were God-designed not only for America, but to usher in freedom all over the world!!! Check-out the prophecy of Abraham Lincoln: “The Declaration of Independence gave liberty not alone to the people of this country, but hope to all the world, for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights would be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment embodied in the Declaration of Independence...” I repeat, notice the individual GDP line began to rise at the end of the 18th century but made a steep incline beginning at the end of the 19th century--in spite of the abolishment of slavery!!! And what’s more, the GDP line literally ‘shot up’ through the 20th century!!! AND, what’s more again….look what nation led the way in the rise of individual GDP: The United States of America!! As other nations began to apply the freedoms found through the Western Culture**, whose origin is Gal.5:1,13, Lev.25:10*** etc., then those nations, even though they were pagan, also had a steep rise in their GDP!! Of course, the freedoms of America happened through the Biblical economic system of Capitalism—which is that same system that also allowed for the nations of the world to financially prosper! In conclusion, these graphs are incontrovertible evidence proving that American wealth was not built on slavery!!! I repeat, America did not steal her great wealth from the Black slaves!!! *i.Special revelation, i.e.The Bible, for example, Josh 1:8; ii.General revelation. God created principles in His created things that facilitate success, for example the law of sowing and reaping (Gen8:22). **The Judaeo-Christian ethic ***The verse on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. QuoteBit "The time has come for Christians to vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them...Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to their country as a part of their duty to God." -Charles Finney, preacher, Revivalist, University president. *The Judaeo-Christian ethic
**The verse on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. QuoteBit "The time has come for Christians to vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them...Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to their country as a part of their duty to God." -Charles Finney, preacher, Revivalist, University president. Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective. So…what is liberalism?
1828 Webster’s Dictionary definition of liberalism: 1.Of a free heart; free to give or bestow; not close or contracted; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely; as a liberal donor; the liberal founders of a college or hospital. It expresses less than profuse or extravagant. 2.Generous; ample; large; as a liberal donation; a liberal allowance. 3.Not selfish, narrow on contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than one’s own; as liberal sentiments or views; a liberal mind; liberal policy. 4.General; extensive; embracing literature and the sciences generally; as a liberal education. This phrase is often but not necessarily synonymous with collegiate; as a collegiate education. 5.Free; open; candid; as a liberal communication of thoughts. 6.Large; profuse; as a liberal discharge of matter by secretions or excretions. 7.Free; not literal or strict; as a liberal construction of law. 8.Not mean; not low in birth or mind. 9.Licentious; free to excess. If one knows anything at all about the nature of God, the first seven entries align with God’s word1--describing Biblical principles such as generosity and unselfishness to which every Christian should aspire. For example, generosity is encouraged in Proverbs 11:25(NAS). The KJV actually uses the word “liberal” for the same word translated as “generous” in the NAS version. In addition, the Bible uses other synonymous words in place of the word “generous” such as “bountiful”(2Cor9:6). The above definitions also convey freedom (Gal5:1,13); the pursuit of knowledge(Pro2:3;Pro4:7;Pro10:14;Col2:3); while rejecting selfishness(Mat20:28; Phil1:17(NAS); Jms3:14(NAS). Obviously, the first seven definitions of ‘liberal’ portray the Biblical values of generosity, selflessness, and freedom. YET… for these very reasons, many believers are deceived! But Why? Because as Galatians 5:9 (AMP) declares: “A little leaven (a slight inclination to error, or a few false teachers) leavens the whole lump…” In other words, although leaven is small when added to bread, it is that critical ingredient that enlarges the entire loaf. The Bible uses leaven to represent sin. As a little sin goes without discernment, it eventually fills, overwhelms, and destroys. Although there are so many good definitions of liberal, its deception lay in its ninth definition: Licentious; free to excess. In reality, the ninth entry ‘is’ Liberalism’s literal face—while the previous eight definitions serve only as masks. Dictionary.com defines ‘licentious’ as: sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd, unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless, immoral. Galatians 5:19 teaches that the word lasciviousness is a work of the flesh and a synonym for licentiousness which in the Greek means: sexual excess, absence of restraint, insatiable desire for pleasure, arrogance, insolence referring to words; wantonness, lustfulness, excessive pleasure. However, the actual practice of lasciviousness might be better defined as ‘one thing leads to another’! Why? Because the actual practice of sexual sin naturally descends to new lows. By nature, sin is not stagnant, but can only spiral downward(Jms1:15) toward ever-increasing evil. Therefore, and ironically, the freedom of Webster’s first 7 good definitions is completely offset by the evil of the ninth! However, by marketing the above good points, Liberalism has been able to mask the horror of its licentiousness (lasciviousness), giving it credibility in the minds and hearts of many. This mask is a façade, covering its real face, hiding its real agenda…until it is adopted AND established in the culture! Yet remember, this liberal mask only deceives those people who want to be deceived. John 3:19 clearly describes this evil phenomenon: “…men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” Other liberal masks include: equality, compassion, tolerance, love, and kindness, etc. Liberals will wear one or more of these masks to gain approval or acceptance so that they may be thought of as morally superior. What I find incredibly disheartening is that the aforementioned masks are able to fool good people because the values originate in the Judaeo-Christian ethic of which America still possesses a remnant. Yet, and I repeat, under these masks of Judaeo-Christian values lay some of the greatest evil of our present day: Communism/Socialism, intolerance, racism, atheism, hatred (especially of Christians & God), antisemitism, envy; and of course, liberalism’s greatest attraction: sexual license!! Allow me to remind you: licentiousness equals sexual license! At its core, liberalism is a doctrine of the religion of Atheism.2 However, along with liberalism which is atheism’s social doctrine, some of atheism’s other doctrines are the following: -Communism/Socialism/Fascism, its political doctrines; -Darwinism/Evolution, its science doctrine; -Relativism, its life doctrine; -Lasciviousness, its sexual doctrine. In conclusion, what we are seeing in today’s culture is the practice of Liberal Theology. For example, Liberalism deals with sin3 8 ways: 1.Ignore sin. In their hearts, liberalism ignores God’s Word, rejecting His definitions of good and evil in order to live anyway they want—calling it freedom. Mottos: “to each his own”; “if it feels good do it! 2.Reject sin. They become embolden, and begin to publicly challenge anyone who stands on God’s word. Here they begin the process of rejecting America’s foundational Christian roots and the character of our nation’s Founders. The separation of church and state4 also begins here. 3.Promote sin. Liberals begin to publicly act on their sin, mock God, His word, parade their sin through the streets and explode it on social media, entertainment, sports, etc. Here is where they use public schools to impose and indoctrinate sexual perversion as their primary weapon to groom children. 4.Ban the righteous. The process of banning God, His Word, and the persecution of the righteous begins. Religious broadcasts and free speech are censured by the media, and businesses are persecuted and Christians cancelled. 5.Legislate sin. They publicly act to codify sin, while also making Biblical righteousness illegal. America is currently here! 6.Fine resistors. Liberals impose financial fines on those who resist their views. Churches fined for gathering and having services during covid. Preaching against sin is hate speech. Some of America is here! 7.Imprison. They will eventually imprison those who reject their views 8.Martyrdom. Liberals will ultimately murder those who reject their views Without the Word of God, the natural mind will accept the politically correct but unscriptural Liberal Theology. Like Noah in the day of evil, let’s continue to pray and stand strong as “preachers of righteousness” knowing that we have been given the “ministry of reconciliation” to a generation lost in their sin. Obviously, liberalism does not come from God! (1Tim4:1) 1The eighth entry is questionable. 2However, liberalism can also be designated a religion, without much debate. 3Liberalism uses sexual license as its primary weapon to open the door for its other positions. 4The liberal re-definition of the ‘separation of church and state’ is the ‘separation of God from the state’. In the liberal mind, separating church and state means to remove God (and the Bible) from every public place first, which ultimately climaxes in its removal from every private place. The best evidence of this is Nazi, Germany. QuoteBit Faith alone saves, but a faith that saves is not alone. -John Calvin |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
July 2024